Except as otherwise provided in this Code, the following types of signs are expressly prohibited in all districts:
No sign shall be permitted which:
Displays exposed incandescent lamps with ratings in excess of 40 watts;
Displays exposed incandescent lamps with internal or external metallic reflectors;
Displays revolving beacon lights;
Displays any continuous or sequential flashing operation in which more than 2/3 of the lights are turned on or off at one time.
All message centers will have a functional automatic dimming device, set to dim message centers at dusk equivalent of 20 watt lamp automatic operation.
[Ord. No. 1998-95]
[Ord. No. 1979-12]
The tacking, pasting or otherwise affixing of signs of a miscellaneous character, visible from a public way, located on the walls of buildings, barns, sheds, on trees, poles, posts, fences or other structure is prohibited unless otherwise permitted by this Code.
[Ord. No. 1979-12]
Abandoned signs, as defined in § 3-202 of this Code, shall be prohibited. (See § 3-902 of this Code).
[Ord. No. 1979-12]
No sign shall be permitted which is placed on any curb, sidewalk, post, pole, electrolier, hydrant, bridge, tree or other surface located on public property or over or across any street or public thoroughfare except as may otherwise expressly be authorized by this Code or by written agreement approved by the City Council, after determining that said sign is consistent with the intent of this Code.
Banners, pennants, search lights, twirling signs, sandwich board signs, balloons or other gas filled figures shall not be used except as provided in Subsection B below.
[Ord. No. 1988-33]
Signs described in Subsection A above will be permitted at the opening of a new business in a commercial or industrial district for a total period not to exceed 60 days and will be allowed in residential districts in conjunction with an open house or model home demonstration conducted by a Realtor for two days before the opening of such a demonstration to two days after and not to exceed a total period of 30 days. Such signs shall conform to Chapter 10 of the Bloomington City Code.
[Ord. No. 1988-33]
Banners used other than what is described and allowed in Subsection B may be used in a commercial or industrial district as a temporary sign subject to a permit for no more than 30 days. Placement and installation must comply with applicable provisions of this Code. Maximum area allowed is 30 square feet.
[Ord. No. 1988-33]
[Ord. No. 1979-12]
Flags other than those of any nation, state or political subdivision, religious flag, and corporate flags are prohibited except as set forth in § 3-605B of this Code.
[Ord. No. 1988-33]
"A" frame or similar signs without approved support or anchorage are prohibited. They may be considered as temporary signs and subject to the applicable provisions of this Code.
The following signs are also prohibited which:
Bear or contain statements, words or pictures of an obscene, pornographic, immoral character, or which contain advertising matter which is untruthful;
Are painted on or attached to any fence or any wall which is not structurally a part of a building, except to identify a residence or residence structure by means of posting the name of the occupant or structure, and the street address;
Operate or employ any stereopticon or motion picture projection or media in conjunction with any advertisements, or have visible moving parts or any portion of which moves, or give the illusion of motion except at licensed drive-in theaters;
Emit audible sound, odor or visible matter;
Signs which purport to be or are an imitation of or resemble an official traffic sign or signal, or which bear the words "Stop," "Go Slow," "Caution," "Danger," "Warning," or similar words;
Signs which by reason of their size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination, may be confused with or constructed as a traffic control sign, signal or device, or the light of an emergency or road equipment vehicle, or which obstruct a motorist's or pedestrian's view of any traffic or street sign or signal or device;
Signs which are declared to be unsafe and unlawful signs under the provisions of Chapter 10 of the Bloomington City Code.
[Ord. No. 1988-33]
[Ord. No. 2017-61]
Use and display of electrical signs is prohibited, except for permanent LED signs no larger than eight square feet on publicly funded, not-for-profit transit vehicles.