A person commits an assault when, without lawful authority, he engages in conduct which places another in reasonable apprehension of receiving a battery.
A person commits battery if he intentionally or knowingly without legal justification and by any means:
Causes bodily harm to an individual; or
Makes physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with an individual.
Whoever shall commit an assault or battery upon the person of another within the limits of the City of Bloomington shall be fined not less than $25 nor more than $500.
[Ord. No. 1975-56]
Any two or more persons who shall assemble in said City for any unlawful purpose, or who, being assembled, shall act in concert to do an unlawful act with force and violence against the property of the City, or the person or property of another, or against the peace or to the terror of the citizens or other persons in said City, or who shall make any movement or preparation therefor, shall be severally subject to a fine of not less than $3 nor more than $50 and to a further fine of not less than $5 nor more than $50 upon refusal to disperse after being requested to do so by any police officer or other conservator of the peace.
Any person who shall make, aid, countenance or assist in making any improper noise, riot, disturbance, breach of the peace or diversion tending to a breach of the peace, and all persons who shall collect in bodies or crowds for unlawful purposes or for any purpose to the annoyance or disturbance of citizens or travelers shall be severally subject to a fine of not less than $3 nor more than $100.
It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession any nippers of the description known as burglar's nippers or any pick lock, skeleton key, key to be used with a bit or bits, jimmy or any other burglar's instruments or tool of whatsoever kind or description, unless it be shown that such possession is innocent or for a lawful purpose, under a penalty of not less that $25 and not more than $200.
A person commits disorderly conduct when he knowingly:
Does any act in such unreasonable manner as to alarm or disturb another and to provoke a breach of the peace; or
With intent to annoy another, makes a telephone call, whether or not conversation thereby ensues; or
Transmits in any manner to the Fire Department of any City, town, village or fire protection district a false alarm of fire, knowing at the time of such transmission that there is no reasonable ground for believing that such fire exists; or
Transmits in any manner to another a false alarm to the effect that a bomb or other explosive of any nature is concealed in such place that its explosion would endanger human life, knowing at the time of such transmission that there is no reasonable ground for believing that such bomb or explosive is concealed in such place; or
Transmits in any manner to any peace officer, public officer or public employee a report to the effect that an offense has been committed, knowing at the time of such transmission that there is no reasonable ground for believing that such an offense has been committed; or
Enters upon the property of another and for a lewd or unlawful purpose deliberately looks into a dwelling on the property through any window or other opening in it.
A person convicted of a violation of Subsection A above shall be fined not to exceed $500.
[Ord. No. 1988-5]
It shall be illegal for any person to challenge another person to fight or threaten or traduce another or indulge in any conduct toward another pretending to provoke a disturbance or breach of the peace.
Whoever shall falsely represent himself to be an officer of this City or without being duly authorized by the City shall exercise or attempt to exercise any of the duties, functions or powers of a City officer shall be fined not less than $5 nor more than $100 for each offense.
Whoever shall knowingly suffer or permit any assemblage for the purpose of committing any unlawful act or breach of the peace or any riotous, offensive or disorderly conduct in or upon premises owned or occupied by him, or under his control within said City shall on conviction be fined not less than $5 nor more than $50.
Whoever shall within the limits of the City disquiet or disturb any congregation or assembly met for any lawful purpose, religious or otherwise, by making a noise or by any rude, indecent behavior or profane discourse of disorderly conduct, within their place of meeting, or so near the same as to disturb the order or solemnity of the meeting, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than $3 nor more than $100.
Whoever shall in said City disturb or disquiet any lawful assemblage or association of people, by any rude or indecent behavior, or by any disorderly conduct, or who shall create any disturbance or be guilty of any disorderly conduct at any election poll shall on conviction be fined not less than $5 nor more than $100 for each offense.
Whoever shall interrupt or disturb any funeral assemblage or shall break into or drive any vehicle through any funeral procession shall be fined not less than $3 nor more than $50.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons in said City to loiter or congregate about or upon any stairway, doorway, window or in front of any business or dwelling house, theater, lecture room, church, street corner or elsewhere, and by so doing obstruct or interfere with the free passage of persons entering or occupying such building or premises or by language, conversation or conduct, annoy, insult or disturb persons passing along the streets or alleys or occupying, residing or doing business in any of said houses or places. Every person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall forfeit and pay not less than $3 nor more than $100 for each offense; and it shall be the duty of every policeman to arrest and prosecute all persons offending under this section.
No person shall climb upon or into any automobile or other vehicle while the same may be in motion, under a penalty of not less than $1 nor exceeding $5 in each case.
It shall be unlawful for any person who is in a state of intoxication or drunkenness to be or appear under any circumstances in any street or public place, or in any place or premises open to public view, within the City; and it shall be unlawful for any such person to be or appear in any private house or place to the annoyance of any person. Any person violating this section shall forfeit and pay a fine to the City of not more than $300.
It shall be unlawful for any woman to approach or solicit any male or offer herself to any male for immoral purposes upon any public street or alley or in any other public place in the City under a penalty of not less than $3 nor more than $25 for each offense.
It is unlawful for a person less than 17 years of age to be present at or upon any public assembly, building, place, street or highway at the following times:
Between 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., Saturday;
Between 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., Sunday;
Between 11:00 p.m. on Sunday to Thursday, inclusive, and 6:00 a.m. on the following day.
[Ord. No. 2004-64]
It is a defense to a violation under this chapter that the child engaged in this prohibited conduct while:
Accompanied by the child's parent, legal guardian, custodian, sibling, stepbrother or stepsister at least 18 years of age.
Accompanied by an adult at least 21 years of age approved of by the child's parent, guardian, or custodian.
Participating in, going to, or returning home from:
Employment which the laws of this state authorize a person less than 17 rears of age to perform;
A school recreational activity;
A religious event;
An emergency involving the protection of a person or property from an imminent threat of serious bodily injury or substantial damage;
An activity involving the exercise of the child's rights protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Article 1, Sections 3, 4, and 5 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois or both;
An activity conducted by a nonprofit or governmental entity that provides recreation, education, training, or other care under the supervision of one or more adults.
A citation for violation of Subsection A of this section may be issued by a Police Officer only if he reasonably believes that a violation has occurred and none of the defenses enumerated in Subsection B apply.
[Ord. No. 2004-64]
It is unlawful for a parent, legal guardian, custodian or other person to knowingly permit a person in his or her custody or control to violate Subsection A of this section.
[Ord. No. 2004-64]
A person convicted of a violation of any provision of this section shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $250.
[Ord. No. 2004-64]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings stated in this section:
That space in which video tapes are sold or checked out and returned and where rental fees are accepted.
An opaque structure which covers an entrance and provides access to an area. A door must cover the area between a height of seven feet and 15 inches from the floor.
A video tape containing harmful material as defined in Section 11-21 of the Illinois Criminal Code. A video tape containing a motion picture rated "X" by the Motion Picture Association of America is presumed to contain harmful material, but the presumption may be rebutted.
[Ord. No. 1989-39]
Separate storage of tape displays.
Any person in the business of renting or selling video tapes shall, if he or she offers for sale or rental tapes containing harmful material, establish a separate and distinct "adult display area," which minors are prohibited from entering wherein such tapes must be displayed, which meets the following requirements:
An enclosed area with:
A door which must be kept closed at all times, regardless of whether persons are in the adult display area; or
A partition placed within the adult display area, covering the opening to the remainder of the establishment, in such manner that persons outside the adult display area cannot view the adult display area.
Tapes, packaging, and promotional material within the adult display areas must not be visible from outside the adult display area.
The separation requirements of this section need not be met in any establishment which refuses to admit persons under 18 years of age to the premises.
[Ord. No. 1989-39]
Rental. Any person in the business of renting or selling video tapes shall not rent or sell tapes containing harmful material except:
At a counter area separate from the general rental/sales counter area. Such separate counter may be created by the use of a partition extending at least two feet above the counter and at least as deep as the counter surface that splits the general counter into two counters; or
At a single counter area if:
The video tape(s) or display materials which contain "harmful material" are not removed from the separate storage area, and (b) the employee of the business handling the transaction is at least 18 years of age.
[Ord. No. 1989-46]
Age limits. No person under 18 years of age may rent, purchase or handle tapes containing harmful material. No person under 18 years of age shall enter or be permitted by any person in the business or renting or selling video tapes to enter the adult display area.
[Ord. No. 1989-39]
Penalty. Violation of any of the provisions of Subsections B through D of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500. A separate and distinct offense is deemed committed each day such violation continues.
[Ord. No. 1989-39]
It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years enrolled in a public, private, or parochial school within the corporate limits of the City of Bloomington, Illinois, to absent himself or herself from attendance at school, during such period when school is in session, without parental permission or valid excuse.
[Ord. No. 1991-72]
A valid cause for absence from school shall include illness, death in the immediate family, other family emergency, or other causes beyond the control of the person so absenting himself or herself from school, provided that parental permission for absence due to such cause is obtained, in writing, from the parent and is submitted to the proper school authorities within 24 hours after such absence, not counting weekends.
[Ord. No. 1991-72]
Parental permission, as required by this section, shall refer to and include permission obtained from a parent, legal guardian, other adult person standing in loco parentis and having custody and control over such person under the age of 18 years.
[Ord. No. 1991-72]
Each day that such person under 18 years of age absents himself or herself from school attendance shall constitute a separate offense, and shall be punishable as such.
[Ord. No. 1991-72]
Persons violating this section shall be fined not less than $5 nor more than $100 for each offense.
[Ord. No. 1991-72]
No person shall perform any of the following acts on undeveloped private or public property in the City of Bloomington:
Drive, ride, park or occupy any motor vehicle, motorcycle, motor driven cycle or bicycle as defined in the Illinois Vehicle Code, except motor vehicles, motorcycles, motor driven cycles or bicycles owned or used by persons lawfully working on the property during the time of such work; or
Dump or deposit garbage, refuse or debris as defined in Bloomington City Code Chapter 21; or
Possess in open containers or consume any alcoholic beverage; or
Start or maintain any fires; or
Pollute or dump any substance or swim in any body of water thereon, except as authorized by law or by Ordinance.
[Ord. No. 1985-104]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meaning assigned to them therein:
Any natural person, partnership, corporation, trust, estate, association or entity of any kind or description.
[Ord. No. 1985-104]
Any property in the City of Bloomington which is owned by any person or public body which:
Contains no buildings or structures, including such areas in or near creeks, drainage ways or detention basins, unless the property is used as a park or golf course; or
Contains buildings or structures, over 50% of which are abandoned or uncompleted; or
Is devoted to no use other than agriculture.
Affirmative defense. It shall be an affirmative defense to a charge of improper use of undeveloped property that:
The person charged is the owner of the property or is a member of the immediate family of the owner; or
The person charged has the prior written consent of the owner of such property to commit the actions complained of.
[Ord. No. 1985-104]
Penalty. Any person convicted of improper use of undeveloped property shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $100 for the first offense; not less than $25 nor more than $500 for subsequent offenses.
[Ord. No. 1985-104]
Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this section of this chapter:
Retail establishments, excluding restaurants, selling any combination of food, beverages, sundries, vehicle supplies, gasoline, ethanol and diesel fuels, in which payment for such sales is made in a building of an area not exceeding 4,800 square feet.
A locked receptacle made of iron, steel, or other material strong enough to prohibit access by force, of a design which permits deposits of coin or currency into such receptacle but prohibits removal of coin or currency from such receptacle except through the use of two separate key patterns.
Any business establishment which sells gasoline, ethanol or diesel fuels at retail to the public, in which payment for such sales is made in a building of an area not exceeding 4,800 square feet.
A machine made of iron, steel, or other material strong enough to prohibit access by force in which United States coin or currency is contained, of a design which permits disbursement of coin or currency from the machine in designated maximum amounts and which will not dispense any additional amounts until the expiration of a designated length of time.
Any establishment holding a Class PA or PB liquor license issued by the City of Bloomington, but excluding all establishments which, in addition to a PA or PB license, are licensed by the City of Bloomington to sell alcoholic liquor of any type for consumption on the premises, and further excluding all establishments which have a PA or PB license from the City of Bloomington when the business holding such license is contained in business premises of an area greater than 4,800 square feet.
Any business establishment serving food to customers for consumption on the premises in which the seating area available to customers is greater than 3,000 square feet.
[Ord. No. 1992-49]
Compliance with security requirements for certain late-night retail establishments. It shall be unlawful for the owner or owners of any convenient store, gas station, or package liquor store which is open to the public at any time between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. to fail to comply with this section.
[Ord. No. 1992-49]
Sign required - safe on premises. Businesses listed in Subsection B of this section shall have a sign posted in a conspicuous place visible to persons entering the premises stating that there is a safe on the premises and that the on-duty employees do not have access to it.
[Ord. No. 1992-49]
Sign required - contents of cash register. Establishments listed in Subsection B of this section shall have a sign posted in a conspicuous place visible to persons entering the premises stating that the cash register has less than $50 in it.
[Ord. No. 1992-49]
Signs or displays in windows prohibited. Establishments listed in Subsection B of this section shall not have signs or displays placed on or around a window in such a manner as to obstruct the view from the street and/or parking lot of the area of the store in which the cash registers and clerks operating the cash registers are located.
[Ord. No. 1992-49]
Lighting requirements for parking lots and public entrances/exits. Parking lots and public entrances and exits of establishments listed in Subsection B of this section shall be illuminated to insure safety of employees and late night customers. A parking lot which is illuminated to a minimum of one footcandle as measured at the surface of the parking lot shall be deemed to comply with this section. Public entrances and exits which are illuminated to a minimum of five footcandles within 10 feet of such entrances and exits shall be deemed to comply with this section.
[Ord. No. 1992-49]
Drop safe or money machine required. Establishments listed in Subsection B of this section shall have a drop safe or money machine on the premises. If a drop safe is used, the safe must be secured to the floor, installed in the floor, or weigh at least 500 pounds.
[Ord. No. 1992-49]
Alarm system required. All establishments listed in Subsection B of this section shall install an alarm system of a design which shall be monitored by an alarm company which will notify the Bloomington Police Department that a situation exists at the establishment which requires immediate police assistance.
[Ord. No. 1992-49]
Electronic surveillance required. All establishments listed in Subsection B of this section shall install an electronic surveillance system consisting of either a closed circuit television camera or a camera which takes a series of still pictures whenever the cash register drawer is opened, which shall be kept in working order at all times and which shall record the activities taking place within an area sufficient to show each cash register, the employee working such cash register, and persons on the customer side of each cash register.
[Ord. No. 1992-49]
Exceptions. Establishments listed in Subsection B of this section shall be exempt from the requirements of Subsections H and I of this section if such establishments require employees to work inside a secured bulletproof enclosure which renders the employee inaccessible to persons outside the enclosure.
[Ord. No. 1992-49]
Penalties. This section is regulatory in nature and does not require proof of an intent on the part of the owner to violate said section. Persons violating this section shall be fined $100 per day for each day the violation of such section continues. Violation of each section shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. No. 1992-49]
It shall be unlawful for any operator of an establishment or his agents or employees knowingly to permit any person under the age of 18 to remain upon the premises of said establishment between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following day, official City time, except that on Fridays and Saturdays the hours shall be from 12:00 midnight to 6:00 a.m.
Whoever shall use any profane or obscene language in any place in said City loud enough to be overheard by other persons or shall be guilty of any disorderly conduct or behavior shall be subject in either case to a fine of not less than $3 nor more than $50.
Whoever shall in any public place or place open to public view within said City write, draw, cut, make or exhibit any lewd or indecent word, sentence, design or figure shall be subject to a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $50.
Whoever shall keep or have in his possession within the said City any of the obscene or indecent articles or things mentioned in the preceding section, with or without intent to sell or dispose of the same, shall be fined not less than $5 nor more than $50.
No person in said City shall indecently exhibit any horse, jack or other male animal or let any horse or jack to any mare or jenny or bull to any cow unless in some enclosed place and entirely out of the public view; and any person violating this section shall forfeit any pay not less than $10 nor more than $100.
Any person who shall bring or cause to be brought into said City for the purpose of sale or exhibition or shall keep, sell, offer or expose for sale any obscene, immoral or indecent publication, book, pamphlet, paper, print, picture, illustration, model, cast, instrument or article of indecent or immoral use, or shall advertise the same for sale or exhibition shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $200 for each offense.
Whoever shall be found sleeping in or upon any street, avenue, alley or other public place in said City, or in or upon any private lot or premises without the consent of the owner or occupant of such lot or premises shall be fined not less than $3 nor more than $25 for each offense.
[Amended 7-13-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-46]
Any person of the age of 17 years and upwards who performs any of the following acts in a public place commits a public indecency: (1) an act of sexual penetration or sexual conduct; or (2) a lewd exposure of the body done with intent to arouse or to satisfy the sexual desire of the person. Breast-feeding of infants is not an act of public indecency. For purposes of this section, "public place" means any place where the conduct may reasonably be expected to be viewed by others. A person who commits public indecency shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each offense.
Whoever shall exhibit or perform, or assist in exhibiting or performing in said City any obscene, indecent or lewd play or misrepresentation or shall knowingly permit the same to be exhibited or performed in any building or hall owned or controlled by him shall in each case be subject to a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $200.
Any person who shall within said City keep or use or be in any way connected with the management, either as an employee or in any other capacity, of any place kept or used for the fighting or baiting of any dog, cock or other animal, or who shall permit such place to be kept or used on premises owned, rented or controlled by him or who shall frequent or be found therein for the purpose of witnessing such fighting or baiting shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $100.
Whoever shall be guilty of cruelty to any animal in any of the ways mentioned in this section shall be fined not less than $3 nor more than $100 for each offense.
First. By carefully beating, torturing, tormenting, mutilating or cruelly killing any animal or causing or knowingly allowing the same to be done.
Second. By failing to provide any animal in his charge or custody as owner or otherwise with proper and necessary food, drink or shelter.
Third. By abandoning or turning out to die any old, maimed, infirm, sick or disabled animal.
It is illegal for any person to urinate or defecate on any public property including but not limited to any public park, street, parkway, sidewalk, the floor of any public building or on the floor of any building where the public gathers or has access or in any other place where such act can be observed by any member of the public, except in those rest rooms and into those rest room fixtures that are intended to be used for these purposes.
It shall be unlawful for any person in said City to perform or play any tricks or sleight of hand, or anything of like nature with cards, dice, balls, thimbles, figures, numbers, characters, or with any instrument, apparatus or thing, where persons are induced to bet, loan, deposit or stake money or other property upon the result of such tricks, or the turning or placing of any such instrument or apparatus or of any figures, letter, number or character attached to or played upon any such instrument or apparatus or by any person; and any person convicted under this section shall forfeit and pay not only less than $5 nor more than $100 for each offense.
Each and every sale or purchase wherein any part of the articles or things received or to be received, either as to quantity or value, shall in any manner depend upon any chance or hazard, whether by means of checks, cards, envelopes, numbers, dice or by any means whatever, is hereby declared to be gambling within the meaning of the provisions hereof, and as such to be unlawful. Any person so selling or disposing of any article or thing of value within said City shall be liable to a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $100 for each offense.
Whoever shall keep or maintain directly or indirectly any bawdy or disorderly house, house of ill-fame or of assignation or place for the practice of fornication or adultery shall be fined not less than $100 for each offense and be subject to a like further fine for each day after the first conviction that such house shall be continued or maintained.
Whoever within said City shall lease, let or permit any building or premises owned by him or under his control to be used in whole or in part as a house of ill-fame or house of assignation or place for the practice of fornication or adultery or whoever shall lease any building or premises for a lawful purpose that may afterwards with his knowledge be converted in whole or in part into the immoral uses and purposes above set forth in this section and who shall not cause the same to be immediately vacated upon gaining knowledge thereof shall on conviction be subject to a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $200 for each offense, and to a further like fine for each day after the first conviction that he shall continue to violate this section.
Whoever shall be an inmate or occupant of, or shall frequent or be found in any bawdy house; house of ill-fame, or of assignation or place used for the practice of fornication or adultery, within said City, shall be fined not more than $100 for each offense.
Whoever shall within said City entice, influence or persuade any person to enter or frequent any bawdy house, house of ill-fame or of assignation or place used for the practice of fornication or adultery, or whoever shall induce or persuade any minor to enter or frequent or shall allow or permit any minor to enter or remain in any such house or place shall be subject to a fine of not more than $100 for each offense.
It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly direct, take, transport, or offer to direct, take or transport any person for immoral purposes to any other person or to assist any person by any means to seek or to find any prostitute or other person engaged in immoral practices or any brothel, bawdy house or any other place of ill-fame.
Every house of ill-fame or house of assignation where men and women resort for the purpose of fornication or prostitution is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
In any action or suit arising under either of the last four preceding Sections of this article, evidence of the general reputation of such place, or the inmates thereof and of those resorting thereto shall be admissible for the purpose of proving said place to be a house of ill-fame, of assignation, or that it is used for the purpose of fornication or adultery, and such evidence of the general reputation thereof shall be sufficient to make out a prima facie case.
Any person who is diseased, maimed, mutilated, or in any way deformed so as to be unsightly or disgusting object or an improper person to be allowed in or upon the streets, highways, thoroughfares or public places in this City shall not therein or thereon expose himself to public view for gain under a penalty of $1 for each offense.
No person shall spit or expectorate upon the floor of, nor upon or against the floor of any public building or any approach or entrance thereto; nor upon, against, or in any bus, cab or other vehicle when in use for the carrying of passengers; nor upon or against any public walk or public way or private walk or private way or against any public walk or public way or private walk or private way for foot passengers; nor upon or against the floor of any other part of any church, school house, passenger depot, public hall, court house or court room; nor upon or against the floor or other part of any store, shop, office, dwelling, tenement, or other private room or dwelling or building against the consent of the owner, agent, or occupant thereof; nor in or about the doorway, stairway or approach to any public or private place.
Any person found guilty of violating any of the terms of this section shall be fined not less than $1 and not more than $2 for the first offense, and not less than $3 nor more than $200 for each succeeding offense.
No person shall keep or maintain or frequent or become an inmate of, or in any way contribute to the support of any place, house or room where opium is smoked or where persons assemble for the purpose of smoking opium or inhaling the fumes thereof, under a penalty of not less than $5 nor more than $50 for each offense.
Whoever shall willfully turn a stream of water from any hose or hydrant upon any person or upon any private premises, not being the occupant thereof, shall be liable to a fine of not less than $3 nor more than $20.
For purposes in this section, prowling means:
Engaging in any conduct in a stealthy or furtive manner, or
Wandering or strolling about from place to place without apparent lawful purpose or aim.
It is unlawful and an offense against the City for any person to prowl in a place, at a time or in a manner not usual for law abiding individuals under circumstances which would cause an ordinary, reasonable person to have an immediate concern for the safety of persons or the security of property in the vicinity and where such person, upon request by a police officer, refuses to identify himself and the state the reason for his presence.
It is unlawful and an offense for a person who is prowling in the manner described in Subsection B hereof to refuse to leave the vicinity after being requested to do so by a police officer where, although such person has identified himself and stated the reason for his presence as required in Subsection B hereof, an ordinary, reasonable person would continue to have an immediate concern for the safety of person or the security of property in the vicinity, if such person were allowed to continue prowling in such vicinity.
[Ord. No. 1973-2]
No person shall permit any bear or other dangerous animal to run at large or shall lead any such animal with chain, rope or other appliance, whether such animal be muzzled or unmuzzled, in any street, avenue, lane, highway or public place under a penalty of not less than $10 for each offense.
No person shall fire, discharge, set off, or use within the limits of the City any air gun, "bean shooter" or any other instrument or machine from which a missile is discharged or hurled, under a penalty of not less than $5 for each offense. Provided, however, that the above section shall not apply to supervised target ranges or shooting galleries located on either public or private grounds or premises under circumstances when such instruments can be fired, discharged or operated in such a manner as not to endanger persons or property, and also, in such manner as to prevent the projectile from traversing any grounds or space outside the limits of such gallery, grounds or residence.
Whoever shall willfully, maliciously, or negligently break, deface, injure or destroy any property of the State, County or City, or any private property shall be subject to a fine of not less than $5 nor exceeding $100.
Any person who shall within said City cut, injure, remove, or destroy any fruit, ornamental or shade tree, or the boxing around the same or any fence, railing, gate, post, or sign upon any public ground, sidewalk or private premises; or who shall enter any private premises against the consent of the owner or occupant thereof; or shall trespass upon any private premises or public grounds or injure, take away or destroy any tree, shrub, fruit, flower, plant, vegetable or other thing which may be therein for ornament or utility shall be fined not less than $5 not more than $25 for each offense.
No person shall purposely or heedlessly cast or throw any stone, brick, or other missile from or into any street or other public place or at, against, or into any building, shade tree, or other property or shall climb upon or walk upon the top or capping of any fence or railing, or climb into any shade or ornamental tree upon any sidewalk or elsewhere without the consent of the owner or occupant thereof or shall in any wise injure or deface any building, fence, gate, or shade tree or shall meddle with or injure any well, cistern, hydrant, or pump, under a penalty in each case of not less than $2 nor more than $10.
Any person who shall willfully, maliciously, or negligently break, deface, injure, or destroy any lamp, telegraph, telephone, electric light, globes, insulator or other appliance or fixture connected therewith, within the City, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than $5 nor more than $50 for each offense and shall also be liable for the costs and expenses of repairing the injuries committed.
Whoever shall willfully or maliciously break, deface, injure or carry away any cup or service lid placed upon any of the service boxes of any gas or light company or by the Utilities Department within the City shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than $3 nor more than $10.
Whoever shall unlawfully tamper with, alter or change any public or private gas pipe, water pipe, gas meter, electric meter, water meter, or other meter, or register thereof shall be subject to a penalty of not less than $10 nor more than $100 for each offense.
No person shall dig, cut or remove any sod or earth from any premises not his own without the consent of the owner or person in control thereof, under a penalty of not less than $5 nor more than $50 for each offense.
Whoever shall willfully, negligently or heedlessly walk upon or across or drive any vehicle upon or across any lawn, grass plot or flower bed in or upon any of the streets, avenues, parks or public places of the City; or who shall walk upon or across or drive any vehicle upon or across any private lawn, grass plot or flower bed without the consent of the owner or occupant thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $50.
All persons who are idle and dissolute or who go about begging; all persons who use any shell game, sleight of hand or juggling trick or other unlawful game to cheat, defraud or unlawfully obtain money or other valuable thing; pilferers; confidence men; common drunkards; common nightwalkers; persons lewd, wanton or lascivious in speech or behavior; common brawlers; persons who are habitually neglectful of their employment or their calling and not to lawfully provide for themselves or for the support of their families; all persons who are idle or dissolute and who neglect all lawful business and who habitually misspend their time by frequenting houses of ill-fame gaming houses or tippling shops; all persons lodging in or found in the night time in sheds, barns or unoccupied buildings or lodging in the open air and not giving a good account of themselves; all persons who are known to be thieves, burglars or pickpockets, whether by their own confession or otherwise or by having been convicted of larceny, burglary, or other crime against the laws of the State, punishable by imprisonment in the State prison, or in a house of correction of any City and having no lawful means of support or habitually found prowling around any railroad depot, banking institution, broker's office, place of public amusement, auction room, store, shop or crowded public way or at any public gathering or assembly or lounging about any courtroom, private dwelling houses or outhouses or are found in any house of ill-fame, gambling house or tavern shall be deemed to be and they are declared to be vagabonds.
Whoever shall knowingly send, bring or leave any pauper in the City not belonging thereto, or shall aid or abet the same, or shall supply with means or assist any such pauper or person likely to become a pauper to come into or remain in the City, in order that he or she may become a charge upon the public, shall be subject to a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $100 in each case.
It shall be unlawful for any person to enter an enclosed or unenclosed vegetable garden or any orchard without the consent of the owner, tenant, or his or her agent and there cut down, injure, damage, destroy, eat or carry away any portion of said garden, including any growing thing, crop, tree, timber, seed, grass, soil, fertilizer, water supply, tool, implement, fence or other protective device or any other thing useful for the development, cultivation, maintenance or use of the aforesaid gardens or orchards.
[Amended 6-27-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-62]
No person owning or in possession, charge or control of any building or premises shall use the same or permit the use of the same or rent the same to be used for any gathering, business or employment or for any purpose of pleasure or recreation if such use shall, from its boisterous nature, disturb or destroy the peace of the neighborhood in which such building or premises are situated, or be dangerous or detrimental to health. Any person found to have violated this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than $200 nor more than $600 for the first offense, and to a fine of not less than $300 nor more than $1,000 for the second and subsequent violations.
Every common, ill-governed or disorderly house, room or other premises, kept for the encouragement of idleness, gaming, drinking, fornication, or other misbehavior is hereby declared to be a public nuisance; and the keeper and all persons connected with the maintenance thereof and all persons patronizing or frequenting the same shall be punished as provided in this Code.
That whoever shall obtain money or property from another by holding himself out as skilled in fortune telling or by means of card reading, palmistry, clairvoyance, astrology, seer ship, spirit medium ship or any crafty science or by any other devices or practices whereby money is obtained from the general public on the pretense of the exercise of occult or psychic powers or shall obtain money or property from another by holding himself out as skilled in the practice of phrenology shall for each offense be fined in a sum not exceeding $200; provided that the provisions of this section shall not be construed to include, prohibit or interfere with the exercise of the spiritual functions of offices of any priest, minister or accredited representative of any religion and provided further the provisions of this section shall not be construed to include or refer to the practice of the belief known as spiritualism or any attempted communication with the spirit world by or through so-called mediums.
That whoever knowingly prints, publishes, distributes or circulates, or knowingly causes to be printed, published, circulated or advertised in any newspaper, periodical, magazine or other publication or publications or by display signs, circulars, hand bills or any other means any advertisement of any person's ability, skill or power in telling fortunes or revealing the future or offering advice of any kind or nature by means of occult or psychic powers, faculties or forces or of any person's ability, skill or power in the practice of phrenology shall for each offense be fined in a sum not exceeding $200.
No person shall sell, give, loan, hire, barter, furnish or offer to sell, give, loan, hire, barter or furnish to any minor within the City any gun, pistol, revolver, fowling piece or toy firearm in which any explosive substance can be used or any Bowie knife, dirk, dagger, switch blade knife or other deadly weapon of a like character.
Any person of the age of 14 years and upwards who performs or submits to any of the following acts with any person under the age of 18 contributes to the sexual delinquency of a child:
Any act of sexual intercourse; or
Any act of deviate sexual conduct; or
Any lewd fondling or touching of either the child or the person done or submitted to with the intent to arouse or to satisfy the sexual desires of either the child or the person or both; or
Any lewd act done in the presence of the child with the intent to arouse or to satisfy the sexual desires of either the person or the child or both.
It shall not be a defense to contributing to the sexual delinquency of a child that the accused reasonably believed the child to be of the age of 18 or upwards.
Penalty. A person convicted of contributing to the sexual delinquency of a child shall be fined not to exceed $1,000.
Any person of the age of 17 years and upwards who solicits a child under the age of 13 to do any act, which if done would be an indecent liberty with a child or an act of contributing to the sexual delinquency of a child commits indecent solicitation of a child.
It shall not be a defense to indecent solicitation of a child that the accused reasonably believed the child to be of the age of 13 years and upwards.
Penalty. A person convicted of indecent solicitation of a child shall be fined not to exceed $500.
It shall be unlawful for any person to insert or attempt to assert into the coin box or money receptacle of any telephone any slug, button or other substance with the intention of obtaining telephone service without paying therefor.
It shall be unlawful for any person to manipulate or operate or to attempt to manipulate or operate, in any manner whatsoever, any telephone instrument or any mechanism or device commonly used therewith, with the intention of obtaining telephone service without paying therefor.
It shall be unlawful for any person to insert or to attempt to insert into the coin box or money receptacle or any telephone any slug, button, wire, hook or other implements or substance with the intent to obtain from any such coin or money receptacle a legal tender coin of the United States.
No person shall sell or offer to sell, give away or offer to give away, distribute or have in his possession with intent to give away, sell, distribute or post in or upon any street, sidewalk, park or public property of the City any book, pamphlet, circular, handbill, advertisement or notice of any kind purporting the treatment of, or treating of diseases known as, describing or explaining genital organs, giving or purporting to give the nature and remedies of diseases peculiar to females, uterine diseases or the nature of causes of nervous debility, impotency, sterility or barrenness, gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, syphilis, infection of the prostate gland or the remedies therefor, or the cause or remedies for abortion or miscarriage or articles or means of preventing conception or to give information from whom or to whom such information or medicine may be obtained.
Whoever with an evil or wicked purpose appears in any public place hooded, robed or masked so as to conceal his identity shall be punished as provided in this article.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or cause to be operated in the City any equipment, appliances, devices or apparatus which causes or may cause interference on the radio or television frequencies now assigned by the Federal Communications Commission or any person acting in its stead or on its behalf or which may be assigned by the Federal Communication Commission necessary in the performance of police work.
X-ray pictures, examinations or treatments and diathermy treatments may be made if the machine or apparatus used therefor is equipped to avoid any unnecessary or reasonably preventable interference with assigned radio or television frequencies necessary in the performance of police work and is not negligently operated.
That any owner, lessee, occupant or any agent, servant, representative or employee of any such owner, lessee or occupant having control of any lot of ground or any part of any lot, who shall allow or maintain on any such lot any growth of weeds to a height of over one foot, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and the allowance or maintenance of any such weeds hereby is prohibited.
The words "weeds" as used herein shall be held to include all rank vegetable growth which exhales unpleasant and noxious odors and also high and rank vegetable growth that may conceal filthy deposits.
Whoever shall suffer or permit cockleburs, thistles, burdock, wild lettuce or other noxious weeds or plant to grow or be in or upon any premises in the City of Bloomington owned or controlled by him or her shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined in a sum of not less than $5 nor more than $200. Each day that any provision of this Ordinance is violated shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
Whoever abandons or discards in any place accessible to children any refrigerator, icebox or ice chest of a capacity of 1 1/2 cubic feet or more, which has an attached lid or door which may be opened or fastened shut by means of an attached latch or who, being the owner, lessee or manager of such place, knowingly permit such abandoned or discarded refrigerator, icebox or ice chest to remain there in such condition shall be fined not more than $50 or imprisoned not more than 30 days, or both.
It shall be unlawful for any person to accept service in a restaurant or public eating place or service from a taxicab or other public vehicle, without paying therefor, or to enter or attempt to enter any place of public amusement for admission to which an entrance fee is charged without paying such fee.
Every violation of any section or provision of this article for which no penalty is provided herein shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5 and not more than $200.
It shall be unlawful for any person in exchange for money or other valuable consideration to perform or offer or agree to perform any of the following:
Permit the touching of his or her genitals, pubic region, buttock or breast; or
Masturbate himself or herself or another person.
[Ord. No. 1984-41]
It shall be unlawful for any person to pay or offer to pay another person money or other valuable consideration to:
Submit to the touching of his or her genitals, pubic region, buttock or breast; or
Masturbate himself or herself or another person.
[Ord. No. 1984-41]
Penalty. Any person convicted of violating this section shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500 for the first offense; and not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 for each subsequent offense.
[Ord. No. 1984-41]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, corporation, association or entity of any kind (hereafter referred to as the "entity") to permit or suffer any agent of or any person employed by the entity or any lessee of the entity or the operator of any business of the entity or any other type of contracting person or organization, including any independent contractor, with the entity or any employee or agent of the lessee, operator or contracting person or organization to engage in any activity described in and prohibited by Chapter 28, § 28-176 of the Bloomington City Code and/or Chapter 38 (Illinois Criminal Code), Sections 11-14, 11-15.1, 11-16, 11-17, 11-19, 11-19.1 or 11-19.2 of the Illinois Revised Statutes,[1] as hereafter amended, on the entity's premises or on premises managed or in any manner controlled by the entity and/or by any lessee, operator or contracting person or organization with the entity (all of said premises to be referred to hereafter as the "subject premises"). After an entity has been notified that an agent, employee, lessee, the operator of any type of business or any other type of contracting person or organization or any employee or agent of the lessee, operator or contracting person or organization has engaged in any conduct on the subject premises prohibited by this subsection (a), the entity shall be absolutely liable for any such subsequent activity or any other type of activity which violates any of the above indicated Sections on the subject premises by the same or any other employee or agent of the entity or by the lessee, operator of any business or any other type of contracting person or organization, including an independent contractor, or the same or any other employee or agent of the lessee, operator or contracting person or organization.
It shall be unlawful for any lessee of any entity or the operator of any business of any entity or any other type of contracting person or organization, including an independent contractor, with any entity or suffer or permit any employee or agent of the lessee, operator or contracting person or organization to engage in any activity described in and prohibited by Chapter 28, § 28-176, of the Bloomington City Code and/or Chapter 38 (Illinois Criminal Code), Sections 11-14, 11-15, 11-15.1, 11-16, 11-17, 11-19, 11-19.1 or 11-19.2 of the Illinois Revised Statutes on the subject premises. After a lessee, the operator of any type of business or any other type of contracting person or organization has been notified that any employee or agent of the lessee, contractor or contracting person or organization has engaged in any conduct on the subject premises prohibited by this Subsection A, the lessee, operator or contracting person or organization shall be absolutely liable for any such subsequent activity or any other type of activity which violates any of the above indicated Sections on the subject premises by the same or any other employee or agent of the lessee, operator of any business or any other type of contracting person or organization, including any independent contractor, any of whom may be a person, firm, partnership, corporation, association or entity of any kind.
Any such act shall be deemed committed on the subject premises if:
It was actually performed on the subject premises; or
It was agreed to on management premises or on the subject premises; or
Arrangements were made on the subject premises for any person identified in this ordinance to meet a person at another location and such acts were agreed to and/or performed at such other location.
[Ord. No. 1985-18]
Editor's Note: See now the Illinois Criminal Code of 2012, 720 ILCS 5/11-14 et seq.
For the purposes of this section a person shall be deemed to be an employee or agent if he or she performs any work or activity on the subject premises with the active or passive permission of the owner, lessee, operator of any business on the premises, or of any other type of contracting person or organization, including an independent contractor, and receives directly or indirectly from any person or organization whatsoever compensation therefor in any form or in any manner whatsoever.
[Ord. No. 1985-18]
Penalty. Any person, corporation or entity of any kind convicted of violating this section shall be fined not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 for the first offense; and $1,000 up to the maximum permitted by law for each subsequent offense.
[Ord. No. 1985-18]
The provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable, and if any part, provision, sentence, clause or other portion of this Ordinance shall be held to be unconstitutional for any other reason by any court of competent jurisdiction, said judgment shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder thereof.
[Ord. No. 1985-18]
[Ord. No. 2016-80]
The Smoke Free Illinois Act,[1] as amended from time to time, is hereby adopted by reference to be applied within the corporate limits of the City of Bloomington. All references to a state employee or official within the Act may be to a corresponding City employee or official where such reference is applicable or necessary. Any provision of the Act may be cited by placing "§ 28-178" before the applicable Smoke Free Illinois Act.
Editor's Note: See 410 ILCS 82/1 et seq.
[Ord. No. 2019-24]
In addition to the prohibitions within the Smoke Free Illinois Act which prohibits smoking in public buildings, smoking is prohibited in any building owned or operated by the City of Bloomington, as well as at Miller Park Zoo and any and all swimming pool facilities operated by the City. For purposes of this section, the definitions of "smoking" and "smoke" within the Smoke Free Illinois Act shall be expanded to include inhaling or exhaling from, turning on, powering, ingesting or utilizing in any form any device intended for the atomization, charring, burning, piezoelectronic ignition of or ingestion of tobacco products or nicotine in any gaseous, smoke, aerosol, vaporous or other similar form, including but not limited to the use of any e-cigarette, personal vaporizer used with nicotine or tobacco derivatives, electronic nicotine delivery system, e-puffer, cartomizer or other similar device. This prohibition includes electronic cigarettes (e-cigs or e-cigarettes), personal vaporizers (PV) or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) or any other device that simulates tobacco smoking by producing an aerosol that resembles smoke.
[Ord. No. 2016-80]
The Police Department and City's Code Enforcement Officials are empowered to adopt procedures for the issuance of citations and the collection of civil penalties and costs for any violation of § 28-178 or 28-179.
[Ord. No. 2016-80]
For each violation of § 28-178 or 28-179, the fine shall be $100 for a first offense and $250 for each subsequent offense, plus court costs and/or administrative fees if applicable.
[Ord. No. 2016-80]
[Ord. No. 1992-84]
Graffiti shall mean any drawing, inscription, writing, figure or mark made upon a wall or other exposed surface, including but not limited to any house, garage, rock, bridge, fence, gate, tree, monument, motor vehicle, sidewalk, street, lamp post, street sign, underpass or retaining wall, whether publicly or privately owned, with paint, chalk, dye, ink, pencil, wax or other similar substance or by etching, scratching, cutting, burning or carving without the express consent of the owner of said wall or other exposed surface.
[Ord. No. 1992-84]
It shall be unlawful for any person to place graffiti, as defined herein, upon any publicly or privately owned wall or other exposed surface within the City of Bloomington. There exists a rebuttal presumption that graffiti is done without the express consent of the owner, if it is placed upon any wall or exposed surface by someone other than the owner of said wall or surface.
[Ord. No. 1992-84]
Any person who is convicted of violating § 28-187 of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of $500. Each wall or exposed surface marked by graffiti shall constitute a separate offense.
[Added 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-91]
As used in §§ 28-190A, 28-190B, and 28-190C, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended:
Includes marijuana, hashish and other substances which are identified as including any parts of the plant Cannabis Sativa, whether growing or not; the seeds thereof, the resin extracted from any part of such plant; and any compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such plant, its seeds or resin, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and all other cannabinol derivatives, including its naturally occurring or synthetically produced ingredients, whether produced directly or indirectly by extraction, or independently by means of chemical synthesis or by a combination of extraction and chemical synthesis; but shall not include the mature stalks of such plant, fiber produced from such stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of such plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of such mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil or cake, or the sterilized seed of such plant which is incapable of germination.
Equipment, products, or materials intended to be used for planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, ingesting or otherwise introducing cannabis into the human body.
Any substance as defined in Article II of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, 720 ILCS 570/201 et seq.
Actual, constructive or attempted transfer of possession of cannabis, with or without consideration, whether or not there is an agency relationship.
All equipment, products and materials of any kind, other than methamphetamine manufacturing materials as defined in Section 10 of the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act and cannabis paraphernalia as defined in Section 1-10 of the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, which are intended to be used unlawfully in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing into the human body a controlled substance in violation of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, or the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act or a synthetic drug product or misbranded drug in violation of the Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. It includes, but is not limited to:
Kits intended to be used unlawfully in manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing or preparing a controlled substance;
Isomerization devices intended to be used unlawfully in increasing the potency of any species of plant which is a controlled substance;
Testing equipment intended to be used unlawfully in a private home for identifying or in analyzing the strength, effectiveness or purity of controlled substances;
Diluents and adulterants intended to be used unlawfully for cutting a controlled substance by private persons;
Objects intended to be used unlawfully in ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing cocaine or a synthetic drug product or misbranded drug in violation of the Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act into the human body, including, where applicable, the following items:
Water pipes;
Carburetion tubes and devices;
Smoking and carburetion masks;
Miniature cocaine spoons and cocaine vials;
Carburetor pipes;
Electric pipes;
Air-driven pipes;
Ice pipes or chillers;
Any items whose purpose, as announced or described by the seller, is for use in violation of this Act.
Knows, acts knowingly or with knowledge:
The nature or attendant circumstances of his/her conduct, described by the section defining the offense, when he/she is consciously aware that his/her conduct is of such nature or that such circumstances exist. Knowledge of a material fact includes awareness of the substantial probability that such fact exists.
The result of his/her conduct, described by the section defining the offense, when he/she is consciously aware that such result is likely to be caused by his/her conduct.
Knowledge may be inferred from the surrounding circumstances
The production, preparation, propagation, compounding, conversion or processing of cannabis, either directly or indirectly, by extraction from substances of natural origin, or independently by means of chemical synthesis, and includes any packaging or repackaging of cannabis or labeling of its container, except that this term does not include the preparation, compounding, packaging or labeling of cannabis as an incident to lawful research, teaching, chemical analysis, or sold and possessed as provided in the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act, as amended, and the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, as amended.
A colorless flammable gas used as an anesthetic and in aerosols.
Any cartridge containing less than 20 ounces of compressed nitrous oxide (N2O).
Within the sight line with normal visual range of a person, unassisted by visual aids, from a public street or sidewalk adjacent to real property, or from within an adjacent property.
Any individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or association, or any other entity.
Possession may be either actual or constructive.
Actual possession means exercising physical dominion.
Constructive possession may be inferred if the defendant has intent and capacity to maintain control and dominion over the cannabis, drug paraphernalia or cannabis paraphernalia.
Planting, cultivating, tending or harvesting.
Any place where a person could reasonably be expected to be observed by others. This includes, but is not limited to, all parts of buildings owned in whole or in part, or leased, by the state or a unit of local government and all areas in a park, recreation area, wildlife area or playground owned in whole or in part, leased, or managed by the state or a unit of local government. The term "public place" does not include a private residence unless the private residence is used to provide licensed child care, foster care or other similar social service care on the premises.
[Amended by Ord. No. 1994-3; 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-91]
Possession, exceeding state limits.
It shall be unlawful for and no person shall possess more than 30 grams of raw cannabis, cannabis-infused products containing more than 500 milligrams of THC, or five grams of cannabis product in concentrated form.
It shall further be unlawful for and no person shall possess cannabis at the following locations:
In a school bus, unless permitted for a qualifying patient or caregiver pursuant to the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act;
On the grounds of any preschool or primary or secondary school, unless permitted for a qualifying patient or caregiver pursuant to the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act;
In any correctional facility;
In a vehicle not open to the public unless the cannabis is in a reasonably secured, sealed container and reasonably inaccessible while the vehicle is moving; or
In a private residence that is used at any time to provide licensed child care or other similar social service care on the premises.
Possession, sale or providing to minors prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for and no person under the age of 21 shall possess, consume or use any substance containing cannabis or THC, except as allowed by the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act, as amended.
It shall be unlawful for and no person, after purchasing or otherwise obtaining any substance containing cannabis or THC shall sell, give or deliver such substance to a person under the age of 21, except as allowed by the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act, as amended
Unlawful consumption of cannabis. It shall be unlawful for and no person shall use cannabis or cannabis -infused products at the following locations:
In a school bus, unless permitted for a qualifying patient or caregiver pursuant to the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act;
On the grounds of any preschool or primary or secondary school, unless permitted for a qualifying patient or caregiver pursuant to the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act;
In any correctional facility;
In any motor vehicle;
In a private residence that is used at any time to provide licensed child care or other similar social service care on the premises;
In any public place;
Knowingly in close physical proximity to anyone under 21 years of age who is not a registered medical cannabis patient under the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act; or
In any place where smoking is prohibited under the Smoke Free Illinois Act.
Other prohibited acts. It shall be unlawful for and no person shall:
Facilitate the use of cannabis by any person who is not allowed to use cannabis under this section; and
Transfer cannabis to any person contrary to the Cannabis Tax and Regulation Act or the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act.
Unlawful possession of cannabis sativa plant. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess a cannabis sativa plant, except as provided by the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, as may be amended. It shall further be unlawful for any person to place a cannabis sativa plant in ordinary public view.
Penalty. Any person who pleads guilty or liable or is found guilty or liable by a court of law or administrative tribunal for a violation of this section shall be fined as follows:
Subsections A, B(1) and C shall be punished by eight hours of community service or a fine of $100.
Subsections B(2) and D shall be punished by a fine of $300.
Subsection E shall be punished by a fine of $150 per cannabis sativa plant.
Any person who manufactures, distributes, dispenses or is in possession of any controlled substance for research purposes, pursuant to 720 ILCS 550/ 11, as hereafter amended, shall be exempt from the provisions of this section.
Any person in possession of a compassionate use of medical cannabis card, as provided by the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act, as amended, may grow up to five cannabis plants within a secured, enclosed facility.
Possession and/or consumption by any person in possession of a compassionate use of medical cannabis card, as provided by the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act, as may be amended, where said possession and/or consumption is authorized by and in accordance with said Act.
Any person who is licensed and authorized by the State of Illinois to dispense, cultivate, grow, infuse or deliver cannabis or substances containing THC to the extent it is permitted and authorized by state law.
Admissibility of cannabis. In a prosecution for a violation of this section, evidence of cannabis shall only be admitted into evidence based upon:
A properly administered field test; or
Opinion testimony of a peace officer based on the officer's training and experience as qualified by the court.
Relationship to state laws. Except as provided herein, violations of this section shall be considered civil in nature and prosecuted as local ordinance violations. The City may, however, in its discretion, refer violations involving the possession or consumption of cannabis under the Cannabis Control Act, or other applicable law, to the State's Attorney for charges pursuant to state law instead of bringing charges pursuant to this section, but no person shall be charged both pursuant to this chapter and state law for the same offense. If the law requires a charge involving the possession or consumption of cannabis to be referred to the State's Attorney to be charged criminally pursuant to state law, the City shall make such a referral and shall not prosecute the violation as a local ordinance violation.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2000-165; 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-91]
Violation for possession of drug paraphernalia. No person shall knowingly possess any item of drug paraphernalia where it is evident the purpose is for unlawfully ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing a controlled substance into the human body, or in preparing a controlled substance for that use within the corporate limits of the City of Bloomington. In determining evidence of an unlawful purpose or intent, the trier of fact may take into consideration the proximity of the controlled substances to the drug paraphernalia or the presence of a controlled substance on the drug paraphernalia.
Penalty. Any person who pleads guilty or liable or is found guilty or liable by a court of law or administrative tribunal shall be punished by a fine of $250.
Forfeiture. "Drug paraphernalia," as defined in § 28-189, seized by police officers pursuant to an arrest or issuance of a notice to appear for a violation of this section, shall be forfeited to the City upon a plea of guilty or liability, a finding of guilt or liable and/or a disposition of court supervision or probation by a court of law or upon the individual utilizing any administrative remedy allowed by the City without further order of the court. Any other items which may be seized or forfeited pursuant to 720 ILCS 600/5 may be forfeited in the same manner as described therein for a violation of this section.
Exemptions. This section does not apply to:
Items used in the preparation, compounding, packaging, labeling or other use of a controlled substance as an incident to lawful sale, use, research, teaching or chemical analysis and not for sale.
Items historically and customarily used in connection with the planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting or inhaling of tobacco or any other lawful substance unless such item has the presence of a controlled substance. Items exempt under this subsection include, but are not limited to, garden hoes, rakes, sickles, baggies, tobacco pipes and cigarette rolling papers.
Items listed in the definition of "drug paraphernalia" in § 28-190A if said items are used solely for decorative purposes, when such items have been rendered completely inoperable or incapable of being used for any illicit purposes prohibited by this chapter.
A person who is legally authorized to possess hypodermic syringes or needles under the Hypodermic Syringes and Needles Act, 720 ILCS 635/0.01 et seq.
Relationship to state laws. Except as provided herein, violations of this section shall be considered civil in nature and prosecuted as local ordinance violations. The City may, however, in its discretion, refer violations involving the possession or use of drug paraphernalia under the Drug Paraphernalia Control Act, or other applicable law, to the State's Attorney for charges instead of bringing charges pursuant to this section, but no person shall be charged both pursuant to this chapter and state law for the same offense. If the law requires a charge involving drug paraphernalia to be referred to the State's Attorney to be charged criminally pursuant to state law, the City shall make such a referral and shall not prosecute the violation as a local ordinance violation.
[Added 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-91]
Violation for possession of cannabis paraphernalia by minors. No person under the age of 21 shall knowingly possess any item of cannabis paraphernalia where it is evident the purpose is for unlawfully ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing cannabis into the human body, or in preparing cannabis for that use within the corporate limits of the City of Bloomington. In determining evidence of an unlawful purpose or intent, the trier of fact may take into consideration the proximity of the controlled substances to the cannabis paraphernalia or the presence of a controlled substance on the cannabis paraphernalia. It shall not be a violation if the possession or use is in compliance with the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act or other applicable law.
Penalty. Any person who pleads guilty or liable or is found guilty or liable by a court of law or administrative tribunal shall be punished by a fine of eight hours of community service or a fine of $100.
Forfeiture. "Cannabis paraphernalia," as defined in § 28-189, seized by police officers pursuant to an arrest or issuance of a notice to appear for a violation of this section shall be forfeited to the City upon a plea of guilty or liability, a finding of guilt or liable and/or a disposition of court supervision or probation by a court of law or upon the individual utilizing any administrative remedy allowed by the City without further order of the court. Any other items which may be seized or forfeited pursuant to 720 ILCS 600/5 may be forfeited in the same manner as described therein for a violation of this section.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in control of any dog or cat to permit such animal to deposit dung on any public street, alley, parkway or other public place, or on any premises other than those of the owner or person in control of such animal, unless the owner or person in control of such animal immediately collects and properly disposes of the dung deposited by the animal.
[Ord. No. 1995-5]
It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in control of any dog or cat to deposit dung collected from such animal on any premises other than those of the owner or person in control of such animal.
[Ord. No. 1995-5]
Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be fined not less than $25 for the first offense and not less than $50 for any subsequent offense.
[Ord. No. 1995-5]
No person under 18 years of age shall have in his or her possession any cigar or cigarette or tobacco in any of its forms. The incidental and temporary possession of tobacco by retail sales clerks or stock clerks in the performance of their duties shall not be a violation of this section.
[Ord. No. 1997-101]
Any person who violates this section shall be fined not more than $50 for a first offense, and for a second or subsequent offense shall be fined not to exceed $100.
[Ord. No. 1997-101]
Whenever a police officer observes one or more persons engaged in narcotics-related loitering in any public place designated for the enforcement of this section under Subsection B, the police officer shall:
Inform all such persons that they are engaged in loitering within an area in which such loitering is prohibited;
Order all such persons to disperse and remove themselves from within sight and hearing of the place at which the order was issued; and
Inform those persons that they will be subject to arrest if they fail to obey the order promptly or engage in further narcotics-related loitering within sight or hearing of the place at which the order was issued during the next three hours.
The Chief of Police shall by written directive designate areas of the City in which enforcement of this section is necessary because the areas are frequently associated with narcotics-related loitering. Prior to making a determination under this subsection, the chief shall consult as he or she deems appropriate with persons who are knowledgeable about the effects of narcotics-related activity in areas in which the ordinance may be enforced. Such persons may include, but need not be limited to, members of the department of police with special training or experience related to narcotics-related activity; other personnel of that department with particular knowledge of narcotics-related activities in the proposed designated area; elected and appointed officials of the area; and community-based organizations which are familiar with the area. The chief shall develop and implement procedures for the periodic review and update of designations made under this subsection.
As used in this section:
Narcotics-related loitering means remaining in any one place under circumstances that would warrant a reasonable person to believe that the purpose or effect of that behavior is to facilitate the distribution of substances in violation of the Cannabis Control Act or the Illinois Controlled Substances Act.
Public place means the public way and any other location open to the public, whether publicly or privately owned.
Any person who fails to obey promptly an order issued under Subsection A, or who engages in further narcotics-related loitering within sight or hearing of the place at which such an order was issued during the three-hour period following the time the order was issued, is subject to a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $500 for each offense, or imprisonment for not more than six months for each offense, or both. A second or subsequent offense shall be punishable by a mandatory minimum sentence of not less than five days imprisonment.
[Ord. No. 2003-96]
Purpose. This section is enacted to protect, preserve, and promote the health, safety, welfare, peace, and quiet of the residents of the City through the reduction, control, and prevention of loud and raucous sounds, or any noise that unreasonably disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace, or safety of reasonable persons of ordinary sensitivity. Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing the lawful exercise of the right to free speech protected by the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Illinois.
[Ord. No. 2013-39]
Any sound which because of its volume level, duration and character, annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, health, peace or safety of reasonable persons of ordinary sensibilities within the limits of the City. The term includes, but is not limited to, the kinds of loud and raucous noise generated by the activities enumerated in Subsection D, but not including activities enumerated in Subsection F of this section.
[Ord. No. 2013-39]
General prohibition. It shall be unlawful for any person to make, continue, or cause to be made or continued or to allow to be made on premises under the person's ownership or control any loud and raucous noise. Prohibited acts may be established both or either by the testimony of persons who have heard the noises and by recorded decibel levels.
[Ord. No. 2013-39]
Specific acts prohibited. The following acts, as illustrations, among others, are declared to be loud and raucous in violation of this section. This enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive. Specific acts include:
Sound reproducing devices, loudspeakers, amplifiers. The using, operating or permitting to be played, used or operated any musical instrument, machine or electronic device, radio receiving set, phonograph, loudspeaker, sound amplifier or other objects for the producing or reproducing of sound in such a manner as to disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of the neighboring inhabitants or any time with louder volume than is necessary for the convenient hearing of the person or persons who are in the room, chamber, vehicle or outdoor area in which such machine or device is operated and who are voluntary listeners thereto.
Loading, unloading, opening boxes. The creation of loud and raucous noise in connection with loading or unloading any vehicle or the opening and destruction of bales, boxes, crates and containers.
Construction or repairing of buildings and public improvement. The creation (including excavation), demolition, alteration or repair of any structure or public improvement other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. until dark, Monday through Sunday, except in cases of necessity in the interest of public health and/or safety, and then only with a permit from the Public Works Director or his or her designee, which permit shall be granted for a period not to exceed three days or less while the necessity continues and which permit may be renewed for periods of three days or less while the necessity continues.
Schools, courts, churches and hospitals. The creation of any loud and raucous noise on any street adjacent to or across a real property boundary of any school, institution of learning, church, court or hospital while the same is in use, which unreasonably interferes with the workings of such institution, provided conspicuous signs are displayed in such streets indicating that the same is a school, hospital, court or church.
Blowers. The operation of any noise-creating blower, power fan, or any internal combustion engine, other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. until dark, the operation of which causes noise due to the explosion of operating gases, fuels, or fluids, provided that the noise is loud and raucous and can be heard across the property line of the property from which it emanates. This subparagraph shall not apply to snow blowers and other snow removal machinery nor to landscaping operations conducted on golf courses.
Yelling, shouting. Yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling, or singing, so as to create loud and raucous noise, which as a result annoys or disturbs the peace, quiet, comfort or repose of persons in the surrounding area.
[Ord. No. 2013-39]
Decibel levels. No person shall make, continue, or cause to be made or continued or to allow to be made on premises under the person's ownership or control any continuous, predictable or recurring source of sound in such a manner as to create a sound pressure level, measured on a sound level meter using the A-weighting network, at or within the property limits of the receiving property which exceeds (70)dB(A). Any person providing testimony on electronic measurements shall use procedures for the measurement of sound that conform to the standards and recommended practices established by the American National Standards Institute.
[Ord. No. 2013-39]
Exemptions. Sounds caused by the following are exempt from the prohibitions set forth in this section:
Repairs of utility structures, which are damaged, in disrepair, or out of service and such condition pose a clear and immediate danger to life, health, or significant loss of property.
Sirens, whistles, or bells lawfully used by emergency vehicles, or other alarm systems used in case of fire, collision, civil defense, police activity, or imminent danger, and all sounds associated with City responses to emergency events.
Reasonable activities conducted on public playgrounds and public or private school/university grounds, which are conducted in accordance with the manner in which such spaces are generally used, including, but not limited to, school/university athletic and school/university entertainment events.
Outdoor gatherings, public dances, shows, parades, festivals, and other similar outdoor events, provided that a permit has been obtained from the appropriate permitting authority.
Any event that is sponsored by and directly controlled by the City or its designee.
Chiming of bells or other similar sounds produced by a religious institution, school, or clock or bell tower.
Sounds measured within any manufacturing district; excluding sounds generated within any manufacturing district that are measured outside the boundary of the manufacturing district.
[Ord. No. 2013-39]
Penalty. Any person found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $100 for the first offense and not less than $250 for any subsequent offense. A separate and distinct offense is deemed committed each day such violation continues.
[Ord. No. 2013-39]