[Adopted as Sec. 4.01 of the prior Code]
Without limitation because of enumeration, the Town Board may:
Notwithstanding § 60.10(2)(e), Wis. Stats., to acquire lands to lay, construct, alter, extend or repair any highway, street or alley in the Town.
Provide for laying, constructing, altering, extending, replacing, removing or repairing any road, sanitary sewer, or storm sewer in the Town.
Provide for lighting for highways, as defined under § 340.01(22), Wis. Stats., located in the Town.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Provide for making improvements in any lake or waterway located in the Town.
All expenses involved in the preparation, construction and dedication involved in road construction under this article shall be borne by the applicant(s).
[Amended 4-16-2020 by Ord. No. 20-05]
Prior to the design, preparation and construction of any roadway to be dedicated to the Town of Rome, the applicant shall notify the Town Director of Public Works. An on-site meeting will then be arranged to be attended by the Director of Public Works and the applicant. Plans must be provided in order for the Director of Public Works to check the design and the drainage.
General requirements.
Construction standards. All roadway construction and materials used shall be performed in accordance with the construction methods as listed in the appropriate current sections of the "State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" and its supplements, or in accordance with Town approved plans, profiles and cross sections and specifications, if such specifications are requested by the Director of Public Works. No construction shall be started until the Director of Public Works has approved such plans, profiles and cross sections.
[Amended 4-16-2020 by Ord. No. 20-05]
Project costs. All roadway surveys, dedications, plans and specifications and construction will be at the expense of the applicant or applicants. This includes any expense incurred by the Town in the preparation of plans and review and inspection of plans and construction.
Material slips. Copies of material slips for all materials furnished for the road construction projects shall be delivered to the Town before the Town approves the final construction.
Required inspections. The contractor shall notify the Director of Public Works prior to the start of construction and when each stage of construction is ready for inspection. Inspections will be required at the completion of the following stages:
[Amended 4-16-2020 by Ord. No. 20-05]
Subbase grading;
Crushed aggregate course;
Bituminous surface course; and
Any deficiencies found by the Town shall be corrected before proceeding to the next phase of construction.
Tests of materials. The Town reserves the right to obtain a sample of the roadway base material prior to placement on the roadway for purposes of determining whether this material meets gradation and soundness requirements.
Pavement samples. The Town will take samples of material during pavement construction operations for purposes of determining that the material meets specifications.
Town approval. The finished roadway must meet the approval of the Town, since the Town will include this roadwork in their annual request for highway aid.
Construction standards.[1] All roads constructed in the Town shall fully comply with the following construction standards, with construction at the applicant's expense:
Topsoil removal. All topsoil shall be first removed. In addition, all subsoil which have a high shrink-swell potential, low-bearing capacity when wet or are highly elastic shall be removed and used outside of the right-of-way. Where both subsoil and substratum have a high shrink-swell potential and low-bearing capacity when wet, an under drain system shall be installed to keep the water level five feet below the pavement surface.
Right-of-way width. A minimum road right-of-way width of 66 feet is required.
Culs-de-sac. Culs-de-sac or dead ends shall have 200-foot turnaround diameter. In business district applications, the cul-de-sac requirement may be relaxed by the Plan Commission after a site review, upon its find that the intended use of the road is not reasonably likely to have an adverse impact on neighboring properties or Town interests, and an agreeable alternative method for vehicles to turn around is provided.
Roadway alignment details. Roadway alignment shall be in the center of the road right-of-way.
Roadway grading/ditches. Roads shall be graded to their full width in accordance with approved plans, plus an additional distance necessary to establish a four-to-one back slope. The roadway shall be compacted and graded to subgrade using, where necessary, approved fill material which has a low shrink-swell potential, low compressibility and is stable. Roadside ditches shall be a minimum of 26 inches below the finished roadway center line elevation. Debris may not be buried in the sixty-six-foot road right-of-way. Roadway ditches shall have a normal slope ratio of six-to-one ditch slope of 0.30%.
Roadway grades. Roads shall have a maximum grade of 8%.
Roadway width. Roadways shall have base width minimums of 26 feet of full-depth gravel. 100%-fractured rock shall be used for the base gravel. The Town officials may impose other provisions of gravel in low, wet or sandy places where additional gravel or fill would be required for public health, safety and maintenance reasons.
Roadway base thickness. The roadway base thickness shall be a minimum of six inches of compacted-in-place 100% fractured rock.
Pavement width. Roads shall have a minimum pavement width of 22 feet or wider when required by the "Town Road Standards" as noted in § 82.50, Wis. Stats. or by Chapter 320, Subdivision of Land, if applicable, the wider of which shall apply.
Pavement thickness. The roadbed shall be paved with compressed bituminous hot mix pavement a minimum of two inches thick compacted in place. The Town may require greater pavement thickness where traffic volumes and composition dictate the need.
Shoulder width. A shoulder a minimum of two feet wide on each side of the road is required and wider when required by the "Town Road Standards" as noted in § 82.50, Wis. Stats.
Shoulder thickness. Road shoulders shall have a minimum thickness of 2 1/2 inches of compacted-in-place crushed state-approved aggregate base course, over a minimum six inches of compacted-in-place crushed state-approved aggregate base course.
Roadway culverts and bridges: surface drainage. Roadway culverts and bridges shall be constructed as directed by the Town and sized utilizing the methods listed in the chapter entitled "Drainage" of the "Facilities Development Manual" of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The developer shall provide adequate facilities to provide surface water drainage as well as free-flow outlets for subsurface drain tile where they are required. Where drainage facilities will aid in road construction and the stabilization of the road's subgrade, drainage facilities shall be installed before road construction is started.
Topsoil, grass, seed, fertilizer and mulch. All disturbed areas (ditches, back slopes) within the road right-of-way not provided with pavement and shouldering material shall be restored utilizing two inches of topsoil and good-quality grass seed, fertilizer, and mulch. Ditches along the roadway with greater than a 2.5% slope shall be protected by erosion control materials such as hay bales, sod, erosion control mats, riprap, etc.
Signs. All roads constructed in the Town of Rome shall have all street signs, stop signs, and other necessary signs installed by the subdivider, as determined by the Town or its designee, prior to dedication of the road.
Extra turn surface. All roads that come to an intersection shall have a turn radius of extra bituminous surfacing meeting other construction requirements for roads in this section. (Such extra turn surface shall start 30 feet before the intersection with the second road and extend to a point 30 feet from the corner intersection on the other road.)
Curvatures. Curvatures shall be between a 6% minimum and 12 1/2% maximum curve for a road curve rated at 35 miles per hour, excluding culs-de-sac.
Street names. The Town and/or county may disapprove of the name of any road shown on the plat which has already been used elsewhere in the county, or which, because of similarity, may cause confusion or otherwise be inconsistent with the road naming policy. Where a road maintains the same general direction, except for curvilinear changes for short distances, the same name shall continue for the entire length of the road. A name which is assigned to a road which is not presently a through road due to intervening land over which the road extension is planned, shall be continued for the separate portions of the planned through road. Approval of road names on a preliminary plat will not reserve a road name, nor shall it be mandatory for the Town to accept it at the time of the final platting.
Editor's Note: The diagram of reconstruction section and new construction section is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Statutory requirements. The laying out of highways and roads shall be provided in Chapters 82 and 86, Wis. Stats., except that, in the case of subdivisions and certified surveys, the provisions of § 236.29(2), Wis. Stats., shall apply.
Proximity to other roads. No road applied for running parallel with existing public road can be closer than 600 feet. Roads shall be laid out to provide for possible continuation wherever topographic and other physical conditions permit. Provision shall be made so all proposed streets shall have a direct connection with, or be continuous and in line with, existing, planned or platted road with which they are to connect. Proposed road shall be extended to the boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided, unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions, or unless in the opinion of the Town Board such extension is not necessary or desirable for the coordination of the layout of a subdivision with existing layout or the most advantageous future development of adjacent tracts.
Dedication. The applicant shall provide the Town with a warranty deed for fee ownership of the road right-of-way and easements for all drainage facilities not within the road right-of-way. Where required, the applicant shall also furnish to the Town any special deed or easement, such as, but not limited to, sight easements, slope easements, pedestrianways, sewer easements and such.
The applicant shall provide a bond, which would enable the Town to finish the road, in case of default by the applicants. The performance bond or cash escrow agreement shall be equal to the estimated cost of the required improvements. If the required improvements are not complete within the same, all amounts held under the escrow agreement or performance bond shall be turned over to the Town and applied to the cost of the required improvements. Any balance remaining after such improvements have been made shall be returned to the owner or subdivider. The Town Board, at its option, may extend the bond period for any additional period not to exceed one year.
Upon completion of the proposed road, the Town Board will proceed to make final inspection, accepting or rejecting road as the case may be. After all of the provisions of this article have been complied with, the roadway or easement will be inspected by the Town officials and, at that time, proof will be made by the presenting of waivers of liens or receipted bills that all work that has been done has been paid for or arrangements have been made for the payment through written instrument by the subdivider. If the road is rejected, corrections shall be made as recommended by the Town Board before final inspection can then be made again. If final acceptance is then made, the owner or owners shall turn over to the Town the deed of all land necessary for the road as previously mentioned.