State law reference: As to weapons, firearms, etc., see N.J.S.A. 40:48-1; as to power of City to regulate and prohibit, see N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.
[R.O. 1957, 10:4-1]
No person shall have in his possession, carry or use except as provided in Subsection (b) a cannon, gun, pistol, revolver or firearm of any description, a shotgun or rifle which may be used for the explosion of bullets and cartridges, or any air-gun, B-B gun, gas-operated gun or spring-operated gun, or any instrument, toy, or weapon commonly known as a peashooter, slingshot or beany, or any knife except as may be specifically hereinafter provided by Section 9:3-2 whether that instrument is called by any name set forth above or by any other name.
Excepted from the prohibition in Subsection (a) shall be weapons used:
In necessary self defense;
By a law enforcement officer in necessary performance of his duty;
By a member of a recognized military unit, in the necessary performance of his duty;
Any toy pistols capable of exploding only paper caps containing thirty-five (35) grains or less explosive composition, including starter pistols used in sporting or athletic events; and,
The weapons prohibited in Subsection (a) shall be permitted upon the grant of a license therefor as required by law.
[R.O. 1957, 10:4-2]
No person shall carry in any vehicle or concealed on or about his person any weapon such as blackjack, bludgeon, razor, dagger, dirk, switchblade knife, stiletto, brass or metal knuckles, billy, slingshot, bomb or high explosive other than fixed ammunition; nor, without having first obtained a permit as required by law, any pistol, revolver or other firearms.
This Section shall not apply to law enforcement officers in the performance of their duties, or other persons authorized by law to carry such weapons.
No person shall shoot with or use out of doors, within the City limits, a bow and arrow, the bow of which has a "pull" of ten (10) pounds or over unless a permit in writing to use same is first obtained from the Chief of Police.
No person shall use any arrow with a tip or point of steel or other hard substance unless a permit in writing to use same is first obtained from the Chief of Police.
No person shall sell, offer for sale or display any knife having the appearance of a pocket knife, the blade or blades of which can be opened by a flick of a button, pressure on the handle or other mechanical device on the handle or by other mechanical devices or gravity. Such knives are hereby declared to be dangerous or deadly weapons under this article and shall be subject to forfeiture to the City as provided herein.
This Section shall not include any closed non-mechanical, non-gravity pocket knife of six (6) inches overall length or less, or any knife essential to one's trade.
Every person convicted of any violation under this article shall in addition to any penalty provided in this Code, forfeit to the City any weapon and the City shall have the discretion of either disposing of the weapon or retaining the same for official Police Force use.
[R.O. 1957, 10:4-1]
No person shall offer for sale, expose for sale, sell, possess, or use, or explode any blank cartridge, except use in starter pistols for sporting or athletic events, toy pistol, toy cannon, toy cane or toy gun in which explosives are used; the type of balloon which requires fire underneath to propel the same, firecrackers, torpedoes, sky-rockets, roman candles, bombs, sparklers or other fireworks of like construction, or any fireworks containing any explosive or inflammable compound or any tablets or other device commonly used and sold as fireworks.
The Director of Public Affairs and Safety or his designee may grant permission to a religious, fraternal, or civic organization or to a City sponsored Committee or other groups of individuals or organizations to discharge fireworks within the City under and pursuant to the following conditions:
That the time and place for the discharge of such fireworks be approved by the Chiefs of the Police and Fire Divisions.
That the discharge of such fireworks be handled by an experienced and competent operator approved by the Chiefs of the Police and Fire Divisions.
That permission shall not be granted by the City for any person to discharge fireworks of the type commonly known as "bombs" or "torpedoes" or for any fireworks which are designed to detonate and produce noise or concussion, except that such "bombs" or "torpedoes" may be discharged in connection with the celebration of any event either approved or sponsored by the City.
That the operator of such fireworks shall furnish to the City proper property, liability and workmen's compensation insurance policies in such amounts as requested and approved by the City. Included in such insurance policies shall be a proper save harmless clause to protect the City.
That all insurance policies shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel as to form and sufficiency before permission is granted herein.
That the operator of such fireworks shall comply with any further conditions as the City may request.