The preservation and improvement of the quality of the natural and man-made environment within the Town of Warwick, in the face of population growth, urbanization and technologic change with their accompanying demands on natural resources, are found to be increasing and are of vital importance to the health, welfare and economic well-being of present and future inhabitants and require forthright action by the governing body of the Town of Warwick. Protection of the natural environment involves efforts to maintain proper water quality standards, and to avoid degradation and depletion of the Town's natural resources. Objectives include the protection and preservation of lakes and streams, of wetlands, of groundwater and surface water systems, of vegetation and wildlife habits.
Greenwood Lake is a critical environmental area, listed in the Town's Comprehensive Plan, and as such the Town, in conjunction with the Greenwood Lake Commission, has an obligation to preserve this precious resource. The Greenwood Lake Commission is a bi-state commission that was formed in 2001 for the express purpose of improving the water quality of this beautiful lake. Their mission is to serve as a bi-state cooperative effort to help ensure that the natural, scenic, economic, and recreational resources of Greenwood Lake and its watershed are protected, so that the pristine beauty of the area will be preserved and maintained for the enjoyment and recreation of present and future generations. Greenwood Lake supplies over three million residents and thousands of businesses with their water supplies. The Town of Warwick shares this goal.