A petition to recall a sitting Tribal Council member may only be initiated after the Tribal Council member has held office for at least one (1) year.
A recall petition must be on the form approved by the Election Board.
A recall petition may only be circulated by a member of the NHBP and shall be signed by a minimum of 20% of the eligible voters of the NHBP.
All required signatures must be obtained on the petition within forty-five (45) calendar days of the date the recall petition form is picked up or the petition becomes void.
The petition shall be presented to the Election Board for signature verification.
To provide for continuity of governance, no more than two Tribal Council members shall be subject to a recall election at any one time.
A recall petition shall include the following information:
A clear and concise statement describing the grounds for the recall;
The name of the Tribal Council member subject to recall;
A separate signature line for each signatory, containing the printed name, signature, address, Tribal ID number, and date of signature; and
The name, address, Tribal ID number and signature of the circulator of the petition.
Within ten (10) business days of receipt of a recall petition, the Election Board shall certify the validity of the signatures, or return it to the circulator of the petition, with an explanation of the defects or deficiencies.
A recall election shall be scheduled by the Election Board to be held within ninety (90) days after the date signatures are verified as meeting the requirements of this article.
The Tribal Council member shall be recalled by a majority vote of the NHBP's eligible voters, provided that at least 30% of the eligible voters vote in the recall election.
No Tribal Council member may be subject to more than one recall election per calendar year.