[Adopted 3-5-1966 (Art. 19 of the 1952 General Bylaws)]
No alteration or amendment can be made to these bylaws unless by an article inserted in the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting, when it shall require a majority vote of the voters present and voting. This article shall pertain to all Town bylaws with the exception of zoning bylaws.
[Added 6-22-2020 by Art. 11]
Within these bylaws, words importing the singular number may extend and be applied to several persons or things, words importing the plural number may include the singular, and words importing one gender shall include the other gender and the neuter.
Headings and captions are for reference purposes only as an aid to the reader and are not substantive provisions of the bylaws. They are not legally adopted parts of the bylaws as voted by Town Meeting and shall not be used in the interpretation of the bylaws.
Historical information (adoption and amendment dates) and cross-references appearing in brackets and footnotes are not part of the bylaws and have been inserted for reference purposes only.