[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Hull 5-13-2002 ATM by Art. 28. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall engage in the business of conducting or maintaining an open-air parking space without a license granted by the Licensing Authority and approved in all cases by the Chief of the Fire Department. Each license granted under this section and the application therefor shall specify all the premises to be occupied by the licensee for the purpose of conducting the licensed business, the total area of the space therein to be actually used for the parking or storing of motor vehicles and the maximum number of vehicles to be parked or stored in such area and the hours of operation.
The fee for each license shall be such amount as may be established by the Licensing Authority, and said authority may reasonably classify said licenses and fees.
Licenses granted hereunder shall expire on April 30th following the date of issue, or on such date as may be specified therein, and may be suspended or revoked by the Licensing Authority and by the Chief of the Fire Department.
Whoever, not being licensed, engages in a business required by this section to be licensed or is concerned herein, or, being licensed, violates any condition of his license or engages in such business, or is concerned therein, and any other place than that designated in his license or after notice to him that his license has been suspended or revoked, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed amount in accordance with the provisions of § 322-5.
Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of Chapter 322 of the Code of the Town of Hull shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not to exceed $100 for each violation. Each day's failure to comply with the licensing provisions of Chapter 322 shall constitute a separate violation and each motor vehicle parked in excess of the maximum amount of motor vehicles allowed by the license is a separate violation.
This chapter may also be enforced by non-criminal disposition, or by civil action, without limiting any other method of enforcement.
Any clause, section or part of this chapter determined to be invalid by any judiciary for any reason shall be severable from any other clause, section, or part without affecting the validity of that which remains.