[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Hull 11-27-1989 STM by Art. 17 (Ch. 99 of the 1989 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
If the head of the Fire Department determines that an obstruction exists or that there is a quantity of hazardous material stored that must be removed in accordance with these regulations, he shall have the authority to require such obstruction or hazardous material removed by the owner. If after an inquiry to persons within the building involved or within the contiguous building and after making obvious inquiries concerning the owner of such obstruction, such owner is unavailable, the head of the Fire Department may have the obstruction removed by others at his discretion. The cost of such removal will be borne by the owner if and when located.
Public and Private Ways. If the head of the Fire Department determines that an obstruction exists or that there is a quantity of hazardous material stored on a public or private way or access area contiguous to any of the buildings referred to in this regulation which might prevent the access of fire apparatus or fire-fighting personnel to the contiguous building, he shall have the authority to have such obstruction or hazardous material removed by the owner.
Exterior Access to Buildings Designed for Retail Purposes: The plan for any new retail building shall include an access for fire equipment on at least three sides of the building, such access to be approved by the Head of the Fire Department or his designee on the plans prior to construction of the building. Access to present buildings shall be kept clear of hazardous substances and obstacles which may, in the opinion of the Fire Department impede the proper placement of fire equipment and personnel in case of fire or other emergency.
Interior of Building Used for Retail Purposes. The head of the Fire Department will inspect retail establishments and may direct the owner or operator of such building relative to maintaining clear aisles and exits free of obstructions and hazardous substances. The head of the Fire Department may also direct the operator of the establishment to locate hazardous substances in certain areas of the building so that there will be less danger to the public in case of fire.
Commercial and Institutional Occupancy Buildings. The head of the Fire Department shall inspect the outside access to such buildings to make certain that suitable areas are provided for the stationing of fire apparatus for rescue and fire extinguishment purposes and there are sufficient unimpeded entrances and exits for the entrance of firefighting personnel and evacuation of the building. The interior of the building shall be inspected by the head of the Fire Department to ascertain that all exits and main corridors are free of obstruction and that hazardous materials, if kept in such buildings, shall be located in a place designated by the head of the Fire Department. If the head of the Fire Department believes that obstructions or hazardous substances present an impediment to the evacuation of the building or the access of the Fire Department, he may have such obstacles or hazardous substances removed.
Buildings of Industrial Occupancy. Access for fire apparatus shall be provided on at least three sides of every industrial type building, such access to be kept clear of all obstacles and hazardous materials, as the head of the Fire Department may direct. The interior corridors and exitways of all such buildings shall also be kept clear of obstacles and hazardous materials as directed by the head of the Fire Department, who shall inspect all such buildings at least once each year at any time without prior notice, provided it is during the normal working hours of such institution.
Buildings of Habitable Occupancy. Each building built for residential occupancy and containing three or more dwelling units, after approval of this regulation, shall include a suitable paved access for fire apparatus on at least two sides of the structure. In addition, a clear, unobstructed way shall be provided from such fire apparatus access point to all exits of such building. The head of the Fire Department shall inspect such access areas and order any obstacles or hazardous materials removed at his discretion. The head of the Fire Department shall also inspect the interior of such buildings at a reasonable hour and shall make certain that corridors, hallways and other exitways are clear of obstacles and hazardous materials which might prevent the timely evacuation of the building or the efficient operation of the firefighting personnel in case of fire, explosion or other emergency.
Hazardous materials shall not be left unattended within 100 feet of any building without a permit from the head of the Fire Department. If, in his opinion, the nature of the hazard requires a greater separation from the building, the head of the Fire Department may so dictate. The head of the Fire Department may order hazardous materials to be removed from any public or private property if the presence of such material does not comply with this regulation or with other regulations of the Board of Fire Prevention Regulations.
Sprinkler Systems Required
No building shall be used in whole or in part as a boarding or lodging house, hospital, nursing home, rest home, convalescent home, home for the aged or for any similar purpose unless such building or buildings are in each case protected throughout by a standard automatic sprinkler system of an approved type by N.F.P.A. standards, 527 CMR Fire Prevention Codes, Massachusetts General Laws 148. Said system shall automatically transmit a fire alarm signal to the Fire Department Headquarters, a complete fire detection system of an approved type by N.F.P.A. standards, 780 CMR State Building Codes, Massachusetts General Laws 148. Any building existing and in use for any purpose specified in this paragraph shall comply with this requirement not later than July 1, 1990.
Any building, new or existing, hereafter converted for use as a business or industrial establishment having more than 2,500 gross square feet floor area and is attached to other buildings and any building, new or existing, hereafter converted for use as a business or industrial establishment having 5,000 gross square feet of floor area and is not attached to any building, or any building, new or existing, hereafter converted for use as a business or industrial establishment in a building block, then the entire building block shall be protected by the owner with a standard automatic sprinkler system or an automatic fire alarm system as specified in Subsection A(1), and shall be installed as specified in Subsection A(1). The gross square feet of a building shall include the sum total of the floor areas for all floor levels, basements and subbasements, measured from outside walls, irrespective of the existence of interior fire-resistive walls, floors and ceilings.
Any sprinkler system or fire detection system installed in accordance with this bylaw shall be in accordance with N.F.P.A. standards and approved by the Chief of the Department.
Fire Hydrants
Blocking Fire Hydrants, Fire Lanes and Fire Department Connections. It shall be unlawful to obscure from view, damage, deface, park on, obstruct or restrict the access to any fire hydrants, fire lanes so marked or any Fire Department connection for the pressurization of fire suppression systems, including fire hydrants, fire lanes and Fire Department connections that are located on public or private streets and access lanes on private property. Upon the notification of violation, obstruction or encroachment, the fire official shall proceed to remove said offending vehicle(s) in accordance with the provisions of the Towns bylaws, codes for the towing of illegally parked motor vehicles. Cost incurred in the performance of necessary work shall be paid for by the owner of record of said land, vehicle or obstruction.
No person shall use or operate any fire hydrant intended for use of the Fire Department for fire suppression purposes unless such person first secures a permit from the Fire Department and the Water Company having jurisdiction. This section shall not apply to the use of such hydrants by a person employed by and authorized to make such use by the Water Company having jurisdiction.
Smoke Detectors. On and after July 1, 1990, all residential structures altered or remodeled shall have installed a 110-volt multistation local fire alarm system. All such fire alarm systems shall conform to the state building code, 780 CMR, Fourth Edition, 527 CMR Fire Prevention Codes and Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 148 and be approved by the Fire Chief. The exceptions will be construction less than 25% of the original footprint of the building, a deck or porch without changing any existing stairways or an inside addition of a kitchen or bathroom without changing any existing stairways.
In buildings used in whole or in part for residential purposes, propane shall not be used or stored in a location which exceeds a height of 10 vertical feet from mean grade.
Any violation of this law shall be subject to a fine of $50 per violation; except for § 254-5, for which the fine shall be $25 per violation. Each day during which the violation or offense exists shall constitute a separate violation or offense.,