[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Brookfield; amended in its entirety at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 25, General Provisions, Art. II). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Recognition. The Town Fire Department and Emergency Medical Service are recognized as the Town of Brookfield Fire Department, which shall be a department of the government of the Town of Brookfield. The duties of firefighting, fire prevention and emergency medical service in the Town are delegated to the Fire Department.
The Town of Brookfield Fire Department shall be a combination fire department and all members, except for the Fire Chief and the Assistant Chief, shall be part-time employees of the Town of Brookfield.
The internal organization of the Fire Department shall be in accordance with the current standard operating guidelines of the Department.
The maximum number of part-time employees of the Fire Department shall be determined by the Town Board, upon recommendation of the Fire Chief and concurrence of the Police and Fire Commission. Said recommendation shall take into account the number of firefighters, EMTs, and officers needed to maintain efficiency, properly protect life and property from fire and provide emergency medical services. All active members of the Fire Department and other department supportive staff shall abide by the terms and provisions of this chapter and the Department's standard operating guidelines.
Employment status. The Fire Chief shall be a full-time employee of the Town. The terms of employment and compensation to be paid to the Fire Chief shall be determined by the Town Board upon hiring of the Fire Chief.
Appointment. Pursuant to § 1.22 of the Town Code, the Police and Fire Commission shall appoint the Chief of the Fire Department. Following the appointment by the Commission and successful probationary period, he/she shall hold his/her office during good behavior, subject to suspension or removal by the Commission for cause.
Performance evaluation. The Town Board may, for the purposes of determining salary, benefits, and other performance-related issues, evaluate the Chief's performance.
Qualifications. Applicants shall supply a resume as to background and proven job experience, including formal fire training (a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in fire science or related field is preferred), a minimum of five years on a fire department in a ranking officer position, and business management experience, including but not limited to budgeting, accountings, letter writing, marketing, good management and people skills. The selection of a Fire Chief will be at the discretion of the Commission. The Commission may elect to take applications from within the Department or go outside to find a suitable candidate for the position.
Duties, responsibilities, power and authority. The Fire Chief shall have the following authority and responsibilities:
Code enforcement. The Chief shall enforce the Wisconsin Statues, the Wisconsin Administrative Code, Department operating guidelines and the Town Code in matters relating to fire prevention, code enforcement, public education and fire suppression within the Town. It shall be the duty of the Fire Chief to direct the operation of the Fire Department. The Fire Chief shall report monthly to the Commission all fires occurring in the Town, together with the amounts and values of the property destroyed.
Department operations. The Chief shall provide for the general condition and efficient operation of the Fire Department, the training of members and the performance of other assigned duties.
Attendance at meetings. The Chief shall attend all official meetings of the Department whenever possible.
Rules, regulations, and standard operating guidelines. The Chief shall prepare rules, regulations, and standard operating guidelines for the proper operation of the Fire Department. Such rules, regulations, and standard operating guidelines shall be in addition to the provisions of this chapter. Rules, regulations, and standard operating guidelines promulgated by the Fire Chief shall be approved by the Commission before becoming effective. This shall include operational procedures, policies, and job descriptions for all personnel. The Town Administrator, before submission to the Commission, shall review all such documents. All members of the Department shall be provided with access to all such rules, regulations and standard operating guidelines once they become effective.
Reports. The Chief shall submit such written reports to the Town Board and Commission, or as deemed desirable by the Board and Commission, but an annual report for the calendar year ending on December 31 shall be submitted no later than the first of April each year. This report shall detail the condition of all apparatus and equipment, number of fires, EMS calls and total number of members in the Department This report shall also contain an overview of the total Department operations of the past year in regard to training programs and needs of the Department now and in the coming year.
Record maintenance. Except where properly delegated to a subordinate, the Fire Chief shall be the custodian of all official records of the Fire Department. Such records shall include, at a minimum, those required by the Board, Town ordinances, and the statutes of the State of Wisconsin.
Equipment. The Chief shall determine the needs of the Fire Department in evaluating the use of current equipment, assessing and researching the need of additional equipment that would be necessary to protect Town residences and businesses.
Attendance at fire calls. In accordance with the standard operating guidelines of the Department, the Fire Chief or the Chief's designee shall attend all fires in the Town and elsewhere when the Department has responded to render mutual aid to another department. If the Fire Chief or the Chief's designee is unavailable, the highest-ranking officer of the Department in attendance shall have the same powers and duties as the Chief.
Attendance at rescue calls. In accordance with the standard operating guidelines of the Department, the Fire Chief or the Chief's designee shall attend rescue calls to which the Fire Department is called. In the absence of the Fire Chief or the Chief's designee, the highest-ranking officer in attendance shall have the same powers and duties as the Chief.
Power to suspend, demote or terminate department employees. The Chief shall have the power to suspend, demote or terminate any officer or member of the Department for just cause.
Fiscal responsibility. At the direction of the Town Administrator, the Fire Chief shall file with the Administrator a detailed estimate of the appropriations needed for the conduct of the Department during the ensuing fiscal year.
Other duties. Perform such other duties as are incumbent upon him as the commanding officer of the Fire Department and as may be directed from time to time by the Commission, Town Board or Town Administrator.
Arson reports. Report all fires in which arson is suspected to the Town Police, Sheriff's Department, and State Fire Marshall.
Fire inspections and inspection records maintenance. In accordance with § SPS 314.01 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, the Chief shall be responsible for the conduct and documentation of fire safety inspections within the Town.
Removal. No recommendation for removal for cause shall be made without first affording a due process hearing before the Commission. If the Chief fails to perform his/her duties as described by this chapter or to comply with the rules and regulations of appropriate governmental authorities or agencies in connection with his/her duties as Fire Chief, he/she may be removed from office by a four-fifths-majority vote of the Commission. Application of the Town's most current personnel policies and procedures shall apply.
Disciplinary action, grievances and appeals. Any member of the Fire Department who is suspended, demoted, or terminated, or is subject to any other disciplinary action, shall have the right to grieve or appeal the suspension, demotion, termination, or other disciplinary action, as provided in any labor contract governing the employment relationship between the Town and the member, or, in the absence of any such labor contract, in accordance with the provisions of § 1.22 of the Town Code. In the absence of any appropriate policy or procedure in § 1.22 of the Town Code, the Town personnel policies and procedures shall prevail.
Unless otherwise determined by the Town Board, the Fire Chief shall serve as Chief Fire Inspector. If, in the event, the Board wishes to separate the positions of Chief Fire Inspector and Fire Chief, the Fire Chief shall recommend an appointment to the Town Administrator, subject to approval of the Police and Fire Commission.
Duties and responsibilities. The Chief Fire Inspector shall be the administrator of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. The Chief Fire Inspector shall be responsible for the direct administration and enforcement of the Town of Brookfield Fire Prevention Code. The Chief Fire Inspector shall supervise and manage public education programs, code enforcement and all fire investigations.
Appointment. The Fire Chief shall make recommendation to the Police and Fire Commission for the appointment of those qualified individuals to the positions of:
Assistant Fire Chief.
Emergency Medical Technician.
Appropriate examination and interview procedures used. The Fire Chief shall utilize appropriate employment assessment procedures based on nationally recognized guidelines related, but not limited to, ability to pass physical job related functions, a written and medical examination, and oral interviews. Where relevant, current department standard operating guidelines, Town personnel policies, procedures, and labor contract provisions shall apply.
Duties and responsibilities. Job descriptions, authority, and responsibilities of the aforementioned positions shall be as presented in the Department standard operating guidelines.
Probationary period. All Fire Department personnel shall serve a one-year probationary period. The Fire Chief shall have the authority to dismiss all Fire Department personnel, except for the position of Assistant Fire Chief, within the one-year probationary period. Dismissal of the Assistant Fire Chief requires Police and Fire Commission approval.
Disciplinary action, suspension, dismissal, grievances and appeals. See §5.04(5)(p) of this chapter.
The provisions of this chapter, so far as practicable, shall be construed in conjunction with and in furtherance of the provisions of § 62.13, Wis. Stats., and Chapter 589 of the laws of 1921, and Chapter 423, laws of 1923, and Chapter 586 of the laws of 1911, and shall be construed as an enactment for the purpose of providing a uniform regulation of the Fire Department in the Town of Brookfield, consistent with the state-wide enactment regulating cities and villages.
Incident command system. Operations of the Fire Department shall be organized and managed using an incident command system. The incident command system is described in the Department's standard operating guidelines.
Limited access and removal of property. The Fire Chief and the incident commander may prescribe certain limits near any emergency incident within which no persons, excepting firefighters and police officers and those admitted by order of the incident commander, shall be permitted to be present. The Fire Chief and the incident commander shall have the power to cause the removal of any property whenever it shall become necessary for the preservation of such property from fire or to prevent the spreading of fire or to protect the adjoining property, and during the progress of any fire he/she shall have the power to order the removal or destruction of any property necessary to prevent the further spread of fire and the authority to preserve evidence of suspected arson. The Fire Chief and the incident commander shall also have the power to cause the removal of all wires or other facilities and the turning off of all electricity or other services where the same impedes the work of the Department during the progress of a fire or other hazardous situation.
Resistance to operations. It shall be lawful for any firefighter while acting under the direction of the Fire Chief or the incident commander to enter upon the premises adjacent to or near any building or other property then on fire or in a hazardous environment for the purpose of extinguishing such fire or mitigating such hazards. In case any person shall hinder, resist or obstruct any firefighter in the discharge of his or her duty as is hereinbefore provided, the person so offending shall be deemed guilty of resisting firefighters in the discharge of their duty.
[Amended 12-7-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-004]
Damage to Fire Department property. No person shall willfully injure in any manner any hose, hydrant, fire apparatus, or equipment belonging to the Town of Brookfield, and no vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected hose of a Fire Department when laid down on any street, private driveway or any other place, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire, without the consent of the incident commander in command of the emergency.
See § 9.17(2) of this Code and § 941.13, Wis. Stats.
Donations, purchasing and expenditure of tax and nontax moneys. The Fire Chief shall comply with Chapter 3, Finance and Taxation; Public Records, of the Code of the Town of Brookfield and established financial policies and procedures therein.
The Fire Chief and any assistants or officers in command at any fire or rescue scene are vested with full and complete police authority of that scene.
The Fire Chief, any assistant or officer of the Department may cause the arrest of any person failing to give the right-of-way to fire or ambulance equipment responding to an alarm.
The Fire Chief, any assistant or officer of the Department may erect fire line barriers in the vicinity of any fire or rescue scene beyond which no persons, excepting firefighters, rescue personnel, police officers and those admitted by order of any officer of the Fire Department shall be permitted.
The Fire Chief, any assistant or officer of the Department may cause the removal of any property whenever it shall become necessary to prevent the spreading of fire or to protect adjoining property, and during the progress of any fire he may order the removal or destruction of any property necessary to prevent the further spread of the fire. He may cause the removal of all wires or other facilities and the turning off of all electricity or other services where the same impedes the work and safety of the Fire Department during the progress of the fire.
The Fire Chief and any other officer or member of the Fire Department as the Fire Chief may dictate shall have the authority to issue municipal citations to any person or entity deemed to be in violation of any portion of this chapter, including any adopted code or standard. Upon conviction, the person or entity issued the citation shall pay a forfeiture in addition to which any court costs and associated fees shall also be assessed. The amount of the forfeiture shall be as listed in the Schedule of Fees and Forfeitures on file at the Clerk's office, which may be updated from time to time.
The forfeitures to be imposed for violations of this chapter, including adopted codes and standards, are included in the Schedule of Fee and Forfeitures on file at the Clerk's office, which may be updated from time to time.
Any person or organization who violates the terms of this chapter and, as a result, causes the dispatch and/or deployment of firefighting equipment or personnel to control or extinguish the fire or to protect life or property, in addition to other fines and forfeitures, may be required to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the Town as a result of the dispatch or deployment of firefighting equipment or personnel. Such costs and expenses shall be calculated by the Fire Chief and submitted to the Town Board for its review, consideration, and approval. Such costs shall be assessed against the property in accordance with the provisions of § 66.0627, Wis. Stats.
Services and records provided. The Fire Department shall provide ambulance and emergency medical service. All necessary records required by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services will be kept on file in the Department's offices and overseen by the Fire Chief or the Chief's designee.
Operating guidelines. The Fire Chief or the Chief's designee shall be the head of the ambulance and emergency medical services and shall be subject to the laws and statutes of Wisconsin, Town ordinances and the rules, regulations, policies and standard operating guidelines of the Fire Department.
Person in charge. The Fire Chief may elect to place a person in charge of the EMS. Such person shall be known as the "Captain, Division of Emergency Medical Services" who shall be subject to the job description for that position, and under the direction of the Fire Chief and the Fire Department Medical Director, and subject to all the, rules, regulations, policies, and standard operating procedures of the Department and this chapter.
Ambulance call charges.
Fees. Fees for ambulance service in the Town for conveyance of both Town residents and nonresidents shall be as determined from time to time by the Fire Chief or the Chief's designee and approved by resolution of the Town Board.
Payments. All payments received from ambulance calls shall be placed in the general fund.
Donations, purchasing and expenditure of tax and nontax moneys. Financial operations of the ambulance service shall comply with Chapter 3, Finance and Taxation; Public Records, of the Code of the Town of Brookfield and established financial administrative policies and procedures of the Town.
Expenditures. The method of purchasing of equipment, supplies, and services shall comply with Chapter 3, Finance and Taxation; Public Records, of the Code of the Town of Brookfield and concomitant financial administrative policies and procedures of the Town.
Wherever this ordinance and any of the codes and standards referenced by this chapter is silent on an issue, the relevant sections of NFPA 1 "Fire Prevention," most current edition, shall be employed.
The codes and statutes of the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services as they relate to fire prevention, investigation, and life safety, including but not limited to the Fire Prevention Code and the Commercial Building Code as they are amended and updated from time to time.
Standards. The following standards are adopted and by reference made part of this chapter. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any adopted standard incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this section:
NFPA Chapter
Name or Topic
Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, 1999 Edition.
Standard for Parking Structures, 1998 Edition
Standard for Repair of Garages, 1997 Edition
NFPA 110
Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems, 1999 Edition
NFPA 291
Recommended Practice for Fire Flow Testing and Marking of Hydrants, 1995 Edition
NFPA 704
Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response, 1996 Edition
NFPA 1405
Guide for Land-Based Firefighters Who Respond To Marine Vessel Fires, 2001 Edition
NFPA 1583
Standard on Health Related Fitness Programs For Firefighters, 2000 Edition
State Administrative Code adopted. The following chapters of the Wisconsin Administrative Code are adopted and by reference made a part of this chapter. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any chapter of the Wisconsin Administrative Code incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this section.
Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter
Name or Topic
SPS 307
Explosive Materials (COMM 7)
SPS 314
Fire Prevention (COMM 14)
SPS 316
Volume 2, Electrical Code (COMM 16)
SPS 318
Elevators, Escalators and Lift Devices (COMM 18)
SPS 328
Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors (COMM 28)
SPS 330
Fire Department Safety and Health (COMM 30)
SPS 340
Gas Systems (COMM 40)
SPS 343
Anhydrous Ammonia (COMM 43)
SPS 361 through 366
Cleaning and Dyeing (COMM 15)
Uniform Multifamily Dwelling Code (COMM 66)
Flammable and Combustible Liquids (COMM 10)
Building, Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Code (COMM 50-64)
Conflicting provisions. In case of conflict within the provisions of this section or between Town ordinances, the stricter provision shall apply.
Copies to be on file. Copies of the chapters of the Wisconsin Administrative Code enumerated in this chapter shall be available for inspection during Town Hall business hours.
Motor vehicle fire calls on highways or in Town. The owner of any motor vehicle involved in a fire, spill or extrication on any public highway or street to which the Fire Department responds shall be charged a fee based upon the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Schedule of Equipment Rates.
Hazardous material incidents. Over and above any other fees, the spiller of any hazardous material shall be charged for services provided by the Fire Department. Such fee shall be based upon the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Schedule of Equipment Rates.
Additional fees. Over and above any other fees, the spiller of any hazardous material shall be charged for all equipment and material consumed in the cleanup of any spill.
Fire protection systems permit fees. The permit fees for automatic sprinkler, fire alarm, and other automatic fire suppression systems shall be collected by the Fire Department. The fees shall be in the amount as listed in the Schedule of Fees and Forfeitures on file at the Clerk's office, which may be updated from time to time.
Payment of fees. All permit fees shall be paid in full at the time the permit is issued.
Permits issued and policed by. Permits will be issued by the Chief Fire Inspector and policed by the Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention.
Plan approval. All plans shall be approved by the Fire Department before being sent to the Building Inspector for approval.
Fire inspection fees. All businesses, hotels, motels, churches, schools, and other nonprofit organizations will be charged for fire inspections. The fees shall be in the amounts as listed in the Schedule of Fees and Forfeitures on file at the Clerk's office, which may be updated from time to time.
Residential multifamily units and hotels/motels. Fees shall be based per unit or per room for hotels/motels.
High life safety facilities (hospitals, nursing homes, community based residential facilities). As used in this section, fees shall be based per square footage. The square footage refers to the total floor area of any building or structure and applies to any building, or portion of a building, subject to IBC Chapter 3, Sections 305, 308 and 310.
Fees for all other buildings. Fees for all other buildings subject to Wisconsin Administrative Code, Chapters SPS 361 to 366, of the Commercial Building Code. The square footage refers to the total floor area of any building or structure.
Administration of fire prevention inspection fees. Fire prevention inspection fees shall constitute as special charge against the property under § 66.0627, Wis. Stats., and shall be invoiced to property owners in July of each year. Any fees remaining unpaid as of November 1 each year shall be placed on the annual tax roll for collection as a special charge together with an administrative charge of $15 per parcel. All proceedings related to the collection of real estate taxes shall apply.
Reinspection fees. The fees assessed in Subsection 8(a) and (b), fire inspection, include the primary inspection, and one reinspection. After the reinspection, any business remaining in violation of Fire Code correction orders shall be assessed for additional necessary reinspection until the corrections have been made.
If violations are not corrected by the fourth inspection, additional action may be taken which may include a possible revocation of occupancy permits.
A municipal citation will be issued by the Town Fire Department after a formal complaint is filed with the Fire Chief. This municipal citation may be appealed through the Municipal Court.
Online inspection and service record reports. Owners of public buildings and places of employment, as those terms are defined under § 101.01, Wis. Stats., shall cause all inspection reports, service records, notices of violation, and any other information requested by the Fire Inspector to be filed online at a location and online service provider chosen by the Fire Inspector. Property owners who fail to comply with these requirements will be subject to an additional inspection fee as determined by the Town Board.
Burning certain substances. Except as provided in this section, no person shall burn or cause to be burned:
Material liberating any toxic substance or combustion producing any noxious odor or creating a health hazard. This section shall not include fallen leaves, cut grass or branches that have fallen or been cut.
Flammable or combustible liquids or any other materials that create a fire hazard.
Open areas of standing grass, woods, brush, or similar materials.
Combustibles in an amount exceeding two feet in height and four feet in diameter.
Times permitted.
Burning shall be allowed during daylight hours only and shall be completely extinguished by sunset.
Burning to be supervised. Burning shall be physically supervised by a competent person at least 16 years of age and personally attended until such fire is completely extinguished. This person shall have fire-extinguishing equipment available within 20 feet of such fire for immediate use.
Burning not allowed with excessive wind. No open burning shall be allowed when the wind velocity exceeds 10 miles per hour, as indicated by the National Weather Service.
Burning prohibited in certain locations. Burning and the disposal of ash residue shall not be permitted on or within any improved street, drainage ditch, alley, parkway, public place, or public right-of-way.
Burning on nonresidential properties, as well as any residential property other than a one-family or two-family residential property is prohibited, except as otherwise provided by Subsection 2(e).
Permits. The Fire Chief is authorized to issue written permits on forms for fires otherwise prohibited by Subsection (1)(a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of this section, and to impose such additional conditions and requirements as deemed necessary for the public safety and welfare. He/she may refuse such permits completely if he/she concludes the proposed burning would be hazardous, unsafe, or otherwise harmful.
Permits shall not be required for burning permitted combustibles in an amount less than four feet in diameter and two feet in height, more than 25 feet from any building and the front lot line, 15 feet from the side lot line and 10 feet from the rear lot line, provided the fire is watched and controlled and adequate fire protection facilities, such as a garden hose or fire extinguisher, are available and ready for instant use.
Whenever, because of extreme dryness and/or drought, the Town of Brookfield Fire Department shall deem it imprudent to set fires upon any land within the Town, it shall, by proclamation, declare an emergency and cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town a notice forbidding the setting of fires within the Town of Brookfield and, after the publishing of such notice, no person shall set any fire upon lands in said area until the expiration of such emergency.
Exemptions. The following are exempt from the provisions of this section:
Cooking fires in barbecue pits, grills and outdoor fireplaces; operation of home incinerators inside a dwelling and commercial incinerator.
For other than one- and two- family dwellings, no hibachi, grill, or similar devices used for cooking, heating or any other purpose shall be used or kindled on any balcony, under any overhang or within 10 feet of any structure.
Burning of fire wood only will be permitted in a fire pit, both commercial or man-made, after daylight hours with the following provisions:
The fire pit be no larger than four feet in diameter and two feet in height, more than 25 feet from any building and the front lot line, 15 feet from the side lot line and 10 feet from the rear lot line.
The fire is watched and controlled and adequate fire-protection facilities, such as a garden hose or fire extinguisher, are available and ready for instant use
The wind velocity exceeds 10 miles per hour, as indicated by the National Weather Service.
Intent. The intent of this section is to provide for the installation of automatic sprinkler systems, other fire suppression devices, fire alarm systems, fire hydrants, and other life safety systems required for the protection of life and property within the Town and to provide rules and regulations for contractors and property owners for the installation and maintenance.
Design. The design and installation of life safety and fire suppression and alarm systems shall comply with the National Fire Protection Code (NFPA), Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Code and any rules and regulations as set forth in this chapter.
Name or Topic
§ SPS 362.0903
Automatic fire sprinkler systems (COMM 51)
§ SPS 362.0904
Alternative automatic fire-extinguishing systems (COMM 51)
§ SPS 362.0907
Fire alarm and detection systems (COMM 51)
§ SPS 362.0909
Smoke control systems (COMM 28)
§ SPS 362.0915
Carbon monoxide detection (COMM 28)
All references to type of occupancy in this chapter shall be as provided in Chapter SPS 362, Commercial Building Code, (Wisconsin Administrative Code) and International Building Code (IBC) Chapter 3, Occupancy Classification and Use.
Where required. Installation of automatic sprinkler systems shall be required for new construction as follows:
For buildings used as IBC Chapter 3 Section 307 occupancies (Groups H-1 through 5).
For buildings used as IBC Chapter 3 Section 311 (Groups S-1 and S-2) occupancies:
Storage or repair garages containing spaces for more than three passenger vehicles above or below other occupancies.
All garages attached to or part of a passenger terminal.
Every building which because of its construction or highly combustible occupancy involves a severe life hazard to its occupants, adjoining property, or constitutes a fire menace in the judgment of the Fire Chief.
All buildings where the height exceeds one story require standpipes.
Testing and maintenance.
Testing and maintenance of life safety, fire suppression and alarm systems shall comply with the National Fire Protection Code (NFPA), Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Code and Town Fire Protection and Life Safety Code. Records of such tests and maintenance shall be kept and made available to the Fire Department on inspection or request.
Life safety, fire suppression and alarm systems shall be always maintained in operative condition at all times.
It shall be unlawful for any owner or occupant to reduce the effectiveness of the protection so required, except that this shall not prohibit the owner or occupant from temporarily reducing or discontinuing the protection where necessary to make tests, repairs, alterations or additions.
Existing buildings.
General exception. Except as hereinafter provided, automatic fire sprinklers, smoke detectors, and standpipes need not be installed in buildings which exist or were under construction before 1 May 2001, unless such installation was required by previous ordinance, administration regulation or state statute.
Expansion or remodeling. When a building is expanded or remodeled so that more than 25% of the gross interior area of the original building is remodeled or added to and the created building is of a size, type, or use which, if the building were to be constructed new, the entire building shall be subject to the requirements of this Code.
In determining the forgoing percentage, successive additions, expansions, or remodeling if made within a period of 20 years shall be aggregated and treated as a single expansion or addition. The twenty-year aggregating period of this section shall not be limited by the date of adoption of this section.
Regardless of the percentage of a building expansion or remodeling, if the addition, expansion, or remodeled area is of a size or type or for a use which is subject to the provisions of this chapter, the addition, expansion, or remodeled area must conform to the requirements of this chapter.
Fire protection monitoring requirements.
Monitoring required. Any sprinkler system installed in the Town shall be monitored by an approved central station facility for:
The flow of water within system.
Low air pressure within a dry sprinkler system, on any dry sprinkler system installed.
Activation of a smoke and/or heat detector.
Retroactivity. Any sprinkler system installed before the enactment of this chapter and which is not monitored by an approved central station facility shall have one year to have such service installed and operational.
Access box. Any structure that is monitored will require a Knox-Box® vault system [refer to section § 5.28, Fire department access and water supply, Subsection (1), Access box].
In all new and existing buildings, minimum radio signal strength for Fire Department communications shall be maintained at a level determined by the AHJ. (11.10.1)
Where required by the AHJ, two-way radio communication enhancement systems shall comply with NFPA 72. (11.10.2)
Where a two-way radio communication enhancement system is required and such system, components, or equipment has a negative impact on the normal operations of the facility at which it is installed, the AHJ shall have the authority to accept an automatically activated responder system. (11.10.3)
Approval will not be granted until a fire protection system installation/plan review application form has been submitted to the Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention and paid for in full by the contractor.
No automatic fire sprinkler system, fire alarm system, fire detection/protection devices, or any other fire-suppression equipment shall be installed or altered in any building until:
Fire Department review. One copy of State of Wisconsin approved plans and calculations, if state approval is required by Wisconsin Statutes, rules or regulations, and one copy of cut sheet on all fire-protection and/or fire alarm equipment be submitted electronically to and approved by the Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention.
One hard copy of State of Wisconsin approved plans, if state approval is required by Wisconsin Statutes, rules or regulations be submitted by mail to the Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention.
Approval will not be granted until a fire protection system installation/plan review application form has been submitted to the Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention and paid for in full by the contractor.
Approved plans must be stamped “approved” by the Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention along with the date of approval and shall be kept on file with the Fire Department. The installing contractor is required to keep approved plans on-site and available for review by an inspector.
Stamped “approved” plans by the Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention along with the date of approval will be sent back to the submitter electronically.
Additions or changes to any fire-protection system involving fewer than 20 devices or appliances to an existing approved system requires a letter from the owner of the building, occupant and/or approved contractor to the Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention describing the installation, including a sketch of the proposed additions or changes.
A fire-protection system installation/plan review application form shall be submitted to the Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention for any additions or changes to a fire-protection system regardless of number of devices or appliances to an existing approved system.
Penalty. A double permit fee will be charged for any construction performed before a fire protection permit being obtained from the Fire Department.
Installation requirements.
Fire Department connection (FDC).
Except for one- and two-family dwellings, any sprinkler system installed in the Town shall be provided with at least one or more Fire Department connections with two female couplings with National Standard threads or one five-inch Storz connection, as approved by the Fire Chief, attached to a header of adequate size in accordance with fire-protection engineering standards.
Any FDC shall be designed, installed, and located in compliance with § DSPS 362.0903 and NFPA 13, 13D or 13R, as appropriate.
Horn and strobe. A horn-and-strobe alerting device shall be installed above Fire Department connection (FDC), in place of bell system alerting device.
The installation of a sprinkler system shall not supersede the requirements for the installation of Fire Department standpipes.
Standpipe systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 14 "Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems," the most current edition.
All buildings within the scope of Chapters SPS 361 through 366, Wisconsin Administrative Code, shall be provided with a compliment of approved fire extinguishers complying with § SPS 375.27, IBC Chapter 9, Section 906, and/or NFPA 10, Chapter 7, Inspection, Maintenance, and Recharging.
Testing and maintenance. Portable fire extinguishers shall comply with the National Fire Protection Code (NFPA), Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Code and Town Fire Protection and Life Safety Code.
Records of such tests and maintenance shall be kept and made available to the Fire Department on inspection or request.
Location. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter SPS 375 and NFPA 10, fire extinguishers shall be located in the path of egress as close to an exit door as possible.
All illuminated exit signs required by Chapters SPS 361 through 366, Wisconsin Administrative Code, shall be provided with a compliment of approved exit sign complying with IBC Chapter 10, Section 1013, NFPA 1 and/or NFPA 101, Chapter 7
The testing and maintenance of exit signs shall comply with the National Fire Protection Code (NFPA), Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Code and Town Fire Protection and Life Safety Code.
Records of such tests and maintenance shall be kept and made available to the Fire Department on inspection or request.
All emergency lighting systems required by Chapters SPS 361 through 366, Wisconsin Administrative Code, for providing illumination in all stairways, hallways, other paths of egress, and basements during any failure or outage of commercial electric power shall be provided with a compliment of approved exit sign complying with IBC, Chapter 10, Section 1008, NFPA 1 and/or NFPA 10, Chapter 7.
Where required.
In any factory, office, manufacturing, or warehouse occupancy over two interior stories or 10,000 square feet in gross interior area.
In any mercantile building over two interior stories or 4,000 square feet in gross interior area.
In any place of public assembly with an occupant load of 100 persons or more, regardless of size.
In all multifamily residential occupancies which contain common use areas and contain 10 or more bedrooms. An efficiency unit shall be considered as a bedroom.
In any restaurant or drinking establishment, regardless of size.
In any school or place of instruction housing more than 20 students.
In any health care facility, regardless of size.
In any place of detention, regardless of size.
Testing and maintenance. Emergency lighting systems shall comply with the National Fire Protection Code (NFPA), Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Code and Town Fire Protection and Life Safety Code.
All light fixtures provided for providing illumination of stairways, hallways, other paths of egress and basements during outage or failure of commercial electric power shall be tested at least monthly.
Records of such tests shall be kept and made available to the Fire Department on inspection or request.
Access box.
The Knox-Box® vault system is adopted as the standard key vault system in the Town. A Knox-Box® shall be installed in all existing buildings that have a monitored automatic alarm system.
The Knox-Box® shall be installed at such location(s) as designated by the Fire Chief or Bureau of Fire Prevention.
A minimum of one lock box shall be provided for each building. The Fire Chief or Bureau of Fire Prevention may require more than one lock box for large buildings.
Fire lanes.
Purpose. The purpose is to authorize the Fire Chief to require the construction and maintenance of fire lanes as a means of providing access for Fire Department apparatus in both emergency and nonemergency situations. As used herein, the term "means of access for Fire Department apparatus" shall be construed as requiring construction of a hard, all-weather surface, adequately designed to support the heaviest piece of fire apparatus likely to be operated on the fire lane.
Specifications for fire lanes. All fire lanes, whether required by this chapter or not, shall be at least 20 feet wide. Fire lanes shall be located so that the closest edge of the fire lane is at least 10 feet from a building but not more than 30 feet from the building(s) with which it is associated. All curves and turnarounds shall be designed for a minimum forty-eight-foot turning radius.
Marking of fire lanes. Any fire lane, whether required by this chapter or not, shall be marked with approved signs within five feet of the beginning and within five feet of the end of the fire lane. Spacing between such signs shall not exceed 100 feet. Fire lane signs shall be affixed to a stationary pole or object and shall face in the direction of oncoming traffic. In addition to signage, the curb along each fire lane shall be painted yellow. Where there is no curb, a four-inch-wide stripe shall be painted the full length of the fire lane. In addition to signage and marking described above, any roadway for the exclusive use as a fire lane shall be striped with four-inch-wide yellow stripes.
Maintenance of fire lanes. The property owner on which any fire lane is situated shall keep the fire lane clear of all obstructions, including ice and snow, at all times.
Damaging or defacing fire lane signs. Any person, firm, or corporation, who damages, defaces, or removes a fire lane sign without the approval of the Fire Department shall be subject to citation and forfeiture as provided for in this chapter.
Construction of fire lanes on private lands. Fire Chief is authorized to require the owner of any private lands to construct fire lanes for effecting the purpose of this section. The Fire Chief shall notify the property owner of the necessity to establish a fire lane. Such notice shall advise the property owner as to the nature and location of the fire lane and shall further specify the time period within which the fire lane shall be constructed which in no event shall exceed 60 days from the date of the notice.
Obstructing a fire lane. Except as provided in this section, any person who parks any motor vehicle in or in any other way obstructs any area designated and posted as being a fire lane shall be subject to citation and forfeiture as provided in this chapter.
Exception. Should it become necessary to obstruct any part of a fire lane for construction, remodeling or building repair, the property shall obtain permission from the Fire Chief or the Bureau of Fire Prevention before construction.
Temporary loading or unloading permitted. Vehicles will be permitted to stop in a fire lane while actively loading or unloading, provided the driver of the stopped vehicle is within sight of the vehicle at all times.
Access to construction areas.
Access. Every building construction site shall be made accessible to Fire Department apparatus by way of an access roadway. Such access roadway shall be in place and accessible to fire equipment before the delivery of any combustible construction materials.
Access specifications. Access roadways on construction sites shall be extended to within 30 feet of the closest part of the building being constructed. Such roadways shall have not less than 20 feet of unobstructed width and a minimum of 13 feet six inches of vertical clearance. Such roadways over 300 feet in length shall be provided with approved provisions for a turnaround adequate for Fire Department apparatus. A driving surface of at least road base quality gravel shall be maintained at all times in order that all-weather integrity is assured. The road base shall be capable of supporting the imposed loads of fire apparatus.
Fire hydrant requirements for private property and existing buildings.
Any building hereafter erected or structurally altered to increase the floor area by 25% or more shall provide, at the owner's expense, an approved fire hydrant or hydrants when such a building is set back more than 250 feet from Town fire hydrants.
Fire hydrants shall be freestanding and located not more than 50 feet or less than 25 feet from the main entrance. Additional hydrants shall be provided around the perimeter of the building so that no fire hydrant is more than 250 feet from another approved hydrant measured by normal access routes.
Fire hydrants shall be within 150 feet of an approved Fire Department connection (FDC). Fire Department connection shall also be unobstructed and visible from adjacent roadways.
Fire hydrants to be kept clear. The owner of any property upon which any fire hydrant is located shall keep such hydrant clear and unobstructed at all times. Fire hydrants shall be kept clear of snow and ice.
Premises identification.
New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property.
Address numbers for suites within a multiple-tenant building or complex shall be individually identified in a manner approved by the Fire Chief or the Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention, to include rear door of tenant.
Address numbers and unit/suite numbers shall contrast with their backgrounds.
Address numbers and unit/suite numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters.
Each character shall be a minimum of four inches high with a minimum stroke of 1/2 inch.
Means of emergency communication. Notwithstanding the requirements of Chapter DSPS 318, Elevators, and American National Standard Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, ASMEA 17.1, any voice communication device installed in an elevator car shall be directly connected upon activation with an approved central station facility.
In any building with elevators, all elevators shall be a minimum size as to accommodate a 76 inches by 24 inches ambulance stretcher in a full reclining position.
Definitions. As used herein, the following words, terms, and phrases shall have the meanings as herein assigned.
The discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of any hazardous material or waste into or onto any land or into any water so that the hazardous material or waste or any constituent thereof may enter the environment, be emitted into the air, or discharge into any waters, including groundwaters.
Any substance that, by reason of being explosive, flammable, poisonous, corrosive, oxidizing, irritating or otherwise harmful, is or may become a health hazard.
Shall have the meaning as defined in OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200, Appendix A.
The movement from the point of production, generation or use to any intermediate site, and finally to the point of ultimate storage or disposal.
Any method, technique or process, including neutralization, designed to change the physical, chemical or biological character or composition of any hazardous material to neutralize or render it nonhazardous, safer for transport, amenable for recovery or storage, or reduced in volume.
A location for treatment, including an incinerator or a facility where generation has occurred.
Reporting requirement. All businesses shall file with the Fire Department a material safety data sheet (MSDS) which shall identify all hazardous substances located on the business premises. The MSDS report shall be updated, from time to time, to appraise the Fire Department of any additions to or deletions from the hazardous substance inventory previously reported to the Department. If a business does not store hazardous substances on the business premises, an authorized representative of the business shall file a statement to that effect with the Fire Department.
See Chapter 9, § 9.03, Fireworks, of this Code.
No occupancy or temporary occupancy permit shall be issued for buildings covered by this chapter until written approval of the Bureau of Fire Prevention is given and fire-protection permit fees are paid in full.
Where, at the time of its construction, a building or any part thereof is exempt from the requirements of this chapter by reason of its proposed intended use and, subsequent to construction, the use of such building or part thereof is changed in such a way that the reason for the exemption no longer exists, the building shall be made to conform with the requirements of this chapter.
If the use of an existing building or structure is changed, and the requirements for the new use are more stringent than those for the previous use, the building or structure shall be made to comply with the requirements for the new use.
Substitute fire suppression systems may be used in lieu of a sprinkler system when the Fire Chief determines the use of water could damage equipment or materials or such system is impossible or impracticable to install. Such equivalent substitute fire suppression system(s) shall be dependent upon the occupancy type and building construction. Smoke detectors and other fire detection devices may also be required.
Incorporation of Ch. 323, § 323(5), (5m), (6), (7m) and (8), Wis. Stats., as the same presently exists or as may be modified from time to time are incorporated herein by reference. Inspection and enforcement of the statutory provisions, to the extent in § 323(7m) (8), Wis. Stats., shall be performed by personnel of the Fire Department.
Penalties. The penalty provisions in § 323.60(11)(a) through (e), Wis. Stats., are incorporated herein by reference.
Except as otherwise provided, any person found to be in violation of any provision of this chapter or any order, rule or regulation made hereunder shall be subject to a penalty as provided in this chapter.