[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Hull 4-6-1987 ATM by Art. 29 (Ch. 6 of the 1989 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
There shall be a Capital Outlay Committee, which shall perform the duties set forth in the following sections of this chapter and shall be governed by the provisions thereof. Said Committee shall consist of the Town Accountant and six citizens of the Town, who shall be appointed as provided in the following sections.
[Amended 5-8-2021 ATM by Art. 6B]
The Select Board Members shall appoint three of the original members of said Committee, who shall serve terms of one, two and three years, respectively, as the Select Board Members shall designate. Annually thereafter, at the Annual Town Meeting, the Select Board Members shall appoint a new member to said Committee, who shall succeed the member appointed by them whose term then shall have expired, and who shall serve for a term of three years.
Two members of said Committee shall be appointed annually from among the members of the Advisory Board by the Chair of the Advisory Board, and one member shall be appointed annually from among the members of the Planning Board by the Chair of the Planning Board. Members so appointed shall serve from the time of the Annual Town Meeting at which they are appointed until the next Annual Town Meeting.
Whenever any vacancy shall occur in the Committee, it shall be filled by the appointing authority which appointed the member whose position shall have become vacant. Any person appointed to fill a vacancy in the Committee shall hold office for the unexpired term of the person whom he succeeds.
The Town Accountant shall be a permanent member of the Committee and shall be entitled to vote on the making of recommendations to be included in its reports.
The Committee shall choose its own officers and shall serve without compensation.
It shall be the duty of the Committee to ascertain annually what capital outlays will be required by the Town during the next six years. In making this determination, it may consult with Town, county and state officials and with other boards and committees of the Town. It shall publish and distribute to each voter an annual report and such further reports as it deems advisable, and shall include in such reports its estimates of income, operational expenses and tax rates, and its recommendations for scheduling capital outlays and for the financing of such outlays as in its judgment cannot be or should not be paid for entirely out of the current revenues.