[Ord. No. 1298 § 1; 1984 Code Part VI T.35 § 1]
No sidewalks, curb, driveway, gutter or drain across the sidewalk space shall be laid in any street in the City until a written permit, signed by the City Engineer, shall have been issued. All such permits shall be valid for ninety (90) days from the date of issuance.
[Ord. No. 1298 § 2; 1984 Code Part VI T.35 § 2]
Any person desiring a permit required by subsection 18-1.1 shall make an application in writing to the City Engineer on a blank form provided by the City. The application shall specify the location, material and width of the sidewalk, curb, driveway, gutter or drain, and the size of the drain across the sidewalk space.
[Ord. No. 1298 § 3; 1984 Code Part VI T.35 § 3]
The work of constructing, repairing or relaying sidewalks, curbs, driveways, gutters and drains across sidewalk spaces, shall be done under the supervision of the City Engineer, and all materials used and workmanship shall receive his inspection and approval.
[Ord. No. 1298 § 4; 1984 Code Part VI T.35 § 4]
All sidewalks, curbs, driveways, gutters and drains across sidewalk spaces shall be laid in accordance with lines and grades furnished by the City Engineer and not otherwise. Lines and grades will be furnished without the payment of any fee.
[Ord. No. 1298 § 5; 1984 Code Part VI T.35 § 5]
Any sidewalk in any public street which shall be out of line or grade shall be relaid by the owner of the property within thirty (30) days after notice from the City Clerk to do so unless the property owner shall give satisfactory reasons to the Common Council for such work not being done. The grade of the ground adjoining a sidewalk shall be maintained sufficiently low on one side to prevent the collection of water on the sidewalk.
[Ord. No. 1298 § 6; 1984 Code Part VI T.35 § 6]
After laying a curb or sidewalk, all rubbish shall be promptly removed from the street and the entire space between the curb line and the property line shall be properly graded. Where a fill is necessary, the slope on the property side shall begin at the property line and no portion shall be within the street lines. A one and one half (1 1/2) horizontal to one (1) vertical slope is recommended for fill.
[Ord. No. 1298 § 7; 1984 Code Part VI T.35 § 7]
Standards and Specifications for Construction of Sidewalks and Curbs, Etc.
Location. The sidewalk, curb or driveway apron shall be constructed as shown on the plans or as directed by the City Engineer.
Materials. All sidewalks and driveway aprons shall be concrete; however the Planning Board in non-single family residential districts may approve alternate materials having comparable qualities.
Preparing Subgrade. The subgrade shall be prepared so as to conform to the required line, grade and cross section. It shall be well drained and compacted to a firm surface having a uniform bearing power. Any rock or large stone in the subgrade shall be removed and replaced with good earth thoroughly compacted. Where fill is required only good earth acceptable to the City Engineer will be permitted, and shall be compacted in layers not to exceed six (6") inches. The subgrade shall be wet down so as to be moist immediately before concrete is placed, but without puddles of water.
Sidewalks: Metal forms and dividers shall be used unless otherwise permitted by the City Engineer.
Curbs: Same as sidewalks.
Driveway Aprons: Wood forms will be permitted with the approval of the City Engineer.
All forms shall be securely staked and held to the proper line and grade. Forms shall be cleaned of all mortar and dirt properly lubricated with a material which will not stain or discolor the concrete.
Expansion joints shall be provided at ends of all intersecting walks, driveways, around lighting standards, fireplugs or other rigid objects, or where specified by the City Engineer. When the sidewalk fills the space between the curb and a building or wall, an expansion joint shall be placed between the sidewalk and the curb and between the sidewalk and the building or wall. Expansion joints shall be filled with an approved nonextrusive pre-moulded joint material one-half (1/2") inch in thickness, and shall extend through the entire cross-section of the sidewalk, curb or driveway apron.
Contraction joints shall be provided at intervals equivalent to the sidewalk width but not less than four (4') feet. Contraction joints shall be provided at intervals of ten (10') feet, but not more than twelve (12') feet for all concrete curbs. Contraction joints shall be formed by metal dividers one-eighth (1/8") inch in thickness to the full depth of the sidewalk or curb.
Corners of all joints shall be finished with a metal edging tool.
Concrete. Concrete shall be Air-Entrained, Ready-Mixed Concrete and shall comply with the following specifications:
Portland Cement Type I or II with an approved Air-Entraining admixture added to the mixer, or Air-Entraining Portland Cement Type IA or IIA shall be used for this work except as noted under Cold Weather Requirements. The minimum cement content shall be six (6) sacks per cubic yard for concrete sidewalk and seven (7) sacks per cubic yard for concrete curb. The minimum compressive strength at twenty-eight (28) days for concrete sidewalk and concrete curb shall be three thousand five hundred (3500) psi. and four thousand (4000) psi. respectively. No coloring agents shall be used.
Concrete for this work shall have a maximum water content of six (6) gallons per sack of Portland cement, including the free water contained in the aggregates. The proportion of aggregate to cement shall be such as to produce a mixture which will work readily into the forms by the method described below under "Depositing," the consistency of the concrete being such that a Slump Test made in accordance with the "Standard Method of Slump Test for Consistency of Portland Cement Concrete" (ASTM C-143) will produce a maximum slump of two (2) to three (3) inches. The combined aggregates shall be of such composition of sizes that when separated on the No. 4 standard sieve, the weight passing the No. 4 sieve (fine aggregate) shall not be less than thirty (30%) percent nor greater than fifty (50%) percent of the total. The maximum size of coarse aggregate permitted shall be one (1") inch.
The air content of the fresh concrete shall be six (6%) percent ± one (1) by volume.
Water suitable for drinking shall be considered satisfactory. Other water may be used only after analysis has proved it free from harmful materials.
The concrete producer shall certify the concrete has been furnished in accordance with aforementioned specifications. He shall also furnish a statement showing the quantities of materials used in making the concrete, together with the actual slump and air content.
Depositing and Finishing.
Concrete deposited in the forms shall be thoroughly tamped and spaded into place in such a manner that the forms are entirely filled, and the concrete thoroughly compacted and no honey-combing exists.
After compacting the concrete in the forms, it shall be struck off even with the tops of the forms with a screed. The surface shall then be finished with an aluminum or magnesium float or darby to a smooth, even, dense finish. For sidewalks or driveway aprons, final finish shall be made with a soft bristle brush. All edges shall be rounded with an edging tool. No tool marks are to be left on exposed edges. As soon as the setting of the concrete will permit the removal of the forms, as directed by the City Engineer, they shall be removed and the curing and protection procedures shall be applied.
Concrete shall be cured by covering all exposed surfaces as soon as practicable with a waterproof paper or polyethylene sheets, suitably weighted down to prevent evaporation of water in the concrete, or by spraying on an approved white pigmented curing compound applied at the rate recommended by the manufacturer. The curing compound and its rate of application shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer's directions and be approved by the Engineer. The waterproof paper or polyethylene shall remain in place for a period not less than forty-eighty (48) hours.
Curing medium shall be applied immediately after finishing operations are completed. Acceptable liquid curing compounds manufactured by William G. Grander, Inc., 531 South Ave., Garwood, N.J.; also products made by Truscon, Master Builders, Servicized Products Corp., Sonneborn—or equal.
Products should comply with A.S.T.M. Spec. C-309.
Warm Weather Requirements. In periods of hot weather, low humidity and/or high winds, the concrete surface shall be protected from rapid drying with a temporary wet covering applied immediately after screeding. This cover shall be removed only in sections large enough to permit active final finishing and curing operations to be carried on. This temporary wet cover protection shall be discontinued only after curing medium has been properly applied.
The Engineer shall determine when this protection shall be provided.
Cold Weather Requirements.
No concrete shall be placed when the air temperature will, in the opinion of the Engineer, drop to less than thirty-five (35°) degrees Fahrenheit within three (3) days after the proposed time of placing unless specifically permitted by and with specific instructions from the Engineer.
All concrete ingredients and forms, ground, etc., with which the concrete is to come in contact, shall be free from frost and ice. If at any time during the construction the temperature is, or in the opinion of the Engineer will, within twenty-four (24) hours drop to thirty-five (35°) degrees Fahrenheit, the water and aggregates shall be heated. Adequate means shall be taken to maintain a temperature of the concrete in the forms of not less than seventy (70°)‚ degrees for three (3) days or fifty (50°) degrees for five (5) days. No dependence shall be placed on salt or other chemicals for the prevention of freezing. Type II or IIIA cement shall be used when the air temperature is expected to fall below forty (40°) degrees Fahrenheit within five (5) days after placing.
Concrete Sidewalk. All concrete sidewalk shall have placed on the prepared subgrade a base of two (2") inches, when thoroughly compacted, of clean one (1") inch crushed stone. The concrete shall be not less than four (4") inches in thickness, except at driveways where it shall not be less than six (6") inches in thickness. No sidewalk will be permitted unless it has a minimum width of four (4') feet. Unless otherwise specified by the Engineer, the grade across the sidewalk area is to be at the rate of one quarter (1/4) inch per foot sloping toward the center line of the street or curb.
Concrete Curb.
All concrete curb shall have a minimum depth of twenty (20") inches, with a minimum base width of ten (10") inches. The top of the curb shall have a minimum width of eight (8") inches with a one (1") inch bevel front and back, and the front edge having a rounded edge of one (1") inch radius.
For depressed curbs at driveways, the curb shall have a minimum depth of sixteen (16") inches in the back and fifteen and one-half (15 1/2") inches in the front (one and one-half (1 1/2") inches above the finished street pavement) with a rounded edge of one (1") inch radius. The base width shall be the same as above.
Concrete Driveway Apron. Whenever new sidewalks shall be constructed or existing sidewalks shall be reconstructed, and whenever there is an existing curb, or a curb is to be constructed in conjunction with the sidewalk driveway, aprons shall be of concrete. All concrete driveway aprons shall extend from the curb to the sidewalk. No apron shall be greater than fifteen (15') feet in width without the approval of the City Engineer.
Bituminous Concrete Driveway Apron. Whenever new sidewalks shall be constructed or existing sidewalks shall be reconstructed and whenever there is no existing curb, driveway aprons shall be of bituminous concrete and shall have placed on the prepared subgrade a base of five (5") inches, when thoroughly compacted, of crushed stone. The apron shall be surfaced with two (2") inches, when thoroughly compacted, of bituminous concrete. All bituminous concrete driveway aprons shall extend from the gutter line of the pavement to the sidewalk. No apron shall be greater than fifteen (15') feet in width without the approval of the City Engineer.
Curb Adjustment Requirements.
Bluestone, Granite or Granite Block Curb: Must be lowered (not cut) to a grade one and one-half (1 1/2") inches above the finished street pavement at the gutter. The lowered curbing shall be set in six (6") inches of concrete.
Concrete Curb: Must be removed and constructed as new curb. When necessary, the end of a curb section may be rounded to eliminate a sharp corner, or a four (4") inch diameter hole for a leader drain may be cut through the curb with a sharp chisel and small hammer.
Under no circumstances, however, shall the cutting of curbing be permitted horizontally. Where a driveway is to be abandoned, the lowered curb shall be raised to the established grade and set in concrete.
Specifications for Granite Block Curb.
Granite Block curb shall be constructed to the lines, grades and dimensions as shown on the plans or where ordered by the engineer.
Granite blocks shall be of uniform quality, structure and texture and with a percentage of wear of not more than four and one-half (4.5%) percent. The blocks shall be dressed so that all faces are approximately rectangular and so that the blocks can be set with the greatest dimension vertical with joints not more than three quarters (3/4) of an inch wide.
The dimensions of the blocks shall be as follows:
Not Less Than
Not More Than
Ten (10) inches
Twelve (12) inches
Five (5) inches
Seven (7) inches
Four (4) inches
Five (5) inches
The blocks shall be all from one (1) quarry and of the same color and texture. All edges shall be parallel with and at right angles to each other.
Setting Granite Block Curb.
The granite blocks shall be set with the greatest dimension vertical, the next greatest dimension parallel with the line of the curb, and the least dimension perpendicular to the line of the curb.
The blocks shall be set in concrete with the same specifications as for concrete curb and sidewalk, except the minimum cement content shall be not less than five and one-half (5 1/2) sacks per cubic yard, and shall have a twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength of not less than three thousand (3000) psi. The concrete shall be four (4") inches in depth under the curb for a width of twelve (12") inches; shall be four (4") inches in width, back to the curb extending to within four (4") inches of the top of the curb; and shall be four (4") inches in width in front of the curb extending to within seven and one-half (7 1/2") inches of the top of the curb.
All curbing shall be set securely to line and grade and shall present an even, unbroken line for the entire length of the work.
Where shown on the plan or where directed by the Engineer, the curb shall be lowered to within one and one-half (1 1/2") inches of the surface of the roadway pavement to provide for driveways and entrances.
When set in final position, the curb shall have a uniform batter of one (1") inch per foot.
The joints between the blocks shall be sealed for the entire depth below the gutter grade with Cement Mortar.
Additional Requirements. The City Forester will cut and remove any tree roots that may interfere with the alignment of the curb.
Excavation. The contractor shall remove all large material (greater than three (3") inches in diameter). The fine material (less than three (3") inches in diameter) may be placed behind curb to within three (3") inches of the top of curb.
[Ord. No. 1298 § 8; 1984 Code Part VI T.35; New]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be liable upon conviction, to the penalty established in Chapter 1, Section 5.
[Ord. No. 1299 § 1]
All curbs shall be maintained and kept by the owner or owners of the lots in which the sidewalks and curbs front in good and sufficient repair. In all cases where such installations are not in the condition required by this section, the owner or owners shall cause the same to be repaired.
[Ord. No. 1299 § 2]
Whenever it shall become the duty of any owner as set forth in subsection 18-2.1 herein, to repair any curb, or section thereof, the Common Council may, by resolution, cause a notice in writing to be served upon the owners or occupants of the lands, requiring the necessary specified work to the curb to be done by the owners or occupants within a period of not less than thirty (30) days from the date of service of the notice.
Whenever any lands are unoccupied and the owner cannot be found within the City, the notice may be mailed, postage prepaid to his or her post office address if the same can be ascertained.
In case the owner is a nonresident of the City or his or her post office address cannot be ascertained, then the notice may be inserted for four (4) weeks, once a week, in the Summit Herald, a newspaper published in the City of Summit.
[Ord. No. 1299 § 3; Ord. No. 2018-3176]
In case the owners or occupant of such lands shall not comply with the requirements of the notice, it shall be lawful for the Capital Projects and Community Services Committee of the City upon filing due proof of the service or publication of the aforesaid notice in the City Engineer's Office, to cause the required work to be done and paid for out of the monies of the City available for that purpose.
The cost of such work shall be certified by the City Engineer to the Receiver of Taxes.
Upon filing the certificate, the amount of the cost of the work shall be and become a lien upon the abutting land in front of which the work was done to the same extent that assessments for local improvements are liens, and shall be collected in the manner provided by law for the collection of such other assessments, and shall bear interest at the same rate.
In addition, the City may have an action to recover the amount against the owner of the lands, in any court having competent jurisdiction thereof.
A certified copy of the aforesaid certificate shall in such action be prima facie evidence of the existence of a debt due from the owner to the City.
[Ord. No. 1299 § 4]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be liable upon conviction to the penalty established in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
Editor's Note: See Penalty Provisions, Section 18-7.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 1 a—c; Ord. No. 02-2537 § 1; Ord. No. 02-2553; Ord. No. 13-3033; amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3304]
No person or corporation shall open or perform construction on or in any public street, road, thoroughfare or other highway in the City of Summit for any reason whatsoever, without having first applied for and received a permit to do so from the Department of Community Services.
Such application shall be made in writing to the Director, upon forms furnished by the department, specifying the nature of the excavation, the work to be done, the location thereof, the time it will be necessary for the public roadway to remain open, and such other information as the department may deem necessary.
The fee for such application shall be as established in Chapter A Schedule of Fees Appendix, Excavation of Streets. Upon receipt of such application and fee, the department shall grant the same, in writing, if it shall appear proper to do so, provided that where such application is made by a Public Utility operating under a municipal consent to open the public streets, no fee shall be required.
A public utility operating under a Municipal Consent to open public streets shall not be required to post the required deposit if said utility has posted with the City a performance bond in the amount of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars guaranteeing the restoration and maintenance of all streets disturbed by the utility, said bond to be renewed yearly.
The City Engineer, or such other employees as the department director shall designate, shall be responsible for carrying out the provisions of this section, except as otherwise noted herein.
On newly paved streets, there shall be a five (5) year restriction on the issuance of road opening permits. Exceptions shall be granted for utility emergencies, utility openings that impact the safety and welfare of property owners, (e.g. generators) or if the applicant is able to prove undue hardships. Undue hardships shall be approved at the discretion of the City Engineer. In the event that an exception is granted during the moratorium, the applicant shall be responsible to limit the disruption as much as possible, saw cut all excavations, and restore the trench to its original condition including, but not limited to the pavement, surface treatments, and striping. All repair paving shall be completed utilizing infrared technology within one (1) week of the trench repair. A non-refundable fee of five hundred ($500.00) dollars will be charged to open a road within its moratorium. The inspection fee would be one hundred fifty ($150.00) dollars and the trench must be compacted in twelve (12”) inch lifts. A refundable deposit would still be required in accordance with section b, above.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 1d]
After the underground work has been completed in any opening, the person or corporation opening any street or highway shall notify the City Engineer so that proper inspections can be made, and then approved back fill shall be placed in a maximum of twelve (12) inch layers and each layer thoroughly tamped. When the trench is filled within six (6) inches of the top, the remaining six (6) inches shall be filled with four (4) inches of stabilized base and two (2") inches of F.A.B.C. #5 to meet the existing pavement.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 1e]
It shall be the duty of any person or corporation using or opening any of the streets or sidewalks for any of the purposes mentioned in this section to cause the streets and sidewalks to be left in a condition satisfactory to the City Engineer, and promptly to restore the same to as good a condition as before the work was done.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 1f]
In case the person or corporation opening any public highway in the City shall not restore and maintain the same, including any pavement which may have been removed, as required by this section and to the condition in which the person or corporation found the public highway, before opening the same, then, without notice, in the case of settlement or other hazardous deterioration or failure of such opening, and within ten (10) days from the time when directed to do so by the City Engineer, in the case of repaving such opening, the Department of Community Services may restore the street to its former condition. The cost for City labor and materials, including an administrative surcharge of fifteen (15%) percent, shall be deducted from the road opening deposit, with the balance thereupon returned to the applicant. If there are insufficient funds in the deposited amount, the property owner for whom the work is being undertaken to open the public roadway shall thereupon become liable to pay the City of Summit the balance of such cost of any such restoration.
Editor's Note: See Penalty Provisions, Section 18-7.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 2]
No person shall obstruct any street or sidewalk with building materials or equipment without first having applied for and received a permit to do so and unless no other area is available for the material and equipment. No work shall be started which would require any of the following measures without first obtaining approval from the Traffic Bureau Commander within seventy-two (72) hours of start of work.
Such application shall be in writing and shall be in each form and shall contain such information as the Construction Official may require. Upon receipt of the same the Construction Official shall grant the same in writing, if it shall appear to him proper to do so, but subject to such limitations and regulations as he may deem necessary, including provisions for temporary sidewalks, roadways, railings, coverings over sidewalks and accident insurance.
Not more than one-half (1/2) of the width of the street, in front of the lot being built upon, shall be closed for any one (1) permit.
A walk in front of buildings being erected shall be kept clear and unobstructed for a width of at least four (4') feet and the gutter kept clean.
No operation such as mixing the cement or mortar, which may leave a permanent stain or disfigurement, shall be carried on upon the surface of any permanent pavement or sidewalk.
Safety Measures; Standards. Applicant shall provide adequate safety measures i.e. barricades, cones, signs, lights, flagmen, etc., in accordance with the standards listed in the manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, for allowing for safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians and shall meet the City's liability insurance requirements.
Railings or Protective Planking. It shall be the duty of all persons or corporations who may be engaged in erecting or marking any additions to any building, or making any excavation or causing any obstruction of any kind whatever in or upon any street or sidewalk in the City of Summit, whereby accidents or injuries may be occasioned, to erect a railing or scaffolding with protective planking at such excavations or work, in such manner as to prevent accidents or injuries to persons or property passing through such streets, and to continue to maintain such railing and scaffolding until such work is completed. Such work must be prosecuted with diligence and the street restored to traffic as promptly as possible and in any case within two (2) months from the beginning of such work, unless further time be granted by the proper authority.
Lights Required After Sunset. It shall be the duty of all such persons or corporations to place upon such railing or obstruction, at a time not later than thirty (30) minutes after sunset of each day, suitable and sufficient lights, and keep them burning until thirty (30) minutes before sunrise each night during the continuance of such obstruction.
Editor's Note: See Penalty Provisions, Section 18-7.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 3]
All sidewalks shall be maintained and kept by the owner or owners of the lots on which the sidewalks front, in good and sufficient condition, even on the surface and so graded as freely to shed water. And in all cases in which at any time such sidewalk is not in the condition required by this section such owner or owners shall cause the same to be replaced to be put in the condition above required.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 3a]
All sidewalks shall be kept clean and neat by the occupant or owner of the lot or premises in front of which the sidewalks are constructed. A sidewalk shall be kept free from turf, grass, weeds, stubble, and other foreign substances. The grass and weeds on either side of a sidewalk or the traveled portion of any sidewalk shall be kept to a height not exceeding three (3") inches and all shrubbery and trees shall be trimmed to a height of not less than eight (8') feet above the sidewalk and for a width of at least four (4') feet.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 3b; Ord. No. 2016-3108 § 1]
The owner of each and every dwelling, store or other building or lots of ground in the City of Summit, shall within twenty-four (24) hours from the end of every fall of snow, or hail, or after the formation of ice upon the sidewalks, unless ice shall have been covered with sand or other gritty material, cause the same to be removed entirely from the paved sidewalk or unpaved area normally used as a walkway as follows: for a width of at least two (2') feet on a single family or two (2) family residential lot, and a width of at least four (4') feet on all other lots.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 3c; Ord. No. 2015-3092; Ord. No. 2016-3108 § 2]
In all cases where any provision of subsection 18-5.3 has not been complied with, a written or printed notice may be given the owner or tenant, in front of which each sidewalk is located, requiring the owner to cause this section to be complied with within twenty-four (24) hours after the service of such notice. The Summit Police Department or the Division of Code Administration and Economic Development in the Department of Community Services shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this subsection.
Penalty. Upon failure to comply with such notice, the owner shall be subject to a fine of a minimum of, fifty ($50.00) dollars, to be imposed by the Municipal Judge. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
Removal by City. In addition to the penalty herein provided, the City of Summit may remove such snow, ice, grass, weeds, and impediments where the owner of any real estate shall fail to remove the same as provided in this section; the cost for City labor and materials, including an administrative surcharge of fifteen (15%) percent associated with the removal of any such snow, ice, grass, weeds, or impediments from any sidewalk, gutter, or public highway by the City, shall be certified to the Tax Collector by the Director of the Department of Community Services with a copy of the certified costs being mailed or provided to the property owner.
Whenever any person neglects or refuses to remove any snow or ice which is piled, gathered, or plowed up by him or her, or is allowed to accumulate in violation of this subsection, within four (4) hours after a notice to do so by the enforcing authority, the City may remove or cause to be removed said snow or ice from such street, terrace, lot or sidewalk and the responsible party shall be liable for the full cost of removal, pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:65-12.
Owner to Pay Costs of Removal. The Tax Collector shall cause such cost to be billed to the owner and to be charged against the real estate so abutting upon such sidewalk, or gutter thereof, and the amount so charged shall thereupon become a lien and tax upon such real estate and be added to and be part of the taxes next to be levied and assessed thereon, and enforced and collected with interest by the Tax Collector and in the same manner as other taxes are assessed and collected in the City of Summit.
Editor's Note: See Penalty Provisions, Section 18-7.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 4]
No person shall build or maintain a fire of leaves or other material upon any portion of a street or highway.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 5]
Any person who shall place or throw any paper, rags, straw, wood, boxes, snow or other article or thing or dump or deposit any earth, dirt, rubbish, building material, leaves, snow or other article, except as provided by this section, either upon or in the streets or highways or upon any sidewalk, or within or upon the rights of way for any street or highway of the City of Summit, shall be subject to a fine of a minimum of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars, for each offense, to be imposed by the Municipal Judge.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 6]
It shall be unlawful for any person to permit the drainage from any property or private street to carry into or upon any City storm sewer or any City street or public right of way any stone, sand, gravel, dirt, soil or other material or debris in such quantities or in such a manner as will interfere with the proper operation thereof or as will leave a deposit thereof upon the surface of any street or gutter, or to cause an accumulation of ice or other hazardous condition.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 7]
The cost for City labor and materials, including an administrative surcharge of fifteen (15%) percent, shall be charged to the property owner for any City action necessitated by the owner's failure to comply with the provisions of Sections 18-3, 18-4, 18-5 and 18-6.
[Ord. No. 2201 §§ 8, 9]
Every violation of Sections 18-3, 18-4, 18-5 and 18-6, except as otherwise herein provided, shall be liable to the penalty established in Chapter 1, Section 1-5, to be imposed by the Municipal Judge or other office before whom such conviction may be had. In default of the payment thereof, the person so convicted may be imprisoned in the City or County jail for a term not to exceed thirty (30) days. Each day the violation exists shall constitute a separate offense.
It shall be the duty of the City Solicitor, upon receiving satisfactory information of violation of any of the provisions of Sections 18-3, 18-4, 18-5 and 18-6 forthwith to institute and prosecute proceedings for the collection of the penalties herein provided.
[Ord. No. 2201 § 11]
Any person aggrieved by any action of the Director of Community Services, City Engineer or Construction Official shall have the right of appeal to the Director of Administration. The appeal shall be taken by filing with the City Clerk within thirty (30) days after the notice of the costs incurred by the City has been mailed to the property owner's last known address, a written statement setting forth fully the grounds for appeal. The City Clerk shall set a time and place of hearing for the appeal, at which time the Director of Administration shall conduct a hearing and affirm, modify or reverse the action appealed from.
An appeal may be made to the Common Council of the City of Summit by any person aggrieved by a decision of the Director of Administration. Such appeal shall be taken by filing with the City Clerk within twenty (20) days after notice of the decision has been made, a written statement setting forth fully the grounds of the appeal, along with a fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars. The City Clerk shall set a time and place of hearing for the appeal, at which time the Common Council of the City of Summit shall conduct a hearing and affirm, modify or reverse the decision appealed from.
[Ord. No. 1299 § 3]
No person, firm or corporation shall remove an existing sidewalk without the permission of the Common Council.
[1983 Code Part VI App M; adopted January 1, 1972; Ord. No. 07-2771 § 1; Ord. No. 11-2949; Ord. No. 2018-3176; amended 11-18-2019 by Ord. No. 19-3203]
Whenever it is deemed necessary by the Capital Projects and Community Services and the Safety and Health Committees, at the request of City of Summit staff, concurred by the Common Council, in the interest of safety of pedestrians to install new sidewalks, the cost shall be encumbered by the City.
For all streets within the designated school walking routes, sidewalks must be installed and maintained continuously from the school property boundary for a distance of 1/4 mile on a minimum of one side of the street. The distance shall be measured along the walking route. Once this criterion has been fully satisfied through sidewalk installation, the distance shall be increased to 1/2 mile and 3/4 mile, respectively.
For all streets adjacent to the CRBD, sidewalks must be installed and maintained continuously from the outer limits of the CRBD for a 1/4-mile radius on a minimum of one side of the street.
For all locations that are not included in Subsections b and c, sidewalks shall be installed as designated on the maps included in the Sidewalk Installation and Maintenance Guidelines adopted by Council in October 15, 2019.
For neighborhoods that do not meet the conditions set forth under Subsection b, c and d but desire sidewalks, a signed petition of support must be formally submitted that contains a minimum of 66% of the residents located on the sidewalk-receiving side of the street. If support is obtained, the project would then be considered for the next annual pedestrian safety improvement project and funded by the City.
Sidewalks shall be installed as part of any capital improvement project on streets that meet the requirements of Subsections b, c, d and e. The sidewalk installation will be funded by the City. Sidewalk maintenance shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
For streets that meet the requirements of Subsections b, c and d and are not scheduled for a capital improvement project, the sidewalk shall be considered for the next annual pedestrian safety project. The projects shall be approved by the Capital Projects and Community Services Committee annually.
Any property owner submitting a site plan to the City shall be required to install sidewalk as required by Subsections b, c and d, if applicable.
[Ord. No. 2405 § 1]
A standard road shall include pavement, curbing, all utilities and storm water drainage, all in conformance with the standards and specifications established in this section.
[Ord. No. 2405 § 1]
Roads not meeting the requirements of a standard road according to present specifications generally fall into one (1) of the following classifications:
Private Road — Has not been dedicated.
"Paper Street" — Dedicated street, but no development or improvements made.
Dirt Roads, Property Underdeveloped (Dedicated Streets) — No buildings or structures existing and has no pavement.
Dirt Road, Property Developed (Dedicated Street) — All lots essentially built upon, but has no pavement.
Substandard Road (Dedicated and Accepted) — Pavement and generally no curbs. May or may not have standard storm drainage facilities.
[Ord. No. 2405 § 1]
Private Road. Abutting property owners shall be responsible for all improvements required to make road conform to standard road. In the event an offer is made to dedicate the road to public use, it shall remain the responsibility of the abutting owners to make all necessary improvements.
Paper Street. The developer shall be responsible for all improvements.
Dirt Road, Property Undeveloped. The developer shall be responsible for all improvements.
Dirt Road, Property Developed. Abutting property owners shall be responsible for the entire cost of the curb. All other costs including, but not limited to, pavement, storm drainage, tree removal, and driveways aprons shall be borne equally (50%/50%) by the property owners and the City. The portion of the cost of the improvements to be borne by the property owners may be assessed on the basis of benefits derived.
Substandard Road. Responsibility same as paragraph d above. This category shall also cover the case of the individual property owner who wishes to install curbing in front of his own property. The owner shall be billed for one-half (1/2) of the cost of the extension of the pavement.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish uniform standards, policies and procedures for the deployment and installation of small wireless facilities in public rights-of-way within the City's jurisdiction to promote the public health, safety and welfare as well as preserve the integrity, safe usage, functionality and visual qualities of the rights-of-way and the City as a whole.
Intent. It is the City's intent by the enactment of this section to create procedures and standards for the review, implementation and mitigation of impacts of small wireless facilities, including without limitation, to:
Promote the management and maintain the availability of public rights-of-way recognized as a limited public asset;
Prevent interference with the use of streets, sidewalks, alleys, parkways and other public ways and places;
Prevent the creation of visual and physical obstructions, clutter and other conditions that are hazardous to vehicular and pedestrian safety by minimizing the number of poles and equipment located in public rights-of-way;
Prevent interference with existing facilities and operations of facilities lawfully located in public rights-of-way or on public property;
Ensure reasonable efforts are made to preserve the character of the City's mature and well-established neighborhoods in which facilities are installed;
Minimize impacts and detriments to the historic character of the City, including the historic Downtown, which is a registered National and State Historic District;
Protect against environmental damage, including damage to trees; and
Facilitate the appropriate deployment of small wireless facilities to provide the benefits of reliable access to wireless telecommunications technology, broadband and emergency services to homes, businesses, schools and other establishments within the City.
Conflicts with Other Chapters. This section supersedes all chapters or parts of chapters of the Code of the City of Summit adopted prior hereto that are in conflict herewith, to the extent of such conflict.
Exclusion of Private Property. Nothing in this section shall be construed as affecting the obligations of public utilities to private property owners pursuant to N.J.S.A. 48:7-1 respecting the erection or maintenance of facilities, poles or other equipment on private property.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
Any approval received pursuant to this section does not relieve the applicant from receiving consent from the owner of the land on, above or below which an applicant's facility may be located as may be required under New Jersey law, or the owner of any existing pole on which the facility may be mounted.
Applicants must, in addition to entering into a right-of-way use agreement, also receive all necessary street opening permits, construction permits and any other requirement set forth in the Revised General Ordinances of the City of Summit, or by other governmental agencies or state statutes.
Applicants must comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations.
Any agreement entered into pursuant to this Section shall not supersede or in any way take the place of any local approvals or franchises which otherwise in the future may be required by the applicant under the New Jersey Cable Television Act, N.J.S.A. 48:5A-1 et seq.
Wireless providers and/or their successors or assigns shall be responsible for the complete and immediate maintenance, repair and restoration of the occupied space and any impacted poles, spaces or fixtures. Failure to comply with this requirement shall result in the necessary maintenance, repair, restoration and/or removal of such facilities conducted by the City at cost to the wireless provider, successor or assign, as applicable.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings defined herein:
An apparatus designed for the purpose of emitting radio frequency, to be operated or operating from a fixed location pursuant to Federal Communications Commission authorization, for the provision of personal wireless service and any commingled information services. "Antenna" shall not include an unintentional radiator, mobile station, or device authorized pursuant to 47 C.F.R. Part 15.
Equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters, or cabinets associated with an antenna, located at the same fixed location as the antenna, and, when collocated on a structure, is mounted or installed at the same time as the antenna.
An antenna and associated antenna equipment. Antenna facility includes small wireless facilities. An antenna facility shall not include:
The structure or improvements on, under, or within which the equipment is located;
Wireless backhaul facilities; or
Coaxial or fiber optic cables that are not immediately adjacent to or directly associated with a particular antenna.
The cost of processing an application for a right-of-way use agreement including, but not limited to, all professional fees such as engineering, attorney and administrative costs incurred by the City.
A small box-like or rectangular structure used to contain and conceal utility or wireless service from within the municipal right-of-way.
A utility pole owned or operated by the City of Summit in the public rights-of-way including utility poles that provide lighting or traffic control functions such as light poles, traffic signals and structures for signage and poles or similar structures owned operated by the City of Summit in the rights-of-way that supports only wireless telecommunications facilities.
Mounting or installing an antenna facility and/or equipment on a pre-existing pole or structure; or modifying a structure for the purpose of mounting or installing an antenna facility on that structure.
The equipment and network components that provide communications services, including wires, cables and associated facilities used by: a cable operator, as defined in 47 U.S.C. s.522; a telecommunications carrier, as defined in 47 U.S.C. S.153; a provider of an information service, as defined in 47 U.S.C. s.153; or wireless service provider, as defined pursuant to this section.
Cable service, as defined pursuant to 47 U.S.C. s.522, as amended; information service, as defined pursuant to 47 U.S.C. s.153, as amended; telecommunications service, as defined in 47 U.S.C. s.153, as amended; mobile service, as defined pursuant to 47 U.S.C. s.153, as amended; or wireless service other than mobile service.
A pole that is designed and placed to entirely conceal all components of a small wireless facility or facilities, public wi-fi and/or surveillance cameras, which allows for collocation of multiple carriers and blends harmoniously within the context of the surrounding neighborhood.
A pole that is in lawful existence within the public right-of-way.
An antenna facility or a structure that is used for the provision of personal wireless service, whether the personal wireless service is provided on a stand-alone basis or collocated with other wireless communications services.
A cabinet that is not attached to an existing pole and is touching or directly supported by the ground.
A building, structure, property or site that are either:
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places or formally determined eligible for listing by the keeper of the National Register of Historic Places, the individual delegated the authority pursuant to 47 C.F.R. Part 1, Appendix C; or
Listed on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places; or
Listed on the City of Summit's Register/Inventory of Historic Buildings, Properties, Landmarks or Sites as may be amended from time to time.
The process of ensuring that a pole is in suitable condition to receive a small wireless facility and associated antenna equipment.
An antenna facility that is not larger in dimension than 24 inches in length, 15 inches in width, and 12 inches in height, and that has an exterior antenna, if any, no longer than 11 inches.
The surface of, and the space above or below, any public street, road, place, public way or place, sidewalk, alley, boulevard, parkway, drive, and the like, held by the City as an easement or in fee simple ownership. This term also includes rights-of-way held by the County of Union in Summit where the City's approval is required for the use of same pursuant to N.J.S.A. 27:16-6. This term shall not include private roadways.
A long, slender, rounded piece of wood, concrete or metal in the public right-of-way that is or may be used in whole or in part by or for wireline communications, electric distribution, lighting, traffic control, signage, or a similar function, or for the collocation of small wireless facilities. "Pole" shall not mean a: tower, either guyed or self-supporting, built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting wireless equipment other than a small wireless facility; building; billboard; or electric transmission structure.
A device that is attached to a pole and used to transmit radio or microwave signals and shall include, but not be limited to, small cell equipment and transmission media such as femtocells, picocells, microcells, and outside distributed antenna systems.
A cabinet that is proposed to be placed on an existing or proposed pole.
A pole that is proposed to be placed in the municipal right-of-way.
An agreement that sets forth the terms and conditions for use of the municipal right-of-way and includes, but is not limited to, municipal franchise agreements.
An approval from the City setting forth applicant's compliance with the requirements of this section.
A pole, antenna, cabinet or assemblage of devices intended and designed to provide wireless communication services within the City of Summit.
A facility that meets each of the following conditions: the facility is mounted on a structure 35 feet or less in height, including the antenna or is mounted on a structure no more than 10% taller than other adjacent structures or does not extend existing structures on which they are located to a height of more than 35 feet or by more than 10%, whichever is greater; each antenna associated with the deployment, excluding associated antenna equipment, is no more than three cubic feet in volume; all other wireless equipment associated with the structure, including wireless equipment associated with the antenna and any pre-existing associated antenna equipment on the structure, is no more than four cubic feet in volume; the facility does not require antenna structure registration under 47 C.F.R. Part 17; the facility is not located on tribal lands, as defined pursuant to 36 C.F.R. s.800.16; and the facility does not result in human exposure to radio frequency in excess of the applicable safety standards specified pursuant 47 C.F.R. s.1.1307.
Existing poles within the same right-of-way which are located within 500 linear feet of the proposed pole. Poles carrying electric transmission lines shall not be considered part of the "surrounding streetscape."
Companies subject to regulation by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities under Chapter 48 of the Revised Statutes.
Electric, telephone, wireless or cable service.
An above-ground or underground wireline facility used to transport communications data or other electric communications from an antenna facility to a communications network, a physical transmission path, all or part of which is within the right-of-way, used for the transport of communications services or other electronic communications by wire from an antenna facility to a communications network.
Equipment at a fixed location that enables wireless telecommunications between user equipment and a communications network, including: 1) equipment associated with wireless telecommunications; and 2) radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial, fiber-optic and other cables, regular and backup power supplies and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration. The term includes small wireless facilities. The term does not include the structure or improvements on, under or within which the equipment is collocated.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
Establishment of Right-of-Way Use Agreement. The Summit Common Council may adopt a standard agreement form authorizing use and occupancy of City streets with telecommunications facilities, which agreements shall satisfy the requirements of this section. The City, subject to any necessary action that may be required under State or federal law, may execute an agreement with any person or entity in substantially the approved form. Modifications that limit the scope of the grant are not considered substantial.
Exclusive Agreements/Access Prohibited. No contract, permit or agreement given by the City under this Section shall be interpreted to grant any person or entity a master licensing agreement ("MLA") or an exclusive franchise, license, consent, permit or final approval for access and use of City streets. Similarly, no person or entity owning, managing or controlling a wireless pole, cabinet or facility in the right-of-way may enter into an exclusive arrangement with any person or entity for the right to use, attach or collocate to the pole, cabinet or facility.
Provision of Video Services. Where a person or entity seeks to provide video services, they must separately obtain a franchise with the City as provided under federal, State and local laws governing the provision of video services.
Agreement Required. No person or entity shall operate or place any type of pole-mounted antenna or other telecommunications equipment within the City rights-of-way without first entering into a right-of-way use agreement pursuant to the provisions of this Section. Application forms, to the extent that they are adopted by the Common Council, will be on file with the Office of the City Clerk and/or posted on the City website and may be amended or replaced at any time. In the absence of such form, applicants shall submit a letter addressed to the City Clerk requesting an agreement for use and occupancy of the City right-of-way or other public location(s), identifying, at a minimum, the information provided in subsection 18-13.4K below, as applicable.
The wireless provider has the right to collocate subject to reasonable terms and conditions, including the right to mount antenna equipment on an existing pole; and
That collocation shall not impose substantial technical limitations or significant additional costs. The wireless provider shall certify that it has made such a determination in good faith, based on the assessment of a licensed engineer, and shall provide a written summary of the basis for that determination for consideration.
Any applicant for a right-of-way use agreement shall, as a condition to the issuance of same, permit the collocation of pole-mounted antennas onto any new pole to the maximum amount that collocation is technically feasible which, in any event, shall accommodate not less than three wireless providers.
Installation of New Poles. Applications for the installation of new poles to accommodate small wireless facilities shall be governed by the following:
Applicants proposing the installation of new poles to accommodate small wireless facilities in the CRBD, B, B-1, GW-1, GW-2, LI, NB, PI, PL, PROD, PROD-2 and RO60 Zones shall demonstrate it has exhausted all reasonable options to attach such facilities to existing structures such as public parking structures, building rooftops, etc. In all other zones, applicants proposing new poles shall demonstrate with supporting scientific evidence that it cannot meet its wireless service objectives by collocating on an existing pole or other structure.
All newly installed poles shall be concealment poles which must be able to accommodate the collocation of at least three wireless providers and make-ready capability for City use.
Installations and Activities Requiring Approval. City approval shall be required for the following:
The installation or collocation of a small wireless facility not subject to the provisions of P.L. 2011, c. 199 (C. 40:55D-46.2);
The mounting or installation of a small wireless facility on a new, modified or replacement pole;
The installation, modification or replacement of a pole or antenna equipment; and
Work that requires excavation or closure of sidewalks or vehicular lanes within the right-of-way.
Exemptions. Right-of-way use agreements shall not be required for the following:
Routine maintenance;
The replacement of a small wireless facility or antenna equipment, provided the replacement small wireless facility or antenna equipment is substantially similar to, or the same size as, or smaller than the original small wireless facility or antenna equipment and continues to meet all other requirements of the original agreement; and
The installation, placement, maintenance, operation or replacement of a micro wireless facility that is suspended on cables that are strung between existing poles, in compliance with the applicable codes and continues to meet all other requirements of the original agreement.
Comprehensive Plan. Wireless providers applying for the installation or collocation of new small wireless facilities shall submit a comprehensive plan in narrative and map form describing the proposed location(s) of service coverage and individual small wireless facilities, including any new poles and equipment. Applications for individual small wireless facilities to meet service area needs may be submitted once the provider's comprehensive plan has been approved by the City.
Approval Period. Right-of-way use agreements shall remain valid for a period not to exceed one year, which must be renewed for equivalent durations so long as the facilities comply with the original approval conditions, requirements of this Section and applicable federal, State and local regulations and codes.
Agreement Requirements. The terms of agreements for small wireless facilities shall include, at a minimum:
Name of applicant and consultant representing the applicant, as applicable;
Status of applicant (i.e. corporation, general partnership, limited partnership, etc.);
Applicant's and consultant's address, telephone number and email address indicating specific points of contact;
Written general description of the proposed work, including the purpose of the work. The description shall include technical specifications, a map or other overlay showing the location(s) of proposed facilities, existing streetscape or structure, proposed streetscape or structure after installation of the proposed facilities and description of proposed materials and equipment including color, design and dimensions.
A copy of any authorization, if required by state law, necessary for the provider to act as a public utility according to the statutes of the State of New Jersey regulating public utilities;
If the applicant is not the owner/operator of the pole or cabinet in question, written approval from the owner/operator for the proposed use shall be submitted;
A term of agreement not to exceed one year;
Reasonable insurance requirements;
Fine(s) for unauthorized installations;
A reference to the siting standards as set forth in this section and demonstration of compliance thereof;
A request of any specific changes or waivers from the City's application or installation requirements with detailed explanations for each request;
A construction, performance and completion bond in the amount of $1,000 for each new pole to ensure the installation and removal of abandoned or unused wireless facilities or poles or repair of damage to the right-of-way caused by the wireless provider or its agent.
If the applicant claims that an application must be acted on within a specified period of time, the application shall identify the period of time and the statute or regulation upon which the claim is based;
Attestation by the applicant that the wireless facility shall be operational within one year of City approval.
A wireless provider that owns or operates wireless facilities or public utility poles or equipment in the right-of-way shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold the authority and its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers harmless against any and all claims, lawsuits, judgments, costs, liens, losses, expenses, fees or suits.
Demonstration that the wireless facilities shall comply with all applicable building and safety codes.
RF (radiofrequency) calculations demonstrating the totality of wireless equipment and collocations at or on any individual site, pole or other structure is within the acceptable maximum limitation as prescribed by Federal or State government, whichever is more stringent.
Any other items or information which may be required by the approving authority.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
The City of Summit will not grant rights and privileges to use the public right-of-way to any person or entity that is not authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey as evidenced by an original Certificate of Incorporation and/or a Certificate of Good Standing from the Secretary of the State of New Jersey.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
Without limitation, in addition to any grounds the City may specify in its review of any application for the use of its rights-of-way, if, by the date the City is required to act on an application, as that date may be extended, an agreement has not been signed by all parties, the application shall be denied without prejudice for applicant's failure to timely enter into an agreement with the City. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the applicant from waiving application of any time-for-decision in order for any application to be reviewed for completeness and decided on the merits.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
Notwithstanding any franchise or right-of-way agreement to the contrary, all antennas, poles, cabinets and equipment proposed to be placed within the City right-of-way by a utility regulated by the Board of Public Utilities, or any other entity with legal access to the City right-of-way, shall be subject to the standards and procedures set forth in the Revised General Ordinances of the City of Summit and shall require permits for the siting of such facilities and equipment.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
Agreement Required. No pole or antenna shall be installed within the municipal right-of-way without first obtaining a right-of-way use agreement in accordance with this section.
Siting Prioritization.
The City of Summit requires that applicants for the installation for small wireless facilities in the public rights-of-way must first exhaust alternatives to site such facilities on existing public or private structures not in the public right-of-way such as on top of parking structures or buildings where such facilities can be concealed. Applicants shall provide a comprehensive plan, narrative and technical supporting documentation demonstrating why and where some or all of the proposed small wireless facilities should be located in the right-of-way. Such information shall demonstrate the infeasibility of locating small wireless facilities on existing structures and/or why the proposed location(s) within the right-of-way presents a better alternative from a service, functional, safety and aesthetic perspective. Any claim of "technical incompatibility" or similar as a justification for proposed wireless facility siting shall require scientific demonstration to support such claim.
The City shall reserve the right to consult with a technical expert on such matters in the review of small wireless applications with all reasonable costs for such review assessed to the applicant. Ultimately, the City reserves the right to assign the locations of small wireless facilities when multiple siting alternatives are feasible and practical, and where such regulation is not otherwise prohibited by State or Federal law. This may include a master plan specifying the approved locations of small cell wireless facilities which shall be in effect if adopted by the Common Council.
For an individual wireless provider, no more than one wireless installation shall be permitted per block.
Siting Requirements. Small wireless facilities, antennas, equipment, and poles collocated or installed pursuant to this section shall be installed and maintained as not to obstruct or hinder the usual travel or public safety in a right-of-way or obstruct the legal use of a right-of-way by a public utility.
All new poles intended to accommodate small wireless facilities in the CRBD, B, B-1, GW-1, GW-2, LI, NB, PI, PL, PROD, PROD-2 and RO60 Zones shall be a smart pole pre-approved by the City.
Where feasible, new smart poles shall replace existing poles to minimize the number of poles in the right of way.
Poles in the Historic Downtown shall be of a pre-approved lighting fixture or other City approved fixture or pole intended to match existing fixtures, which shall be installed in place of an existing fixture.
In all other zones, antennas and equipment shall be located on existing poles.
New or replacement poles shall not be located in conflict with previously approved sidewalk cafe areas or other existing facilities in the right-of-way.
Height. The following height restrictions shall apply to wireless facilities in the right-of-way:
Other than pre-approved smart poles, no pole shall be taller than 35 feet or 110% of the average height of poles within 500 feet of the new, replaced or modified pole, whichever is greater.
A new small wireless facility installed in a right-of-way may not extend more than 10% above the existing structure on which they are located or 35 feet above ground level, whichever is greater.
Location, Safety and Aesthetics. Poles erected in the right-of-way shall adhere to the following requirements:
The pole is used to bring wireless communication across the right-of-way to an existing or proposed small cell installation; or
The pole is replacing an existing pole; or
The pole is to provide wireless communication service; and
No pole shall be placed farther than 18 inches from the curb line measured as the shortest distance between the nearest edge of the curb line and side of the pole; and
For sites in residential zones and for sites in rights-of-way located immediately adjacent to residential zones, the pole shall be located at least 200 linear feet from any other existing pole or proposed pole along the same side of the street, or for sites in nonresidential zones and for sites in rights-of-way located immediately adjacent to nonresidential zones, the pole shall be located at least 100 linear feet from any other existing pole or proposed pole along the same side of the street provided that the site is not located within a right-of-way which also abuts a residential zone; and
The pole is not located in an area with underground utilities; and
Does not inhibit any existing sight triangles or sight distance; and
Is not located in an area that directly obstructs the view from the front window of an existing home; and
Allows adequate room for the public to pass and re-pass across the municipal right-of-way; and
Is finished and/or painted, constructed and otherwise camouflaged, in conformance with best available stealth technology methods, so as to blend in compatibly with its background and so as to minimize its visual impact on surrounding properties, and to permit the collocation of additional pole-mounted antennas thereon, and
Has been approved by the City Department of Community Services ("DCS").
New poles and equipment shall be located to avoid damage to existing trees in consultation with the City Forester, as determined to be applicable.
Small wireless facilities, antennas, equipment and poles collocated or installed pursuant to this Section shall be installed and maintained as not to obstruct or hinder the usual travel or public safety in a right-of-way or obstruct the legal use of a right-of-way by a public utility.
Construction and maintenance by wireless providers shall comply with the National Electrical Safety Code, published by the Institute of Electrical Engineers, and all applicable laws and regulations for the protection of underground, ground-level and overhead public utility facilities.
For applications for new poles in the right-of-way in areas zoned for residential use or in a designated historic district, the City may require an alternate location in the right-of-way within 100 feet of the location(s) proposed in the application, and the wireless provider shall use the City's alternate location unless the location imposes technical limits or significant additional costs. The wireless provider shall certify that it has made the determination in good faith, based on the assessment of a licensed engineer, and it shall provide a written summary of the basis for that determination for consideration.
Design Requirements.
All replacement poles shall be treated as new poles.
All poles shall be structurally rated to accommodate the collocation of small wireless facilities.
Design or concealment features shall not be considered part of the small wireless facility for purposes of the size parameters in the definition of 'small wireless facility'.
Any specific requirements imposed by the City relating to the design or placement of small wireless facilities will be reasonable, non-discriminatory and objective.
All wireless facilities in the public right-of-way shall be fully concealed in a manner approved by the City. The accepted form of design, concealment and/or stealth camouflage for wireless facilities, poles and equipment in the right-of-way shall be at the sole discretion of the City. External radios, antennas, cables, etc. are prohibited.
All poles shall be of a uniform design theme as approved by the City of Summit.
Signage and advertising on wireless equipment, facilities and or structures in the right-of-way is prohibited.
All new poles shall be designed to accommodate at least three wireless providers.
All new poles shall be designed to accommodate "make-ready" municipal connectivity.
Ground-level or ground-mounted cabinets and equipment are prohibited.
Pole-mounted antennas, including small wireless facilities, siting requirements.
Pole-mounted antennas are permitted on existing poles in all zones, provided that each pole-mounted antenna:
Does not exceed three cubic feet in volume; and
Is finished, painted, concealed and/or otherwise camouflaged, in conformance with best available stealth technology methods, to blend in compatibly with its background and to minimize its visual impact on surrounding properties; and
Does not inhibit sight triangles or sight distance; and
Allows adequate room for the public to pass and repass across the municipal right-of-way.
The City may also require that an applicant provide a certification from a licensed engineer attesting to the structural integrity of any pole-mounted antenna and the structure on which is proposed to be mounted.
Roof Mounted Equipment.
The installation or collocation of small wireless facilities on building or structure facades is prohibited.
The installation or collocation of small wireless facilities on the roof or top of a public building or structure shall be fully concealed and not visible to the public.
Small wireless facilities on the roof or top of a public building or structure must be placed on the flat roof area of a building at least 35 feet or taller and fully screened from public view.
Ancillary Equipment. The applicant shall specify and depict the size, design, finish and proposed location(s) of any and all ancillary equipment or support structures associated with a proposed pole wireless facility in the right-of-way. Approval of the quantity, location, size, design and finish of ancillary equipment or support structures shall be at the sole discretion of the City.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
Repair of Damage. A wireless provider shall repair all damage to a right-of-way or other public property caused by the activities of the wireless provider and return the right-of-way to its functional and aesthetic equivalence prior to the damage, pursuant to the competitively neutral, reasonable requirements and specifications of the City. If the wireless provider fails to make the repairs required by the City within a timely manner after written notice, the City shall make those repairs and charge the applicable party the costs associated with the repairs.
Pole Replacement. A wireless provider shall not be required to replace or upgrade an existing pole except for reasons of structural necessity or compliance with applicable codes. A wireless provider, may, with the permission of the pole owner, replace or modify the existing pole, but any replacement or modification shall be consistent with the design aesthetics of the pole being modified or replaced.
Abandonment of Facility or Pole. A wireless provider shall notify the City at least 30 days prior to the abandonment of a small wireless facility, pole or equipment. Following receipt of notice, the City shall direct the wireless provider to remove any and all facilities and equipment not being utilized or having received approval. If the wireless provider fails to notice or remove the abandoned small wireless facility within 90 days after notice, the City may undertake to remove the small wireless facility and equipment and recover the actual and reasonable expenses of the removal from the wireless provider, its successors, or assigns.
Time for Completion. Installations, mountings, modifications, replacements and collocations for which approval is granted pursuant to this section shall be completed by the applicant within one year after the City approval date unless the City and the applicant agree to extend this period, or a delay is caused by the lack of commercial power or communications facilities at the site.
Activities Limited to Authorization. A small wireless facility authorized by the City shall allow the applicant to conduct only certain activities in accordance with this section and agreement between the City and applicant and does not create a property right or grant authority to the applicant to impinge upon the rights of others who may have an interest in the rights-of-way.
Emergency Removal or Relocation. The city retains the right and privilege to cut or move a small wireless facility located within the rights-of-way of the City, as the City may determine to be necessary, appropriate or useful in response to any public health or safety emergency. If circumstances permit, the City shall notify the wireless telecommunications provider and provide the wireless telecommunications provider an opportunity to move its own facilities prior to cutting or removing a facility and shall notify the wireless telecommunications provider after cutting or removing a small wireless facility.
Notice of Construction. Within 90 days following written notice from the city, the wireless provider and/or pole operator shall, at its own expense, protect, support, temporarily or permanently disconnect, remove, relocate, change or alter the position of any small wireless facility within the right-of-way whenever the City has determined that such modification is necessary for the construction, repair, maintenance or installation of any City improvement in or upon, or the operations of the City in or upon, the rights-of-way.
Make-Ready Work. Any make-ready work to City-owned poles shall be performed by the provider or its qualified contractor.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
Pre-Application Meeting. Prior to making a formal application with the City for use of the municipal right-of-way, all applicants are required to meet with the Department of Community Services to review the scope of the applicant's proposal.
Application Review. Applications will be processed in accordance with applicable law and may be rejected if incomplete. Where an applicant is not willing to enter into the template agreement, the City may deny the application, or recommend an alternative agreement to the City where applicant has shown good cause for modifying the agreement. Provided that applicant may be required to pay additional fees reflecting the costs to the City consistent with the provisions of paragraph c of this subsection.
Application Completeness. The reviewing City Official or designee shall determine and notify the applicant in writing whether the application is complete within 10 calendar days. If an application is incomplete, the City Official or designee shall specifically identify the missing information in writing. The processing deadline shall restart on the date the applicant provides the missing information to render to the application complete.
Application Review Period. Applications shall be deemed approved if the City fails to approve or deny the application within:
Sixty days of receipt of an application involving collocation of a small wireless facility using an existing structure; and
Ninety days for an application involving deployment of a small wireless facility using a new or replacement pole.
If the City provides written notification to the applicant within 10 days of receiving an application certifying that it is experiencing an unusually high overall level of application activity or other circumstances beyond the authority's control that prevents the authority from reviewing and processing the application by the deadline, the processing deadline may be extended automatically an additional 30 days.
The processing deadline may be tolled by agreement of the applicant and the City.
Consolidated Applications. A consolidated application that includes a new or replacement pole shall be subject to a maximum ninety-day review period.
Common Council Review. The City of Summit Common Council shall, by resolution, approve or disapprove every small wireless facility application based on the recommendations provided to it pursuant to paragraph i below.
Compliance with Applicable Regulations. All applications made under this section which trigger Federal Communications Commission shot clock rules pursuant to the Federal Communications Commission Order entitled "Accelerating Wireless Broadband Deployment by Removing Barriers to Infrastructure Investment; Accelerating Wireline Broadband Deployment by the Removal of Barriers to Infrastructure Investment," WT Docket No. 17-79; WC Docket No. 17-84 shall be processed on an expedited basis.
Survey Required. Every application for a proposed pole must include a stamped survey prepared by a New Jersey licensed surveyor demonstrating that any such proposed pole is located within the municipal right-of-way. An application which does not include such a survey shall immediately be deemed incomplete.
Administrative Review and Recommendation. The City Engineer or their designee shall review applications made pursuant to this section and advise the Summit Common Council of his or her recommendation to approve or disapprove same. If he or she recommends that an application be disapproved, the factual basis for that recommendation must be transmitted to the Summit Common Council in writing.
Basis of Application Denial. Applications for collocation, mounting or installation of a wireless facility on a new or replacement pole, or the installation or replacement of an associated pole or antenna equipment shall be denied if the City finds the proposed work:
Interferes with the safe operation of traffic control equipment;
Interferes with sight lines or clear zones for transportation or pedestrians;
Interferes with compliance with the federal "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990" (42 U.S.C. s.12101 et seq.), or similar federal or State standards regarding pedestrian access or movement;
Fails to comply with reasonable and non-discriminatory horizontal spacing requirements of general application adopted by ordinance that concern the location of ground-mounted antenna equipment and new poles and which shall not precent a wireless provider from serving any location;
Designates the location of a new pole for the purpose of mounting or installing a small wireless facility within seven feet in any direction of an electrical conductor, unless the wireless provider obtains written consent of the public utility that owns or manages the electrical conductor; or
Fails to comply with applicable codes including the requirements set forth in this section.
Notification of Denial. If the Summit Common Council denies any application made under this section, it shall do so in writing and set forth the factual basis therefor.
Document Basis of Denial. The reviewing authority shall document the basis for an application denial and send the documentation to the applicant on or before the day the application is denied. The applicant may cure the deficiencies identified by the authority and resubmit the application within 30 days of the denial without paying an additional application fee. The authority shall approve or deny the revised application within 30 days of resubmission and limit its review to the deficiencies cited in the denial.
Limitations of Denials. The denial of one or more wireless facilities in a consolidated application shall not delay processing of any other wireless facilities, poles or antenna equipment in the same consolidated application.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
The Common Council may, by resolution, waive any siting standard set forth herein where the applicant demonstrates that strict enforcement of said standard:
Will prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting any interstate or intrastate telecommunications service pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 253(a); or
Will prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting personal wireless service pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 332(c)(7)(B)(i)(II); or
Will violate any requirement set forth by the Federal Communications Commission Order entitled "Accelerating Wireless Broadband Deployment by Removing Barriers to Infrastructure Investment; Accelerating Wireline Broadband Deployment by Removing Barriers to Infrastructure Investment," WT Docket No. 17-79; WC Docket 17-84.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
Fees. Every small wireless facility application must include the payment of right-of-way use fees in the following amounts:
One to five location/collocation sites on existing poles: $500.
Each additional location/collocation site on an existing pole: $100.
Modifications or replacement of an existing pole and associated mounting or installation of wireless facilities and equipment: $250.
New pole installation and associated mounting or installation of wireless facilities and equipment: $1,000.
Annual rate for each wireless facility in the right-of-way: $200/year.
Annual rate for attachment to each City-owned pole: $250/year.
Note: A wireless provider is authorized to remove its facilities at any time from a City-owned pole in the right-of-way and cease paying the applicable fees to the City. In the case of removal, there shall be no requirement for the City to return or prorate the applicable fee(s). If a wireless provider ceases required payments to the City for the use of its rights-of-way and/or City-owned poles for a period exceeding 90 days, the City shall have the right to remove such facilities and equipment from the right-of-way.
Deposits Towards Anticipated Municipal Expenses.
In addition to the right-of-way use fee, for applications not requiring a street opening permit, the applicant shall post a $5,000 escrow deposit towards anticipated municipal expenses related to an application made pursuant to this section.
In addition to the right-of-way use fee, for applications requiring a street opening permit, the applicant shall post a $7,500 escrow deposit towards anticipated municipal expenses related to an application made pursuant to this section.
Applicant's deposit towards anticipated municipal expenses shall be placed in an escrow account. If said deposit contains insufficient funds to enable the City to perform its review, the Chief Financial Officer of the City shall provide applicant a notice of insufficient balance. In order for review to continue, the applicant shall, within 10 days, post a deposit to the account in an amount to be mutually agreed upon.
Applicants shall be responsible for payment of such additional reasonable costs as the City may incur in reviewing the application. Such reasonable costs may include, but are not limited to, internal staff time, and reasonable costs associated with the retention of outside counsel and consultants to provide additional expertise where needed. In the event such additional expenses are required, the City shall notify the applicant accordingly. Any outstanding amount shall be due upon final action on the application and must be paid prior to the City's execution of any franchise, license or consent under this Section.
After a final decision has been rendered regarding the application, the applicant may request a refund of any unused balance from the deposit toward anticipated municipal expenses.
[Added 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3303]
All telecommunications fees paid to the City of Summit pursuant to the requirements of this section shall be placed into a separate account.