The Town Board of the Town of New Paltz finds that it is in
the best interests of the Town to provide a means and procedure by
which a planned resort can be developed at the gateway entrance to
the Town from the New York State Thruway, in keeping with the character
of the nearby Gateway Districts.
Use of lands within the PRO for a planned resort in accordance
with this article shall be permitted by the Planning Board subject
to site plan approval in accordance with the substantive provisions
of this article and in accordance with the procedures for site plan
review and approval set forth in the Town Zoning Law. Any subdivision
or lot line adjustment of lands within a planned resort shall be reviewed
by the Planning Board in accordance with the subdivision regulations.
The following area and bulk requirements apply in the Planned
Resort Overlay District and supersede any requirements of the underlying
zoning districts.
A. Minimum lot area: 50 acres.
B. Minimum lot width: 200 feet.
C. Minimum lot depth: 500 feet.
D. Minimum frontage on state highway: 200 feet.
E. Front setback (all buildings): 50 feet.
F. Front setback (parking): 40 feet.
G. Front setback (outdoor recreation facilities such as tennis courts):
50 feet.
H. Side and/or rear setbacks (all buildings and outdoor recreation facilities):
50 feet, except 100 feet when adjoining a residential zoning district.
Side and rear setbacks may be reduced by the Planning Board to a minimum
of 25 feet along any boundary adjoining an existing single-family
residence or residential district, and to a minimum of five feet in
all other cases, upon a finding that existing or proposed topography
or vegetation provide suitable screening to soften views and suitable
separation of uses. Side and rear setbacks (parking): 20 feet.
I. Height:
Maximum height of principal buildings: four stories, not to
exceed 48 feet, except that no more than 25% of the total footprint
of all principal buildings may have a maximum height of five stories,
not to exceed 60 feet.
Maximum height of non-principal buildings: 2.5 stories, not
to exceed 35 feet.
Maximum height of recreational structures: 65 feet.
District building height regulations shall not apply to recreational
structures within the recreational facilities of the resort, such
as stair towers for rides or climbing towers, provided that:
The footprint of an outdoor recreational structure shall not
exceed 1,000 square feet;
Fully enclosed indoor recreational structures are permitted
within a principal building;
Indoor recreational structures shall not exceed a combined total
area of 2,025 square feet, and shall occupy floor area equal to not
more than 10% of the roof area of the principal building in which
they are located;
Recreational structures shall in no event contain signage, flashing
lights, or up-lighting calling attention to the height; and
The Planning Board must determine that any adverse visual impacts
of the increased height have been suitably addressed and mitigated.
J. Water storage tank: 60 feet, unless the applicant can demonstrate
to the satisfaction of the Planning Board that a higher height is
necessary for fire safety purposes, in which case the Planning Board
may modify this standard to the minimum necessary for fire safety.
In no case shall a water storage tank be used for advertisements.
K. Maximum building coverage: 25%.
L. Minimum required open space: 35%.
M. Maximum impervious coverage: 65%.
N. Minimum distance between principal buildings: zero feet.