A registered NHBP voter may propose a resolution, statute, or other action permitted under the Constitution by presenting an initiative petition, signed by a minimum of 30% of the qualified voters, to the Election Board.
Any proposed resolution, statute, or other action involving or affecting the jurisdiction of the NHBP, the approval of the budget, appropriations for NHBP government institutions, or the approval of leases, contracts, or commercial transactions, along with any Tribal Council statute or resolution involving the same subjects, are excluded from this section and not subject to initiative.
Any proposed resolution, statute, or other action that is prohibited by the NHBP Constitution is excluded from this section and not subject to initiative.
A valid initiative petition must include the following information:
A clear and concise statement describing the proposed resolution, statute, or other action;
A copy of the proposed statute sought to be enacted, or the existing statute sought to be repealed, through the initiative process;
A separate signature line for each signatory, containing the printed name, signature, address, Tribal ID number, and date of signature;
The printed name, signature, address, Tribal ID number, and date of signature of the circulator of the petition; and
A statement to be signed by the circulator of the petition certifying that the signatures on the petition were collected in compliance with these rules.
The Election Board shall determine the validity of the petition within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt. Only properly completed signatures will be counted.
Upon a determination of validity, the Election Board shall present the proposed resolution, statute, or other action to the Tribal Council. The Tribal Council may review and revise the proposal for clarity and to conform with proper formatting, but may not alter the substance of the resolution.
If the Tribal Council fails to pass the amended initiative petition within thirty (30) days of receipt, it shall return the amended petition to the Election Board for consideration by the eligible voters at a special election.
The Tribal Council, by majority vote, may submit a proposed resolution, statute, or other action permitted under the Constitution to the NHBP membership for referendum election as specified in the Constitution.
Following Tribal Council approval, the Tribal Council shall submit the proposed resolution, statute, or other action to the Election Board for consideration by the eligible voters at a special election.
Within twenty-one (21) days of receipt from the Tribal Council of either a valid initiative petition or a valid referendum, the Election Board shall provide notice to all eligible voters of a special election to consider the referendum or initiative, including the date, time, and place of the referendum/initiative special election.
If a general or special election is already scheduled within one hundred fifty (150) days of receipt from the Tribal Council, the referendum/initiative special election shall be held on the same day as the scheduled election. In all other circumstances, the referendum/initiative special election must be held within ninety (90) days from receipt.
The notice shall identify the ballot procedures to be utilized in the special election, including absentee ballot procedures and deadlines (if applicable).
Unless otherwise noted, special election disputes, recounts, challenges, absentee ballots, and the like shall be handled in the same way as in general elections.
The special election ballot must include or attach the full language of the resolution, statute, or other action as it was received by the Tribal Council. The Election Board may, for clarity or for other purposes, include a short summary of the ballot proposal. The summary shall not advocate for or against the proposal.
On election day, the Election Board shall determine whether at least 30% of the registered tribal voters cast ballots.
The Election Board will announce tentative results and issue a final report for the special election in the same way as for general elections. The final report will include a statement as to whether 30% of the registered tribal voters cast ballots.
The referendum or initiative shall pass if it is supported by a majority of the persons voting in the special election and if at least 30% of the eligible voters of the Band voted. Otherwise, it shall be rejected.
The determination of the Election Board as to whether the referendum or initiative passed or was rejected shall be final.
Any statute or resolution enacted by initiative or referendum under this article shall take effect ten (10) days after certification of the election by the Election Board. Such an initiative or referendum is binding on the sitting Tribal Council until it expires by its own terms or is amended by further action of the voters.