[Added 1-28-2019 by Ord. No. 3-2019]
A Village Administrator shall be appointed by the Village Board. The Village Administrator shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Village, responsible to the Village Board for the proper administration of the business affairs of the Village. The Village Administrator shall be appointed on the basis of merit with due regard to training, experience, administrative ability and general fitness for the office, by a majority vote of the Village Board. The Village Administrator shall hold office for an indefinite term subject to removal at any time by a super-majority vote of the Village Board. The Village Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Village Board.
No person shall be eligible for said office who shall not have achieved a bachelor's degree with attainment of a graduate degree(s) in public administration or related field. Said individual must possess municipal experience as a municipal manager/Administrator or assistant manager/Administrator with solid experience and orientation to the activities of a full-service municipality.
Duties of the Village Administrator:
Carry out directives of the Village Board which require administrative implementation, reporting promptly to the Village Board any difficulties encountered.
Be responsible for the administration of all day-to-day operations of the Village government.
Establish necessary administrative procedures to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Village government according to current practices in local government, not inconsistent with the general purpose of the position, or directives of the Village Board.
Attend all board, commission and committee meetings of the Village upon the request of the Chairperson.
Keep informed concerning current federal, state and county legislation and administrative rules affecting the Village and submit appropriate reports and recommendations thereon to the Village Board.
Keep informed concerning the availability of federal, state and county funds for local programs. Assist department heads and the Village Board in obtaining these funds under the direction of the Village Board.
Represent the Village in matters involving legislative and intergovernmental affairs as authorized and directed as to that representation by the Village Board.
Act as public information officer for the Village, at the direction of the Village Board, with the responsibility of assuring that the news media are kept informed about the operations of the Village and that all open meeting rules and regulations are followed.
Establish and maintain procedures to facilitate communications between citizens and Village government to assure that complaints, grievances, recommendations and other matters receive prompt attention by the responsible official, and to assure that all such matters are expeditiously resolved.
Assist the Human Resources Director when necessary in the administrative direction and coordination of all employee relations of the Village according to the established organization procedures, and union contracts.
Assist the Village Board (where the Board is the appointing authority) with the appointment, promotion and suspension or termination of department heads.
With the exception of the Police and Fire Departments, in cooperation with the appropriate department head, assist with the appointment, promotion, and suspension or termination of employees below the department head level.
Assist department heads in the evaluation of the performance of all employees on a regular basis.
Assist the Village Board in establishing salary and wage scales for Village employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements.
Develop and enforce high standards of performance by Village employees.
Work in conjunction with department heads to assure that Village employees have proper working conditions.
Work closely with department heads to promptly resolve personnel problems or grievances.
Assist in labor contract negotiations.
Assist department heads in assuring that employees receive adequate opportunities for training to maintain and improve job-related knowledge and skills.
Assist (to help, aid) in the preparation of the annual budget with the Finance Director as adopted by the Village Board.
Administer (to manage, direct) the budget as adopted by the Village Board.
Oversee all contracts for the purchase of equipment, supplies and property to ensure compliance with the Village's purchasing policy and contract provisions.
Assist in implementing any policy directives made by the Committee of the Whole.
For the purpose of enabling the Village Administrator to perform the duties required of him/her by this section, he/she is hereby authorized and empowered to engage or employ such assistants as he/she may deem necessary, providing funds for the same are provided by the Village Board in the departmental budget.
[Added 1-28-2019 by Ord. No. 3-2019]
The Village Board shall direct the Village Administrator to appoint a Village Finance Director.
[Added 1-28-2019 by Ord. No. 3-2019]
The Village Board shall direct the Village Administrator to appoint a Village Attorney.
[Added 1-28-2019 by Ord. No. 3-2019]
The Village Board shall direct the Village Administrator to appoint a Village Engineer.
[Added 1-28-2019 by Ord. No. 3-2019]
The Village Board shall direct the Village Administrator to appoint a Village Human Resources Director.
[Added 1-28-2019 by Ord. No. 3-2019]
The Village Board shall direct the Village Administrator to appoint a Community Development Director.
[Added 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023]
The Village Board shall direct the Village Administrator to appoint a Village Clerk-Treasurer. The Village Clerk-Treasurer shall perform the duties as described in § 61.25 and § 61.26, Wis. Stats. and as directed by the Village Administrator, without bond.
Liability for default. Pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 70.67(2), the Village shall pay all state and county taxes required by law to be paid by the Clerk-Treasurer to the County Treasurer if the Village Clerk-Treasurer fails to do so.
The Clerk-Treasurer may invest any Village funds not immediately needed, pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 66.0603(1m) and Village policies.