[Adopted as Ch. 2, Art. I, of the 1976 Code]
[Added 6-18-1991 by Ord. No. 16-91; amended 8-6-1991 by Ord. No. 21-91; 2-2-1999 by Ord. No. 2-99; 2-20-2001 by Ord. No. 4-01; 2-17-2009 by Ord. No. 1-09]
It is the purpose of this section to authorize provision for a varied program of group activities and services for senior citizens, and to develop the organizational and financial support within the community to ensure long-term stability and continuity of said program by the utilization of all federal and state grants and funding available, and fees and assessments from the participants of the program.
The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, shall appoint the initial Seward Aging Services Commission, consisting of nine members, five of whom will serve from the appointment through the first Tuesday in January, 1993; and four of whom shall serve from the date of their appointment through the first Tuesday in January, 1994. Thereafter, the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, shall appoint all future Commission members for a term of two years. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms. One member of the Seward Aging Services Commission shall be a member of the City Council, which member shall have no voting privileges.
The Seward Aging Services Commission shall serve without compensation. At the time of its initial meeting following appointment of its members, and on its first meeting in January of each succeeding year, the Commission shall organize by election of a Chairperson, Secretary and any additional officer deemed necessary, and they shall review their duties as members of the Commission. No member may serve in more than one office. The Secretary shall keep full and correct minutes and record of all meetings and file the same with the Municipal Clerk, where they shall be available for public inspection within 10 working days, or prior to the next convened meeting, whichever occurs earlier. An additional 10 days shall be allowed for providing the minutes in the event of the Secretary's serious illness or an emergency which prevents him/her from writing such minutes.
A majority of the Seward Aging Services Commission voting members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. It shall meet on the second Tuesday of each month or at such other time as shall be determined by the Commission. Special meetings may be held upon the call of the Chairperson or any four members of the Commission, but notice of such meeting shall be communicated to all members of the Commission at least 48 hours prior to special meetings.
The City Administrator shall hire all employees of the Seward Aging Services Commission, including the Manager. The City Administrator, when screening, interviewing, and hiring all employees of the Seward Aging Services Commission, including the Manager, shall consult with and seek input from the Chairperson of the Seward Aging Services Commission or a person designated by the Commission. The day-to-day supervision of employed personnel shall be the shared responsibility of the Seward Aging Services Commission Chairperson, or a person designated by the Commission, and the City Administrator. All actions of the Seward Aging Services Commission shall be subject to the review and supervision of the governing body.
The Commission may establish appropriate policies, plans and proposed budgets for operation of the program, utilizing all of the available federal and state funding, to make the program as self-supporting as possible from such funds and from fees and assessments from citizens taking part in such programs.
All funds and financing, including gifts, grants, fees, and assessments, shall be maintained in an account or accounts of the City of Seward for the use and benefit of the senior citizens program.
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 2-102 of the 1976 Code, Assignment of pending items and subjects, as amended, which immediately preceded this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Added 6-10-2018 by Ord. No. 2014-15]
The Mayor shall appoint members and Chairman of such standing committee as the City Council may by ordinance create. The membership of such standing committee may be changed at any time by the Mayor. The Mayor shall be a member ex officio of the standing committee. Upon approval of this article, the members of the standing committee shall be appointed by the Mayor to serve until the next organizational meeting. Thereafter all appointments shall be made by the Mayor at the organizational meeting. Members of the standing committee shall thereafter serve for a term of two years.
The following standing committee is hereby created: Personnel, Finance and Audit Committee.
There will be four Councilmembers appointed to this committee. Committee meetings will be open to the attendance of the public. An agenda will be prepared and shall contain the time and specific place for each meeting and with enumeration of the agenda subjects. The Committee shall have the right to modify the agenda to include items of an emergency nature only.
The City Clerk shall be responsible for posting an agenda and recording the proceedings of the Committee meetings. The Mayor or City Council shall be responsible for determining the necessity for a Committee meeting and the agenda items.
Responsibilities of the Personnel, Finance and Audit Committee may include, but not be limited to, claim review, audit reviews and selection of firms, personnel manual changes and updates, classification and pay plans and any other subject which may be referred to it.
The Committee is fact-finding only and they will report to the Council for final determination.