The B-1 Business District is intended to serve the retail and service needs of nearby residential areas with a range of products and services for both daily and occasional shopping.
[Amended 5-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-008]
Permitted uses shall be as defined in Table 5: Land Use Regulations and Matrix of Land Uses.[1]
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Lot requirements with public sewer shall be as follows:
Area: 12,000 square feet minimum.
Zoning lot frontage: 90 feet minimum. Such minimum lot frontage may be measured at the building setback line if said lot is located on the outer radius of a street, such as a cul-de-sac. In no case shall lot width measured at the right-of-way line of a cul-de-sac or curved street be less than 65 feet.
Lot width: 90 feet minimum.
Lot requirements without public sewer shall be as follows:
Area: 60,000 square feet minimum.
Zoning lot frontage: 150 feet minimum. Such minimum lot frontage may be measured at the building setback line if said lot is located on the outer radius of a curved street or a cul-de-sac. In no case shall the lot frontage measured at the right-of-way line of a cul-de-sac or curved street be less than 85 feet.
Height regulations shall be as follows:
Principal structure: 35 feet maximum, except as provided in Article IV, § 135-13, Height regulations.
Accessory structures shall not exceed the height of the principal structure.
Building setbacks shall be as follows:
With curb and gutter:
Building Setback (in feet)
Principal Structure
Accessory Building
Front yard
30 minimum from right-of-way
30 minimum from right-of-way
Side yard
10 minimum each side
10 minimum
Rear yard
25 minimum
10 minimum
Corner side
30 minimum from right-of-way
30 minimum from right-of-way
Without curb and gutter:
Building Setback (in feet)
Principal Structure
Accessory Building
Front yard
35 minimum from right-of-way
35 minimum from right-of-way
Corner side
35 minimum from right-of-way
35 minimum from right-of-way
Transitional yards. If the lot abuts an R-1, R-2, R-3 or RR Zone at any point along the rear lot line, it must maintain the same rear yard as required in that abutting zone.
Building size shall be as follows:
Principal structure: Such principal structure must not exceed 1,500 square feet in floor area. Areas of the structure used principally as the residence of the owner or operator of the business shall not be included in the square footage calculation.
Only one principal structure shall be located on a lot.
Parking shall conform to requirements as set forth in Article XXI, Parking Requirements.
[Amended 5-17-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-10]
Additional structures and building allowed in the B-1 Business District shall meet the requirements of this district and other articles of this chapter as determined by the Town Zoning Administrator and/or the Town Board.
All business, service repair, storage or merchandise display shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building, except for automobile parking and off-street loading.
Outside trash bins shall be screened from view by use of solid screening or fencing material with gates on rollers or wheels and shall be kept in good repair.
Building appearance shall be complementary to a neighboring district, i.e., no post-frame-construction type building.
Buildings shall be maintained structurally and kept in good repair. Outside appearance shall be maintained in accordance with originally approved appearance and design.