In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the prior Code of Ordinances have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Chapter/Title From Prior Code of Ordinances
Location in 2020 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Secs. 1.01 and 1.02, Use and Construction; Penalties
Ch. 1, Art. I
Secs. 1.03, Municipal Court
Ch. 27
Ch. 2, Government and Administration
Sec. 2.01, General Powers
(1) and (2), Legal Status; Village Powers
Ch. 95
(3), Official Newspaper
Ch. 65
Sec. 2.02, Elections
Ch. 34
Sec. 2.03, Town Board
Ch. 95
Sec. 2.04, Town Officers and Employees
Ch. 72
Sec. 2.05, Commissions and Boards
Ch. 20
Sec. 2.06, Ethical Standards
Ch. 39
Sec. 2.07, Finance
Ch. 45, Art. I
Sec. 2.08, Special Assessments
Ch. 45, Art. II
Sec. 2.09, Public Records
Ch. 86
Sec. 2.10, Review of Administrative Determinations
Ch. 8
Ch. 3, Public Safety
Sec. 3.01, Fire Protection
Ch. 50
Sec. 3.02, Fire Prevention and Safety Codes
Ch. 191
Sec. 3.03, Ambulance Service
Ch. 13
Sec. 3.04, Law Enforcement
Ch. 79
Ch. 4, Highways
Sec. 4.01, New Road Construction
Ch. 320, Art. I
Sec. 4.02, Road Right-of-Ways
Ch. 320, Art. II
Sec. 4.03, Right-of-Ways
Ch. 320, Art. III
Sec. 4.04, Snow Removal in Private Driveways
Ch. 320, Art. IV
Sec. 4.05, Moving Buildings
Ch. 147
Ch. 5, Public Utilities
Sec. 5.01, Video Service Provider Requirements
Ch. 342
Sec. 5.015, Cable Television
Ch. 154
Sec. 5.02, Water Utility
Ch. 350
Ch. 6, Health and Sanitation
Sec. 6.01, Noxious Weeds
Ch. 216, Art. I
Sec. 6.02, Pollution Abatement
Ch. 216, Art. II
Sec. 6.03, Refuse Disposal
Ch. 216, Art. III
Sec. 6.04, Cemetery
Ch. 159
Ch. 7, Regulation and Licensing
Sec. 7.01, Animals
Ch. 125, Art. I
Sec. 7.02, Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 234, Art. I
Sec. 7.03, Cigarette License
Ch. 234, Art. II
Sec. 7.04, Direct Sellers: Registration Required
Ch. 234, Art. III
Sec. 7.05, Mobile Food Vending
Ch. 234, Art. IV
Sec. 7.06, Street Use Events
Ch. 320, Art. V
Sec. 7.07, Licensees to Pay Local Claims; Appellate Procedures
Ch. 45, Art. III
Sec. 7.08, Sexually Oriented Businesses
Ch. 110
Sec. 7.09, Large Public Events
Ch. 253
Sec. 7.10, Business License
Ch. 234, Art. V
Sec. 7.11, Room Tax
Ch. 234, VI
Sec. 7.12, Operation of Short-Term Rentals
Ch. 234, Art. VII
Sec. 7.13, Manufactured Home Communities
Ch. 247
Sec. 7.14, Refuse and Solid Waste Disposal
Ch. 314, Art. I
Sec. 7.15, Public Markets
Ch. 293
Ch. 8, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Sec. 8.01, Traffic and Parking
Ch. 335
Sec. 8.02, Bicycles
Ch. 132
Sec. 8.03, Snowmobiles
Ch. 308, Art. I
Sec. 8.04, All-Terrain Vehicles
Ch. 308, Art. II
Sec. 8.05, Abandoned Vehicles and Appliances
Ch. 287, Art. I
Sec. 8.06, Golf Carts
Ch. 209
Ch. 9, Offenses and Nuisances
Sec. 9.01, State Statutes Adopted
Ch. 281
Sec. 9.02, Offenses Against Public Safety and Peace
(1), Prohibited Activities
Ch. 281
(2), Discharge Event Permits
Ch. 281
(3), Carrying of Weapons in Town Owned or Occupied Buildings, or Town Sponsored Special Events
Ch. 281
(4), Loitering Prohibited
Ch. 240
(5), Loud and Unnecessary Noise Prohibited
Ch. 260
(6), Emergency Alarm Systems
Ch. 115
(7), Regulation of Fireworks
Ch. 196
Sec. 9.03, Offenses by Juveniles
Ch. 225
Sec. 9.04, Nuisances
Ch. 266
Sec. 9.05, Social Host
Ch. 120, Art. I
Sec. 9.06, Disorderly Conduct
Ch. 176
Sec. 9.07, Failure to Obey Lawful Order
Ch. 176
Sec. 9.08, Feeding of Deer Prohibited
Ch. 125, Art. II
Sec. 9.09, Regulations for Law Fertilizer Application
Ch. 287, Art. II
Sec. 9.10, Restrictions on Dead Timber and Brush
Ch. 287, Art. III
Sec. 9.11, Irrigation Overspray Prohibited
Ch. 220
Sec. 9.12, Fishing From and Loitering on Bridges
Ch. 240
Ch. 10, Zoning
Ch. 360
Ch. 11, Building Code
Ch. 142
Ch. 12, Fair Housing
Ch. 185
Ch. 13, Grievances Regarding Access to Public Buildings By Handicapped Persons
Ch. 57, Art. I
Ch. 14, Water and Parks
Sec. 14.01, Navigable Waters
Ch. 137
Sec. 14.02, Regulations of Parks
Ch. 275
Ch. 16, Definitions
Chs. 27, 34, 45, 50, 72, 79, 110, 115, 120, 125, 137, 142, 147, 154, 159, 176, 185, 191, 216, 220, 234, 240, 225, 247, 253, 266, 275, 287, 293, 308, 314, 320, 335, 326, 350, 360
Ch. 17, Land Division
Ch. 326