The legislative powers of the town shall be vested in a town
meeting open to all voters.
All sessions of the town meeting shall be presided over by a
town moderator, elected as provided in part III. The town moderator
shall regulate the proceedings, decide questions of order and make
public declarations of all votes. The town moderator shall have all
the powers and duties given to moderators under the constitution and
the laws of the commonwealth and such additional powers and duties
as may be authorized by the charter, by bylaw or by other town meeting
The annual town meeting shall be held on such date or dates
as may from time to time be fixed by bylaw.
[Amended 1-6-2021 by Ch. 380 of the Acts of 2020]
Special town meetings shall be held at the call of the select
board at such times as it may deem appropriate and whenever a special
meeting is requested by the voters in accordance with procedures made
available by the laws of the commonwealth.
The town clerk shall serve as the clerk to the town meeting.
In the event of unavoidable absence, the town clerk shall designate
a substitute; otherwise, the town moderator shall appoint a clerk
pro tempore. The town clerk shall keep a journal of the proceedings
and perform such other functions as may be provided by the laws of
the commonwealth, by the charter, by bylaw or by other town meeting