[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Muhlenburg as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 5-15-2023 by Ord. No. 612[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance superseded former Art. I, Recognition of Companies, adopted 3-15-1999 by Ord. No. 334 (Ch. 11 of the 1982 Code).
Muhlenberg Township Fire & Rescue, Inc. (herein referred to as the "Fire Company") organized and existing in the Township of Muhlenberg, Berks County, Pennsylvania, is hereby designated as an officially recognized Fire Company for the Township of Muhlenberg, Berks County, Pennsylvania (herein referred to as the "Township") for the purpose of providing services as set forth herein when necessary or appropriate.
All approved activities below shall include travel to the event or traveling first to the Fire Company and then proceeding to the event and on return, traveling to the Fire Company and/or directly returning to the active participant's home, place of business or other place where he or she shall have been before engaging in the activity:
The Fire Company is hereby authorized to provide such services to the Township as may be necessary for the protection of property and persons situate therein, which include, by way of example and not of limitation, the extinguishment and prevention of loss of life and property from fire, automobile accidents, medical emergencies, hazardous materials incidents, and other dangerous situations.
The Fire Company may also provide nonemergency and public service functions, such as, again by way of example and not of limitation, removing water from property after storms, and assisting in the removal, abatement and prevention of damage or injury to persons or property, whether through natural causes or man-made situations.
The Fire Company may also conduct and participate in such training activities and drills, either within or outside of the Township, as may be deemed necessary by the officers of the Fire Company to maintain proficiency in providing service. The company may also respond to calls and provide services to municipalities outside of the Township.
Attendance of meetings related to any function of the Fire Company, wherever such meetings are located, including but not limited to Fire Company meetings, municipal government meetings, and County meetings.
The provision of necessary operational support to the Fire Company, which may not include responding to emergency calls. Operational support shall include, but not be limited to, maintaining the station and equipment, acting as trustee, organizing and participating in fundraisers and community events, providing information technology support and outreach services, assisting with recruitment, and other administrative tasks.
In addition to participating in the activities of the Fire Company as authorized above, the Township authorizes the first responder members of the Fire Company to engage in the performance of any other duty or activity authorized by any officer of the Fire Company.
In addition to actually participating in the activities of the Fire Company as authorized above, or in going to or returning from any activity, the members of the Fire Company recognized by the Township are also authorized to do the following things:
Engage in any type of drill, training, ceremony, practice, test or parade when duly called for or authorized by an officer or officers of the Fire Company; and
Engage in lawful fundraising activities for the Fire Company, when authorized by an officer or officers of the Fire Company and by the Township.
The purpose of this article is to recognize the Fire Company as an official Fire Company of the Township, and to state additional authorized activities for firefighters. This article shall replace and update Ord. No. 334, as enacted on March 15, 1999, by the Township.
[Adopted 3-19-2012 by Ord. No. 505 (Ch. 13 of the 1982 Code)]
The officers and members, including volunteer members, of the Temple Fire Company and the Goodwill Fire Company of Hyde Park (herein referred to, collectively, as the "Fire Companies"), organized and existing in the Township and designated as officially recognized fire companies for the Township of Muhlenberg, Berks County, Pennsylvania (herein referred to as the "Township") for the purpose of providing firefighting services, are generally provided with workers' compensation insurance coverage for any injuries that may occur while providing services for the benefit of the Township as officers and members of the fire companies. The Township recognizes that the officers and members engage in activities other than firefighting services incident to their positions in the fire companies, such as removing water from properties following storms, training activities and fund-raising activities. It is the intent of the Township, through this article, to clarify when workers' compensation insurance coverage applies to such activities.
The fire companies provide such services to the Township as may be necessary for the protection of property and persons situate therein, which include, by way of example and not of limitation, the extinguishment and prevention of loss of life and property from fire, automobile accidents, medical emergencies, hazardous materials incidents, and other dangerous situations. For these types of activities, all members and officers shall be provided workers' compensation insurance coverage.
The Fire Companies also provide nonemergency and public service functions, such as, again by way of example and not of limitation, removing water from property after storms and assisting in the removal, abatement and prevention of damage or injury to persons or property, whether through natural causes or man-made situations. For these types of activities, members and officers specifically authorized by the Chief or officer in charge of his/her fire company to participate in any such activities shall be provided workers' compensation insurance coverage.
The fire companies also conduct and participate in training activities and drills, as may be deemed necessary by the officers of the fire companies to maintain proficiency in providing service. For these types of activities, members and officers specifically authorized by the chief or officer in charge of his/her fire company to participate in any such activities shall be provided workers' compensation insurance coverage.
The fire companies also conduct and participate in drills, training, ceremonies, practices, tests, parades and similar activities. For these types of activities, members and officers specifically authorized by the chief or officer in charge of his/her fire company to participate in any such activities shall be provided workers' compensation insurance coverage.
The fire companies also conduct and participate in lawful fund-raising activities for the fire companies. For these types of activities, members and officers specifically authorized by the chief or officer in charge of his/her fire company to participate in any such activities shall be provided workers' compensation insurance coverage.