[Ord. #98-02, § 1; Ord. #04-03, § 1]
The following animals may be kept within the City limits without a license:
Police dogs or other animals in official government service.
Dogs in City for fewer than forty (40) days who are not permitted to run at-large.
Fish, lizards and other small animals that can be housed appropriately in a terrarium, aquarium or cage within the house of the owner.
Up to six (6) birds that can be housed appropriately in cages enclosed within the guardian's/owner's property.
[Ord. #98-20, § 1; Ord. #04-03, § 1]
Persons desiring to own more than six (6) birds at one (1) street address must pay a licensing fee to the City for each animal and comply with Section 10-8. The fee shall be set by the City as outlined in the Master Fee Schedule.
[Ord. #98-02, § 1; Ord. #04-03, § 1]
Licensed dogs are permitted as long as the provisions of chapter 10 are met.
[Ord. #98-02, § 1; Ord. #04-03, § 1]
Every person within the area owning, possessing, controlling, harboring or keeping any dog over four (4) months of age shall procure a dog license tag for each dog, as long as ownership of the dog continues, or within ten (10) days after acquiring or bringing into the area any dog over the age of four (4) months, and thereafter on expiration of the rabies vaccination.
[Ord. #98-02, § 1; Ord. #04-03, § 1]
Seeing-eye dogs or other types of signal dogs for handicapped members of the community shall be exempt from the licensing fee.
When the dog has a valid license from Alameda County or any city within Alameda County, it shall not be subject to the license requirement hereunder until the animal's rabies vaccination expires.
Citizens meeting either of these exemptions must register with the City in order to receive their dog licenses but do not have to pay a fee.
[Ord. #98-02, § 1; Ord. #04-03, § 1]
The effective period of each dog license shall be from the date of issue until a like date during the month in which the antirabies vaccination expires as shown in the vaccination certificate.
As a condition for the issuance of a license all applicants shall procure and deliver to the licensing authority a certificate issued by a duly licensed veterinarian certifying that the dog to be licensed has been administered a rabies vaccination which will be effective at least one (1) month after the issuance of such license. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, every person owning, possessing, controlling or keeping any dog within the City shall be required to keep such dog vaccinated against rabies at all times after the dog attains the age of four (4) months.
The City shall issue a tag and license certificate upon payment of the City's fee for a license.
If the custody of the dog changes, the new guardian/owner must inform the City of the change but the term of the license is until the rabies vaccination expires.
Such identification tag shall be worn by the dog at all times.
No person shall fail or refuse to show to the City the license certificate for any duly registered dog kept or remaining within any home or upon any enclosed premises under such person's immediate control.
No unauthorized person shall remove from any dog any collar, harness or other device to which is attached a registration tag for the current period, or remove such tag therefrom.
If the dog license tag is lost or destroyed, the guardian/owner shall immediately procure a new duplicate tag from the licensing authority.
No person shall imitate or counterfeit the tags prescribed by this chapter, or have in his possession any imitation or counterfeit tags.
If the guardians/owners of the dog can prove that their animal has been spayed or neutered, they may apply for a three-year license that remains valid provided the City receives copies of the rabies vaccination each year for the three-year term.
When a duly licensed veterinarian practicing within the City inoculates a dog with a rabies vaccine, and the guardian/owner or possessor of the dog does not present a current license for the dog to him, the veterinarian shall notify the City of the name and address of the guardian/owner or possessor of the dog. The City will provide the necessary materials to each veterinarian for the purpose of reporting such information.