Basis For Establishing Critical Areas.
The mapping of the critical areas within Frelinghuysen Township
is indicated on the map entitled "Critical Areas" which is part of
this ordinance. As noted on the map, the basis for the delineation
of flood plain areas were the Flood Insurance Rate Maps, panels 5
and 10, prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated
February 4, 1983. The mapped information shall be deemed conclusive
for the purpose of administering the land use control measures of
this ordinance: however, the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment,
as the case may be, may request the delineation of the 100-year floodplain
along any stream located on a tract which is the subject of a development
application, such delineation to be prepared by a licensed engineer.
It should be noted that more flood plain areas exist in the
Township than those already mapped. Moreover, the State Department
of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Resources, in accordance
with the Flood Hazard Area Control Act (N.J.S.A. 58-16A-50 et seq.),
has adopted N.J.A.C. 7:13 and will be mapping the "flood hazard areas"
in Frelinghuysen Township. The Department of Environmental Protection
mapping shall take precedence when completed.
The basis for the delineation of steep slope areas on the "Critical
Areas" map were the U.S. Geological Survey maps, dated 1971. However,
the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment may consider other
sources of information at the time of subdivision and/or site plan
Additionally, while information depicted on the Critical Areas
map has been prepared as accurately as possible; nevertheless, it
must be understood that detailed information mapped at such a large
scale may not represent the actual conditions on any particular parcel
of land. Therefore, the information is not intended to take the place
of specific on-site engineering data presented to the Township at
the time applications are submitted for approval of a subdivision,
site plan, construction permit, and/or any other application which
considers the "critical areas" categories of information depicted
on the map.
Finally, while not included as a "Critical Areas" environmental
factor per se, both Wetlands and Hydric Soils have been mapped as
part of the Land Use Plan portion of the Frelinghuysen Township Master
Plan, and are subject to regulations in this ordinance and any State
and/or Federal laws which may supersede them.