[1979 Code § 2-14.1]
There shall be a Municipal Court in the City, pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2B:12-1 et seq., to be known as the Municipal Court of the City of Linden, Union County. The Municipal Court shall have a seal bearing the impress of the name of the court. The court shall be held in the City Hall of the City of Linden, or such other place as the City Council designates, and shall exercise all the functions, powers, duties and jurisdiction conferred upon municipal courts by the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2B:12-1 et seq. or any other law.
[1979 Code § 2-14.2; Ord. No. 56-06]
There shall be a Chief Judge of Municipal Court appointed by the Mayor with advice and consent of City Council. The Chief Judge of the Municipal Court shall serve for a term of three (3) years from the date of appointment and until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
There shall be a Judge of the Municipal Court appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of City Council. The Judge of the Municipal Court shall serve for a term of three (3) years from the date of appointment and until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
The Chief Judge shall be in charge of the Municipal Court, and shall designate the time and place of Court and assign cases among the Judges pursuant to the Rules of Court, and both the Chief Judge and Judge shall have and possess the qualifications, and shall have, possess and exercise all of the functions, duties, powers and jurisdiction conferred by N.J.S.A. 2B:12-1 et seq., or by general law or ordinance.
The Chief Judge and Judge, and any Temporary or Acting Judge of the Court shall be a resident of the State of New Jersey, and an Attorney-at-Law admitted to practice in the State of New Jersey for at least five (5) years.
The Chief Judge and Judge shall be paid annual salaries as set forth by ordinance.
[1979 Code § 2-14.3]
There shall be a Court Administrator of the Municipal Court who shall be appointed by the Council, who shall perform such functions and duties as are prescribed by Law, the rules applicable to municipal courts, and by the Judge of the Municipal Court. The duties of the Municipal Court Administrator shall include, but not be limited to:
Carrying out the rules, regulations, policies and procedures relating to the operation of the court;
Interviewing and speaking to prospective complainants; receiving complaints and dispensing information relating to court matters;
Maintaining the financial records of the court;
Attending court, taking minutes of the trials and entering them in the docket; arranging trial calendars; signing court documents; preparing and issuing warrants and commitments;
Taking and preparing bail bonds, making inquiry as to their sufficiency and equity; receiving and accounting for fines and costs;
Interviewing persons on informal Police court matters to determine if there is a basis for formal action and, if necessary, issue summonses requiring court appearances in this regard; maintaining and classifying records and files.
[1979 Code § 2-14.4]
There shall be one (1) or more Deputy Municipal Court Administrators appointed in the same manner as the Municipal Court Administrator. The Deputy Municipal Court Administrators shall perform such duties as are assigned to them by the Judge of the Municipal Court or the Municipal Court Administrator. In addition, the Deputy Municipal Court Administrators shall assume the duties of the Municipal Court Administrator in his absence.
[1979 Code § 2-14.5]
Fees. The Municipal Court Administrator, when requested to furnish copies of records, reports, or other documents pertaining to the Municipal Court which by law are authorized to be furnished, shall supply copies of such records, reports, or other documents pertaining to the Municipal Court upon payment of the fees for photostatic copies as set forth in Section 2-69.
Fees from Other Governmental Agencies. No fee shall be charged for any requested copies of records, reports, or other documents pertaining to the Municipal Court, to any local, County, State or Federal authority or agency.
Viewing and Copying Records. The viewing and copying of records, reports or other documents pertaining to the Municipal Court, which by law are authorized to be viewed and copied, shall be permitted and conducted at the office of the Clerk of the Municipal Court between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. prevailing time in the City during business days.
Written Request Required. All requests for information in the official files authorized for release herein and for the service provided for herein, shall be made by a written letter of request to the Municipal Court of the City of Linden, City Hall, North Wood Avenue, Linden, New Jersey 07036.
Payment of Fees; Disposition of Fees. All fees shall be paid to the Municipal Court of the City of Linden, New Jersey, at the time the services for which charges are authorized are rendered. The Court Administrator shall issue a receipt and enter the transaction into the Municipal Court 's monthly report of cash receipts.
All fees received shall be deposited in the bank within the hours required by law. At the end of the month, such fees, along with other fees collected, shall be remitted in full to the City Treasurer.
The City Treasurer shall cause such funds to be deposited to the credit of the City in the same manner as other miscellaneous revenues are credited and deposited.
Statutory Right to Copy Records and Reports. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed or used in any way to interfere with the right of every citizen of this State to copy the records or reports herein referred to, by hand or otherwise, during regular business hours and under the supervision of a representative of the custodian of such records, as is permitted by the law of this State.
[Ord. No. 49-106 §§ 1—4]
Position Created. There are hereby created in the unclassified service within the Table of Organization of the City of Linden the positions of Court interpreters.
Duties and Responsibilities. The duties and responsibilities of each such positions shall include, but not be limited to, interpreting to assist in the Linden Municipal Court. The assignment of said interpreter, for each case, on a case by case basis, shall be obtained from a list of approved interpreters maintained by the Administrative Office of the Courts ("AOC"), on an as needed basis.
Application Fee for Court Interpreters. Any person upon entering who is a litigant in the Municipal Court, and who may apply for the use of an interpreter, shall pay an application fee of zero ($0.00) dollars to two hundred ($200.00) dollars or more, in the discretion of the Court. The Municipal Court may waive the required application fee, in whole or part, if the Court determines, in its discretion, the application fee represents an unreasonable burden on the person seeking representation.
Compensation. Court interpreters shall be paid a per diem, or on an hourly basis, in accordance with the regulated and normal fee, upon submission of an invoice to the Municipal Court.