Offices for which elections are held shall be filled in the following way: If one position is open, it shall be filled by the person who receives the highest number of votes; if two positions are open, they shall be filled by the two persons who received the highest and second highest number of votes; and so forth.
If one open position has a longer term than another, the person who receives the higher number of votes shall serve the longer term.
Pursuant to Article IV, Section 2, of the Constitution, Tribal Council members shall continue in office until their successors are duly elected and installed in office, or until their resignation, removal, recall or death.
In the event of a tie, and where the breaking of a tie is necessary to determine the outcome of an election, the Election Board shall schedule a runoff election within sixty (60) days between those candidates who tied.
If a runoff election produces another tie, the Tribal Council shall select the winner by majority vote of the Tribal Council. If one or both of the candidates is an incumbent, he or she must abstain from the vote.
When the Election Board or its designee has completed the official count of all ballots cast and determined the preliminary results, the Election Board Chair shall issue a preliminary certification of results, cosigned by the Election Board Secretary, identifying the presumptive winning candidate or candidates, pending expiration of the challenge period and resolution of any election challenge. In keeping with the customs and traditions of transparency and fairness, the preliminary certification of the election results shall be posted in a conspicuous place within NHBP government offices and in the Community Center located on the Pine Creek Reservation.
The Election Board's final certification of the results will be issued to the Tribal Council and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Election Board Chair and Secretary shall cosign the final certification.
Such certification by the Election Board shall be final.