[Ord. No. 18-07, 4/12/2018]
To provide a listing of the requirements and procedures to be followed by a developer that desires to dedicate a street and related improvements or a portion thereof to Susquehanna Township.
To provide a listing of the requirements and procedures for the dedication of a private street and related improvements or a portion thereof to Susquehanna Township.
[Ord. No. 18-07, 4/12/2018]
As used in this Part, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The portion of a street or alley which is improved, designated, or intended for vehicular use.
The implied or express grant of property by its owner for general public use.
A graphic drawing of the original facilities or design showing those changes made during the construction process.
A path or footwalk for public use located between the cartway or curbline and right-of-way line of any public or municipal maintained street or highway.
The center of the existing street right-of-way or, where such cannot be determined, the center of the traveled cartway.
That portion of land dedicated to public use for street or utility purposes.
A street which is not dedicated for public use and maintenance.
A street which is dedicated for public use and maintenance.
[Ord. No. 18-07, 4/12/2018]
Offers for dedication may be submitted to the Township at any time during the calendar year; however, the Township will not act to formally accept any offer of dedication prior to April 15 nor later than September 1 of any calendar year.
The offer to dedicate streets and related improvements or portions thereof does not impose any duty upon the Township concerning maintenance or improvement of any streets and related improvements or portions thereof until the Township has made actual acceptance of the dedication by ordinance or resolution.
The developer or homeowners' association, whichever may be applicable, shall maintain all streets and related improvements or portions thereof in the subdivision or development in travelable condition, including the prompt removal of snow therefrom, until such time as the streets and related improvements or portions thereof are accepted by the Township as part of the Township highway system by ordinance or resolution. Nothing in this subsection shall waive or otherwise modify the rights granted to the Township by Sections 510 and 511 of the Municipalities Planning Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. §§ 10510 and 10511.
Where the Township accepts dedication of any street and related improvements or portion thereof, the Township shall require the posting of financial security as outlined in § 21-306.
This Part is intended to provide a general list of requirements and procedures to facilitate street dedication. Unknown or unforeseen conditions may arise and could require the developer to provide additional information or documentation, as may be required by the Township, to fully evaluate the adequacy of the offered improvements.
[Ord. No. 18-07, 4/12/2018]
One original and three copies of the following documents shall be submitted to the Township with any offer of dedication:
Record Drawings. Prior to the offer of dedication and/or the consideration of the final release of the financial security posted to secure the completion of the approved plans, the developer shall provide the Township with one Mylar, one digital copy, and two prints of the final as-built plan sealed by a registered surveyor, showing the following:
Actual location of all concrete monuments which were placed to monument the right-of-way line along at least one side of each street at the beginning and end of all curves, including intersection radii and at all angles. When the outside perimeter of a tract falls within or along an existing road right-of-way, then the right-of-way of that roadway shall be monumented at the above-referenced points.
Actual location of all iron pins or drill holes in curbs for all individual lot lines.
Actual cul-de-sac radius.
Actual horizontal and vertical location of cartway center line versus right-of-way center line.
Actual location of floodplain by elevation and dimension from property line.
Actual location and cross section of swales and accompanying easements.
Actual horizontal and vertical location of stormwater management facilities, including type and size of storm drainage pipes.
Legal descriptions for each street or portion thereof offered for dedication.
Graphic exhibit for each street or portion thereof offered for dedication.
Maintenance agreement for each street or portion thereof offered for dedication.
Street damage agreement (if required).
Deed of conveyance titled "Deed of Dedication" and should contain the following clause after the legal description:
The Board of Commissioners of Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, in consideration of the within Deed of Dedication for the streets described above, and having satisfied ourselves that the above described streets have been constructed in accordance with the specifications for streets within the Township, do hereby accept dedication of the above streets.
Township Secretary
President, Board of Commissioners
All application and escrow fees as established by the Board of Commissioners and a separate check to cover all recording fees.
[Ord. No. 18-07, 4/12/2018]
Any offer to dedicate any street and related improvements or portion thereof shall be made on forms as may be provided by the Township, along with all required supporting documentation and required fees.
Following submission of the required plans, documents and fees, one copy is forwarded to the Township Solicitor and one copy is forwarded to the Township Engineer for their respective review and processing.
Following submission of all required documents, plans, etc., an on-site observation will be conducted to determine the need for (or lack thereof) any repairs to the improvements.
Upon completion of the review of the documents, the on-site observation and the completion of any necessary repairs, the request will be scheduled for official action by the Board of Commissioners at a public meeting held between April 15 and September 1.
If all is determined to be acceptable, the Board needs to execute and/or authorize the execution of all necessary documents. The applicable executed documents are then forwarded to the Township Solicitor for final review and recordation.
When the necessary documents have been recorded, the Township needs to forward executed and recorded copies of the necessary documents to PennDOT to have the street added to the Township's Liquid Fuels Register.
[Ord. No. 18-07, 4/12/2018]
Posting of financial security to secure structural integrity of said street and related improvements or portion thereof as well as the functioning of said street and related improvements or portion thereof in accordance with the design and specifications as depicted on the final plan for a term of 18 months from the date of acceptance of dedication.
Financial security shall be of the same type as otherwise required in Section 509 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC)[1] with regard to installation of such improvements, and the amount of such financial security shall be 15% of the actual cost of the installation of the said street and related improvements or portion thereof.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10509.
[Ord. No. 18-07, 4/12/2018; as amended by Ord. No. 23-02, 10/12/2023]
Streets that are proposed to be dedicated as part of a subdivision or land development application shall meet the minimum standards set forth under Chapter 22, Part 5, of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance for collective street standards (as a minimum) along with any other street standards.
When a developer requests the Township to consider the acceptance of dedication of any street and related improvements or portion thereof and less than 90% of the total number of lots or units of occupancy of the project are complete, and in exchange for such consideration, the developer shall enter into a developer's agreement with the Township and shall be required to provide financial security, to secure against street damage caused by construction of the remaining lots or units of occupancy. Said agreement shall be in a form acceptable to the Township.
The form of the developer's agreement as well as the conditions to be included therein shall be developed and agreed upon by the Township and the developer at such time as the developer requests the Township to consider the acceptance of dedication of any street and related improvements or portion thereof and less than 90% of the total number of lots or units of occupancy of the project are complete. The Township shall hold such financial security and utilize it to pay for the repair of any damage occurring to the street and related improvements or portion thereof during the period between the commencement of construction of any particular lot or unit of occupancy and the completion of such construction, irrespective of whether or not it can be established that the damage to the street was caused by contractors or other persons working in and about the lot or unit of occupancy.
Existing, built private streets originally proposed to remain private, but which are now being offered to the Township for dedication, shall meet the minimum standards as follows:
The street must have a minimum cartway width of 30 feet. A minimum thirty-three-foot right-of-way must be dedicated.
For streets that terminate where no alternate vehicular path exists, the street must terminate in a circular cul-de-sac with a minimum forty-foot radius. Streets which terminate in a T-shaped turnaround, no-turnaround, or parking spaces will not be considered for adoption.
Streets which allow for forty-five-degree or ninety-degree on-street parking will not be considered for adoption.
Sidewalk must be provided on both sides of the street.
Curbs and gutters must be installed.
The street should be a minimum of 250 feet in length and shall not exceed 800 feet in length.
All requirements for minor streets/culs-de-sac must be met from § 22-502 of the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, including material specifications.
The Township Engineer shall perform an assessment of the street, including a core boring to determine the respective subbase depth, in order to verify compliance with Township requirements. The cost of the Township Engineer's field work shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
The applicant shall be fully responsible for all professional fees and costs related to the preparation of plans and documents required for the offer of dedication of the roadway. An escrow shall be provided for the review of the plans and documents by the Township Engineer and Solicitor.
The applicant shall be required to post a maintenance guarantee consistent with the requirements of a new street dedication as outlined in § 21-306.
The entire right-of-way of the proposed road shall be fully monumented, including all horizontal changes in direction, such as points of curvature and tangency, along both sides of the ROW.
Acceptance of Street Not Guaranteed. Acceptance of a street offered for dedication is at the sole discretion of the Board of Commissioners. Compliance with the requirements of this Part does not guarantee acceptance of an offer of dedication.