5-1-1. Organization; Chief of Police.
The Police Department shall be organized under the provisions of section 97A of chapter 41 of the General Laws. There shall be a Chief of Police, appointed by the Town Manager, for an indefinite term. The Town Manager, in consultation with the Board of Selectmen, shall determine the qualifications for appointment to the office of Chief of Police. The Chief of Police, once appointed, may only be removed from office for just cause, as defined and after a hearing in accordance with the provisions of Article VII, Section 7-13 of this charter.
The Town Manager shall use an assessment process using not less than three police professionals, not employed by the Town of Abington, to evaluate candidates for the position of Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall be appointed on the basis of qualifications and fitness for service.
The Town Manager may enter into a contract of employment with the Chief of Police in compliance with Section 4-3(n); however, there shall be no defined term of office.
5-1-2 Deputy Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police shall appoint the Deputy Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall determine the qualifications for appointment of the Deputy Chief of Police, provided however, that the Chief of Police shall use an assessment process, using not less than three police professionals, not employed by the Town of Abington, to evaluate candidates for the position of Deputy Chief of Police. The Deputy Chief shall be appointed on the basis of qualifications and fitness for service. The decision of the Chief of Police in the selection of the Deputy Chief of Police shall be final. The Deputy Chief of Police, once appointed, may only be removed from office for just cause and after a hearing in accordance with the provisions of Article VII, Section 7-13 of this Charter.
5-1-3 Department Personnel and Officers.
The Chief of Police shall appoint all other personnel and officers of the department provided that appointment of all sergeants and patrol officers shall be in accordance with the provisions of chapter 31 of the Massachusetts General Laws.
There shall be a Fire Department organized under sections 42, 43 and 44 of chapter 48 of the General Laws. As provided in said chapter 48 there shall be a Fire Chief who shall be appointed by the Town Manager, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 31 of the General Laws and the rules made thereunder.
The Fire Chief shall be responsible for the appointment, management and supervision of personnel, shall be responsible for all operations of the Fire Department, shall serve as the Town's forest fire warden, and shall perform all fire related duties and tasks considered necessary by the Town Manager.
The Fire Chief shall be the appointing authority for all fire department personnel and shall have full authority to appoint, demote, suspend and terminate all employees, including firefighters, captains, superior officers and the Deputy Fire Chief. The officers and firefighters shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of chapter 31 of the General Laws.
5-3-1. Department of Public Works. There shall be a department of public works under the supervision of a Director. Said department shall include the Board of Sewer Commissioners, Board of Parks and Recreation, Park Superintendent, Superintendent of Highways, Tree Warden, and Trustees of Veterans Memorials and each of their respective functions. The department of public works shall be responsible for: the repair, alteration and maintenance of all Town-owned public works related equipment, property and vehicles; central purchasing of all public works related supplies, materials and equipment and management of all contracts and projects for the repair, alteration, remodeling, construction, reconstruction, maintenance or renovation of all town public ways, sewer lines, grounds, facilities and equipment, except those under the jurisdiction of the School Department and the Board of Water Commissioners.
Notwithstanding that the Board of Sewer Commissioners, Board of Parks and Recreation, Park Superintendent, Superintendent of Highways, Tree Warden, and Trustees of Veterans Memorials shall be part of the Department of Public Works, such multiple member bodies and officers shall continue to exercise their respective policy-making duties and responsibilities under the General Laws, except as otherwise provided in this charter.
Additional public works functions, including but not limited to solid waste collection and disposal, recycling, engineering, and building maintenance, may be transferred to the said department, after a public hearing, by vote of the Board of Selectmen upon a recommendation from the Town Manager and Director of Department of Public Works.
The department may, with the approval of the Town Manager and Board of Selectmen, be organized into one or more operational divisions.
5-3-2. Director of Department of Public Works. Powers and Duties. Said department shall be under the supervision of a Director of Public Works who shall exercise and perform, under the policy direction of the above-referenced boards and committees and the policy direction and supervision of the Town Manager, all of the powers, rights and duties to be exercised by the department in sections 5-3-1 and 5-3-2, except as otherwise provided. The Director shall be appointed by the Town Manager in accordance with the provision of Section 4-2(b) of this Charter, and may be removed by said Manager.
Said director shall hold no other elective or appointive office in the Town and shall not be engaged in any other business or occupation; provided however, that the Director shall be eligible to also be appointed as head of any division of the department of public works and such service shall constitute a single position with the Town. The director shall give to the Town a bond with a surety company authorized to transact business in the commonwealth as surety for the faithful performance of the Director's duties, in such sum and upon such conditions as the town administrator shall require. Said Director shall report to the Town Manager as to the doings of the office at such times as said Manager may require. Said Director shall supervise day to day operations and provide administrative coordination of the various boards and committees and functions assigned to the department of public works, and, for that purpose, shall supervise department division heads or directors.
5-3-3. Staffing. Appointments and Removals. The Town Manager shall appoint in accordance with Section 4-2(b), including division heads, directors, principal deputies or principal agents for any division or function of the department for which a multiple member body or officer provides policy direction, and, in addition to any requirements set forth in said sections, the Town Manager shall also consult with the Director of the department of public works and with the appropriate policy making multiple member body or officer. The Town Manager shall provide notice to any policy making multiple member board or officer of the department of any suspension or removal of employees assigned to any division thereof. The decision of the Town Manager in suspending or removing any person appointed by the Town Manager shall be final.