[Adopted by Ord. 754, 2/21/2019]
Occupancy. No property that is be used as a residential unit shall be rented, leased, sold, otherwise transferred, or occupied without first obtaining an occupancy certificate from the Department of Licenses and Inspections.
Exception: Transient in nature units need not be inspected with each new occupant.
Application and Fees. Applicants for an occupancy certificate must first complete a form supplied by the Department of Licenses and Inspections, as well as pay a fee set forth in the Warminster Township Fee Schedule, prior to any inspection taking place.
Exception: Properties with a valid rental license shall be exempt from this section. Sale or transfer between immediate family members shall also be exempt from this section.
Inspection. An occupancy certificate will only be issued following an inspection in which no violations of the Warminster Township Property Maintenance and Housing Code are noted.
Exception: Construction and temporary use and occupancy certificates may be issued at the discretion of the Code Official and shall not be issued prior to a release form, supplied by the Department of Licenses and Inspections, being signed and notarized.
Reporting violations by occupant. Upon discovery by an occupant of any condition of the premises which constitutes a violation of this Code, the occupant shall first report the same to the owner or operator, and, upon failure of the owner or operator to act within five days, then the occupant shall report the same to the Department of Licenses and Inspections immediately.