In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 2004 Code have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. II.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 2004 Code
Location in 2020 Code
Title 1, General Provisions
Ch. 1, Use and Construction of Code of Ordinances
§§ 1-1-1 and 1-1-6
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. II
§§ 1-1-2, 1-1-3, 1-1-4, 1-1-5, 1-1-7 and 1-1-8
Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. 2, Enforcement of Ordinances; Issuance of Citations
Ch. 22
Ch. 3, Schedule of Fees
Title 2, Government and Administration
Ch. 1, City Government; Elections
§ 2-1-1, City government
Ch. 86
§ 2-1-2, Official newspaper
Ch. 94
§§ 2-1-3 to 2-1-7 (elections)
Ch. 38
Ch. 2, Mayor; Common Council
Ch. 86
Ch. 3, Municipal Officers and Employees
§§ 2-3-1 to 2-3-13 and 2-3-16 to 2-3-20
Ch. 101
§§ 2-3-14 and 2-3-15 (Municipal Court)
Superseded by Ord. No. 3-2017; see Ch. 26
Ch. 4, Boards, Commissions and Committees
Ch. 14
Ch. 5, Ethics Code
Ch. 47
Title 3, Finance and Public Records
Ch. 1, Finance
Ch. 55, Art. I
Ch. 2, Special Assessments
Ch. 55, Art. II
Ch. 3, Public Records
Ch. 125
Ch. 4, Disposal of Lost, Abandoned and Surplus Property
Ch. 113
Title 4, Administrative Determinations Review
Ch. 1, Review of Administrative Determinations
Ch. 5
Title 5, Public Safety
Ch. 1, Law Enforcement
Ch. 109
Ch. 2, Fire Prevention
§§ 5-2-1, 5-2-2 and 5-2-12 (Fire Department)
Ch. 58
§§ 5-2-3 to 5-2-11 and 5-2-13
Ch. 226
Ch. 3, Safety Codes
§§ 5-3-1 and 5-3-2 (hazardous materials)
Ch. 245
§§ 5-3-3 (adoption of state codes)
Ch. 226
Ch. 4, Regulation of Alarm Systems
Ch. 160
Ch. 5, Emergency Government
Ch. 42
Title 6, Public Works
Ch. 1, Grades
Ch. 370, Art. I
Ch. 2, Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. 370, Art. II
Ch. 3, Driveways
Ch. 211
Ch. 4, Trees and Shrubs
Ch. 390
Title 7, Licensing and Regulation
Ch. 1, Licensing of Dogs; Regulation of Animals
Ch. 171, Art. I
Ch. 2, Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxication Liquor
Ch. 163, Art. I
Ch. 3, Cigarette Licenses
Ch. 202
Ch. 4, Transient Merchants
Ch. 387
Ch. 5, Mobile Homes
Ch. 297
Ch. 6, Regulation and Licensing of Fireworks
Ch. 229
Ch. 7, Street Use Permits
Ch. 370, Art. III
Ch. 8, Regulation of Nonmetallic Mining
§§ 7-8-1 to 7-8-6
Ch. 293
§ 7-8-7, Blasting and/or rock crushing
Ch. 184
Ch. 9, Regulation and Licensing of Amusement Arcades
Ch. 167, Art. I
Ch. 10, Flea Markets and Garage Sales
Ch. 234
Ch. 11, Taxicabs
Ch. 12, Public Shows, Circuses, Carnivals and Other Similar Events
Ch. 167, Art. II
Ch. 13, Tattooing and Body Piercing
Ch. 14, Licensees To Pay Local Claims; Appellate Procedures
Ch. 282
Title 8, Health and Sanitation
Ch. 1, Health and Sanitation
Ch. 249
Ch. 2, Pollution Abatement
Ch. 245
Ch. 3, Recycling and Solid Waste Management
Ch. 362
Title 9, Public Utilities
Ch. 1, Water Utility Regulations and Rates
Article A, Rates
Article B, Rules and Regulations
Ch. 411
Ch. 2, Sewer Utility Regulations and Rates
Ch. 350
Title 10, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 1, Traffic and Parking
Ch. 405
Ch. 2, Bicycles and Play Vehicles
Ch. 180
Ch. 3, Snowmobiles
Ch. 358, Art. I
Ch. 4, All-Terrain Vehicles and Off-Road Motor Vehicle Operation
§ 10-4-1, State all-terrain vehicle laws adopted; routes established
Ch. 358, Art. II
§ 10-4-2, Unauthorized operation of motor vehicles on public or private property
Ch. 358, Art. III
§ 10-4-3, Minibikes and self-propelled vehicles regulated
Ch. 358, Art. IV
Ch. 5, Abandoned and Junked Vehicles
§§ 10-5-1 to 10-5-7
Ch. 402
§ 10-5-8 (junked vehicles and appliances)
Ch. 332, Art. I
Ch. 6, Drone/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Usage
Ch. 214
Title 11, Offenses and Nuisances
Ch. 1, State Statutes Adopted
Ch. 325, Art. I
Ch. 2, Offenses Against Public Safety and Peace
Ch. 325, Art. II
Ch. 3, Offenses Against Property
Ch. 325, Art. III
Ch. 4, Offenses Involving Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 163, Art. II
Ch. 5, Offenses by Juveniles
Ch. 270
Ch. 6, Public Nuisances
Ch. 313
Ch. 7, Regulation of Lewd and Sexually Explicit Conduct
Ch. 154
Ch. 8, Noise Control
Ch. 308
Title 12, Parks and Navigable Waters
Ch. 1, Parks and Recreation Regulations
Ch. 321
Ch. 2, Boating Regulations
Ch. 188, Art. I
Ch. 3, Operation of the Amery Dam
Ch. 188, Art. II
Title 13, Land Use Regulations
Ch. 1, Zoning Code
Ch. 450
Ch. 2, Floodplain Zoning
Superseded by Ord. No. 01-2011; see Ch. 425
Ch. 3, Shoreland-Wetland Zoning
Ch. 437
Title 14, Subdivision Regulations
Ch. 1, Subdivision Regulations
Ch. 443
Title 15, Building Code
Ch. 1, Building Code
Ch. 193
Ch. 2, Construction Site Erosion and Stormwater Runoff Control
Repealed 10-1-2008; see Ch. 367
Ch. 3, Fair Housing
Ch. 220
Ch. 4, Minimum Housing Code
Ch. 258, Art. I
Ch. 5, Commercial Property Exterior Maintenance Code
Ch. 332, Art. II
Ch. 6, Grievances Regarding Access to Public Buildings, Programs, Services and Employment
Ch. 7, Historic Preservation
Ch. 8, Rental Housing Code
Ch. 258, Art. II