[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Elverson 1-19-1953 by Ord. No. 53-1. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Be it enacted and ordained by the Burgess and Borough Council of the Borough of Elverson, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the authority of the same, that pursuant to the petition of the majority of the freeholders of the territory proposed to be annexed to the Borough of Elverson, Chester County, Pennsylvania, that portion of West Nantmeal Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, adjacent to and lying to the northeast, east, south and southwest of said Borough, and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a corner in the center line of the Reading Company - Wilmington and Northern Division, at a point where it intersects the boundary line between the Counties of Chester and Berks, said corner being the most northerly corner of the existing boundary line of the Borough of Elverson, thence leaving the aforesaid Reading Company - Wilmington and Northern Division and along the aforesaid boundary line between the Counties of Chester and Berks, passing through properties belonging to Reuben Clymer and Daisy Clymer, his wife, Richard C. Hartman and Mary Ellen Hartman, his wife, Charles M. Gray and Mary Gray, his wife, and others, and crossing the Macadam State Highway leading from Elverson to Joanna, north fifty seven degrees twenty eight minutes east (N. 57° 28' E.) a distance of three thousand six hundred forty-three feet ten and three quarter inches (3,043' 10-3/4") to a corner; thence leaving the aforesaid boundary line between the Counties of Chester and Berks, and along the proposed new Division Line between the Borough of Elverson and the Township of West Nantmeal, the five (5) following courses and distances, viz: (1) passing through properties of the I.P. Dunn Estate, Reuben Peabody and Hazel Peabody, his wife, and others, crossing the Reading Company - French Creek Branch, passing through property belonging to Elam E. Mast and Rebecca M. Mast, his wife, crossing the Macadam State Highway leading from Elverson to Warwick, and passing through properties belonging to Russell Ziegler, James Orrs and Sadie Orrs, his wife, and Christian L. Stoltzfus, south nine degrees twenty five minutes fifty six seconds east (S. 9° 25' 56" E.) a distance of four thousand seven hundred sixty-five feet two and five eighth inches (4,765' 2-5/8") to a corner, (2) continuing through the aforesaid property belonging to Christian L. Stoltzfus, crossing a tributary of the South Branch of French Creek and crossing the Macadam State Highway leading from Morgantown to East Nantmeal, south three degrees fifty three minutes forty six seconds east (S. 3° 53' 46" E.) a distance of two thousand two hundred forty nine feet two inches (2,249' 2") to a corner, (3) continuing through the aforesaid property belonging to Christian L. Stoltzfus, recrossing the aforesaid tributary of the South Branch of French Creek,
north eighty three degrees nine minutes thirty six seconds west (N. 83° 09' 36" W.) a distance of two thousand five hundred thirteen feet two inches (2,513' 2") to a corner, (4) continuing through the aforesaid property belonging to Christian L. Stoltzfus, and others, crossing the Reading Company - Wilmington and Northern Division and the Macadam State Highway leading from Elverson to Conestoga, passing through property belonging to John Shantz and property belonging to Stephen K. Mast and Ruby H. Mast, his wife, north sixty eight degrees eleven minutes twenty six seconds west (N. 68° 11' 26" W.) a distance of three thousand three hundred forty feet no inches (3,340' 0") to a corner, and (5) continuing through the aforesaid property belonging to Stephen K. Mast and Ruby H. Mast, his wife, north fifty six degrees twenty eight minutes six seconds west (N. 56° 28' 06" W.) a distance of two thousand one hundred forty three feet nine inches (2,143' 9") to a corner in the aforesaid boundary line between the Counties of Chester and Berks; thence along same, crossing the aforesaid Macadam State Highway leading from Morgantown to East Nantmeal, passing through property belonging to Elam E. Mast and Rebecca M. Mast, his wife, crossing the Macadam State Highway leading from Elverson to Morgantown, and passing through property belonging to Marvin B. Stoltzfus and Esther H. Stoltzfus, his wife, north fifty seven degrees twenty eight minutes east (N. 57° 28' E.) a distance of two thousand seven hundred eighty four feet one and three quarter inches (2,784' 1-3/4") to the most westerly corner of the existing boundary line of the Borough of Elverson; thence along the existing boundary line of the Borough of Elverson, the eighteen (18) following courses and distances, viz: (1) crossing the Macadam State Highway known as the Ridge Road, south two degrees twenty two minutes east (S. 2° 22' E.) a distance of one thousand six hundred forty seven feet (1,647') to a corner, (2) crossing the Macadam State Highway known as Water Street, south seventy nine degrees fifty two minutes east (S. 79° 52' E.) a distance of two thousand one hundred eighty four feet (2,184') to a corner, (3) crossing the aforesaid Reading Company - Wilmington and Northern Division, north seventy two degrees thirty seven minutes east (N. 72° 37' E.) a distance of nine hundred ninety nine feet (999') to a corner, (4) recrossing the aforesaid Macadam State Highway known as Ridge Road, north one degree forty three minutes east (N. 1° 43' E.) a distance of nine hundred eighty four feet six inches (984' 6") to a corner in the middle of a public road, (5) in and along same, north forty four degrees forty five minutes west (N. 44° 45' W.) a distance of two hundred feet (200') to a corner, (6) continuing in and along same, north twenty six degrees fifteen minutes west (N. 26° 15' W.) a distance of one hundred seventy five feet (175') to a corner, (7) continuing in and along same, north four degrees thirty five minutes west (N. 4° 35' W.) a distance of two hundred feet (200') to a corner, (8) continuing in and along same, north five degrees fifty seven minutes east (N. 5° 57' E.) a distance of three hundred seventy feet (370') to a corner in the center line of the Reading Company - French Creek Branch of the Wilmington and Northern Division, (9) along the center line of same, south seventy eight degrees fifty nine minutes west (S. 78° 59' W.) a distance of two hundred forty six feet (246') to a corner; (10) continuing along the center line of same, south eighty one degrees seventeen minutes west (S. 81° 17' W.) a distance of one hundred one feet (101') to a corner, (11) continuing along the center line of same, south eighty four degrees fifty minutes west (S. 84° 50' W.) a distance of one hundred feet (100') to a corner, (12) continuing along the center line of same, south eighty eight degrees forty eight minutes west (S. 88° 48' W.) a distance of one hundred feet (100') to a corner,
(13) continuing along the center line of same, north eighty seven degrees twelve minutes west (N. 87° 12' W.) a distance of ninety two feet (92') to a corner, (14) continuing along the center line of same, north eighty three degrees twenty minutes west (N. 83° 20'W.) a distance of one hundred feet (100') to a corner, (15) continuing along the center line of same, north seventy eight degrees forty one minutes west (N. 78° 41' W.) a distance of one hundred feet (100') to a corner, (16) continuing along the center line of same, north seventy one degrees eleven minutes west (N. 71° 11' W.) a distance of one hundred feet (100') to a corner, (17) continuing along the center line of same, north sixty-three degrees six minutes west (N. 63° 06' W.) a distance of one hundred feet (100') to a corner in the center line of the aforesaid Reading Company - Wilmington and Northern Division, and (18) along the center line of same, and recrossing the aforesaid Macadam State Highway known as Water Street, north fifty-nine degrees fifty-six minutes west (N. 59° 56' W.) a distance of one thousand fifty-one feet (1,051') to the place of Beginning.
CONTAINING four hundred ninety (490) acres, one hundred thirty-three and four tenths (133.4) perchas, - be and the same is hereby annexed.
After the going into effect of this ordinance, the Borough Solicitor be and he is hereby authorized and directed to file in the Court of Quarter Sessions and in the Office of the County Commissioners in and for Chester County, Pennsylvania, at West Chester, Pennsylvania, a certified copy of this ordinance, description and plot, and any other papers necessary or required.