All road construction plans and documents submitted for approval shall conform to this Chapter 104. Plans that do not meet the minimum submittal requirements and formatting as indicated in appropriate checklists issued by the Engineering Division shall not be reviewed. All plan submittals shall include appropriate checklists and a signed acknowledgment that the plans are complete and in compliance with this chapter.
The engineering professional representative shall submit to the Engineering Division the required number of copies, which include five paper sets and an electronic copy of the complete road construction plans and all applicable fees per § 104-12 of this chapter. The Engineering Division shall distribute the road construction plans to all applicable agencies for concurrent review.
Applications for road construction, stormwater management construction, and water and sewer infrastructure construction.
Engineering and inspection cost application (E&I).
The engineering professional representative shall prepare and submit an E&I application, as provided by the Engineering Division, with all public and private road construction plans when road construction plans are sufficiently complete and submitted for approval stamps by all required agencies. The application shall include construction items, quantities, and costs for the project and shall be tabulated as directed using the most current unit price sheet (Schedule of Costs) provided by the Engineering Division (approved at time of road construction plan review). If this E&I application includes stormwater management figures, no separate review and inspection application and fee shall be required.
E&I approval. The E&I application may receive an approval stamp concurrently with the approval of the road construction plans by all required agencies or after the approval of the road construction plans by all required agencies.
E&I application fee. The fee for E&I is a percentage of the estimated construction cost less sidewalks, lighting facilities and sediment control measures. The percentage for Calvert County is 2% of the estimated road construction cost. Nonrefundable E&I application fees shall be determined by the approved E&I application, road construction section. The E&I fee shall be submitted after the plans and E&I application have been reviewed and are ready for approval. The road construction plans shall not be approved until the E&I fee is paid. The minimum E&I fee is $200.
The E&I application form shall also be submitted with the public works agreement and shall be retabulated as directed using the most current unit price sheet provided by the Engineering Division at the time of public works agreement submittal.
Stormwater management review and inspection application (SWM R&I).
The engineering professional representative shall prepare and submit an SWM R&I application in the form provided by the Engineering Division, with all stormwater management construction plans not associated with road construction plans, prior to the approval of road construction plans by all required agencies. The application shall include quantities and construction items for the project, and shall be tabulated as directed using the most current unit price sheet provided by the Engineering Division at the time of initial review submittal.
SWM R&I application approval. The R&I application may receive an approval stamp concurrently with the approval of the road construction plans by all required agencies or after the approval of the road construction plans by all required agencies.
SWM R&I fee. Nonrefundable R&I fees shall be determined by the approved SWM R&I application.
Water and Sewer Review and Inspection Application (WS R&I).
The engineering professional representative shall prepare and submit a WS R&I application, in the form provided by Water and Sewerage, when all water and sewer construction plans are sufficiently complete, when the applicant proposes a water or sewer connection. The application shall include quantities and construction items for the project as required and shall be tabulated using the most current unit price sheet provided by Water and Sewerage at the time of initial review submittal.
WS R&I application approval. The WS R&I application shall receive an approval stamp when submitted with the road construction plans to the Water and Sewerage Division for approval by all required agencies.
WS R&I fee. Nonrefundable R&I fees shall be determined by the approved WS R&I application.
Additional data. The Director may require any necessary additional data pertinent to the scope of the construction covered by the permit.
Plan review.
Within 90 calendar days from the date of receipt of plans, the Director, and all applicable review agencies, shall initially approve, deny, approve with modification, or provide written comments requesting revisions to the road construction plans. The Director may modify any time limit established in this section for review if the Director determines, in his/her sole and absolute discretion, that the modification is necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Chapter 104, that unusual or extenuating circumstances make compliance within the time limits reasonably impracticable, or that the time limit imposed is less than is necessary to ensure that the proposed construction shall comply with the provisions of this chapter. Any comments generated by the reviewing agencies shall be sent directly to the engineering professional representative, the permittee, or owner as requested by the applicant.
Subsequent plan review. Reviews, comments, conditions, denials and approvals from all reviewing agencies shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for distribution. Plans submitted for subsequent review shall include a memorandum with comments addressed as point-by-point responses. All changes subsequent to the initial application shall be highlighted and brought to the attention of the Director. All reasonable efforts shall be made to ensure that subsequent plan submittals reflecting changes deemed to be minor shall be reviewed within 30 calendar days from the date of submission. For illustrative purposes only, proposed changes to horizontal or vertical roadway geometry, configuration of drainage areas or drainage courses, type, size or location of stormwater management facilities or waiver requests made after the initial road plan submittal shall not be considered minor. Changes not deemed minor shall be reviewed within 90 calendar days from the date of submission. Review staff shall notify the engineering professional representative and the RCAC or their successor within three calendar days from the date of submission which length of review the plan submittal qualifies for. On revisions for all agencies, plan submissions in which the date of latest revision is not referenced in the transmittal or on the plan cover sheet will be considered incomplete, and will be returned without review. Similarly, failure to reflect revision history using the revision block will also be considered an incomplete submission, and the plans will be returned without review.
Initial plan approval. The Engineering Division shall forward a written letter to the engineering professional representative and/or developer/owner, granting initial plan approval. This initial approval does not constitute a permit to construct or proceed with any work until all bonds and fees are paid, a public works agreement executed, and a grading permit issued.
Final plan approval stamp. Once the engineering professional representative has received written notice of the initial plan approval for the road construction plans from the Engineering Division, all applicable fees, verification of payments to other agencies, one original set, one electronic copy, and the grading permit application with original signatures shall be submitted. The originals and grading permit application shall be routed to all applicable review agencies for final stamp of approval. Once the originals have received approval stamps from all review agencies, they shall be scanned by the applicant or engineering professional representative and an electronic scanned copy provided to the Engineering Division. The road construction plans shall not be considered approved without the inclusion of all applicable agency stamps of approval.
Final approved plans and public works agreements shall expire three years after the date of the Director's stamp of approval if construction has not started on the particular project or construction has stopped for more than six months. Once the plan has expired, it shall be resubmitted for review and shall be subject to any and all new regulations and fees adopted since the previous date of approval.
In the event that the applicant, permittee, developer, engineering professional representative, their employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors discover any discrepancies, conflicts, or inconsistencies in the approved plans, they shall immediately notify the Engineering Division Chief. The engineering professional representative shall then make such corrections as deemed necessary for fulfilling the intent of this Chapter 104 and the approved construction drawings and obtain approval from the Engineering Division Chief.