Stormwater runoff is collected and conveyed in closed conduit systems (inlets and pipe culverts) and in open channel systems (ditches, channels, streams and rivers). Instructions and design criteria for the design of these systems are included herein. The information and data contained herein shall be supplemented by the use of acceptable nomographs, charts, tables, flood routing techniques, etc., published by the United States Department of Agriculture/Natural Resources Conservation Service, and MSHA.
The use of rural open storm drainage and open section roadways is encouraged for new development in the County. Preliminary study of possible problem areas, as well as predesign consultation with the Director shall lead to timely solutions of storm drainage problems.
Drainage plans with calculations, signed and sealed by an engineering professional representative, shall be submitted to the Director for review and approval.
All drainage structures are to be built according to the current edition of the Calvert County Construction Standards for Roads, Streets, and Incidental Structures, or as otherwise approved. A structure schedule specifying the Calvert County or MSHA detail number shall be provided on the plans.
Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, stream, or other natural drainagecourse, the Director shall require the permittee to:
Dedicate an easement area of sufficient width to adequately dispose of the surface drainage water expected in a fifty-year storm, and conforming substantially to the lines of such natural watercourse; or
Furnish by dedication sufficient easement or construction, or both, to safely dispose of such stormwater.
It is the County's policy to require that all public or private storm drainage facilities, whether natural or improved, surface or subsurface, including stormwater management facilities, be within an easement or right-of-way. No structures other than those of the storm drainage system are allowed within the storm drain easements, and access to these areas shall not be restricted.
Subsurface drainage facilities that convey drainage flow from a public right-of-way shall be located within a drainage easement. This easement shall be conveyed to the County unless the County stipulates other limits of maintenance responsibility.
Surface drainage facilities that convey drainage flow from a public right-of-way shall be located within a drainage easement. For flow into natural drainagecourses or open ground, a right to discharge shall be established. These easements shall not be conveyed to the County unless the County stipulates other limits of maintenance responsibility.
On-site surface drainage facilities conveying stormwater shall have easements and stipulate limits of maintenance responsibility.
Stormwater management facilities shall be located within an easement. They shall include an access strip of a minimum of 20 feet leading to and surrounding the facility.
All easements shall include area sufficient for maintenance of the accompanying system.
All existing or proposed surface drainage facilities, such as swales, streams, unpaved and paved channels, etc., located within private drainage easements shall be the legal responsibility of the property owner or, if established by agreement, a homeowners' association for operation and maintenance.
For natural drainage systems, the one-hundred-year floodplain shall be delineated by a drainage and utility easement or, unless the County stipulates other limits of maintenance responsibility, conveyed to the County.
Improved channels within the one-hundred-year floodplain shall be within a drainage and utility easement extending beyond the floodplain on both sides of the channel for purpose of access and maintenance. The limit of the easement shall be defined by bearings and distances and coordinate value, be tied to property lines, and show the floodplain elevations at all bearing changes and at intervals not exceeding 200 feet between bearing changes.
Right-to-discharge for drainage systems, excluding individual residential lots, shall be required from upstream property owners when one or more of the following conditions occur:
The point at which the flow crosses the property lines is altered in location or the rate of flow is increased above the predevelopment condition rate, or as approved by the Engineering Division Chief.
Any other situations which might adversely impact the upstream or downstream property as determined by the Engineering Division Chief.
The standard storm drain easement width shall be a minimum of 20 feet.