Ordinance or Resolution
Res. 72-5
Endorsing House Bill 1774 and opposing the act known at "House Bill 1444"
Res. 72-10
Authorizing application to be made for funds under Section 201 of the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 for highway and related development planning
Res. 72-11
Agreeing to provide 5% of the total costs of the project referred to in Res. 72-10
Res. 72-12
Appointing the Department of Health of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to take over the administration of the health laws within the Borough
Res. 72-14
Designating Mellon National Bank and Trust Company as a depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough
Res. 72-15
Designating Mellon National Bank and Trust Company as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough
Res. 72-22
Requesting from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania a site development grant in the amount of 50% of the total project cost for an industrial access road
Res. 72-23
Authorizing the investment of $12,000 from the Borough's general fund in 30 day certificates of deposit with Mellon National Bank and Trust Company
Res. 73-25
Agreeing to compensate the Tax Collector for collection of the trailer tax at the rate of 5% of monies received
Res. 73-26
Designating Mellon National Bank and Trust Company as depository for funds in an account in the name of Borough Revenue Sharing Account
Res. 73-27
Authorizing the purchase of 30 day certificates of deposit up to an amount not exceeding $39,000 to be taken from the Borough General Account
Res. 73-28
Exempting the Borough from the realty transfer tax for conveyance of real property from Hempfield Township to the Borough
Res. 73-29
Adopting a Comprehensive Plan for the Borough
Res. 73-33
Designating paid holidays for the salaried employees of the Borough
Res. 74-36
Authorizing the purchasing and selling of United States Treasury Bills for a period of 91 days from the date of subscription of the bills in the total amount of $40,000 which funds are to be taken from the Borough General Account
Res. 74-38
Authorizing the proper officials to deliver drafts to the public utilities for services rendered in the event the discount period of said drafts would end before Council was to meet
Res. 74-40
Adopting the Civil Defense Emergency Operational Plan for the Borough
Res. 74-41
Adopting the County-wide official plan in accordance with Pennsylvania Act 241
Res. 75-43
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of Borough of New Stanton Revenue Sharing Account, 1974
Res. 75-44
Urging Congress to continue the program of federal revenue sharing
Res. 75-45
Urging the Pennsylvania Legislature to give the highest priority to the enactment to provide allocation in state revenue sharing for municipalities and counties
Res. 75-46
Authorizing the proper officers to execute a cooperative agreement with the County of Westmoreland for the purpose of obtaining community development grants
Res. 75-47
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton General Account
Res. 75-48
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Liquid Fuel and Tax Account
Res. 75-51
Evidencing a positive interest in securing flood insurance coverage and agreeing to comply with the regulations of the National Flood Insurance Program
Res. 75-53
Accepting the proposed application for funding of the construction of a storm sewer with an assigned cost of $8,000
Res. 75-54
Carrying out the objectives of the National Flood Insurance Program by requiring building permits and other regulations concerning Section 1910.3a of the National Flood Insurance Program regulations
Res. 75-56
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton General Account
Res. 75-57
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Liquid Fuel and Tax Account
Res. 75-58
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Revenue Sharing Account, 1974
Res. 76-62
Designating paid holidays for the salaried employees of the Borough
Res. 76-66
Authorizing the proper officials to invest $15,000 of federal revenue sharing money in a ninety-day savings account with Mellon Bank, N.A.
Res. 76-67
Requesting from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, under the Harness Racing Bill, a grant in the amount of 75% of the project cost to build an access road to a commercial and industrial area of the Borough
Res. 76-68
Designating Southwest National Bank of Pennsylvania as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Paintersville Road Project Account
Res. 76-69
Entering into an agreement with Charley Bros. Realty Co., Inc., for the purposes of improvement of Paintersville Road and the development of certain facilities for a dry goods warehouse facility
Res. 77-74
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Antirecessional Fiscal Fund
Res. 77-75
Authorizing the proper officials of the Borough to invest funds of the Borough General Account and Liquid Fuels Tax Account in special time deposits or savings accounts with Mellon Bank, N.A.
Res. 77-77
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 77-78
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the Borough Secretary
Res. 77-80
Requesting from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania federal economic aid under the Site Development Act of 1967 a site development grant in the amount of 50% of the project cost for the improving of Paintersville Road as an industrial access road
Res. 77-81
Committing to the Paintersville Road project the sum of $25,000, which represents 50% of the anticipated projects costs
Res. 77-86
Authorizing the Borough to enter into an escrow agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Mellon Bank, N.A. for the holding and disbursement of commonwealth funds through the Site Development Grant Program
Res. 77-87
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 78-94
Requesting from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, under the Harness Racing Bill, a grant in the amount of 75% of the project cost for the extension of public water service to a portion of the Borough of New Stanton
Res. 78-95
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 78-101
Requesting that Act 170 be amended to exclude Borough officials and that a separate Code of Ethics be inserted in the Borough Code, eliminating the requirements for annual filing of financial statements by Borough officials
Res. 79-102
Supporting immediate completion of the New Stanton-Delmont expressway for the Central Westmoreland County Greensburg Area
Res. 79-103
Urging the Pennsylvania General Assembly to earmark 20% of any proposed gasoline tax increase to municipalities to help offset the rising costs of local highway construction and maintenance and to keep the real property tax from rising
Res. 79-104
Directing the proper officers of the Borough to invest funds of the Borough of New Stanton General Account and Liquid Fuels Tax Account in special time deposits with Mellon Bank, N.A.
Res. 79-105
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Liquid Fuel and Tax Account
Res. 79-106
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton General Account
Res. 79-108
Setting forth the terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 79-110
Urging Congress to work for an early reenactment of the Federal General Revenue Sharing Program
Res. 79-112
Setting forth the terms and conditions of employment of the Borough Secretary
Res. 79-114
Setting forth the terms and conditions of employment of the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 80-118
Opposing House Bill 1 or any other constitutional spending limit introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives
Res. 80-119
Setting forth the terms and conditions of employment of the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 80-120
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Community Development Account No. 188-3458
Res. 80-127
Setting forth the terms and conditions of employment of the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 81-130
Supporting the Kolter amendment or a similar amendment to House Hill 375 giving municipalities their fair share of 20% of the gasoline tax
Res. 80-133
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Revenue Sharing Account
Res. 80-134
Authorizing the proper officers to invest funds of the Borough of New Stanton General Account, Revenue Sharing Account and Liquid Fuels Tax Account in special time deposits or savings accounts
Res. 82-143
Setting forth the terms and conditions of employment of the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 82-156
Setting forth the terms and conditions of employment of the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 82-158
Appointing the Southwest Regional Tax Bureau as the officer and agency for the collection of current wage taxes
Res. 83-162
Urging Congress to work for an early reenactment of the Federal General Revenue Sharing Program
Res. 83-167
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton General Account
Res. 83-168
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Revenue Sharing Account
Res. 83-169
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Liquid Fuel and Tax Account
Res. 83-170
Authorizing the proper officers of the Borough to invest funds of the general account, revenue sharing account and liquid fuels tax account in special time deposits or savings accounts with Mellon Bank, N.A.
Res. 83-172
Opposing Senate Bill 391 regarding fee assessment for municipalities utilizing state police protection
Res. 84-178
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Flexible Fund General Account
Res. 84-179
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Flexible Fund Revenue Sharing Account, 1974
Res. 84-180
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Flexible Fund Liquid Fuel and Tax Account
Res. 84-183
Setting forth the terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 84-188
Supporting passage of Senate Bill 1137 and House Bill 1709 which will help finance the cost of maintaining local Borough roads
Res. 84-189
Authorizing the proper officers to execute an application to the Department of Community Affairs for the purpose of obtaining grant funds for the acquisition of the New Stanton Recreation Facility
Res. 84-193
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Flex Fund General Account
Res. 84-194
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Flex Fund Revenue Sharing Account, 1974
Res. 84-195
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Flex Fund Liquid Fuel and Tax Account
Res. 84-197
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 85-203
Directing the proper officers to file the necessary documents with the Department of Environmental Resources and/or the Department of Community Affairs to participate in the Pennsylvania Conservation Corps and Recreation Improvement and Rehabilitation programs
Res. 85-205
Urging Congress to reinsert federal revenue sharing funding in the 1985-1986 federal budget
Res. 85-218
Granting assistance, through the Borough Emergency Relief Board, to the family units who sustained losses and damages to property as a result of the flooding of the Sewickley Creek on July 9, 1985
Res. 85-219
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Emergency Relief Fund
Res. 86-230
Supporting any effort in Congress to continue general revenue sharing in the future years at the same funding level and assisting in achieving this end
Res. 86-231
Authorizing the proper officials to execute applications to the Department of Community Affairs for the purpose of obtaining grant funds for the development of the New Stanton Recreation Facility
Res. 86-234
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Memorial Fund
Res. 86-235
Setting forth the terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Providing for a period during which interest and penalties on earned income taxes are waived for the period June 1, 1988, to August 1, 1988
Res. 87-244
Authorizing the proper officials to execute an agreement with the Department of Transportation to transfer from state to municipal control certain specified roads
Res. 87-247
Authorizing the proper officials to execute an application with the Department of Community Affairs for the purpose of obtaining grant funds for the development of the New Stanton Recreation Facility
Res. 87-248
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Park Development Fund
Res. 87-249
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Special Liquid Fuel and Tax Account
Res. 87-251
Authorizing the participation in purchase contracts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of General Services
Res. 88-261
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 88-264
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of the Borough of New Stanton Emergency Relief Fund
Res. 88-270
Designating Mellon Bank, N.A. as depository for funds in an account in the name of Borough of New Stanton Hemlock Lane Sewer Project
Res. 88-271
Designating the Westmoreland County Promotion and Development Council as the industrial development agency for the County of Westmoreland in all matters relevant to the Industrial Development Assistance Law
Res. 88-272
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 89-279
Authorizing the proper officials to execute applications to the Department of Community Affairs for the purpose of obtaining grant funds for the development of the New Stanton Recreation Facility
Res. 89-280
Requesting the Westmoreland County Board of Elections to place a referendum on the May 16, 1989, municipal primary ballot for the voters of the Borough to consider the issuance of licenses to conduct small games of chance in the Borough
Res. 89-288
Agreeing to comply with the requirements of the Recreational Improvement and Rehabilitation Act[1] Program for the purpose of obtaining funds to develop the recreation park
Res. 89-289
Appointing the Westmoreland County Board of Commissioners as designated agent to perform all duties to proceed with an complete the demolition of the building designated as Westmoreland County Tax Map No. 64-04-13-0-080
Res. 89-291
Authorizing the proper official to execute an agreement with the Department of Transportation for amendment to prior Res. 87-244 transferring state roads to municipal control
Res. 89-292
Approving the Emergency Operations Plan of the Borough
Res. 89-293
Authorizing the execution of an agreement with Mellon Bank, N.A. providing for its participation in the bank's business investment account service
Res. 89-295
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 90-308
Establishing reimbursement mileage rates for employees and officials of the Borough
Res. 91-318
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the Borough Secretary
Res. 91-319
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 91-322
Disapproving the proposed 1990 Municipal Waste Management Plan for Westmoreland County
Res. 91-323
Declaring the Borough's intention to follow the procedures for disposition of records as set forth in the Retention and Disposition Schedule for Records of Pennsylvania Municipalities
Res. 91-324
Declaring the Borough's compliance with the Recreational and Improvement Rehabilitation Act Program during its rehabilitation of New Stanton Borough Park
Res. 91-326
Authorizing the disposition of certain specified public records
Res. 91-329
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 92-332
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Authorizing the Borough to join with other local government units as a settlor of the Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust for the purpose of purchasing shares of the trust
Res. 92-339
Approving, adopting and placing into immediate effect the Emergency Operations Plan of New Stanton Borough
Res. 93-361
Entering into agreement with Central Tax Bureau of Pennsylvania (CENTAX) for the collection of the Borough earned income tax
Res. 93-362
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the Borough Secretary
Res. 93-363
Setting forth terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 94-364
Entering into agreement with Central Tax Bureau of Pennsylvania (CENTAX) for the collection of the Earned Income, Occupational Privilege and Per Capita Taxes of the Borough
Res. 94-366
Setting forth the terms and conditions of employment for the Borough Secretary
Res. 94-367
Setting forth the terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 94-368
Establishing a procedure for the disposal of surplus personal property owned by the Borough with a sale value of more than $200
Res. 94-391
Exonerating the per capita Tax Collector from collecting the per capita tax from those persons who qualify under certain specified conditions
Res. 94-392
Setting certain terms and conditions of employment of the Borough Assistant Secretary
Res. 95-404A
Appointing Donna Armitage to fill the vacancy on the Zoning Hearing Board, left by the resignation of Russell McHugh, for a term of 1 year
Res. 95-407
Appointing certain specified individuals as special school police, establishing compensation for said individuals and providing that Hempfield Area School District provide for insurance coverage and unemployment compensation taxes
Res. 95-409
Declaring October 8, 1995, and each succeeding October 8 as Carl Porter Center Day and renaming the New Stanton Emergency Management Center the Carl Porter Emergency Management Center
Res. 95-410
Appointing certain specified individuals to the Recreation Board
Res. 96-411
Setting certain terms and conditions of employment for the Department of Public Works employees
Res. 96-412
Setting certain terms and conditions of employment for the Borough Assistant Secretary
Res. 96-413
Setting certain terms and conditions of employment for the Borough Secretary/Treasurer
Res. 96-414
Setting certain terms and conditions of employment for the Borough Code Enforcement Officer
Res. 96-415
Appointing Graydon Long as a member of the Planning Commission for a term of 4 years
Res. 96-416
Requesting the Westmoreland County Bureau of Elections to place a question on the ballot or voting machine board of whether or not to allow "bottle clubs" in the Borough of New Stanton
Res. 96-417
Authorizing the proper officers of the Borough to execute all forms and documents necessary for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act
Res. 96-419
Appointing certain specified individuals as special school police, establishing compensation for said individuals and providing that Hempfield Area School District provide for insurance coverage and unemployment compensation taxes
Res. 96-420
Reaffirming the position of Ordinance Officer and specifying the duties and compensation of said officer
Res. 97-421
Setting certain terms and conditions of employment for the Borough Secretary/Treasurer
Res. 97-422
Setting certain terms and conditions of employment for the Borough Assistant Secretary
Res. 97-423
Setting certain terms and conditions of employment for the employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 97-424
Setting certain terms and conditions of employment for part-time employees of the Department of Public Works
Res. 97-425
Setting certain terms and conditions of employment for the Code Enforcement Officer
Res. 97-426
Appointing Herbert Lawton as a member of the Zoning Hearing Board for a 3-year term
Res. 97-427
Appointing Robert Fox as a member of the Planning Commission for a term of 4 years
Res. 97-428
Extending sympathy to the family and friends of Melvin F. Steele, and extending a heartfelt thanks to Mel for his faithful, unselfish services rendered to the community
Authorizing intergovernmental cooperation by establishing the Central Westmoreland Council of Governments and establishing the condition of said membership
Declaring the real property of RSP, LP, as a "deteriorated area" under the Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Act and providing for a 100% exemption from real property taxes for the assessed value of new construction and improvements to the real property for a five-year period
Authorizing intergovernmental cooperation between the Borough of New Stanton and the Borough of Hunker with regard to certain functions, powers or responsibilities involving the care, maintenance and repair of streets and rights-of-way in the Borough of Hunker
Declaring the real property of RSP, LP, as a "deteriorated area" under the Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Act and providing for a 100% exemption from real property taxes for the assessed value of new construction and improvements to the real property for a five-year period
Amending the Non-Uniform Pension Plan administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
Editor's Note: See 32 P.S. § 5401 et seq.