[Adopted 12-18-1952 as Art. 8 and Art. 12, § 1, of the 1952 General Bylaws]
All warnings, signs or other projections of buildings shall be at least seven feet above the sidewalk, and then only by permission of the Selectmen.
No person shall use any sidewalk, street, or property of the Town for display of merchandise or other articles of personal property without first obtaining written permission to do so from the Selectmen.
No person having charge of a wagon, truck or other vehicle shall allow the same to stand upon a sidewalk or street crossing in said Town, so as to obstruct travel thereon, without first having provided a convenient passage for pedestrians.
Every owner, tenant or occupant of an estate abutting upon a hard-finished sidewalk shall keep the sidewalk free from all dirt, rubbish, refuse, oil, snow and ice or other like substance.
No person or persons shall in any of the public ways of the Town throw stones, snowballs, sticks or other missiles, or kick a football or play at any game in which a ball is used, or engage in any other game or exercise, interfering with free, safe and convenient use of said street or highway by any persons traveling or passing along the same.
Three or more persons shall not stand in a group or near each other on any sidewalk or public way or in a doorway in such a manner as to obstruct a free passing for foot passengers, after a request to move on, made by any of the constables or police officers.
Riding of bicycles with over sixteen-inch wheels and coasting on any sidewalk is prohibited.
[Added 5-18-2009 by Art. 25]
The Chief of Police possesses the discretion to determine the appropriate level of police service as well as the qualifications of persons to perform traffic direction in the Town of Dudley to ensure public safety. Therefore, notwithstanding any regulation to the contrary, the Chief of Police has the discretion to require the presence of a sworn police officer, including but not limited to one employed on a paid detail basis, in all instances where there is a street opening or any work to be done on a public way or at a public function in Town. The Chief of Police has the further discretion to determine the number and ranks of officers assigned in any such instance necessary to maintain public safety or other legitimate interest of the community or Department.
[Amended 6-22-2020 by Art. 11]
No person shall meddle with any hydrant, gate, gate box, or water pipe placed or located within the limit of any public way in this Town without the permission from the Water and Sewer Superintendent or any member of the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners.