Editor's Note: The power to regulate bathing apparel, to provide beach regulations, lifeguards, and to regulate waterways and boating is contained in R.S. 40:48-1.
[Amended 4-7-2021 by Ord. No. 1197-21; 4-14-2021 by Ord. No. 1196-21; amended in entirety 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22]
[Amended 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22]
For the purpose of this section as to Boardwalk Regulations:
Shall mean the elevated pedestrian walk extending along the beach from 26th Street to Cresse Avenue, the ramps, inclines, steps and approaches connected and appurtenant thereto, both on the easterly and westerly sides, together with the pavilions, platforms, restrooms, lavatories, and public facilities.
Shall mean carrying a box, basket, tub or other receptacle in which is contained food and beverages, and the consumption of such food and beverages within the areas of the boardwalk and approaches.
Shall include any vehicle, machine or device designed for, or intended to be used for a specified maintenance task. Service vehicles shall not include passenger vehicles solely designed or intended for highway use.
Shall mean burning of, inhaling from, exhaling the smoke from, or the possession of a lighted cigar, cigarette, e-cigarette, pipe, hookah, vape pen or similar device, or other matter or substance which contains tobacco or any other matter that can be smoked, or the inhaling or exhaling of smoke or vapor from an electronic smoking device.
Shall include any utility task vehicle or golf cart used for business purposes including, but not limited to, trash removal and to transport employees, which shall not exceed 2,500 lbs.
Shall mean every device in, upon or by which a person or property is or may be transported.
[Amended 5-11-2016 by Ord. No. 1054-16; 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22; 5-24-2023 by Ord. No. 1261-235-24-2023 by Ord. No. 1262-23]
Unless otherwise permitted, the use of motorized vehicles, including but not limited to: cars, motorcycles, mopeds, motorized scooters, motorized bicycles, electric or self-propelled, Segway's and hover boards, as well as non-motorized go-carts shall be prohibited on the boardwalk and boardwalk approaches at all times. This shall not include wheelchairs, mobility aids, and other power-driven mobility devices as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA").
It shall be a violation of this section for any person to commit any of the following acts on the boardwalk or boardwalk approaches:
Throw, bat, catch or kick a baseball, football, basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, softball or any object; or engage in the playing of any game endangering the health and safety of others;
Throw, place, deposit or leave any bottles, glass, crockery, sharp or pointed article, papers, refuse or debris of any kind, except in the proper receptacles provided on the boardwalk;
Use of the boardwalk approaches for picnicking;
To neglect or refuse to obey all orders, directions, whistles, and/or other signals used by police department;
Openly display, expose or dispense or offer to dispense or to consume any beer, wine, whiskey or other alcoholic beverages;
Climb upon or stand on railings, fences or benches located in the boardwalk approaches so as to cause or in a manner likely to cause damage to them, to tamper with or handle the boats or other equipment on the beach used by the lifeguards;
To assemble or crowd together so as to interfere or be likely to interfere with the ingress or egress of others at the street ends approaching the boardwalk and approaches;
To hawk or peddle any merchandise, engage in, conduct or carry on any business, trade or occupation whatsoever, except as permitted by the provisions of this revision, solicit or take orders for goods, wares and merchandise, carry or expose advertising signs, distribute circulars, pamphlet, or other reading matter of an advertising nature, conduct the business of photography, or beg or solicit alms;
No person shall discharge firearms of any description, air rifles, spring guns, B-B guns, bows and arrows, slings or any other form of weapon potentially inimical to wildlife and dangerous to human safety, or any instrument that can be loaded with and fire blank cartridges, or any kind of trapping device. Discharge of any of the above into municipal boundaries from without such boundaries or discharge of any of the above from within the municipal boundaries, shall be prohibited;
For any person to play any musical instrument upon the boardwalk or boardwalk approaches. This paragraph shall not apply to any regular scheduled event for which permission has been granted by municipal authority.
Except for service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, no person shall permit any animal under his/her custody or control to enter upon the boardwalk from May 15th to October 2nd, except for access to dog parks or permitted areas of the piers, boardwalk or beach, in accordance with Ordinance No. 1196-21. (See Subsection 4-1.14, Dog Beach.)
Smoking shall be prohibited on the entire boardwalk, and the ramps and stairs leading to the boardwalk, at all times.
No person shall consume, possess or display any alcoholic beverage of any kind, or in any container, on the entire boardwalk at any time during the year, except in designated restaurant and/or bar areas.
Any violation of this section shall constitute a breach of the peace.
[Amended 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22]
It shall be unlawful during the period commencing May 15th of each year through September 30th of each year for any person to ride a bicycle on the Boardwalk or its approaches from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., inclusive, daily;
The hours established shall be posted on the City's website, on the bulletin board in City Hall, and at other appropriate places as determined by the City Clerk;
The Director of Public Works shall take all actions necessary and proper regarding the installation of appropriate signage at various places on the Boardwalk;
It shall be unlawful for any bicycles, skateboards, motorized and non-motorized scooters, or roller skates to be attached to railings;
The Board of Commissioners shall change those times, by resolution, upon which it shall be lawful for any person to ride upon the boardwalk, or its approaches, and the bicycle/vehicle types permitted;
All provisions of the New Jersey Statues Annotated 39:4-10, et seq. which apply to the operation of bicycles, skateboards, roller skates and the like on public highway shall apply to the operation of same on the boardwalk;
Bike parking under the boardwalk is permitted.
[Amended 5-11-2016 by Ord. No. 1054-16; 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22]
Service and utility vehicles requiring boardwalk access, shall be permitted subject to the following:
Applicant's requesting a boardwalk permit must submit a completed application with the City Clerk's Office;
The application must be approved by Commissioner of Public Safety or his/her designee, and the following fees paid:
Annual Service Vehicle Permit: $200;
Annual Utility Vehicle Permit: $200;
Service and Utility Vehicle Daily Rate: $20.
A permitted service or utility vehicle for the boardwalk shall be permitted beach access for no additional fee.
Only service and utility vehicles shall be permitted access to the boardwalk, unless an applicant shall make a request to the City showing use of a vehicle other than a service vehicle does not pose a risk to the health, safety, and welfare of boardwalk patrons, and a permit is issued by the City;
No service or utility vehicles shall remain on the boardwalk for longer than the absolute necessary time to perform the intended repair and/or maintenance;
Service vehicles while stopped on the boardwalk for the necessary repair or maintenance shall have a six feet coned perimeter marked around the vehicle so to keep pedestrians six feet away from the vehicle.
No vehicles (other than utility vehicles) shall be permitted beginning May 20th till October 1st. Public safety vehicles shall be exempt from this restriction.
Permitted service and utility vehicles authorized to operate on the boardwalk must use the concrete portion of the boardwalk, when available, for access.
Permits must be in clear view and visible on the windshield or bumper of the vehicle.
If the City shall permit use of a service vehicle on the boardwalk, the applicant shall abide by the following rules and regulations:
Service vehicle access shall only be permitted between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.;
Speed Limit - 10 mph;
Access only at Schellenger Avenue, Juniper Avenue, and Cresse Avenue;
No operation of vehicle within six feet of an individual/pedestrian.
Violation of any of the rules or regulations established herein shall subject permittee to revocation of the permit by the Board of Commissioners upon a finding of good cause, which includes violation of any rule or regulation or lack of approved business purpose for the permit. Furthermore, any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be subject to penalties in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:49-1, et seq.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or park a vehicle(s) upon the boardwalk or its approaches, at any time.
Notwithstanding permitted status. Vehicle boardwalk access may be denied as necessary due to special circumstances.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or park a vehicle under the boardwalk, at any time.
[Amended 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22]
The Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and empowered to adopt by resolution, in addition to the rules and regulations herein enumerated, such other rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper control and regulation of the boardwalk for purposes of public health and safety, only.
[Amended 6-14-2017 by Ord. No. 1074-17; 11-25-2020 by Ord. No. 1180-20; 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22]
[Amended 6-24-2015 by Ord. No. 1034-15; 5-24-2017 by Ord. No. 1072-17; 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22]
For the purpose of this section:
Shall mean that area beneath and from the westerly side of the boardwalk to the ocean from 26th Street to Cresse Avenue, together with the bathing area adjacent to it.
[Added 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22; amended 5-24-2023 by Ord. No. 1261-23; 5-24-2023 by Ord. No. 1262-23; 8-9-2023 by Ord. No. 1269-23]
It shall be a violation of this section for any person to commit any of the following acts:
To neglect, ignore or refuse to obey all orders, directions, whistles, flags and signals used by lifeguards. To interfere with any duties of the lifeguards. To tamper with or handle any lifeguard equipment;
To swim or bathe beyond a safe depth or distance from the shore as determined and regulated by the lifeguards;
Throw objects or engage in any game or activity in an area that endangers others except at times and areas designated by the lifeguards;
Throw, place, deposit or leave trash anywhere on the beach other than in the trash receptacles;
Feeding seagulls or other wildlife. Harassing or interfering with wildlife;
Smoking, fires, open flame and grilling;
Operating any drone, aircraft, kite, or motorized vehicle except at times and areas designated by the lifeguards;
Launching, landing and operating watercraft except at times and areas designated by the lifeguards;
Openly display, expose or dispense or offer to dispense or to consume any beer, wine, whiskey or other alcoholic beverages;
All other beach activities not specified may be regulated, prohibited or limited by lifeguards and/or police;
No person shall discharge firearms of any description, air rifles, spring guns, B-B guns, bows and arrows, slings or any other form of weapon potentially inimical to wildlife and dangerous to human safety, or any instrument that can be loaded with and fire blank cartridges, or any kind of trapping device. Discharge of any of the above into municipal boundaries from without such boundaries or discharge of any of the above from within the municipal boundaries, shall be prohibited;
It shall be unlawful, from May 1st through September 30th, for any person to walk, drive, bathe, swim or otherwise be on the beach from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the following day, excepting for any permitted special event or City employees who clean the beach during the performance of their duty and the municipal police and other members of the department of public affairs and public safety.
It shall be unlawful to fish or surf on any portion of a guarded beach from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., May 1st through September 30th, unless the beach is designated for fishing or surfing;
To revel, disport or behave in a noisy or boisterous manner, emitting loud cries and other noises, so as to inconvenience others, or otherwise disrupt and disturb the public peace and dignity.
To hawk or peddle any merchandise, engage in, conduct or carry on any business, trade or occupation whatsoever, except as permitted by the provisions of this revision, solicit or take orders for goods, wares and merchandise, carry or expose advertising signs, distribute circulars, pamphlets, or other reading matter of an advertising nature, conduct the business of photography.
Except in accordance with Ordinance No. 1196-21, no animals shall be permitted on the Beach. (See Subsection 4-1.14, Dog Beach.)
Smoking is prohibited on the entire beach, and the paths leading to the beach, at all times.
Except for a special event as permitted by the City, no person shall consume, possess or display any alcoholic beverage of any kind, or in any container, on the entire beach at any time during the year.
Any violation of this section shall constitute a breach of the peace.
[Added 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22]
Vehicles requiring beach access for beach related business, fishing or special events purpose, shall be permitted subject to the following:
Either a beach vehicle permit application, or a fishing vehicle permit application has been completed and filed with the City Clerk's Office;
Application has been approved by Commissioner of Public Safety or his/her designee;
Annual, the term for which shall be the calendar year: $200;
Daily fee: $20;
Fishing Permit: the fee for which shall be $25 for October 1-April 30;
Service Vehicle: $200;
Utility Vehicle: $200.
A permitted service or utility vehicle for the boardwalk shall be permitted boardwalk access for no additional fee.
Vehicles permitted beach access shall abide by the following rules and regulations:
Speed Limit - 10 mph;
Access to beach only at Schellenger Avenue, 26th Street, Cresse Avenue, and Baker Avenue;
No vehicle operation on beach after 10:00 p.m. unless prior approval is received;
No vehicle shall be authorized to operate on the beach unless in conjunction with an approved City event, authorized by the Board of Commissioners. This shall not apply to any City vehicle;
No travel east of the trash can line between the dates of May 1st and September 30th (delineated by trash cans set out by beach maintenance);
Abide by all signs; including signs preventing vehicle travel in and access to restricted areas which may change from time to time, as designed by signage;
Access in, to or through a special event being held on the beach, unless permit is for said event; and
No operation of vehicle within 20 feet of an individual/pedestrian.
Violation of any of the rules or regulations established herein shall subject permittee to: revocation of the permit by the Director of Public Safety upon finding a good cause, which includes, violation of any rule or regulation or lack of approved business purpose for the permit.
Notwithstanding permitted status. Vehicle beach access may be denied as necessary due to special circumstances.
Beach access is subject to weather conditions as determined by the City of Wildwood.
Vehicles utilized for the purpose of fishing may be operated on the beach of the City of Wildwood between October 1st and April 30th, between 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. provided that an application is submitted and then approved by the City Clerk.
[Added 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22]
Except for the exclusion created for bicycles, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate or park a vehicle upon the beach or its approaches, at any time.
[Added 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22]
The Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and empowered to:
Adopt by resolution, in addition to the rules and regulations herein enumerated, such other rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper control and regulation of the beach and other areas and the water adjacent thereto.
Designate by resolution the protected bathing beaches where lifeguards and attendant equipment are to be provided by the City, and from which beaches, persons may bathe and swim, and to change or abolish the precise location of any one or more bathing beaches as safety and attending circumstances shall require.
To determine and establish by resolution the period during each year when each of the paid bathing beaches shall be opened and closed.
[Added 3-9-2022 by Ord. No. 1225-22]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be subject to penalties in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:49-1, et seq.
[Added 4-14-2021 by Ord. No. 1196-21]
The City hereby designates an area of its beach as a "Dog Beach." Subject to the rules and regulations promulgated herein.
The City Dog Beach is defined as the following area: The bathing areas at Poplar Ave., extending approximately 250 feet both north and south with the boundaries being set by signage, which shall only be accessed at the Poplar Ave. beach entrance.
Dogs shall be permitted on the Dog Beach as follows:
Dogs are permitted upon the City Boardwalk in the following locations for the limited purpose of accessing the Dog Beach: The access ramps at Poplar Ave. and Magnolia Ave.;
Dogs must remain on leash at all times and remain under control by their owner or companion at all times;
From May 15 to October 2 of each year, dogs may only be on the City Beach within areas designated as Dog Beach;
Owners and/or companions shall clean all dog waste from his or her dog, using a waste disposal bag or container, and dispose of that bag or container in a designated dog waste trash bin;
Police and Beach Patrol shall have authority to eject any person and companion dog if deemed appropriate to protect the health, safety and welfare or other Dog Beach patrons and/or beach patrons, and all persons shall comply with such orders and directives of Beach Patrol in this regard;
Owners, caretakers, guardians or handlers of dogs will exercise diligence and reasonable care to keep dogs under restraint. In circumstances in which the dogs are not on premises owned, leased, or rented by the caretakers, guardians or handlers, dogs must be handled in a humane manner pursuant to N.J.S.A. 5A-4:22-17.
Water access for dogs and owner or companion may be restricted if it is deemed unsafe by Beach Patrol Chief or his/her designee.
Dog Beach access may be restricted at any time by the Director of Public Safety.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this subsection shall, upon conviction, be subject to penalties in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:49-1, et seq.
It shall be unlawful to use any public or quasi-public bench or seat for sleeping, or to lie upon or usurp the use of it for the storage of baskets, bundles, clothing or other like objects, so as to prevent its reasonable use by others.
It shall be unlawful to use any vehicle as a place for the purpose of completely changing from street attire into a bathing suit or vice versa, or to engage at any time either day or night in the practice commonly known as "sleeping in cars."
It shall be unlawful to enter, without a legitimate and reasonable errand or business, upon any private property, hotel, rooming house, lodging place or other place of public accommodations, and not having previously obtained express or implied permission of the owner or person in lawful control and possession to make use of the furniture, showers, toilets or other like facilities, or wander or roam about the premises.
Regulated Conduct. All persons over the age of 12 who are present upon the city's Boardwalk shall comply with the following dress and decency standards:
At all times foot protection must be worn, which may include shoes, sneakers or flip-flops, which adequately protect one's feet from wood or nails protruding from the surface of the Boardwalk;
After 8:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. a shirt which covers the breast and/or pectoral area must be worn;
At all times the waist-band of shorts, swim-trunks, pants and/or skirts shall not be worn more than three inches below the wearer's waist, interpreted to mean at a level below the crest of the ilium, so as to expose either skin or garment underneath.
Consequence of Violation. Violation of a paragraph a of the herein subsection shall be addressed by a city law enforcement officer, which shall include, but not be limited to, police officer, boardwalk inspector or code enforcement officer, by advising the offender of the herein requirements, requesting compliance by either altering his or her dress or immediately, peaceably, exiting the Boardwalk.
Request Not Required. If the offender has been previously advised of the requirements of the herein subsection by a law enforcement officer and has been found to be intentionally or knowingly in violation at a later time or subsequent date, the provisions of paragraph b shall not apply as a prerequisite to action being taken under paragraph d herein.
Consequences of Failure to Comply with Request. If a request as outlined in paragraph b of the herein subsection does not result in immediate, peaceful compliance, or the offender has been previously advised of the requirements of this subsection by a law enforcement officer such that he or she is in knowing or intentional violation of the requirements herein, a citation for violation of the requirements herein, a citation for violation of this subsection shall issue. In addition to issuance of a citation, the offender shall be escorted or removed from the Boardwalk unless the law enforcement officer has determined good cause to allow such offender to remain, conditioned upon full compliance with paragraph a herein.
Violation Shall Not Result in an Arrest. An arrest may not be issued for violation of paragraph a of this subsection.
Circumstances where arrest prohibition does not apply. The arrest prohibition within paragraph e of this subsection shall not apply to any conduct which is independently disorderly, in abrogation of the direction of order of a law enforcement officer, or otherwise in violation of the New Jersey Criminal Code or the Ordinances of the City of Wildwood, so as to provide an independent basis for arrest.
Fines and Penalties. A citation issued for violation of this subsection shall subject the offender to a penalty of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars for the first offense, which may be payable at twenty-five ($25.00) dollars to the court without appearance, and not more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars for each subsequent offense, court appearance mandatory. In addition to the fine, the court may order such person to participate in up to forty (40) hours of court-approved community service activities.
Defense. It is a defense under this subsection if it is determined that the person was exercising rights protected by the Federal or State Constitution. Any defense under this subsection must be asserted prior to any hearing or trial in the matter.
It shall be unlawful to consume or openly display, expose or dispense alcoholic beverages upon the streets, highways, sidewalks, public property or places, or in automobiles, or other vehicles, parked upon the streets, highways, alleys, parking lots, or other places not expressly licensed for the sale and consumption of such beverages. However, this section shall not be construed so as to declare unlawful the consumption, display, exposing and/or dispensing of alcoholic beverages in connection with any festival held in or upon a public street which has been ordered closed by the mayor of the city pursuant to the authority granted by Ordinance No. 41-84, which is section 6-16 of this code.
It shall be unlawful to walk or stand on the boardwalk and approaches thereto without wearing shoes, sandals or other protective footwear adequate to prevent injury from splinters.
[Amended 5-24-2023 by Ord. No. 1261-23]
No individual or group of individuals shall revel, disport, or behave in a noisy, boisterous manner, emitting loud cries and other noises, jostling those about them, causing inconveniences to those about them, or otherwise disrupting or disturbing the public peace and dignity in any public or quasi-public place and public rights-of-way, or in any building open for the combination of the public for entertainment or room accommodations. Any violation of this section shall constitute a breach of the peace.
No person other than those persons set forth in paragraph c hereinbelow, shall advertise, display, sell or offer to sell any type of syringe, needle, eyedropper, spoon, pipe, testing kit, rolling paper, other paraphernalia or appliances designed for or ordinarily used in smoking, testing, weighing, measuring, injecting, cooking or sniffing marijuana, cocaine, opium, hashish, or other controlled dangerous substances as defined by R.S. 24:21-1, et seq.
It shall constitute a common nuisance to maintain any building, conveyance or premises whatever which is resorted to by persons for the manufacturing, distribution, dispensing, administration or use of any type of syringe, needle, eyedropper, spoon, pipe, testing kit, rolling paper, or other paraphernalia or appliances designed for or ordinarily used in smoking, testing, weighing, measuring, injecting, cooking or sniffing marijuana, cocaine, opium, hashish, or other controlled substances as defined by R.S. 24:21-1, et seq.
Any person registered with the State Health Commission or referred to in R.S. 24:21-10(c), shall be exempt from the provisions of paragraph 4-2.8a of this subsection.
Any violation of this section shall be punishable in accordance with section 3-12 of the Revised General Ordinances of the City of Wildwood, as amended.
[Amended 5-24-2023 by Ord. No. 1261-23]
No person, while in a public park, recreation area, or other public areas within the city, shall:
Permit the entry of a dog or other domestic animal into areas clearly marked by signs bearing the words "Domestic Animals Prohibited in This Area." Nothing herein shall be construed as permitting the running of dogs at large. All dogs in those areas where such animals are permitted shall be restrained at all times on adequate leashes not greater than six feet in length.
Build or attempt to build a fire. No person shall drop, throw, or otherwise scatter lighted matches, burning cigarettes or cigars, tobacco paper, or other inflammable material within any park or other public areas within the city, or on any highways, roads or streets abutting or contiguous thereto.
Expose or offer for sale any article or thing, nor station or place any stand, cart or vehicle for the transportation, sale or display of any such article or thing. An exception shall be made for any regularly licensed concessionaire acting by and under specific authority and regulation of the board of commissioners.
Climb, stand or sit upon any tree, monument, vase, planter, fountain, railing, fence or upon any other property not designated or customarily used for such purpose.
Tie or hitch any animal to any tree or plant.
Dress or undress in any vehicle, toilet, or other place, except in such bathing houses or structures as may be provided for that purpose.
Ball playing in any park located within the City of Wildwood at any time is prohibited with the exception of Fox Park and Maxwell Field and the soccer complex located at 600 West Baker Avenue.
Any violation of this section shall constitute a breach of the peace.
Former subsection 4-2A.2, Permit Required for Special Events, previously codified herein, was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 989-13.
Former subsection 4-2A.3, Penalty, previously codified herein was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 989-13.
In pursuance of the power and authority conferred by an act of the Legislature of this state, approved April 26, 1894, entitled "An Act to enable cities in this State, located on or near the ocean and embracing within their limits or jurisdiction any beach or ocean front, to open and lay out a public park or place for public resort or recreation on and along a portion of the beach or ocean front of such city and to purchase or condemn lands, property and rights therefor and to preserve same from obstruction or encroachment," constituting Chapter 93 of the Session Laws of 1894, the City of Wildwood does hereby determine to open and lay out a park or place of public resort and recreation along a portion of the beach or ocean front of that city within the limits and jurisdiction of that city and does hereby determine, fix and establish the interior or inland line of the same as required by that act, as follows:
The inland line of the existing public walk which has been heretofore constructed along the beach or ocean front in the city on or near to the line of ordinary high water mark between Schellenger Avenue and Cresse Avenue, both inclusive, said inland line being about 200 feet from the southeasterly line of Ocean Avenue as laid out and used.
The limits and boundaries of the public park or place for public resort and recreation be and the same are hereby fixed, established and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the northeasterly line of Schellenger Avenue about 200 feet southeastwardly of the southeasterly line of Ocean Avenue, being the landward side of the elevated public walk heretofore constructed and as now existing along the beach or ocean front and extending thence, along said line of said public walk, to the center line of Cresse Avenue, and thence, in a general course, southeastwardly and oceanward, and between parallel lines of said avenues to the exterior line now or hereafter established by the Board of Commerce and Navigation, successors to the State Riparian Commission.
The lands lying oceanward from the interior line so established from the boundaries above defined, be and the same are hereby devoted to public use as a public park or place for public resort and recreation exclusively, and for such use shall be kept open and unobstructed forever in the manner and to the extent as in any of the said act is directed and prescribed.
The city surveyor shall make a survey and description of the line so fixed and established, and cause this line to be suitably marked on the ground by substantial posts or piling sunk in the soil and prepare a map showing and indicating the line and giving a description. The map and description shall be filed in the office of the city clerk where it shall remain on record.
The city attorney is empowered in the name and on behalf of the said city to cause to be condemned for the purposes of the park, any and all lands, property and rights within the limits of the park as hereby established, which shall not be dedicated to such use by the owners and accepted by the city, as provided in said act, or shall not be purchased by the city for such purpose.
If the purchase or condemnation of any land within the boundaries herein described shall be purchased or condemned that an assessment be made of the special and peculiar benefits that such improvement may confer on all the owners of land and real estate benefited thereby in proportion to the benefits each shall be deemed to acquire and such assessment shall be made and collected in the manner provided by law for the making and collection of benefit assessments in the city.
If any owner of property within the limits of the park, shall dedicate his property to the city for the uses and purposes herein mentioned, as provided in subsection 4-3.5, that the city will contract and agree with him to change the location of the interior line and the public walk.
Former Section 4-4, Overnight Camping on Beach, previously codified herein was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 989-13.
Freefall Adventures, Inc. shall be the only organization permitted to operate a parachute landing center, during the summer months from 2002 through 2007. Freefall Adventures, Inc. will operate on the following dates in the City of Wildwood:
Every Tuesday from May 1st until September 30th and four (4) consecutive days over the fourth of July weekend.
The designated landing area for the events shall be as follows:
1,200 feet x 1,200 feet portion of the beach immediately south of Schellenger Avenue.
Prior to any use of the parachute landing center, Freefall Adventures, Inc., must provide the City of Wildwood with proof of liability insurance in the amount of one and one-half million ($1,500,000.00) dollars relative to its operating in the City of Wildwood, and the City of Wildwood must be a named insured. This shall be an annual requirement and such proof of coverage shall be submitted annually to the municipal clerk, purchasing agent and municipal solicitor on or before April 1st of each year during which the skydiving is permitted as aforesaid.
Freefall Adventures, Inc. shall be responsible for procuring a signed release from each participant using the parachute landing center, which release shall name the City of Wildwood, its agents, servants and employees as a released party, from each participant, which release shall name the City of Wildwood. Such releases to be signed and notarized copies submitted to the municipality within ten (10) days of use. Additionally, Freefall Adventures, Inc., shall provide, on its letterhead, an acknowledgement of the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement and an acknowledgement that it is bound by same. Such letter shall further contain a representation on the part of Freefall Adventures, Inc., that it shall hold harmless and indemnify the City of Wildwood, its agents, servants and employees from any liability claims which may be advanced by third parties relative to the skydiving events which it stages within the city limits.
Riding permitted in designated areas. The riding of horses within a specifically designated area of the beach of the City of Wildwood is hereby permitted pursuant to the terms and conditions as set forth in this section.
Permitted times and dates. The riding of horses as permitted pursuant to this section shall only occur on an annual basis beginning on October 1 of each year through and concluding on April 30 of the succeeding year. The permitted hours of riding during said time period shall be from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Designated riding area. The designated area for the riding of horses as set forth in this section shall be on the area of beach recognized as parts of Ward 1, and all of Wards 2 and 3. A map of said designated area is attached to this section. (The map may be found on file in the office of the city clerk.)
Sporting activities prohibited. Any sporting activities such as horse racing, polo or other sporting activities involving horses are prohibited by this section. The only activity permitted pursuant to this section shall be the leisurely activity of horseback riding.
Permit required. A permit will be required for riding horses on the beach. The cost of the permit shall be fifty ($50.00) dollars per person and may be purchased at the office of the city clerk. Each permit must be displayed in the front windshield of the vehicle used for towing the horse(s) to the City of Wildwood. The permit shall permit a rider to engage in the activity of horseback riding on the beach. Each person applying for a permit must provide their full name, permanent address and telephone number and their address and telephone number, if applicable, when completing an application for a permit. Each person seeking to obtain a permit must complete an application form. A permit shall only be valid during the horseback riding season in which it was purchased. There shall be no refund if a permit is used for only part of the season. Children under the age of 18 must have the application signed by a parent/guardian.
Permittee responsible for riders. Each permittee (rider) shall be responsible for his/her actions pursuant to said permit.
Limit on number of horses. There is no limit on the number of permits that can be sold. There shall be a limit of no more than 20 horses permitted on the beach at any one time. Riding sessions must be scheduled at least three days in advance by contacting the city clerk's office and making a reservation. If 20 slots have been reserved for said day, then no reservation can be made for additional riders on said date. The City of Wildwood reserves the right to only allow riding during times when the ocean tide shall be the lowest.
Parking of trailers. Any horse trailer used to transport a horse(s) to the City of Wildwood for horseback riding may only be parked on the beach at the Cresse Avenue entrance (see map found on file in the office of the city clerk). Vehicles entering the beach shall be four-wheel drive. No trailers shall be parked without a valid permit. All horse(s) used in the horseback riding permitted by this section shall be transported to the City of Wildwood and no such horse(s) shall be permitted to be stabled, kept or remain in the City of Wildwood.
Permittee responsibility; hearing; revocation of permit. The permittee is responsible for cleaning any manure, hay or other debris which is caused by the riding of horses upon said beach including any and all which may fall in the parking area, entrance to the beach or on the beach. Any such manure, hay or other debris must be removed from the City of Wildwood. A violation of this paragraph of this section may, in addition to all other penalties, result in a hearing before the Board of Commissioners of the City of Wildwood at which hearing the permit of any such permittee may be revoked.
Proper headgear required; hearing; revocation of permit. All riders are required to wear a properly fitted and secure protective headgear (equestrian riding helmet) which meets or exceeds the quality standards of the SEI Certified ASTM standard F1163. Failure of any person(s) to wear a helmet while riding horses pursuant to this section may, in addition to all other penalties, result in a hearing before the Board of Commissioners of the City of Wildwood at which hearing the permit of any such permittee may be revoked. It is the responsibility of the permittee to insure that any person riding pursuant to said permit is wearing such protective headgear. There will be no refund for any permit revoked because of a violation of this section.
Accompaniment by adult required. Any child under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by an adult at all times while riding on the beach in the City of Wildwood.
Accompaniment by dogs prohibited. No dogs are permitted to accompany riders while riding on the beach pursuant to this section, and all dogs must be on a leash at all times.
Riders must yield to others. When any rider comes upon any individuals on the beach, whether they are swimming, fishing, or engaged in other activities, it is the responsibility of the horse rider to yield and to ride around any such individuals or fisherman and also must yield, avoid and ride around any fishing lines.
Responsibility for stolen articles. The City of Wildwood is not responsible for lost or stolen tack/personal items. The owners are responsible for locking their vehicles and trailers when not present.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages prohibited; revocation of permit; hearing. No person shall consume alcoholic beverages prior to or during the time they are riding or transporting horses to or from the beach in the City of Wildwood. A violation of this paragraph of this section shall result in the immediate revocation of the permit of the permittee. The Board of Commissioners of the City of Wildwood will then conduct a hearing at which time said permittee may be prevented from obtaining any permit for the riding of horses on the beach in the City of Wildwood in the future.
Rules and regulations; application for permit. The City Clerk/Administrator of the City of Wildwood is hereby given authority pursuant to this section to establish rules regulating the activity of horseback riding in the City of Wildwood. Said rules may include the provisions contained in this section or may be in addition thereto. The application to be signed by a permittee shall specifically have contained thereon the following language:
"I understand that horseback riding in the City of Wildwood is a privilege. By signing this application for permit, I specifically agree that I, and anyone riding pursuant to this permit, shall be bound by this article and rules established by the City of Wildwood. I further, on behalf of myself and all riders riding pursuant to the permit to be issued pursuant to this application, specifically release the City of Wildwood, its officers, officials, agents and employees from any and all liability of any nature whatsoever associated or related to the riding of horses within the City of Wildwood and specifically hold harmless those individuals and entities."
Upon receiving a permit, any individual riding pursuant to said permit shall be required to sign a waiver and release of liability on behalf of the City of Wildwood, its officers, agents and employees in the form attached hereto which is specifically approved and adopted by reference herein.
Any person convicted of violation of this section shall be subject to a fine up to one thousand two hundred fifty ($1,250.00) dollars or community service of up to 90 days, or both.
[Amended 11-28-2018 by Ord. No. 1126-18]
The following fees shall be instituted with regard to beach amenities on city-owned beaches in the City of Wildwood:
Beach Amenity
Beach Box (seasonal, May 15 — Sept. 15)
Beach Box (30 days)
Beach Box (weekly)
The board of commissioners of the City of Wildwood may amend, by resolution, the provisions of subsection 4-7.1, including adding and/or deleting beach amenities, and establishing associated fees.
[Added 11-25-2020 by Ord. No. 1180-20]
Municipal Beach Parking Lot Fees:
Daily parking fee shall not exceed $20.00; and
Daily parking fee for special events shall not exceed $50.00.