[1980 Code § 146-1]
This chapter is hereby enacted for the protection, care and
control of the public parks, playgrounds and recreation areas within
the Town and to regulate the conduct of persons on or within such
parks, playgrounds and recreation areas or using the facilities thereof.
[1980 Code § 146-2]
As used in this chapter:
Includes all public parks, playground facilities, fields
and other recreational areas within the Town of Morristown which are
owned by or are under the control and supervision of the municipal
government. All prohibitions and other restrictions imposed by this
chapter shall be deemed to apply within all public parks within the
Town of Morristown as herein defined.
[1980 Code § 146-17; Ord. No. O-28-12]
a. Except for unusual and unforeseen emergencies, parks shall be open
to the public every day of the year during designated hours. The opening
and closing hours for each individual park shall be posted therein
for public information and shall be determined by resolution of the
Town Council. If no opening or closing hours are established and posted
as herein provided, the parks shall be open from sunrise to sunset.
b. Any part or the whole of any park may be declared closed to the public
by the Department of Public Works at any time and for any interval
of time as it shall find reasonably necessary in the public interest.
[1980 Code § 146-3; Ord. No. O-5-89]
a. No person shall injure, deface, displace, remove, alter, disturb,
tamper with, damage or destroy any trees, shrubs, soil, grass, plant
life or any structure, building, post, playground equipment, water
fountain, railing, fence, bench, seat, table, platform, walkway, telephone
or electric pole, wires, pipes or appurtenances, or any other park
or recreational equipment or facility; or any hydrant, water, storm
or sewer drain, pipe, main, basin covering, manhole or any appendage
or appurtenance thereof; or any sign, inscription, post, monument
or statue; or injure or in any way interfere with the operation of
any machinery or equipment used under the direction of the Town or
of any of its departments, agencies or officials; or deface, destroy,
alter, damage or tamper with any drive, path, walk, bridge, parking
area or shelter; or take up, scatter, remove or carry away any asphalt,
concrete, stone, rock, wood, gravel, clay or earth, or make any excavation
of any kind.
b. No person over the age of six years shall use the restrooms and washrooms
designated for the opposite sex. Every person using the restrooms
and washrooms shall cooperate to maintain them in a neat and sanitary
c. No person shall construct or erect any building or structure of whatever
kind, whether permanent or temporary in nature, or run or string any
public service utility into, upon or across any such lands, except
upon written authorization of the Mayor or his designee.
d. No person shall pick or remove the flowers, leaves or seeds of any
plant or tree. Nor shall any person attach any rope, wire or other
contrivance to any tree or plant or park facility. Nor shall any person
in any other manner injure or impair the natural beauty or usefulness
of any area.
e. No person shall walk, stand or sit upon monuments, statues, water
fountains, railings or fences or upon any other property not designated
or customarily used for such purposes.
f. No person shall tie or hitch any animal to any tree, plant, fence
post or any other property in any area.
g. No person shall hunt, molest, kill, frighten, trap, chase, tease,
shoot or throw missiles at any animal, reptile or bird; nor shall
be remove or molest the eggs or young of any animal, reptile or bird.
[1980 Code § 146-15]
No person shall throw or propel any stone, stick, glass, metal
or other hard or offensive object or substance in any park.
[1980 Code § 146-16]
No person shall expose or offer for sale any foodstuffs, products,
articles or things, nor shall be station or place any stand, cart
or vehicle for the transportation, sale or display of any foodstuffs,
products, articles or things, excepting such persons as may be duly
licensed by the Town for the sale of commodities or foodstuffs in
public parks.
See also Chapter
4, Licensing and Business Regulations, §
4-3, Itinerant Restaurant Licenses.
[1980 Code § 146-9]
No person shall play, engage or take part in any game or competitive
sport for money or other valuable thing in any park. This subsection
shall not prohibit the awarding of prizes for performances in athletic
contests or similar activity.
[1980 Code § 146-10]
No person shall participate in acts of gambling or wagering
in any park.
[1980 Code § 146-11]
No person shall bring into any park or use in any park any rifle,
shotgun, handgun, air gun, knife, slingshot or other similar weapon
or instrument.
[1980 Code § 146-12; Ord. No. O-28-12]
No person shall take part in or abet the playing of archery
or golf except while under the supervision of qualified instructors
approved by the Department of Public Works.
[1980 Code § 146-13]
The playing of rough or comparatively dangerous games, such
as football, baseball and soccer, is prohibited except on the fields
and in the specific locations provided therefor.
[1980 Code § 146-4; Ord. No. O-28-12]
No person shall bring into, sell, buy, expose for sale, consume, use or give away any alcoholic beverage in any park; except that beer, in unbreakable containers, is permitted in parks and recreational areas other than children's playgrounds, provided that a beer consumption permit is obtained from the Department of Public Works pursuant to the provisions of §
11-8 of this chapter prior to use or consumption thereof in any park.
[1980 Code § 146-6]
No person shall kindle, build or maintain a fire within any
park except in such areas as may be designated for that purpose. Only
charcoal shall be used for cooking fires. No fire shall be left unattended,
and any fire shall be put out immediately after use.
[1980 Code § 146-7]
No person shall take into, carry through, leave in or throw,
cast, lay, drop or discharge into or upon, or suffer or permit any
agent, employee or person in his charge to take into, carry through,
leave in or throw, cast, lay, drop or discharge into or upon, any
park any glass, wood, metal objects, ashes, cinders, paper, dirt,
sand, oil, stone, brush, stumps or any other material, objects or
rubbish of any kind, or sick, diseased or dead animals, organic refuse
or other offensive matter, including, without limitation, swill, brine,
urine, offal, fecal matter, garbage or rubbish. All rubbish, trash
and garbage shall be placed in containers provided for that purpose.
All breakable containers are expressly prohibited from all parks.
[1980 Code § 146-8]
No domestic animal shall be allowed to run at large on or within
any park. Any person who takes a dog into any park shall comply with
the provisions of any ordinance of the Town of Morristown providing
for the regulation of dogs.
[1980 Code § 146-24]
No animals shall be brought into any park, except domestic pets subject to the limitations referred to in Subsection
11-4.12. Without limitation of the foregoing, no person shall ride, drive or bring any horse in any park.
[Ord. No. O-25-87]
a. Feeding prohibited. It shall be unlawful to feed or permit the feeding
of any water fowl in any park.
b. Setting loose. It shall be unlawful to place, allow to be placed
or to set free any water fowl in any park.
[1980 Code § 146-19]
No person shall interfere with or fail to obey any Police Officer
or parks and playground personnel in the proper performance of his
duties in any park.
[1980 Code § 146-20; Ord. No. O-28-12]
No person shall park a vehicle in other than an established
or designated parking area. Such use shall be in accordance with any
posted directions and the directions of any attendant who may be present.
In addition, no person shall leave a vehicle unattended or parked
at night between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., anywhere in
any park, unless specifically authorized in writing by the Director
of the Department of Public Works.
[1980 Code § 146-21; Ord. No. O-2-08; Ord. No. O-19-2015]
No person shall swim, fish, bathe or wade in any waters or waterways
in or adjacent to any park, except in such waters or waterways provided
for that purpose, if any. Neither shall any person launch or occupy
any rowboat, canoe, power boat or other water borne vessel in any
waterway or adjacent to any park except that the use of canoes and
kayaks shall be permitted on Speedwell Lake.
[1980 Code § 146-22]
No person shall cast, lay, drop or discharge into or leave in
the waters or waterways of any park any substance, matter or thing,
liquid or solid.
[1980 Code § 146-26]
No person shall drive, operate, use or bring into any park any
motorbike, minibike, motorcycle or any other motor vehicle, except
for vehicles duly licensed and then only in areas, if any, designated
for the parking or operating of such vehicles.
[1980 Code § 146-27]
No person shall coast with handsled, toboggan, wagons or other
vehicles on wheels or runners in any park except at such places as
may be designated for that purpose.
[1980 Code § 146-23]
No person shall ride a bicycle on other than a paved vehicular
road or path designated for that purpose in any park. A bicyclist
may wheel or push a bicycle by hand over any grassy area or wooded
trail or on any paved area reserved for pedestrian use.
[1980 Code § 146-29]
No person shall post, exhibit or otherwise display any signs, posters or other advertising material in any park, except where authorized in connection with the issuance of permits for special events under §
11-6. This section shall not apply to bulletin boards erected or maintained by the Town or any of its departments or agencies.
[1980 Code § 146-30]
No person shall drop, throw or otherwise scatter lighted matches,
burning cigarettes or cigars, tobacco paper or other flammable material
within any park or on any highway, road or street abutting or contiguous
[Ord. No. O-46-04]
a. Definitions. As used in this subsection:
To give, place, expose, deposit, distribute or scatter any
edible material with the intention of feeding, attracting or enticing
wildlife. Feeding does not include baiting in the legal taking of
fish and/or game.
All animals that are neither human nor domesticated.
b. Feeding Prohibited. No person shall feed, in any public park or on
any other property owned or operated by the Town, any wildlife, including
any waterfowl, and excluding confined wildlife (for example, wildlife
confined in parks or rehabilitation centers, or unconfined wildlife
at environmental education centers).
c. Setting free waterfowl prohibited. It shall be unlawful to place,
allow to be placed or to set free any waterfowl in any park.
[Added 9-14-2021 by Ord. No. O-23-2021]
As used in this subsection, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
The burning of, inhaling from, exhaling the smoke from, or
the possession of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, cannabis or any
other matter or substance which contains tobacco or any other matter
that can be smoked, or the inhaling or exhaling of smoke or vapor
from an electronic smoking device.
Individuals are prohibited from smoking at any public parks.
A notice shall be displayed in every park for visitors.
An individual that is in violation of this act, is subject to
a fine:
Subsequent offense: $1,000.
Violations may be issued by the sworn officers of the Morristown
Police Department and officers of the Morristown Department of Health.
All ordinances and parts of the ordinances inconsistent herewith
are hereby repealed.
This subsection shall be a part of the Morristown Code as though
codified and fully set forth herein. The Town shall have this subsection
codified and incorporated in the official copy of the Morristown Code.
This subsection shall take effect as the time and in the manner
as provided by law.
[Ord. No. O-14-00 § A]
A permit shall be required for the use of a Morristown field,
playground or court for use under any of the following circumstances:
a. Any equipment is needed to be installed temporarily on the field
playground or court, including but not limited to soccer goals, volleyball
nets and the lining of any field. No permanent installations of equipment
may be installed.
b. Any field, playground or court will not be used for any sport purpose
other than for which it was specifically created.
c. The field, playground or court will be used for "organized" games.
Games will be considered organized if:
1. There is a referee, umpire or other official;
2. Teams are part of a league;
4. There is a charge to any team or player for participating;
5. There are trophies, medals or other prizes offered to individuals
or teams;
d. The game or event is sponsored by a business or organization.
e. A person or group elects to reserve the field for exclusive use for
a period of time.
[Ord. No. O-14-00 § B; Ord. No. O-17-2016]
Permits for use of the field, playground or court shall be obtained
by an application in writing to the Recreation Division in accordance
with the following procedures:
a. The person or group of persons seeking issuance of the permit shall
file an application in writing with the Recreation Division, stating:
1. The name and address of the applicant;
2. The name and address of person, persons, corporation or association
sponsoring the activity, if any;
3. The day and the hours for which the permit is desired;
4. The park or portion thereof for which the permit is desired;
5. A reasonable estimate of the anticipated attendance;
6. The type of game or activity for which the permit is desired;
7. The anticipated age group of the expected participants;
8. Such other information as may be reasonably required.
b. The permittee shall provide a certificate of liability insurance
in the amount of not less than $1,000,000, combined single limit,
naming the Town of Morristown as an additional insured.
c. For permittees using Lidgerwood Park, the Morristown Recreation Key
Agreement must be executed and a $50 deposit must be provided at the
time of the issuance of the permit in order to allow for the use of
the Lidgerwood Park restrooms.
d. All permit holders shall be responsible for:
1. Insuring that all participants and spectators adhere to park, rules,
and for summoning the Police if individuals fail to do so;
2. Insuring that the field or court is in a safe condition prior to
allowing players to proceed and for reporting unsafe conditions to
the Recreation Division not later than one business day after its
3. Insuring that upon conclusion of the use, the field, playground or
court is left in the same condition in which it was found, including
removal of any equipment, and cleanup and proper disposal of any litter;
4. Compliance with any special conditions imposed on the permit by the
Recreation Division.
[Ord. No. O-14-00 § C]
The Recreation Division may refuse to issue a permit where the
applicant has violated the conditions of a permit issued on a previous
occasion, and may also rescind a permit which has been issued for
a material misrepresentation of fact on the application.
[1980 Code § 146-31 § A; Ord. No. O-2-08]
A "special event" is any event which is conducted, sponsored
or permitted by an organized group of persons and which involves any
advance publicity or advertising by or from said group. A permit shall
be required for any special event or parade in any park or recreation
[1980 Code § 146-31B]
Permits for special events in parks shall be obtained by application
in writing to the Town Council in accordance with the following procedures:
a. The person or group of persons seeking issuance of such permit shall
file an application in writing with the Municipal Clerk stating:
1. The name and address of the applicant.
2. The name and address of the person, persons, corporation or association
sponsoring the activity, if any.
3. The day and the hours for which the permit is desired.
4. The park and portion thereof for which such permit is desired.
5. A reliable estimate of the anticipated attendance.
6. The type of activity for which such permit is desired.
7. The anticipated age group of the expected participants.
8. The names and addresses of the adult persons who would supervise
and be responsible for the proposed activity.
9. Such other information as may be reasonably required.
[1980 Code § 146-31 B; Ord. No.
O-25-87 § 2; Ord. No.
O-14-00 § 2]
A permit shall be issued by the Town Council upon making the
following findings:
a. The proposed activity or use of the park will not unreasonably interfere
with or detract from the general public enjoyment of the park.
b. The nature and character of the proposed activity or use of the park
is not reasonably anticipated to incite violence, crime or disorderly
c. The proposed activity or use of the park will not entail extraordinary
or burdensome expense or police operation by the Town.
d. The park area or facility desired has not been reserved for other
use at the date and hour desired in the application.
e. Permittee is able to provide a certificate of liability insurance
in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit. This
insurance requirement shall not apply to political and religious rallies
or meetings or if the permittee is requesting a permit only to reserve
a field, in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 11-6.1e.
[1980 Code § 146-31B]
Within 30 days after receipt of application for permit as provided for in Subsection
11-6.2a, the Town Council shall notify the applicant, in writing, of its decision.
[1980 Code § 146-31 B]
The applicant for a permit shall have a right to a hearing thereon,
provided the applicant files a written request for such a hearing
simultaneously with the filing of the written application for a permit.
The hearing shall be conducted by the Town Council prior to its decision
on any application, upon proper request made therefor in accordance
herewith. The applicant shall be notified of the date, hour and place
of the hearing, at which time he shall be offered an opportunity to
be heard.
[1980 Code § 146-31 B]
If a permit is refused in accordance with the standards and
procedures set forth herein, the Council shall set forth, in writing,
its reasons for the refusal of the permit. If the permit is granted,
the Council may attach reasonable conditions to the issuance of such
permit, consistent with this chapter.
[1980 Code § 146-31 C; Ord. No.
The Town Council may delegate its authority for the enforcement
of this permit and the conditions relating thereto to the Director
of Public Works or any other responsible official. A violation of
any condition of the permit shall be cause for immediate revocation
of the permit by the Town Council or by their duly authorized agent.
[1980 Code § 146-32 A; Ord. No.
A permit shall be required for the use of shelter areas for
any proper purpose and shall be issued by the Director of the Department
of Public Works to any responsible group of persons, at least two
of whom shall be adults over 18 years of age, upon receipt of a written
request therefor, including an acknowledgment of responsibility, in
form prescribed by the Department of Public Works and a deposit of
$15 for keys. Shelter areas shall be available during park hours as
herein prescribed. The Director may withhold permits if, in his discretion,
he finds that the proposed use of the shelter is reasonably anticipated
to incite violence, crime or disorderly conduct or that the proposed
use will unreasonably interfere with or detract from the general public
enjoyment of the park or that the proposed use will entail extraordinary
or burdensome expense or Police operation by the Town or that the
shelter area desired has been reserved for other use at the date and
hour requested.
[1980 Code § 146-32 B]
a. Within five days after receipt of a written application for a permit herein, the Director (or the issuing officer) shall apprise the applicant, in writing, of his reasons for refusing a permit, and any aggrieved person or group of persons shall have the right to appeal, in writing, within five days to the Town Council, which shall consider the application under the standards and procedures set forth in §
11-6 and sustain or overrule the decision of the Director within 10 days from the date of the filing of the appeal with the Municipal Clerk.
b. If the decision of the Director is sustained on appeal, the reasons
for the refusal of the permit shall be set forth in writing. If the
decision of the Director is overruled and a permit granted, the Council
may attach reasonable conditions to the issuance of such permit, consistent
with this chapter.
[1980 Code § 146-32 C; Ord. No.
The Director of Code Enforcement may delegate his authority
for the enforcement of this permit and the conditions relating thereto
to the Manager of the Recreation Division or any other responsible
official. A violation of any condition of the permit shall be cause
for immediate revocation of the permit by the Director or by his duly
authorized agent.
[1980 Code § 146-33 A; Ord. No.
A permit shall be required prior to bringing into, possessing
or consuming beer in any park. A beer consumption permit shall be
issued by the Director of the Department of Public Works to any responsible
person or group of persons at least 21 years of age, upon receipt
of a written request therefor, including a certificate of liability
insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit
and a host liability rider in form prescribed by the Department of
Public Works. The Director may withhold permits if, in his discretion,
he finds that the proposed bringing, possessing or consumption of
beer in a park within the Town of Morristown is reasonably anticipated
to incite violence, crime or disorderly conduct or will unreasonably
interfere with or detract from the general public enjoyment of the
park or will entail extraordinary or burdensome expense to the Town
or Police operation or supervision.
[1980 Code § 146-33 B; Ord. No.
The provisions of Subsection
11-7.2 shall apply to permit refusals and appeals for beer consumption permits.
[1980 Code § 146-33B; Ord. No.
The provisions of Subsection
11-7.3 shall apply to enforcement and revocation of beer consumption permits.
[1980 Code § 146-34]
The person or persons to whom any permit is issued under this
section shall be fully liable for all loss, damage and injury sustained
by any person whatsoever by reason of the willful misconduct or negligence
of the person or persons to whom such permit shall have been issued,
or of their agents, employees, contractors, guests and invitees (express,
presumed or implied by law).
[Ord. No. O-6-92A]
No person shall have in his possession or set off or otherwise
cause to explode or discharge any firecracker, torpedo, rocket or
other fireworks or explosions of flammable materials without a permit
issued by the Town Council in accordance with this section.
[Ord. No. O-6-92B]
Permits for the display of fireworks in connection with a Special Event, as set forth in §
11-6, shall be obtained by application in writing to the Town Council in accordance with the following procedures:
a. The group seeking the issuance of a fireworks permit shall file an
application in writing with the Municipal Clerk, stating:
1. The name and address of the applicant.
2. The name and address of the person or company furnishing the fireworks
3. The day and hours for which the permit is desired.
4. The park and portion thereof for which such permit is desired.
5. A reliable estimate of the anticipated attendance.
6. The safety precautions which will be taken to protect the public
from any exploding fireworks or fallout.
7. Agreement to pay for extra police protection determined to be necessary
by the Chief of Police or his designee.
8. Agreement to provide upon issuance of the fireworks permit a certificate
of liability insurance naming the Town of Morristown and its officials
and employees as co-insureds in an amount not less than $1,000,000
combined single limit upon issuance of the fireworks permit.
9. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the individuals who
will be responsible for the oversight and carrying out of all safety
precautions which shall include:
Barricading the area where the fireworks generator is discharging
the fireworks so that the public is not less than 200 feet from the
point of discharge.
Agreement to immediately stop the display if weather or wind
conditions compromise the safety of the public.
Adequate uniformed police on duty to assure crowd control.
Providing whatever safety equipment deemed necessary by the
fireworks operator.
b. The applicant for the permit must provide written notice of the requested
fireworks permit at least 10 days prior to the Council's consideration
of the same to all property owners within 200 feet of the site at
which the fireworks display is proposed. The notice shall substantially
conform to the standards set forth for notice of development applications
under the Land Use Law.
c. The Municipal Clerk shall refer the application to the Administration
for review and recommendation by the Police Chief and the Manager
of the Division of Recreation to assure that the safety precautions
are adequate.
d. Upon recommendation by the Administration and subsequent to compliance
with the notice requirements of Paragraph b hereinabove, the Council
may adopt a resolution to issue a permit upon making the following
1. The proposed fireworks display is made in connection with a public
event or celebration, such as the 4th of July.
2. The application has an adequate plan for the safety, crowd control
and potential emergency in connection with the fireworks display.
3. The park area or facility desired has not been reserved for other
use at the data and hour desired in the application.
e. Within 30 days after receipt of the application for permit as provided
for in Paragraph a above, the Town Council shall notify the applicant,
in writing, of its decision.
f. The applicant for a permit shall have a right to a hearing thereon,
provided the applicant files a written request for a hearing simultaneously
with the filing of the written application for permit. The hearing
shall be conducted by the Town Council prior to its decision on any
application, upon proper request made therefor in accordance herewith.
The applicant shall be notified of the date, hour and place of the
hearing, at which time he shall be offered an opportunity to be heard.
g. If a permit is refused in accordance with the standards and procedures
set forth herein, the Town Council shall set forth, in writing, its
reasons for refusal of the permit. If the permit is granted, the Town
Council may attach reasonable conditions to the issuance of such permit,
consistent with this section.
[Ord. No. O-6-92 C]
The Council may delegate its authority for the enforcement of
this permit and conditions relating thereto to the Police Chief or
any other responsible official. A violation of any condition of the
permit shall be cause for immediate revocation of the permit by the
Town Council or by its duly authorized agent.
[Ord. No. O-37-09]
General Program Fee Schedule
Youth Athletic Instruction and Youth Leagues
$20 to $100 per session, per person
Adult Athletics and Fitness Programs
$20 to $100 per session, per person
Child and Adult Tennis Instruction and Clinics
$50 to $100 per session, per person
Specialized Instruction and Activity Programs
$10 to $200 per session, per person
Youth Sports Camps
$50 to $250 per session, per person
Preschool Classes and Activity Programs
$20 to $75 per session, per person
Special Event Programs
$0 to $125 per session, per person
Recreation Day Trips
$2 to $125 per session, per person
Specialized Sports Leagues (Adults and Children)
$20 to $250 per session, per person
Swim Team
$10 to $50 per session, per person
Additional Fee for Nonresidents
$10 to $25 per session, per person
[1980 Code § 184-1; Ord. No. O-4-81; Ord. No. O-28-2015]
As used in this section:
Includes any individual between the ages of 18 and 59, inclusive,
as of the opening day of the season.
Shall be determined as the individual's age as of the official
date of opening of each season.
Includes husband, wife or widow/widower and all unmarried
children, natural or adopted, residing in the same household who are
not over 17 years of age as of the opening day of the season. "Family
membership" shall also include children who are residing in the same
household, not older than 22 years of age, who are presently enrolled
in a full-time program in college or vocational school.
An individual whose legal place of residence is the Town
of Morristown.
Includes any person 60 years of age and over as of the opening
day of the season.
Includes any individual between the ages of five and 17,
inclusive, as of the opening day of the season.
[1980 Code § 184-2A; Ord. No. O-28-2015]
No person shall enter the municipal pool unless such person
has first obtained a photo identification card, badge, or other applicable
permit authorized by the Division of Recreation in accordance with
the provisions of this section.
[1980 Code § 184-2B; Ord. No. O-28-2015]
Photo identification cards, badges or other applicable permits
shall be obtained from the Division of Recreation or such other officer
or employee of the Town so authorized by presenting to the Division
of Recreation or other such authorized employee proof of residence
in the Town of Morristown or, in the appropriate instance, proof of
residence in the State of New Jersey. Proof of residence shall include,
but not be limited to motor vehicle driver's license or registration,
current utility bill or credit card bill or lease.
[1980 Code §§ 98-185, 184-2C; Ord. No. O-5-88; Ord. No. O-12-98; Ord. No. O-11-03; Ord. No. O-17-04; Ord.
No. O-21-04; Ord. No. O-10-05; Ord. No. O-4-08; Ord. No. O-7-10; Ord. No.
O-3-14; Ord. No. O-28-2015; amended 5-13-2019 by Ord. No. O-13-2019]
The fees to be paid for each badge shall be as provided below:
a. Residents:
[Amended 3-14-2023 by Ord. No. O-7-2023]
Adult (18 to 59)
Youth (ages 5 to 17)
Senior (60 and over)
b. Nonresidents:
[Amended 3-14-2023 by Ord. No. O-7-2023]
Adult (18 to 59)
Youth (ages 5 to 17)
Senior (60 and over)
c. Residents - August 1 or after:
[Amended 3-14-2023 by Ord. No. O-7-2023]
Family membership
Babysitter (with family membership)
Adult (18 to 59)
Youth (ages 5 to 17)
Senior citizen (60 and over)
d. Nonresidents - August 1 or after:
[Amended 3-14-2023 by Ord. No. O-7-2023]
Family membership
Babysitter (with family membership)
Adult (18 to 59)
Youth (ages 5 to 17)
Senior citizen (60 and over)
e. Reduced rate. Families and individuals who are residents of the Town
of Morristown and on food stamps, Medicaid recipients, or families
that qualify for free or reduced lunches through the National School
Lunch Program are entitled to receive a discount of 50% of the fee
charged for each badge sought including a family membership, babysitter,
adult, couples, youth or senior citizen.
[Amended 3-14-2023 by Ord. No. O-7-2023]
f. Book of guest passes (10):
[Amended 3-14-2023 by Ord. No. O-7-2023]
g. Single guest passes:
[Amended 3-14-2023 by Ord. No. O-7-2023]
1. Resident:
Adult (18 to 59)
Youth (ages 5 to 17)
2. Nonresident:
Adult (18 to 59)
Youth (ages 5 to 17)
h. Replace lost badge: $10.
[Amended 3-14-2023 by Ord. No. O-7-2023]
i. Volunteer members of the Morristown Fire Bureau and the Morristown
Ambulance Squad and their immediate families will receive pool membership
with no charge.
[Amended 3-14-2023 by Ord. No. O-7-2023]
j. Swim lessons. Members: $50 to $80. Swim lessons are available to
members only.
[Amended 3-14-2023 by Ord. No. O-7-2023]
k. Swim team: $45 per participant.
[Amended 3-14-2023 by Ord. No. O-7-2023]
l. Daily entrance fee for resident non-pool members.
[Added 6-11-2019 by Ord.
No. O-20-2019]
3. Admission for daily entrance for resident non-pool members shall
be subject to capacity.
[1980 Code § 184-2D; Ord. No. O-28-15]
Identification cards, badges or other applicable permits shall
not be transferable and may not be used or exhibited by any person
other than to whom issued. Any person to whom such identification
card or other applicable permit is issued who allows another person
to use his identification card or permit for the purpose of bathing
or entering the pool may have his privileges withdrawn and may not
be permitted to enter the pool during the remainder of the year.
[1980 Code § 184-3; Ord. No. O-28-2015]
The swimming pool shall be under the supervision of the Superintendent
of Recreation and other authorized officers and employees of the Town
under him, acting under the auspices of the director of the appropriate
department in charge of such function. The Manager of the Division
of Recreation or such other officer or employee may at any time exclude
from the pool any bather who appears in his judgment to have any contagious
or infectious disease and until the bather shall produce and file
a health certificate from a physician certifying that such bather
is free from any contagious or infectious disease. The Manager of
the Division of Recreation or such other authorized officers or employees
of the Town of Morristown may at any time exclude from the pool any
bather who, in his judgment, violates any of the rules of conduct
promulgated hereunder.
[1980 Code § 184-4; Ord. No. O-28-12; Ord. No. O-28-2015]
The Director of the Department of Public Works or his designee
is authorized to establish rules of conduct for bathers in the pool
and others who may be upon the grounds immediately surrounding the
pool. No person shall be allowed in the pool or on the park grounds
surrounding the same who shall act in a loud, boisterous, lewd or
indecent manner, who shall curse or swear or who shall be in an intoxicated
condition. Any such person shall be excluded from the pool or park
by the Manager of the Division of Recreation or such other authorized
officer or employee of the Town.
[Ord. No. O-28-2015]
The Supervisor of Recreation shall have the authority to hold
no more than two special events at the pool and/or on the park grounds
surrounding same that are open to the public, whether members or not.
The Town shall also be permitted to charge an entrance fee for such
events. In addition, the Town is authorized to offer for sale at such
events food and other refreshments. Any monies collected at these
special events are to be remitted to the Chief Financial Officer of
the Town of Morristown.
[Ord. No. O-18-88; Ord. No. O-2-08]
The fee for tennis badges shall be as follows:
a. Tennis Badges (Morristown residents only), per year: $15.