As used in this chapter:
Includes wood, stumps, masonry materials, rock, brick, dirt, soil, stone, cinders, ashes from wood or coal fire and bituminous materials or other nonputrescent materials.
Meat and vegetable waste solids resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of foods. "Garbage" is considered to originate primarily in kitchens, stores, markets, restaurants, hotels and other places where food is stored, cooked and consumed.
Includes an individual, firm, corporation, association, society, partnership and their agents or employees.
Includes all miscellaneous matter such as but not limited to bottles, rags, mattresses, worn-out furniture, old clothes, old shoes, broken glass, leather, carpets, crockery, rubber, newspapers, cartons, tin cans, metals, abandoned automobiles or parts thereof.
No animal or vegetable substance or garbage or refuse or dirt gathered in cleaning sewers or waste from mills or factories or any materials which are offensive to health or tend to decay, to become putrid or to render the atmosphere impure or unwholesome shall be deposited upon or used as fill to raise the surface or level of any lot, grounds, street, road or alley in the Borough.
No owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant of any lot, grounds, street, road or alley in the Borough shall permit the depositing thereon of any animal or vegetable substance or garbage or refuse or dirt gathered in cleaning sewers, or waste from mills or factories, or any materials which are offensive to health or tend to decay, to become putrid or to render the atmosphere impure or unwholesome.
No person shall place or cause or suffer to be placed on any public street, right-of-way or other public place for collection any garbage or waste unless such garbage or other waste has been thoroughly drained of its moisture and deposited in a suitable container acceptable to the Health Officer.
No glass, newspaper, aluminum cans, yard waste, or other recyclable materials mandated by the Borough shall be deposited in any receptacle containing garbage that is placed on any public street, right-of-way or other public place for collection.
No hazardous waste shall be deposited in any receptacle containing garbage that is placed on any public street, right-of-way or other public place for collection.
All garbage, refuse, waste and recyclable material put out for collection shall be placed in suitable receptacles which shall be deposited in front of the property facing the street not earlier than 6:00 p.m. of the evening prior to collection in accordance with a schedule of collections as promulgated by the Borough.
Receptacles shall be removed from the front to the rear of the premises not later than 8:00 p.m. on collection days.
The Health Officer may grant a temporary exception to the receptacle regulation section of this chapter to residents of the Borough provided that proper sanitary conditions are maintained at all times.
All outdoor storage of garbage, refuse and recyclable materials generated from a commercial, industrial or office facility shall be kept in leakproof, nonabsorbent containers constructed of durable metal or other approved types of material, which do not leak and do not absorb liquids.
All outdoor storage containers for garbage, refuse and recyclable materials shall be provided with tight fitting lids or covers and shall be kept covered.
Each container shall be maintained in a clean condition on the inside and outside.
There shall be a sufficient number of containers to hold all garbage, refuse and recyclable materials which accumulate between periods of removal from the premises.
Outside storage areas shall be large enough to store the garbage, refuse and recycling containers that accumulate and shall be kept clean. Containers and compactor systems located outside shall be located on or above a smooth surface of nonabsorbent material such as concrete or approved equal that is kept clean and maintained in good repair. Outside storage areas shall be completely enclosed by a fence or other screening capable of preventing litter from blowing off the storage area.
The Health Officer may grant a temporary exception to the outdoor storage regulations of this chapter to any facility requiring temporary storage of solid waste during construction, renovation or other temporary on-site activities.
The Roseland Board of Health may grant a permanent exception to the outdoor storage regulations to any facility operating under a solid waste management plan approved by the Board of Health.
Commercial, industrial and office facilities existing prior to April 1, 2007, will be granted an exception to the requirement of providing an enclosure and a concrete surface until a change of use, change of occupancy, expansion or renovation of the facility, provided that the existing facility's storage containers are properly maintained and are located on or above a smooth asphalt surface and the facility is operated in compliance with all other provisions of the Borough.
All commercial, industrial and office facilities to which the public has access shall provide sufficient litter receptacles at entrances and exits of the facility and in exterior areas to encourage litter control.
Any person who violates or neglects to comply with any provision of this chapter or code established herein or notice issued pursuant thereto shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars for each violation.