[1999 Code § 15.04.010]
As used in this section:
Means the Department of Community Affairs.
Means the Edison construction enforcement agency.
Means N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq., State Uniform Construction Code Act.
Means the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code as adopted by the Department of Community Affairs N.J.A.C. 5:23-1 et seq., three (3) copies of which are on file with the Edison Township Clerk.
All other words and phrases shall be defined as set forth in the Act and the regulations.
[1999 Code § 15.04.020]
There is established in Edison Township a State Uniform Construction Code enforcing agency to be known as the Edison Construction Code Enforcement Agency, consisting of a Construction Official, Building Subcode Official, Plumbing Subcode Official, Fire Protection Subcode Official and such other subcode officials for such additional subcodes as the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs, State of New Jersey, shall hereafter adopt as part of the State Uniform Construction Code. The Construction Official shall be the chief administrator of the enforcing agency.
Each official position created in paragraph a. above shall be filled by a person qualified for such position pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq., and N.J.A.C. 5:23, provided that, in lieu of any particular subcode official, an on-site inspection agency may be retained by contract pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:23 to hold each such position.
The public shall have the right to do business with the enforcing agency at one (1) office location, except for emergencies and unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances.
[1999 Code § 15.04.030]
It is unlawful to construct, enlarge, alter, move or demolish a structure; or to change the occupancy of a building or structure requiring greater strength, exitway or sanitary provisions; or to change to a different use group; or to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made or the installation of which is regulated by the regulations, without first filing an application with the Construction Official in writing and obtaining the required permit therefor.
The following are exceptions from paragraph a. above:
Ordinary repairs, as provided for in Article 7 of the regulations, which do not involve any violation of the regulations;
Minor work as determined by the appropriate subcode official;
Emergency work, except that a permit shall be applied for as soon thereafter as is practicable, but not later than seventy-two (72) hours thereafter.
[1999 Code § 15.04.040]
The application for a permit shall be submitted on forms provided by the enforcing agency and shall be accompanied by plans and specifications, as required by the regulations, and the required fee, as provided for in this section. The application shall be a public record and shall not be removed from the custody of the enforcing agency after a construction permit has been issued.
If the application conforms with the Act, the Code, this section and the requirements of other applicable laws and ordinances, the enforcing agency shall approve the application and shall issue a construction permit to the applicant. Every application for a construction permit shall be granted, in whole or in part, or denied, within twenty (20) business days. If the application is denied in whole or in part, the enforcing agency shall set forth the reasons therefor in writing. If the enforcing agency fails to grant, in whole or in part, or deny an application for a construction permit within the period of time prescribed herein, such failure shall be deemed a denial of the application for the purposes of an appeal to the County Construction Board of Appeals, unless such period of time has been extended with the consent of the applicant. The enforcing agency may approve changes in plans and specifications previously approved by it if the plans and specifications when so changed remain in conformity with the law.
An application for a permit for any proposed work shall be deemed to have been abandoned six (6) months after the day of filing, unless such application has been diligently prosecuted or a permit shall have been issued, except that for reasonable cause, the Construction Official may grant one (1) or more extensions of time for additional periods not exceeding ninety (90) days each.
A construction permit issued in accordance with the foregoing provisions, pursuant to which no construction has been undertaken above the foundation walls within one (1) year from the time of issuance or if authorized work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months after the time of commencement of the work, shall expire and be invalid. The enforcing agency may suspend, revoke or cancel a construction permit in case of neglect or failure to comply with the provisions of the Act, the regulations or this section, or upon a finding by it that a false statement or representation has been made in the application for the construction permit.
[1999 Code § 15.04.050]
The issuance of the construction permit shall be conditioned upon the following:
The payment of appropriate fees;
That work will conform to the approved application, plans and specifications for which the permit has been issued, including prior approvals and any approved amendments thereto;
That the permit is a license to proceed with the work and shall not be construed as authority to violate, cancel or set aside any of the provisions of the regulations;
That the owner, his or her agent, contractor or other employees will assist the enforcing agency in its inspection work if requested;
That an as-built foundation resurvey of the lot is submitted to the Construction Code Official for approval prior to the placing of sills on the foundation. This survey shall have the seal and signature of the registered architect or licensed engineer who prepared the survey affixed thereto. The Construction Official shall waive the requirement for an as-built foundation survey in the case of a single-family homeowner who had prepared his or her own plans for the construction, alteration or repair of a structure used or intended to be used exclusively as his or her private residence and to be constructed by himself or herself, provided that the owner shall submit an affidavit attesting to the fact that the construction has proceeded pursuant to the plans originally submitted and that all minimum lot requirements have been met.
A true copy of the construction permit shall be kept on the site of operations open to inspection during the entire time of prosecution of the work and until the completion of the same.
At least twenty-four (24) hours' notice of start of work under a construction permit shall be given to the Construction Official.
[1999 Code § 15.04.070; Ord. No. O.1867-2014]
No building or structure hereafter constructed shall be used or occupied, in whole or in part, until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued by the enforcing agency. No building or structure hereafter altered, in whole or in part, shall be used or occupied until such a certificate has been issued, except that any use or occupancy in an already existing building or structure that was not discontinued during its alteration may be continued in the preexisting structure for thirty (30) days after the completion of the alteration without the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
After a change of use has been made in a building or structure, the reestablishment of a prior use that is not legal in a new building of the same type of construction is prohibited unless the building complies with all applicable provisions of the regulations. A change from one prohibited use for which a permit has been granted to another prohibited use shall be deemed a violation of this section.
A written application for a certificate of occupancy shall be filed with the enforcing agency by the owner or his or her agent. The application shall be on forms provided by the enforcing agency and shall contain all the information required thereby.
When a building or structure is entitled thereto, the Construction Official shall issue a certificate of use and occupancy within ten (10) business days after written application therefor. The certificate shall certify the purpose for which the building or structure may be used in its several parts. The certificate of occupancy shall specify the use group, in accordance with the provisions of the building subcode; the fire grading, as defined in the building subcode; the maximum live load on all floors, as prescribed in the building subcode; the occupancy load in the building and all parts thereof as defined in the building subcode; and any special stipulations and conditions of the construction permit. The Construction Official shall affix his or her signature thereto and shall thereby certify that the building or structure has been approved for occupancy by all applicable subcode officials in accordance with the provisions of Part II of the regulations.
No temporary or final certificate of occupancy shall be granted until all required utilities, including but not limited to water, sewer, electric and gas, are installed and in service.
The enforcing agency may revoke a certificate of occupancy whenever a condition of a certificate has been violated.
Time Limit. The provisions of this section do not preclude periodic certification pursuant to other applicable laws and ordinances.
Certificates of occupancy shall be conditioned upon the following:
That the completed project meets the conditions of the construction permit and the approved drawings, including all amendments and all prior approvals;
That all required fees have been paid in full;
That all necessary inspections have been completed and that the completed project meets the requirements of the regulations;
That all violations have been corrected and that any assessed penalties have been paid;
That all protective devices and equipment required to be installed by the regulations will continue to be operational as required by the regulations.
A certificate of occupancy issued by the Construction Official shall be required prior to the occupancy of any building, structure or dwelling for which site plan or subdivision approval has been given. No final certificate of occupancy shall be issued until all improvements, as shown on the applicant's site plan(s) or subdivision plan(s), and as approved by the Planning Board or Zoning Board, are completed in their entirety. In addition, no final certificate of occupancy shall be issued until the required performance guaranties are posted.
Issuance of Certificates of Occupancy.
A temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued by the Construction Official only when all of the following conditions exist:
The building, structure or dwelling for which occupancy is desired has met all requirements of the Uniform Construction Code, the Township Health regulations and the Township Division of Engineering requirements and all required inspections have been made and approved;
The only remaining items not completed in accordance with the approved drawings are landscaping, sidewalk, final street surfacing and striping;
A certified check shall be deposited with the Township Clerk in an amount to cover the cost of unfinished items. The sum to be deposited shall be determined by the Township Engineer or his or her designee.
A temporary certificate of occupancy shall be issued for not more than six (6) months. A final certificate of occupancy shall be issued when all work has been satisfactorily completed. Application may be made to the Township Engineer or his or her designee for the retaining of all moneys deposited for completion of unfinished items as condition precedent to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy.
Certificate of Continued Occupancy.
No building or structure shall be occupied or used in whole or part unless and until a certificate of continued occupancy has been issued by the enforcing agency, subject to the provisions of paragraph k, 7 of subsection 14-1.6. The enforcing agency shall not issue such certificate unless he determines, after inspection, that there are no violations of any applicable laws, ordinances or orders pending at the time of issuing the certificate. The certificate shall be issued upon written application by the owner or his authorized agent.
A certificate of continued occupancy shall be applied for and obtained prior to the use or occupancy of the whole or any part of any building undergoing a change in ownership or a change of occupancy. Upon receiving an application for a certificate of continued occupancy, the enforcing agency shall make an inspection of the building or part thereof for which the certificate is requested and shall forthwith issue the certificate of continued occupancy if the use and occupancy thereof shall be in conformity with the Code of the Township of Edison or other applicable ordinances of the Township and if the building is safe and does not constitute a nuisance or hazard likely to result in injuries to persons or damages to property; in case the enforcing agency shall decline to issue a certificate of continued occupancy, his reasons for doing so shall be stated to the applicant, and a written statement thereof shall be transmitted to the applicant on request.
A certificate of continued occupancy shall be issued to any person having a proprietary or tenancy interest who shall be held responsible for any violations on the premises. A record of all certificates shall be kept on file by the enforcing agency, and copies shall be furnished to any person having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the building affected.
A fee of one hundred fifty ($150.00) dollars shall be charged and paid to the Township for each original certificate of continued occupancy.
Temporary Certificate of Continued Occupancy. If, in the opinion of the enforcing agency, a time period is required to conform with the requirements as set forth in the inspection of said structure or dwelling, a temporary certificate of continued occupancy may be issued by the Construction Official for a period of no less than thirty (30) days nor more than one hundred twenty (120) days. In addition to the fee for a continuing occupancy certificate, the fee for a temporary certificate shall be fifty ($50.00) dollars.
Any owner-occupant of a building, structure or premises, or any architect, builder, contractor, agent or other person employed in connection therewith, who violates this section or assists in the commission of such violation shall be subject to the penalty set forth in Chapter I, Section 1-5 and the Act.
A certificate of continued occupancy shall not be required for any building or structure for which a certificate of occupancy has been obtained pursuant to paragraphs a through i, subsection 14-1.6, within the six (6) months prior to undergoing a change in ownership or change in occupancy; provided, however, that the continued validity of the certificate of occupancy within the six (6) month period shall be contingent upon the maintenance of the level of code compliance existing at the time of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy and upon compliance with any orders issued by the enforcing agency.
A certificate of continued occupancy shall not be required for any building or structure undergoing a change in ownership or change in occupancy where the new owner or occupant certifies that the building or structure will be vacated and demolished. For purposes of this section, a new owner or occupant must provide evidence to the enforcing agency that such person or persons has or have a proprietary or tenancy interest in the entire building or structure and must submit an affidavit of the owner or occupants having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the entire building or structure that such building or structure has been vacated as of the date of submission and will be demolished within a six (6) month period from the date of submission. The enforcing agency in receipt of such submission shall be entitled to rely upon such submission and shall not be required to issue a certificate of continued occupancy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the building or structure the subject of this paragraph k, 8 of subsection 14-1.6 shall not be occupied or used in whole or in part for any reason unless or until a certificate of continued occupancy has been issued by the enforcing agency.
[1999 Code § 15.04.080]
The construction, alteration, addition, repair, removal, demolition, use, location and occupancy of all buildings and structures and their service equipment in Edison Township, Middlesex County, shall be performed in compliance with the regulations as filed with the Municipal Clerk.
[1999 Code § 15.04.090]
Appeals from the decisions of the enforcing agency shall be to the Middlesex County Board of Construction Appeals.
[1999 Code § 15.04.100; Ord. No. O.1643-2008§ 1; Ord. No. O.1846-2013; Ord. No. O.1850-2013; Ord. No. O.1902-2015]
Terms. Unless defined herein, all terms shall have the meaning ascribed in the State Uniform Construction Code, or as commonly understood in the construction industry, unless the context indicates a different meaning:
Commercial shall mean all other Use Groups which are not an R-5 Use Group, including but not limited to: A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, B, E, F-1, F-2, H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, M, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, S-1, S-2 & U.
Residential shall mean Use Group R-5 only.
Collection of Fees. All fees required for plan review and for the issuance of any permit or certificate shall be collected prior to the issuance of the permit or certificate. Fees shall be computed in accordance with the requirements and standards set forth in the State Uniform Construction Code and in accordance with the following fee schedule.
Plan Review Fee. Twenty percent (20%) of the initial, aggregate construction permit fee (described below) shall be deemed to be the plan review fee, which portion shall not be refundable. The subsequent review of revised plans shall incur additional plan review fee(s), as provided for herein.
Construction Permit. The fee for a construction permit shall be the sum of the subcode fees listed herein:
Building Subcode Fees. The fees for the Building Subcode shall be as follows:
New construction based on volume:
All Use Groups (other than large, open volume buildings): $.035/cubic foot
Large, open volume buildings (such as barns, silos, greenhouses, warehouses/ distribution centers, and other agricultural, recreational and storage-use buildings): $.0225/cubic foot
DCA fee for new construction: Per the State Uniform Construction Code
Alteration, Minor Work, Reconstruction, Renovation, Repair or work that cubic volume cannot be calculated. Fee based on cost of construction.
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
DCA Fee Alterations:
Per the State Uniform Construction Code
Plan Review (revised plans):
20% of initial building fee (non-refundable)
20% of Building Technical Subcode Permit
Antennas, dish, etc:
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Asbestos Abatement:
All Groups:
Certificate of Occupancy:
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
All Groups:
Certificate of Occupancy Temporary Structure:
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Certificate of Occupancy Temporary Trailer:
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Change of Contractor:
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups
Chimney Liner:
Continuing Certificate of Occupancy:
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Change of Use: Review
Demolition: Building/Structure
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Demolition: Deck, Pool, Shed
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Fences over 6' or Pool Barriers: Alteration Fee
Use Group R-5:
$20.00/$1,000.00 cost of work
All Other Groups:
$35.00/$1,000.00 cost of work
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Minimum Fee:
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Pools, Above Ground:
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Pools, Inground:
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Signs: All Use Groups
$3.50/sq. ft.
Temporary Structure:
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Temporary Trailer:
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Use Group R-5:
All Other Groups:
Plumbing Subcode Fees. The fees for the Plumbing Subcode shall be as follows:
Use Group R-5
All Other Groups, including but not limited to: A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, B, E, F-1, F-2, H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, M, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, S-1, S-2 & U
A/C Unit
Air Test
Back Flow Preventer
Back Flow Preventer Test
Back Water Value
Cooling Tower
Fuel Piping
Fuel Tank
Gas Appliance
Gas Equipment
Gas Dryer
Gas Piping
Gas Range
Grease Trap
Lawn Sprinkler
LP Tank
Medical Gas Piping
Pool Heater
Pressure Test
Radiant Heat
Refrigeration Unit
Removal/Capping of Equipment
Rooftop Unit
Sewer Cap
Sewer Ejector
Solar System
Sump Pump
Washing Machine
Water Heater
Water Cap
Water Service
Water Softener
Similar Equipment or Devices
Fuel fired Appliance
Venting (Existing) R-3, R-4 and R-5
Area Drain
Bath Tub
Drinking Fountain
Floor Drain
Garbage Disposal
Hose Bib/Hydrant
Indirect Waste Connection
Medical Gas Point
Pot Filler
Removal/Capping of fixtures
Roof Drain
Trap Primer
Water Closet
Water Filter
Similar fixture or Devices
CCO Inspection
Change of Contractor
Change of Use Review
Minimum Fee
Plan Review (revised plans): 20% of plumbing permit fee (non-refundable)
Electrical Subcode Fees. The fees for the Electrical Subcode shall be as follows:
Use Group R-5
All Other Groups, including but not limited to: A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, B, E, F-1, F-2, H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, M, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, S-1, S-2 & U
1-10 Count
Add $25.00 per each group of 25 Devices over 501 Count.
Electrical Services:
Up to 100 AMPS
101-200 AMP
201-300 AMP
301-400 AMP
401-800 AMP
Over 800 AMP
Add $100.00 per each additional 100 AMPS, or fraction thereof.
Subpanels, Disconnects and Control Panels:
Up to 100 AMPS
101-200 AMP
Over 200 AMP
Add $25.00 per each 100 AMPS, or fraction thereof.
Relocate, Replace, or Add New
Above Ground
Over 1,200 sq. ft.
Annual Pool Inspection
One Pool
Additional Pool
Spa/Hot Tub
Fish Pond
Hydro Tub
Reintroduction of Service
$10.00 Each
Up to 10 KVA
11-45 KVA
46-112.5 KVA
113-500 KVA
Add $50.00 for each 100 KVA or fraction thereof over 500 KVA.
All Use Groups
Less than 1 HP
1-5 HP
6-25 HP
26-50 HP
51-100 HP
Add $ 50.00 for each 50 HP or fraction thereof over 100 HP.
Use Group R-5
All Other Groups, including but not limited to: A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, B, E, F-1, F-2, H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, M, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, S-1, S-2 & U
Up to 10 KW
11-25 KW
26-50 KW
51-100 KW
101-300 KW
Add $100.00 for each 100 KW or fraction thereof over 300 KW.
Light Poles
$50.00 each
$75.00 each
Radon Fan
Kitchen Appliances (Fixed in Place)
Signs (each)
Minimum Fee
CCO (UCC) Inspection
Change of Contractor
Update Minimum Fee
Fees for voltages in excess of 600 Volts AC shall be $50.00 per $1,000.00 of Estimated Job Costs (with a minimum fee of $500.00).
For other items not listed, the fee shall be $50.00 per $1,000.00 of Estimated Job Costs.
Solar Systems
1-50 KW
51-100 KW
Over 101 KW
(All Related Equipment to be itemized for fees.)
Alarm Systems (Burglar, Fire, CCTV, Access, etc.)
Add $ 5.00 for each additional 5 devices or fraction thereof over 15.
Alarm Panels
Irrigation Systems
Change of Use Review
Plan Review (revised plans): 20% of electrical permit fee (non-refundable)
Fire Subcode Fees. The fee for the Fire Subcode shall be as follows:
Appliance Venting
Automatic Fire Alarm System
Central Station Alarm
Chimney/Chimney liner
Exhaust System (gas, vapor & smoke)
Elevator Recall
Fire Alarm Devices (horn, strobes, pull stations (& signaling devices)
Over 20
$150.00 (per lot of 20 or fraction thereof)
Fire Dept Connection
Fire Flow Test
Fire Pump
Fire Protection Backflow Preventor
Foam Fire Suppression System
Fuel Piping & Valve
Fuel Dispenser
Gas Fire Appliance
Hood Exhaust System
Type 1
Type 2
Hyraulically Designed System Calculations
Main Sprinkler Alarm Valve Replacement
Manual Fire Alarm System
Post Indicator Control Valve (PIV Valve)
Pre-Engineered Fire Suppression System
Range Hood Extinguishing
System - Wet Chemical
Dry Chemical
CO2 Suppression
Security Locks for fire system
Shear Valves per dispenser
Site Fire Protection Underground & Mains
Smoke Control/Removal System
Smoke/Fire Damper
Duct Smoke Detector
Over 20
$150.00 (per lot of 20 or fraction thereof)
Residential Smoke Detector
Over 20
$150.00 (per lot of 20 or fraction thereof)
Residential CO Detector
Over 20
$150.00 (per lot of 20 or fraction thereof)
Commercial CO Detector
Over 20
$150.00 (per lot of 20 or fraction thereof)
Commercial Smoke Detector
Over 20
$150.00 (per lot of 20 or fraction thereof)
Flame or Beam Smoke Detector
Over 20
$150.00 (per lot of 20 or fraction thereof)
Heat Detector
Over 20
$150.00 (per lot of 20 or fraction thereof)
1-20 heads
21-100 heads
101-400 heads
401-600 heads
Each add'l head over 600
Sprinkler Riser
Spray Booth
Standpipe Riser
Tank Installation/Removal/Abandonment
50,001-and up
Vapor Recovery System
Water Heater
Water Storage Tank for Fire Protection System
Witnessing of Test
Plan Review of Emergency Lights, Exit Signs (each five or part of)
Minimum Fee:
All Other Groups
All Other Groups
Updates: 20% of Fire Subcode fee or fee listed.
Plan Review (revised plans): 20% of Fire Subcode fee (non-refundable)
Continuing Certificate of Occupancy
Use Group R-5
All Other Groups
Change of Contractor
Use Group R-5
All Other Groups
Change of Use Review
Systems and Devices not listed above, fee shall be based on cost of Alteration/Installation at $20.00/$1,000.00 with a minimum fee of $75.00 for R-5 and $35.00/$1,000 with a minimum fee of $150.00 for all other Use Groups, including but not limited to: A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, B, E, F-1, F-2, H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, M, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, S-1, S-2 & U.
Waiver of Fees.
Municipal fee waivers by local ordinance related to Senior Residents, Volunteers, Disabled Residents and Disaster related permits shall be for work limited to repairs, minor work and alterations only. New work fees shall not be fee exempt.
[1999 Code § 15.04.110]
Any person or corporation, including an officer, director or employee of a corporation, who:
Violates any of the provisions of this section, the Act or the regulations;
Constructs a structure or building in violation of a condition of a construction permit;
Fails to comply with any order issued by the enforcing agency or the Department; or
Makes a false or misleading written statement, or omits any required information or statement in any application or request for approval to the enforcing agency or the Department; shall be subject to a penalty of not more than two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars.
Anyone who knowingly refuses entry or access to any premises, building or structure to an inspector lawfully authorized to inspect any such premises, building or structure pursuant to this section, the Act or the regulations, or who unreasonably interferes with such an inspection, shall be subject to a fine of not more than two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars.
With respect to paragraph a3 above, a person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each day that he fails to comply with a stop-construction order validly issued by the enforcing agency or the Department and for each week that he or she fails to comply with any other order validly issued by the enforcing agency or the Department. With respect to subsection paragraph a1 and a4, a person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each violation of any provisions of this section, the Act or the regulations and for each false or misleading written statement or omission of required information or statement made in any application request for approval to the enforcing agency or the Department. With respect to paragraph a2, a person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each violation of conditions of a construction permit.
No such penalty shall be assessed except upon notice of violation and orders to terminate, and upon the expiration of the time period delineated in the notice, except that in the case of a false or misleading statement pursuant to paragraph a4, an order to pay a penalty may be issued immediately upon the discovery of a violation.
The Construction Official may separately serve a notice of penalty assessment and an order to pay a penalty whenever he or she shall not have done so in the original notice and orders.
The penalties pursuant to this section may be collected in a summary proceeding pursuant to the Penalty Enforcement Law (N.J.S.A. 2A:58-10 et seq.). Jurisdiction to enforce such penalties is conferred upon Judges of the Municipal Court in addition to the courts specified by N.J.S.A. 2A:58-10 et seq. Suit may be brought by a municipality or the State of New Jersey. Payment of a money judgment pursuant hereto shall be remitted, in the case of a suit brought by a municipality, to the municipal treasurer and, in the case of a suit brought by the State of New Jersey, to the State Treasurer.
The Construction Official may assess a monetary penalty whenever such shall be likely to assist in bringing about compliance.
If the construction of a structure or building is being undertaken contrary to the provisions of this section, the Act or the regulations, or other applicable laws or ordinances, the enforcing agency may issue a stop-construction order, in writing, which shall state the reasons for such order and the conditions upon which construction may be resumed and which shall be given to the owner or the holder of the construction permit or to the person performing the construction. If the person doing the construction is not known or cannot be located with reasonable effort, the notice may be delivered to the person in charge of, or apparently in charge of, the construction. It is unlawful to continue, or cause or allow to be continued, the construction of a building or structure in violation of a stop-construction order, except with the permission of the enforcing agency to abate a dangerous condition or remove a violation, or except by court order.
[1999 Code § 15.04.120]
No person shall be charged a construction permit surcharge fee or enforcing agency fee for any construction, reconstruction, alteration or improvement designed and undertaken solely to promote accessibility by disabled persons to an existing structure or any of the facilities contained therein.
A disabled person, or a parent or sibling of a disabled person, shall not be required to pay any municipal fee or charge in order to secure a construction permit for any construction, reconstruction, alteration or improvement which promotes accessibility to his or her own living unit.
Disabled person means a person who has a total and permanent inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment, including blindness, and shall include, but not be limited to, any resident of this State who is disabled pursuant to the Federal Social Security Act (42 USC Section 416), or the Federal Railroad Retirement Act of 1974 (45 USC Section 231 et seq.), or is rated as having a sixty (60%) percent disability or higher pursuant to any Federal law administered by the United States Veterans Act. For purposes of this paragraph, "blindness" means central visual activity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the use of a corrective lens. An eye which is accompanied by a limitation in the fields of vision such that the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle no greater than twenty (20°) degrees shall be considered as having a central visual acuity of 20/200 or less.
[Ord. No. O.1523-2006§ 15.50.010; amended 9-14-2022 by Ord. No. O.2152-2022]
The Municipal Council declares its intent to regulate the modification and/or improvements of any site within the Township of Edison. The Director of Planning and Engineering or their designee is therefore directed to determine whether changes to a site will be covered under this section and to promulgate rules and regulations to provide that site modifications and improvements are in conformance with approved plans and have no adverse impacts upon other properties.
[Ord. No. O.1523-2006§ 15.50.020; amended 9-14-2022 by Ord. No. O.2152-2022]
Prior to the commencement of any construction, modification or improvement to any existing structure, proposed structure or to any lands situated within the Township, which includes but is not limited to the installation or modification of any stormwater and sanitary sewer facility, grading change, paving, curbing, area lighting, landscaping and signage, a site improvement permit shall be obtained from the Director of Planning and Engineering or their designee
[Ord. No. O.1523-2006§ 15.50.030; amended 9-14-2022 by Ord. No. O.2152-2022]
The Director of Planning and Engineering or their designee is hereby empowered to waive the requirements outlined under this section if, in the Director of Planning and Engineering or their designee’s opinion, the construction modification or improvement being proposed is de minimus.
[Ord. No. O.1523-2006§ 15.50.040; amended 9-14-2022 by Ord. No. O.2152-2022]
The Director of Planning and Engineering or their designee is hereby authorized to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to implement the legislative intent of this section.
[Ord. No. O.1523-2006§ 15.50.050; amended 9-14-2022 by Ord. No. O.2152-2022]
A certificate of occupancy will not be issued by the Construction Official if a Certificate of Site Occupancy is not received by the Construction Official from the Director of Planning and Engineering or their designee and in accordance with the Zoning Board and Planning Board approval.
[Ord. No. O.1523-2006§ 15.50.060; amended 9-14-2022 by Ord. No. O.2152-2022]
Application for a site improvement permit must be made at the office of the Director of Planning and Engineering. Upon review of a completed application, the Engineering Department will, within seven (7) days, either approve or deny said permit. If the Engineering Department does not approve of deny said application within seven (7) days, the application is deemed approved. If said permit is approved, work may then, and only then, commence. If said permit is denied, the Township Engineer will supply supporting information and list all deficiencies.
[Ord. No. O.1523-2006§ 15.50.070; amended 5-23-2022 by Ord. No. O.2145-2022; 9-14-2022 by Ord. No. O.2152-2022]
The following fees will cover the costs incurred for plan review, periodic site inspection, final site inspection and the issuance of the final site inspection approval form by the Zoning and Planning Board to the Construction Official.
Commercial or subdivision: Up to ten thousand (10,000) square feet of lot area or 2 lot subdivision: $1,500.00 each.
$100.00 to Township and $1,400 deposit to initial escrow fee.
Commercial or major development: Over ten thousand (10,000) square feet of lot area or 3 or more subdivision: and over: $2,000.00 each.
$100.00 to Township and $1,900 deposit to initial escrow fee.
Inspection fees: Inspection fees are to be posted as escrow prior to the start of construction.
Escrow amount shall be the greater of 5% of the overall estimated construction cost, or $500.00.
Inspections will be charged against the escrow at the inspector’s hourly rate. Charges shall accrue with a minimum of 1 hour of initial time and 15 minute increments after the first hour. Any outstanding inspection fees shall be paid prior to the recommendation of a Certificate of Occupancy.
[Ord. No. O.1523-2006§ 15.50.080; amended 9-14-2022 by Ord. No. O.2152-2022]
All site improvements and/or modifications shall be inspected during the time of their occurrence by the Director of Planning and Engineering or a duly authorized representative. A set of approved plans relative to the work being done must be made available on site for inspection by any authorized Township official. No underground installation shall be covered or backfilled until inspected and approved. If backfilling or covering occurs prior to inspection, said installation must either be uncovered or excavated for inspection or inspected by some alternative means acceptable to the Director of Planning and Engineering.
[Ord. No. O.1523-2006§ 15.50.090; amended 9-14-2022 by Ord. No. O.2152-2022]
Inspection of any work by the Director of Planning and Engineering or a duly authorized representative shall not be considered to be final acceptance or rejection of the work, but shall only be considered to be a determination of whether or not the specific work involved was being done in accordance with Township specifications or other required standards at the time of inspection. Any damage to such work or other unforeseen circumstances, such as the effect of the weather, other construction, changing conditions, settlement, etc., between the time of installation and the time of final inspection by the Director of Planning and Engineering or a duly authorized representative shall be the full responsibility of the contractor/developer to remedy the condition prior to acceptance authorized by the Director.
[Ord. No. O.1523-2006§ 15.50.100; amended 9-14-2022 by Ord. No. O.2152-2022]
When a final inspection has been completed, and site improvements deemed acceptable, the Director of Planning and Engineering shall approve the subject site and issue a certificate of site occupancy, if required.
[Ord. No. O.1523-2006§ 15.50.110; amended 9-14-2022 by Ord. No. O.2152-2022]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to the penalty stated in Chapter I, Section 1-5.
Failure to obtain the proper permit, make satisfactory improvements, as determined by the Director of Planning and Engineering or their designee, or pay the proper permit fee shall be considered a violation and shall be punishable under this section.
[1999 Code § 5.64.010]
This section shall be known and may be cited as the "Tenant's and Home Buyer's Protection Code of the Township of Edison."
[1999 Code § 5.64.020]
This section shall be administered, regulated and enforced by the Construction Official and the Zoning Officer of the Township. The Construction Official and the Zoning Officer shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this section.
[1999 Code § 5.64.030]
As used in this section:
Means a parcel or portion of land separated from other parcels or portions by description, as on a subdivision of record or survey map or by metes and bounds for purpose of sale, lease or separate use.
Means all subdivisions not classified as minor subdivisions; provided, however, that for the purposes of this section, all residential development to be constructed pursuant to the provisions of the planned unit development ordinance of the Township shall be considered "major subdivisions."
Means a map adopted in accordance with the Official Map and Building Permit Act, Chapter 434 of the Laws of 1953, or any prior act authorizing such adoption. Such a map shall be deemed to be conclusive with respect to the locations and width of the streets, public parks and playgrounds and drainage rights-of-way shown thereon.
Means any individual, firm, association, syndicate, copartnership or corporation having sufficient proprietary interest in the land subdivided and to be sold under this section of Chapter XXXVI, Subdivision.
Means the map or other drawing of a subdivision.
Means the map, of sufficient accuracy, to be used by the owner for the purpose of sale of the lots within the subdivision.
Means any street, avenue, boulevard, road, lane, parkway, viaduct, alley or other way which is an existing State, County or municipal roadway or a street or way shown upon a plat heretofore approved pursuant to law or approved by official action or a street or way on a plat duly filed and recorded in the office of the County Recording Officer, and includes the land between the street lines, whether improved or unimproved, and may comprise pavements, shoulders, gutters, sidewalks, parking areas and other areas within the street.
Means any individual, firm, association, syndicate, copartnership, corporation, trust or any other legal entity proceeding under Chapter XXXVI, Subdivision, to effect a subdivision of land hereunder for himself or herself or for another.
Means the division of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, sites or other divisions of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or building development, except that the following divisions shall not be considered subdivisions; provided, however, that no new streets or roads are involved: the division of land for any purpose where the resulting parcels are three (3) acres or greater in size; the division of property by testamentary or intestate provisions; divisions of property upon court order; or the division of land fronting on presently existing streets or on filed and approved maps or on the present Township Tax Map. Subdivision also includes resubdivision and, where appropriate to the context, relates to the process of subdividing or to the lands or territory divided; provided, however, for the purposes of this section, that all residential development to be constructed pursuant to the provisions of the planned unit development regulations shall be considered a "subdivision."
[1999 Code § 5.64.040]
Any owner or seller of land within the Township who has obtained a preliminary approval to subdivide the land into ten (10) or more contiguous plots or tracts to construct homes thereon or has obtained an approval to develop his or her land under the so-called land unit development concept shall, prior to the sale or the lots or homes, maintain a sales office, either within or without the Township.
The sales office shall have prominently displayed therein the following:
A sales map in such place in the office that the same may be observed and reviewed by any persons calling at the office;
A copy, on standard legal-size paper, in type or clear print, of any proposed protective covenants to be applied to all or any portion of the lands within the subdivision.
[1999 Code § 5.64.050]
The sales map shall be based on the official tax map information or some other similarly accurate base at a scale of not less than one hundred (100) feet to the inch throughout the map, which scale shall be clearly indicated thereon and shall be consistent in all directions shown thereon. The map shall show the owner's approved subdivision and all lands contiguous thereto for a distance of one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet within or without the Township.
The sales map shall clearly show and include, for the area within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of the subdivision, the following information:
The location of proposed streets and the layout of proposed lots within the subdivision;
The location of all State, County and municipal roads in existence on the date of the final approval of the subdivision;
The location of all State, County and municipal roads proposed and approved by any governmental agency having jurisdiction to establish such roads. The location of all such roads shall be as shown on the official master plan adopted by the appropriate agency of the State, County or municipality;
The location of all existing structures and wooded areas within the subdivision and for a distance of one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet beyond the boundaries of the subdivision;
A designation of the zoning district to be subdivided and the zoning district of all contiguous property within a distance of one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet;
The location of all railroads and railroad rights-of-way, airports and airport runways, overhead easements for the transmission of power or otherwise and rights-of-way for public utilities and pipelines. For the purpose of this section, "pipeline" means any conduit through which natural gas, petroleum or any of their products is conveyed or intended to be conveyed. The definition of "pipeline" shall include the compressor plants and other facilities integrated with pipeline operations;
The location of all public or private utility plants and the location of all sanitary landfill operations in existence or proposed;
The location of all schools, parks, playgrounds and public buildings;
The location of all streams, ponds and watercourses;
The location and description of any use approved by the Board of Adjustment or other governmental agency having jurisdiction during the previous three (3) years. The secretary of the Board of Adjustment shall maintain a list of all variances granted during the previous three (3) years and shall make the list available to the Construction Official and the Zoning Officer;
The location of all drainage ditches within the area shown on the sales map;
The location of all flood hazard zones;
The location of any Federal or State-designated super fund sites.
The information required by paragraphs b4, b9, and b11 above may be shown schematically or nondimensionally.
Any owner or seller of land referred to in subsection 14-4.4a may, as an alternative to the requirements imposed by paragraph a., prepare an aerial photograph covering the same geographical areas as set forth in paragraph a., properly labeled so as to fairly and accurately designate the information required by paragraph b.
[1999 Code § 5.64.060]
The information to be depicted on the sales map shall be obtained from the Construction Official and the Zoning Officer, who shall provide the information to the applicant within thirty (30) days after a request is made. The Construction Official and the Zoning Officer shall provide such information as may be required by the applicant to prepare the sales map, and, after a request for the same, the information so provided shall be deemed complete for the purposes of complying with the requirements of this section.
The Construction Official and the Zoning Officer shall review each sales map displayed pursuant to the terms of this section not less than once every six (6) months and shall provide such additional information as they may deem necessary to maintain the sales map in an up-to-date condition. The Construction Official and the Zoning Officer may, from time to time as they deem necessary, direct the owner or seller to display additional information on the sales map so that the same may be maintained in an up-to-date condition. The information provided by the Construction Official and the Zoning Officer to the owner or seller shall be included on the sales map within thirty (30) days of the receipt of such order from the Construction Official and the Zoning Officer. The information provided by the Construction Official and the Zoning Officer shall be deemed complete for the purposes of compliance with the terms of this section.
[1999 Code § 5.64.070]
The applicant referred to in subsection 14-4.6a shall make his or her application to the Construction Official and the Zoning Officer for that purpose and shall pay over as an application fee the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars to compensate the Township for expenses incident to marshalling the information requested, and as part of the application the applicant shall acknowledge that he or she thereby waives any claim or cause of action, either in law or in equity, against the Township or any of its agents or employees for any error, omission or oversight in the information supplied and shall further agree through his or her application to place as a legend on the sales map referred to in subsection 14-4.6a that he or she is solely responsible for that information contained or depicted thereon and that the Township bears no responsibility for any error, omission or inaccuracy contained in or designated on the sales map and for any defects which may occur in connection with any construction related to the development.
[1999 Code § 5.64.080]
At or before the execution of the contract of sale for any lot within a subdivision, the seller shall obtain, on a form approved by the Construction Official and the Zoning Officer, a certification from the purchaser that:
The sales map was on display and available for inspection on any occasion of his or her visit to the sales office;
He or she had a reasonable opportunity to study and review the sales map;
The owner or seller did not refuse or decline to answer any questions directed to him or her pertaining to the sales map;
The purchaser waives any potential claim or cause of action in law and equity which he or she may have against the Township as a result of any error, omission or inaccuracy in the information supplied by it and for any defects which may occur in connection with any construction related to the development.
The seller shall file the certification mentioned in paragraph a. with the Construction Official and the Zoning Officer within twenty (20) days of the closing of title.
[1999 Code § 5.64.090]
Any person offering for rental any residential property, excepting dwellings with less than four (4) rental units, shall have available for inspection by prospective tenants a map as described in subsection 14-4.5b.
[1999 Code § 5.64.100]
Any person offering for sale any newly constructed residence not otherwise covered by this section shall, at the time he or she obtains a certificate of occupancy, certify that he or she has informed the purchaser of the property of the location of any pipeline within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of the residence to be sold.
[1999 Code § 5.64.110]
No owner or his or her agent shall offer for sale a property located in a single-family residential zone of the Township, and;
Represent that the property may be used in a manner not consistent with the Township's zoning or other ordinances;
Represent that the property can be used as a multiple-family residence when the property is located within a zone where such use is prohibited;
Represent that the property is a prior, nonconforming use unless a certificate to that effect has been issued by the Zoning Officer of the Township pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-68 within one (1) year of the change in the zoning ordinance which rendered the property nonconforming and/or an approval has been obtained from the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Any owner or his or her agent who offers for sale a multiple-family residential property located in a single-family zone shall notify any prospective purchaser, in writing, that the property is being used contrary to the zoning law of the Township unless:
A certificate has been obtained from a Zoning Officer stating that the property is a legal "prior non-conforming use" in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-68 issued within one (1) year of the change in the Township zoning ordinance which rendered the property nonconforming; or
The subject property has received approval, granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
[1999 Code § 5.64.120]
If any person engages in the sale of lots within a subdivision or rental of any property, as described herein, without first displaying the sales map as required herein, the owner of the subdivision shall be subject to a fine of two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars per day for each day that the sales map is not displayed as required herein, and each day shall be deemed a separate violation of this section.
The owner of a subdivision who shall fail to file the certification of compliance as required herein shall be subject to a fine of one hundred ($100.00) dollars for the first violation thereof within the subdivision; a fine of two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars for the second violation within the subdivision; and a fine of two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars for each violation within the subdivision thereafter.
In addition to the foregoing, if any person continuously for a period of five (5) days or more fails and refuses to comply with the requirements of this section, the Township may institute and maintain action for injunctive relief to prohibit the continued sale of lots or rental of units until compliance with this section is completed.
[1999 Code § 15.16.010]
The purpose of this section is to require the clear display of authorized and assigned house or building numbers on every building fronting on any street in the Township and to require disclosure of building layout in (industrial also) apartment complexes, in order to assist the general public and emergency services, public and private, in identifying any property in case of emergency or otherwise.
[1999 Code § 15.16.020]
All residential, commercial, industrial or other structures erected or to be erected within the Township shall display identification numbers as provided herein and in accordance with specifications provided herein.
[1999 Code § 15.16.030]
The owner, occupant or lessee of each and every structure which now fronts or which may hereafter front upon any public or private street within the Township shall, at his or her own expense, within one (1) month after the adoption and publication of this section, cause the authorized and assigned number of such structure to be permanently and conspicuously placed in accordance with the specifications set forth herein.
[1999 Code § 15.16.040]
House or building numbers shall be:
In Arabic numerals;
A minimum height of three (3) inches, provided that if the structure is greater than fifty (50) feet from the street, the numerals shall be at least five (5) inches in height;
Mounted in a secure fashion to the front wall or porch of the building so as to be clearly visible from the street;
d, Sufficiently legible as to contrasting background, arrangement, spacing and uniformity so as to be clearly visible from the street;
At least thirty (30) inches above ground level and so placed that trees, shrubs and other obstructions do not block the line of sight of the numbers from the street upon which the building fronts.
[1999 Code § 15.16.050]
If numbers affixed to the front of the building would not be visible from the street as required in subsection 14-5.4, requirements of this section are satisfied if the owner, occupant or lessee shall provide the Arabic numbers, as required by subsection 14-5.4, upon a post, rod or other type of fixture of substantial nature or a mailbox at or near the road frontage with the same number affixed thereon and so located upon the same, so that the number may be conspicuous and visible from the street upon which the building fronts. When the provisions of this subsection have been complied with, the owner, occupant or lessee of the house or building shall not be otherwise obligated to affix Arabic numbers to the house or building and shall be permitted, at his or her option, to utilize cursive numbers or no numbers at all upon the house or building.
[1999 Code § 15.16.060]
House numbers shall be determined by the Tax Assessor of the Township. Every owner, occupant or lessee of a building constructed in the Township shall apply to the Tax Assessor if no number has been previously assigned for an authorized number in accordance with this section.
[1999 Code § 15.16.070]
Garden apartments and townhouse complexes shall provide such building and apartment numbers as are provided for in the BOCA Code. Failure to so comply will be a violation of this section.
[1999 Code § 15.16.080]
In any complex of residential or commercial structures composed of three (3) or more buildings, a plan of the layout of the buildings shall be prominently posted near the entrance of the complex. The posted plan shall be clearly labeled, numbered and colored and of sufficient size to facilitate rapid identification of the location of all structures within the complex.
[Ord. No. O.1740-2010; Ord. No. O.1753-2010]
The purpose of this section is to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the residents within the Township of Edison to preserve the quality and quantity of the Township's groundwater supply. Additionally, requiring new petroleum liquid storage tanks to be installed above ground will also facilitate the ability to inspect the tanks to determine if the tank needs replacement before the tank fails and creates an adverse environmental impact. This is accomplished by requiring that new petroleum liquid storage tanks be installed above ground and by promoting the replacement of underground petroleum liquid storage tanks on residential properties and the installation and maintenance of above ground petroleum liquid storage tanks and other fuel sources which do not require tanks such as natural gas.
[Ord. No. O.1740-2010; Ord. No. O.1753-2010]
As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Shall mean, when referring to an interior storage tank, that greater than one hundred (100%) percent of the volumetric capacity of the storage tank is above the surface of the ground or located in a basement or crawl space.
Shall mean oil or petroleum of any kind normally in liquid form, including but not limited to waste oils and distillation products such as fuel oil, propane, kerosene, naphtha, gasoline and benzene.
Shall mean any facility used for storing any petroleum liquid.
Shall mean, when referring to a storage tank, that any portion of the volumetric capacity of the storage tank is below the surface of the ground and that portion which is below the surface of the ground is not fully visible for inspection.
[Ord. No. O.1740-2010; Ord. No. O.1753-2010]
Commencing on the effective date of this section[1] and applied prospectively, on any property that is in whole or in part used for residential purposes, the installation of underground petroleum liquid storage tanks intended for residential fuel oils or other petroleum liquids is prohibited. Any new or replacement petroleum liquid storage tanks shall be located above ground which may be located inside or outside of a structure and may be located in a basement or cellar with sufficient access to allow for routine inspection of the storage tank.
Editor's Note: This subsection was originally adopted by Ord. No. O.1740-2010 adopted May 12, 2010, and amended by Ord. No. O.1753-2010 adopted on September 22, 2010.
[Ord. No. O.1740-2010; Ord. No. O.1753-2010]
Beginning on the effective date of this section, June 8, 2010, and continuing for a period of two (2) years, the Township of Edison will waive any and all applicable municipal permit fees for the replacement of any existing underground petroleum liquid storage tank with an above ground petroleum liquid storage tanks or the installation of other fuel storage sources which do not require tanks such as natural gas, on any property that is in whole or in part used for residential purposes.
The aforementioned waiver of permit fees by the Township of Edison does not apply to any fees that are required by the State of New Jersey and/or the Department of Community Affairs.
[Ord. No. O.1740-2010; Ord. No. O.1753-2010]
In no event shall the Township of Edison's regulation of petroleum liquid storage tanks pursuant to this section constitute a recommendation, approval, endorsement or warranty of a petroleum liquid storage tank or other fuel sources which do not require tanks such as natural gas. The Township shall not thereby be deemed to have acquired any special expertise with respect to any of the foregoing nor to have acquired or incurred any special duty, liability or standard of care concerning any of the foregoing. Accordingly, the Township shall not be responsible for or liable to any person or entity for any injury to person, property or the environment caused directly or indirectly by the leaking of any underground or above ground petroleum liquid storage tanks or other fuel sources which do not require tanks such as natural gas or by anything else claimed to have been caused or facilitated by the acts or omissions of the Township in regulating petroleum liquid storage tanks or undertaking to do so.
[Added 10-28-2020 by Ord. No. O.2084-2020; amended 8-25-2021 by Ord. No. O.2113-2021; 5-22-2024 by Ord. No. O.2223-2024]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The certificate provided for in N.J.A.C. 5:23-2, indicating that the construction authorized by the construction permit has been completed in accordance with the construction permit, the act and the regulations. See "State Uniform Construction Code Act." P.L.1975, c.217 (C.52:27D-119 et seq.) and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
The amount of voltage provided to charge an electric vehicle varies depending on the type of EVSE as follows:
Level 1 operates on a fifteen (15) to twenty (20) amp breaker on a one hundred twenty (120) volt AC circuit.
Level 2 operates on a forty (40) to one hundred (100) amp breaker on a two hundred eight (208) or two hundred forty (240) volt AC circuit.
Direct-current fast charger (DCFC) operates on a sixty (60) amp or higher breaker on a four hundred eighty (480) volt or higher three (3) phase circuit with special grounding equipment. DCFC stations can also be referred to as rapid charging stations that are typically characterized by industrial grade electrical outlets that allow for faster recharging of electric vehicles.
Any vehicle that is licensed and registered for operation on public and private highways, roads, and streets; and operates either partially or exclusively using an electric motor powered by an externally charged on-board battery.
The equipment, including the cables, cords, conductors, connectors, couplers, enclosures, attachment plugs, power outlets, power electronics, transformer, switchgear, switches and controls, network interfaces, point of sale equipment, and associated apparatus designed and used for the purpose of transferring energy from the electric supply system to a plug-in electric vehicle. "EVSE" may deliver either alternating current or, consistent with fast charging equipment standards, direct current electricity. "EVSE" is synonymous with "electric vehicle charging station."
The pre-wiring of electrical infrastructure at a parking space, or set of parking spaces, to facilitate easy and cost-efficient future installation of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment or Electric Vehicle Service Equipment, including, but not limited to, Level Two EVSE and direct current fast chargers. Make-ready includes expenses related to service panels, junction boxes, conduit, wiring, and other components necessary to make a particular location able to accommodate Electric Vehicle Service Equipment on a "plug and play" basis. "Make-Ready" is synonymous with the term "charger ready," as used in P.L.2019, c.362 (C.48:25-1 et al.).
EVSE that has restricted access to specific users (e.g., single and two-family homes, executive parking fleet parking with no access to the general public).
EVSE that is publicly available (e.g., park & ride, public parking lots and garages, on-street parking, shopping center parking, non-reserved parking in multi-family parking lots, etc.).
Approvals and Permits.
An application for development submitted solely for the installation of EVSE or Make- Ready parking spaces shall be considered a permitted accessory use and permitted accessory structure in all zoning or use districts and shall not require a variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40-55D-70.
EVSE and Mark-Ready Parking Spaces installed pursuant to paragraph c below in development applications that are subject to site plan approval are considered a permitted accessory use as described in paragraph 1 above.
All EVSE and Make-Ready parking spaces shall be subject to applicable local and/or Department of Community Affairs permit and inspection requirements.
The municipal engineer and/or his designee shall enforce all signage and installation requirements described in this section. Failure to meet the requirements in this ordinance shall be subject to the same enforcement and penalty provisions as other violations of Edison Township's land use regulations.
An application for development for the installation of EVSE or Make-Ready spaces at an existing gasoline service station, an existing retail establishment, or any other existing building shall not be subject to site plan or other land use board review, shall not require variance relief pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. or any other law, rule or regulation, and shall be approved through the issuance of a zoning permit by the administrative officer, provided the application meets the following requirements:
The proposed installation does not violate bulk requirements applicable to the property or conditions of the original final approval of the site plan or subsequent approvals for the existing gasoline service station, retail establishment, or other existing building;
All other conditions of prior approvals for the gasoline service station, the existing retail establishment, or any other existing building continue to be met; and
The proposed installation complies with the construction codes adopted in or promulgated pursuant to the "State Uniform Construct Code Act," P.L. 1975, c.217 (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq.), any safety standards concerning the installation, and any State rule or regulation concerning electric vehicle charging stations.
An application pursuant to paragraph 5 above shall be deemed complete if:
The application, including the permit fee and all necessary document, is determined to be complete.
A notice of incompleteness is not provided within twenty (20) days after the filing of the application, or
A one-time written correction notice is not issued by the enforcement official within twenty (20) days after filing of the application detailing all deficiencies in the application and identifying any additional information explicitly necessary to complete a review of the permit application.
EVSE and Make-Ready parking spaces installed at a gasoline service station, an existing retail establishment, or any other existing building shall be subject to applicable local and/or Department of Community Affairs inspection requirements.
A permitting application solely for the installation of electric vehicle supply equipment permitted as an accessory use shall not be subject to review based on parking requirements.
Requirements for New Installation of EVSE and Make-Ready Parking Spaces.
As a condition of preliminary site plan approval, for each application involving a multiple dwelling with five (5) or more units of dwelling space, which shall include a multiple dwelling that is held under a condominium or cooperative form of ownership, a mutual housing corporation, or a mixed-used development, the developer or owner, as applicable, shall:
Prepare as Make-Ready parking spaces at least fifteen (15%) percent of the required off-street parking spaces, and install EVSE in at least one-third of the fifteen (15%) percent of Make-Ready parking spaces; and
Within three (3) years following the date of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, install EVSE in an additional one-third of the original fifteen (15%) percent of Make-Ready parking spaces; and
Within six (6) years following the date of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, install EVSE in the final one-third of the original fifteen (15%) percent of Make-Ready parking spaces.
Throughout the installation of EVSE in the Make-Ready parking spaces, at least five (5%) percent of the electric vehicle supply equipment shall be accessible for people with disabilities.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to restrict the ability to install electric vehicle supply equipment or Make-Ready parking spaces at a faster or more expansive rate than as required above.
As a condition of preliminary site plan approval, each application involving a parking lot or garage not covered in paragraph 1 above shall:
Install at least one (1) Make-Ready parking space if there will be fifty (50) or fewer off-street parking spaces.
Install at least two (2) Make-Ready parking spaces if there will be fifty-one (51) to seventy-five (75) off-street parking spaces.
Install at least three (3) Make-Ready parking spaces if there will be seventy-six (76) to one hundred (100) off-street parking spaces.
Install at least four (4) Make-Ready parking spaces, at least one (1) of which shall be accessible for people with disabilities, if there will be 101 to 150 off-street parking spaces.
Install at least four (4%) percent of the total parking spaces as Make-Ready parking spaces, at least five (5%) percent of which shall be accessible for people with disabilities, if there will be more than 150 off-street parking spaces.
In lieu of installing Make-Ready parking spaces, a parking lot or garage may install EVSE to satisfy the requirements of this subsection.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to restrict the ability to install electric vehicle supply equipment or Make-Ready parking spaces at a faster or more expansive rate than as required above.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, a retailer that provides twenty-five (25) or fewer off-street parking spaces or the developer or owner of a single- family home shall not be required to provide or install any electric vehicle supply equipment or Make-Ready parking spaces.
To the extent not covered in paragraphs 1 or 2 above, the following requirements to provide electric vehicle charging stations shall apply to all new site plans and all site plans coming before either the Planning Board or the Board of Adjustment for substantial modifications to a previously approved preliminary or final site plan approval. A revised site plan shall be considered a substantial modification if there is any significant alteration in the layout of the buildings, public or private roadways, parking aisles or parking lots from that which was previously approved by the applicable Board.
All developments of three (3) or more single-family units and condominium units that are assigned a specific garage for the parking of their motor vehicle shall provide a 240-volt electric outlet in the garage in order to accommodate Level 2 electric vehicle charging equipment.
The use groups specified below shall provide either Level 2 EVCE with a minimum output rate of 7.2 kilowatts per hour or DC fast charging stations in the common parking areas in an amount equal to three (3%) percent of the required number of parking spaces, subject to a minimum of two (2) EVCS per location. In addition, appropriately sized electrical conduit shall be installed to additional spaces in order to allow for future expansion of the number of EVCS to seven (7%) percent of the required number of parking spaces. These additional EVCS shall be installed within six (6) months of notification by the Township that the number of plug-in electric vehicles sold in the state annually exceeds 100,000 vehicles based upon figures provided by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Mobile Sources.
All apartment complexes, townhouse complexes, condominium complexes and cooperative complexes in excess of twenty (20) residential units that do not provide individual garages for parking of vehicles.
All office developments and warehouse developments in excess of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of office, warehouse or other useable space.
All hotels and motels in excess of fifty (50) guest rooms.
All large retail establishments referred to as "big box stores," grocery stores, and other retail establishments in excess of ten thousand (10,000) square feet, as well as all gymnasiums and health clubs in excess of ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
All restaurants not classified as a "drive-in restaurant" in excess of two thousand (2,000) square feet.
All movie theatres, roller skating rinks, commercial recreation establishments, mechanical amusement game rooms and other places of assembly.
In addition, the use groups specified below shall provide two EVCS in the common parking area, consisting of either DC fast charging stations or Level 2 EVCS with a minimum output rate of 15 kilowatts per hour.
All automobile service stations that include a convenience store in excess of four thousand (4,000) square feet.
All drive-in restaurants in excess of two thousand (2,000) square feet.
Minimum Parking Requirements.
All parking spaces with EVSE and Make-Ready equipment shall be included in the calculation of minimum require parking spaces pursuant to the Township Code.
All parking space prepared with EVSE or Make-Ready equipment shall count as at least two (2) parking spaces for the purpose of complying with a minimum parking space requirement. This shall result in a reduction of no more than ten (10%) percent of the total required parking.
All parking space calculations for EVSE and Make-Ready equipment shall be rounded up to the next full parking space.
Additional installation of EVSE and Make-Ready parking spaces above what is required in paragraph c above may be encouraged, but shall not be required in development projects.
Reasonable Standards for All New EVSE and Make-Ready Parking Spaces.
Location and layout of EVSE and Make-Ready parking spaces is expected to vary based on the design and use of the primary parking area. It is expected flexibility will be required to provide the most convenient and function service to users. Standards and criteria should be considered guidelines and flexibility should be allowed when alternatives can better achieve objectives for provision of this service.
Installation of EVSE and Make-Ready parking spaces shall meet the electrical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23-3.16.
Each EVSE or Make-Ready parking space that is not accessible for people with disabilities shall be not less than nine (9) feet wide or eighteen (18) feet in length. Exceptions may be made for existing parking spaces or parking spaces that were part of an application that received prior site plan approval.
To the extent practical, the location of accessible parking spaces for people with disabilities with EVSE and Make-Ready equipment shall comply with the general accessibility requirements of the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23, and other applicable accessibility standards.
Each EVSE or Make-Ready parking space that is accessible for people with disabilities shall comply with the sizing of accessible parking space requirements in the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23, and other applicable accessibility standards.
EVSE Parking:
Publicly-accessible EVSE shall be reserved for parking and charging electric vehicles only. Electric vehicles shall be connected to the EVSE. It shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave standing a vehicle in a space designated for the charging of plug-in electric vehicles unless the vehicle is connected for charging purposes and actively charging.
Electric vehicles may be parked in any parking space designated for parking, subject to the restrictions that would apply to any other vehicle that would park in that space.
Public Parking. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:48-2, publicly-accessible EVSE parking spaces shall be monitored by the municipality's police department and enforced in the same manner as any other parking. It shall be a violation of this Section to park or stand a non-electric vehicle in such a space, or to park an electric vehicle in such a space when it is not connected to the EVSE. Any non-electric vehicle parked or standing in a EVSE parking space or any electric vehicle parked and not connected to the EVSE shall be subject to fine and/or impoundment of the offending vehicle as described in the general penalty provisions of the Code. Signage indicating the penalties for violations shall comply with paragraph 5 below. Any vehicle parked in such a space shall make the appropriate payment for the space and observe any applicable time limits for the underlying parking area.
Private parking. The use of EVSE shall be monitored by the property owner or their designee.
Each publicly-accessible EVSE shall be located at a parking space that is designated for electric vehicles only and identified by green painted pavement and/or curb markings, a green painted charging pictograph symbol, and appropriate signage pursuant to paragraph 5 below.
Where EVSE is installed, adequate site lighting and landscaping shall be provided in accordance with Edison Township's ordinances and regulations.
Adequate EVSE protection such as concrete-filled steel bollards shall be used for publicly-accessible EVSE. Non-mountable curbing may be used in lieu of bollards if the EVSE is setback a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches from the face of the curb. Any stand-alone EVSE bollards should be three to four (3-4) feet high with concrete footings placed to protect the EVSE from accidental impact and to prevent damage from equipment used for snow removal.
EVSE outlets and connector devises shall be no less than thirty-six (36) inches high and no higher than forty-eight (48) inches from the ground or pavement surface where mounted, and shall contain a cord management system as described in paragraph e below. Equipment mounted on pedestals, lighting posts, bollards, or other devices shall be designated and located as to not impede pedestrian travel, create trip hazards on sidewalks, or impede snow removal.
Each EVSE shall incorporate a cord management system or method to minimize the potential for cable entanglement, user injury, or connector damage. Cords shall be retractable or have a place to hang the connector and cord a safe and sufficient distance above the ground or pavement surface. Any cords connecting the charger to a vehicle shall be configured so that they do not cross a driveway, sidewalk, or passenger unloading area.
Where EVSE is provided within a pedestrian circulation area, such as a sidewalk or other accessible route to a building entrance, the EVSE shall be located so as not to interfere with accessibility requirements of the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23, and other applicable accessibility standards.
Publicly-accessible EVSEs shall be maintained in all respects, including the functioning of the equipment. A 24-hour on-call contact shall be provided on the equipment for reporting problems with the equipment or access to it. To allow for maintenance and notification, the owners/designee of publicly-accessible EVSE shall be required to provide to the Township of Edison information on the EVSE's geographic location, date of installation, equipment type and model, and owner contact information.
Publicly-accessible EVSE shall have posted regulatory signs, as identified in this section, permitting only charging electric vehicles to park in such spaces. For purposes of this section, "charging" means that an electric vehicle is parked at an EVSE and is connected to the EVSE. If time limits or vehicle removal provisions are to be enforced, regulatory signs including parking restrictions shall be installed immediately adjacent to, and visible from the EVSE. For private EVSE, installation of signs and sign text is at the discretion of the owner.
All regulatory signs shall comply with visibility, legibility, size, shape, color, and reflectivity requirements contained within the Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices as published by the Federal Highway Administration.
Wayfinding or directional signs, if necessary, shall be permitted at appropriate decision points to effectively guide motorists to the EVSE parking space(s). Wayfinding or directional signage shall be placed in a manner that shall not interfere with any parking space, drive lane, or exit and shall comply with b above.
In addition to the signage described above, the following information shall be available on the EVSE or posted at or adjacent to all publicly- accessible EVSE parking spaces:
Hours of operations and/or time limits if time limits or tow-away provisions are to be enforced by the municipality or owner/designee;
Usage fees and parking fees, if applicable; and
Contact information (telephone numbers) for reporting when the equipment is not operating or other problems.
Usage Fees.
For publicly-accessible municipal EVSE. In addition to any parking fees, a usage fee to use parking spaces within the municipality identified as EVSE spaces shall be zero ($0.00) dollars for each hour that the electric vehicle is connected to the EVSE.
This fee may be amended by a resolution adopted by the governing body.
Private EVSE. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to preclude a private owner/designee of an EVSE from collecting a fee for the use of the EVSE, in accordance with applicable State and Federal regulations. Fees shall be available on the EVSE or posted at or adjacent to the EVSE parking space.