[1973 Code § 2-3.1]
The Township Council shall choose a Township Manager solely on the basis of his executive and administrative qualifications, with special reference to his actual experience in, or his knowledge of, accepted practice in respect to the duties of his office as hereinafter set forth. The Township Manager shall hold office for an indefinite term and may be removed by a majority vote of the Council pursuant to the Charter.
[1973 Code § 2-3.2]
The Manager may designate a qualified administrative officer of the Township to perform his duties during his temporary absence or disability. In the event of his failure to make such a designation, the Council may by resolution appoint an officer of the Township to perform the duties of the Manager during such absence or disability, until he shall return or his disability shall cease.
[1973 Code § 2-3.3]
The Manager shall be the Chief Executive and Administrative Officer of the Township. The Manager shall see that all ordinances, resolutions and policies of the Council, and all State laws which are subject to enforcement by Township action are faithfully enforced and executed. The Manager shall:
Represent the Township and assert its proper interests in relation to the State and other political subdivisions, and with respect to municipal contracts and franchises.
Attend all meetings of the Township Council with the right to take part in the discussions, but without the right to vote.
Keep the Council advised of the financial condition of the Township, make reports to the Council as requested by it, and at least once a year make an annual report on administration of the Township government for the benefit of the Council and the public.
Study the governmental and administrative operations and needs of the Township government, and prepare and recommend to the Council necessary and desirable plans and programs to meet present and foreseeable needs.
Investigate at any time the affairs of any officer, employee, Division or Department of the Township.
Perform such other duties as may be required of the Township Manager by ordinance or resolution of the Township Council.
[1973 Code § 2-3.5]
The Manager shall:
Appoint and remove all department heads and all other officers, subordinates and assistants other than the Township Clerk, Township Attorney, Tax Assessor, Class I and Class III members of the Planning Board, the Board of Adjustment, the Municipal Judge, and Township representatives on the regional public library board. The Manager may delegate to the head of a department the power to appoint and remove subordinates in such department. Pursuant to the Charter, any provision of general law conferring the appointing power or other power upon the Mayor or other executive head of the Township shall be construed as meaning the Township Manager, except that members of the regional public library board shall be appointed by the Mayor.
Except where otherwise expressly required by the Charter or general law, department heads and subordinate officers and employees subject to appointment by the Manager shall be appointed for an indefinite term subject to suspension or removal by the Manager.
Direct and supervise the administration of all departments of the Township government and be responsible for the maintenance of sound personnel policies and administrative practices.
Approve all bills and vouchers for payment subject to pre-audit and control as provided herein.
Maintain a continuing review and analysis of budget operations, work programs, and costs of Township services.
Establish working, personnel, vacation and sick leave schedules and appropriate records and reports.
Approve or prescribe the internal organization of each department.
Assign and transfer administrative functions, powers and duties among and within departments, subject to the Charter and this revision.
Delegate to department heads such of his powers as he may deem necessary for efficient administration.
[1973 Code § 2-3.5; Ord. No. 16-2007; amended 9-5-2019 by Ord. No. 16-2019; 2-2-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
All materials, supplies and equipment, work and labor under contract required by any department, office or agency of the Township shall be purchased by or under the direction of the Manager.
Purchasing Agent. The Manager may designate an administrative officer of the Township to serve as Purchasing Agent.
Purchase Controls. Purchases shall be authorized only upon requisition of a department head which shall be made to the Manager at such times and in such form as he may prescribe or approve. All purchases made and contracts awarded for any supplies, materials or equipment or contractual services shall be pursuant to a written requisition from the head of the department against which the appropriation will be charged and the certification of the Chief Financial Officer that a sufficient balance of appropriation is available to pay therefor. All such purchase contracts in excess of seventeen thousand five hundred ($17,500.00) dollars or twenty-five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars with a qualified Purchasing Official shall conform with applicable requirements of State Statutes for competitive bidding. Except as the Manager may specifically authorize in case of emergency, no purchase shall be made and no bill, claim or voucher shall be approved unless the procedures prescribed by or pursuant to this revision have been followed. The Manager may, at his option in cases where competitive bidding is not required, submit a proposed purchase to competitive bidding, open the bids obtained, and award contracts.
Award of Contracts; Execution. Where contracts are by law required to be awarded by competitive public bidding, the Council may, upon recommendation of the Manager, award the contract in the manner prescribed by law. The Mayor or, in the event of the Mayor's absence for more than three (3) days or his disability or inability to act, the Deputy Mayor shall execute and sign contracts awarded and authorized pursuant to the Charter and ordinances, and their respective signatures shall be attested by the Clerk.
Standards and Tests. The Purchasing Agent shall establish and approve uniform standards for requisitions and purchases; shall control the delivery of all supplies, materials and equipment and other items purchased and shall make or cause to be made proper test checks and inspections thereof. The Purchasing Agent shall ascertain whether the supplies, materials, equipment and other items purchased comply with the specifications and shall cause laboratory or other tests to be made whenever in his opinion it is necessary to determine whether the materials or supplies furnished are of the quality and standard required, and shall accept or reject the deliveries in accordance with the results of his inspection.
Storerooms. The Purchasing Agent shall control any general storerooms or stock rooms which the Council may authorize; may make transfers of supplies, material and equipment between departments, officers and agencies; may sell surplus, obsolete, unused or waste supplies, material and equipment; and may make any other sales authorized by the Council.
Claims for Payment.
All claims for payment that are less than $5,000 shall require two authorized signatures for payment, one of which shall be either the Mayor or Township Manager and one of which shall be either the Township Clerk or the Township Chief Financial Officer.
All claims for payment that are $5,000 or more shall require three authorized signatures for payment by any of the following authorized signatories: 1) Mayor, 2) Township Manager, 3) Township Chief Financial Officer or 4) Township Clerk.
Claimant Certification cannot be waived for the advance or reimbursement of employee expenses, or for services provided exclusively and entirely by an individual (e.g., sole proprietors).
Claimant Certification will not be required from claimants that do not provide such certification as part of its normal course of business unless the payment is for the advance or reimbursement of employee expenses or for serviced provided exclusively and entirely by an individual.
Claimant Certification will not be required for payments to be made without vendor or claimant certification where ordering, billing and payment transactions are made through a computerized electronic transaction utilizing standard electronic funds transfer technologies.
[1973 Code § 2-4.1]
The Township budget shall be prepared by the Manager.
[1973 Code § 2-4.2; New]
During the month of November in each year, the Township Manager shall require all department heads to submit requests for appropriations for the ensuing budget year, and to appear before the Township Manager at public hearings which shall be held during that month, on the various requests.
[1973 Code § 2-4.3]
Upon the basis of the departmental requests, the budget hearings, his analysis of the needs and resources of the Township, and such policy guides as may be prescribed by resolution of the Council, the Manager shall prepare a recommended budget in the form required by general law for Township budgets. On or before January 15 in each year, the Manager shall present to the Council a budget document consisting of:
The recommended budget; and
A budget message.
[1973 Code § 2-4.4; New]
The budget message shall consist of such explanatory comments, exhibits, and schedules concerning the budget as the Manager may deem desirable, together with:
An outline of the proposed financial policies for the ensuing budget year, including explanations of the important features of the budget and of any major changes in policy.
An analysis of revenue and costs, and of work performance contemplated by the budget so far as appropriate units of measurement may have been developed and installed.
A statement of pending capital projects and proposed new capital projects, relating the amounts required for capital purposes to the down payments and other expenditures financed from current appropriations and to the amount of bonds to be issued during the budget year.
A capital program of proposed capital projects for the budget year and the next five (5) years, which may be prepared by the Township Planning Board, together with the Manager's comments thereon and estimates of cost.
[1973 Code § 2-4.5; New]
The Manager shall control the expenditure programs of each department through the application of work programs and periodic allotments of budgeted appropriations. No department shall incur any expenditure in excess of the amount so allotted. Whenever it shall appear to the Manager that the amount appropriated for any department is in excess of the amount required to be expended to provide the quantity and quality of services authorized by the budget, the Manager may, by administrative order with the approval of the Council, reduce the amount available for expenditure by any department during the remainder of any year. If at any time during the budget year the Manager shall ascertain that the Township government is faced with the probability of incurring a cash deficit for the current year, he shall reconsider the work programs and allotments of the several departments. Upon such reconsideration, the Manager may by administrative order with the approval of the Council revise budget allotments so as to forestall, so far as possible, the making of commitments and expenditures in excess of the revenues to be realized during the fiscal year.
[1973 Code § 2-3.6; Ord. No. 5-1976]
There is hereby created and established the Office of Deputy Manager whose compensation shall be as provided for in the salary ordinance of the Township, and who shall be appointed by the Township Manager.
[1973 Code § 2-3.6; Ord. No. 5-1976]
The Deputy Manager shall be under the authority and supervision of the Township Manager and shall perform the functions and duties assigned by the Manager. The Deputy Manager shall perform the duties of the Manager during the temporary absence or disability of the Manager and until the Manager shall return or his disability shall cease.