[Code 1993, § 13.22(1)]
This division shall provide for the recovery of necessary costs from the users of the utility's POTW for the implementation of the program established in this article. The applicable charges or fees shall be set forth in the utility's schedule of charges and fees, which shall be prepared from time to time by the general manager and approved by the Racine Wastewater Commission. The fees relate solely to the matters covered by this article and are separate from all other fees chargeable by the utility.
[Code 1993, § 13.22(2)]
The utility may adopt charges and fees which may include the following:
Permit fee. The utility will charge users a permit fee at the time permits are issued or reissued.
Sampling charge. The utility will assess the industrial users a sampling charge for sampling their wastewater with utility equipment and manpower.
Laboratory analysis charge. The utility will assess the industrial users a laboratory analysis charge to recover the utility's expenses of having the industrial wastewater samples analyzed for specific pollutants under categorical pretreatment standards or where specifically regulated by the utility.
[Code 1993, § 13.22(3)]
Additional costs will be charged to industrial users on a case-by-case basis for the following:
Fees for filing appeals.
Fees for consistent removal by the utility of pollutants otherwise subject to categorical pretreatment standards where such removal is an additional cost to the utility.
Other fees the utility may deem necessary to carry out the requirements contained in this article where there is an additional cost to the utility.
[Amended 3-24-2014 by Ord. No. 07-2014]