[Ord. No. 453; 1972 Code § 5-1; Ord. No. 17-00; amended 4-15-2014 by Ord. No. 5-14]
The personnel policies and practices as contained in this chapter are intended to protect the rights and interests of every citizen of Keyport, regardless of whether a Borough employee or a taxpayer. This Chapter is intended to make the information available to all employees and others interested in the subject matter.
The Borough performs necessary services to and for the residents of the community on a nonprofit net-cost basis. Consequently, it is imperative that everyone connected with the government or the operation of the Borough continually and conscientiously render loyal, honest, efficient and courteous service, in order that the Borough shall at all times properly and adequately discharge its responsibilities to the taxpayers.
As it requires superior personnel to perform an outstanding job in any type of activity, it is the desire of the Mayor and Council to attract only the highest type and best qualified people to the service of their community. It is also the aim of the Mayor and Council to provide the best possible leadership supervision, guidance and working conditions for every Borough employee, in order that he may consistently do the best job possible. By so doing, every Borough employee shall achieve both job satisfaction and security, accompanied by a justifiable and continuous pride of accomplishment - both for himself and for his community.
Incorporated by reference into this chapter are the "Employee Handbook of the Borough of Keyport, New Jersey, April 2014 Edition" and "Borough of Keyport Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual for Supervisors & Managers, April 2014 Edition" which shall periodically be reviewed and updated by the Borough Administrator with the assistance of the Borough Attorney and with the approval of the Mayor and Council by ordinance or resolution. The Borough Administrator shall give notice of any such amendments to all Borough employees within a reasonable time following adoption.
[Ord. No. 453; 1972 Code § 5-2]
The Borough personnel policy shall be as follows:
To seek and to obtain for each position to be filled by the best qualified person available.
To provide for all employees the best possible direction, leadership, supervision, guidance, instruction, and working conditions.
To base promotion and job security on ability, performance, experience, character, integrity, attitude, interest and personality.
To make the best possible use of employee skills and abilities, in order to have each job performed by the person best qualified to do so.
To first consider qualified Borough personnel for promotion, whenever there is an opportunity for advancement.
To treat every employee with the justice, respect, courtesy and consideration properly due him.
To expect every employee consistently to do the best work which he/she is capable; to be loyal and conscientious at all times; to conduct themselves in a proper manner; and to treat everyone they come in contact with the same consideration and courtesy they would expect.
To encourage all employees to offer suggestions for doing a better job in less time, with less effort and at lower cost.
To urge the self-betterment of every employee; to encourage them to study and seek a possible means of increasing their value - both to themselves and their community.
To pay fair and adequate salaries for each position, and in return to expect a consistently good job.
To impress upon all employees that at all times they are serving and responsible to the taxpayers of their community.
No employee of the Borough of Keyport shall solicit or accept, from any member of the public or vendor doing business with or seeking to do business with the Borough, anything of value, including any tangible or intangible item (including food), gift, loan (excluding any loan from a recognized bank institution), reward, or gratuity, and further including any favor, service, or promise of future employment (excluding any work assignment approved by the Borough Council, Borough Administrator or the Chief of Police), that could be interpreted to affect the official duties of the employee.
[Added 8-7-2012 by Ord. No. 13-12]
[Ord. No. 2-96]
The Borough of Keyport shall promote and afford equal treatment and service to all citizens and assure that all applicants for employment are assured equal employment opportunity with regard to race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, marital status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, unless such disability effectively prevents the performance of essential duties required by the position, which are bona fide occupational qualifications and which cannot be accommodated without undue hardship. The Borough shall, in all instances, apply the principles of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action guidelines set forth in Federal, State and local laws and regulations.
All employment related activities, including recruitment, testing, selection, promotion, training and termination shall be conducted in a nondiscriminatory manner.
The Borough of Keyport shall cooperate fully with all organizations and commissions organized to promote fair practices and equal employment opportunity.
[Ord. No. 453; 1972 Code § 5-3.1; Ord. No. 32-89; Ord. No. 7-97; Ord. No. 17-00; Ord. No. 7-05]
The Borough Council must formally approve the creation of any new position and authorize the filling of it, prior to the initiation of action to do so. In addition, there must be provided in the proper current budget account specific and adequate funds to compensate the appointee.
The Borough Council must formally approve by resolution, the filling of any vacancy in any previously authorized or established full time position, before any action is initiated to fill the same. In addition, there must be provided in the proper current budget account specific and adequate funds to compensate the employee.
Whenever a vacancy exists (or a new position is created), all Borough employees will be advised by bulletin, in order that those who believe they possess the necessary qualifications may apply for the position if they so desire. Such applications should be by letter, addressed to the Borough Clerk and filed before the deadline date specified.
Vacancies in full-time positions will be advertised for not less than three days in a newspaper circulating in the Borough with an application deadline date specified, in order that any interested resident of Keyport may file an application for the position.
Full time; part time; seasonal.
A full-time employee has a single title or a position and works on a year round, twelve-month, basis which regularly requires weekly working hours of:
Thirty-five hours or more if the employee holds an office title or position, or
Forty hours or more if the employee is a member of the Public Works Department or Police Department.
A part-time employee shall be any employee holding a single title or position and who works on a year round, twelve-month, basis for no less than 20 hours per week but less than a full-time employee.
A temporary, seasonal or casual employee shall be any employee who works on a less than year round, 12 month, basis, and/or who works for less than 20 hours per week.
[Ord. No. 453; 1972 Code § 5-3.2]
The "Application for Employment" forms, obtained at the office of the Borough Administrator, shall be completed by all persons applying for positions with the Borough, in accordance with the Department of Personnel rules and regulations.
As soon as practical after the final date specified for filing, all such applications received (including those from Borough employees) will be considered by the Borough Council, or a committee chosen from their group.
The Borough Administrator and appropriate Borough Council Committee will interview personally the applicants who appear to be best qualified and most desirable for the position, and will tentatively select the one to be appointed, subject to satisfactory medical examination and any further investigation of references as deemed necessary.
All tentatively selected applicants will be advised by the Borough Administrator before taking the medical examination, that their appointment is being considered on the basis of information contained in the Application for Employment, and the Medical Examination form. Consequently, any misstatements therein, or pertinent information withheld, will be considered as sufficient cause for immediate separation from the service of the Borough.
The Borough Administrator will then issue to the selected applicant a "medical examination" form, which he will take to the physician designated by the Borough, for a complete medical examination, at the expense of the Borough. The Borough Administrator will make the appointment for the medical examination, and advise the doctor to return the completed medical examination form directly to the Borough Administrator.
If the medical examination is satisfactory, and the doctor recommends the appointment of the applicant, the "personnel action authorization" form is completed and with application, letter, medical examination blank, reference letters, and other supporting papers, referred to the Borough Council for final review and approval.
If approved by the Borough Council, the Borough Administrator will notify the successful applicant to report to the Borough Administrator's office, for completion of the necessary formalities such as fingerprinting by Police Department; taking Oath of Office and Loyalty Oath; executing withholding tax certificate; and any other documents required.
Employees may be hired temporarily not to exceed four months. Permanent employees must serve probationary or working test period which is 90 days.
The new employee will then be referred to the proper supervisor, who will advise the Borough Clerk the effective date of his employment (i.e. when he or she starts work).
The Borough Administrator will check all papers, etc. for completeness and set up a "personal history file" for the employee.
Casual, temporary, extra employees working on an hourly basis, when first employed will complete an application for employment, which will be supported by a "personnel action authorization" form. Each succeeding period of temporary employment will be authorized by a "PAA" form, but no new application for employment will be required.
Medical examinations will not normally be required for casual temporary, extra, hourly-basis employees, unless the Borough Council specifically so directs.
[Ord. No. 24-81; amended in entirety 2-15-2022 by Ord. No. 2-22]
Unless otherwise provided by law, no officer or employee of the Borough shall be required to be a resident of the Borough of Keyport.
[Ord. No. 453; Ord. No. 471-1; 1972 Code § 5-4.1; Ord. No. 3-81]
Time and attendance regulations shall be as follows:
Accurate and complete time and attendance records will be maintained by each organizational unit of the Borough. The person in charge of the unit, office, or activity will certify as to the accuracy of the time report or record.
All Borough employees (except office personnel) will be at their assigned posts or point of duty at 8:00 a.m. each working day, unless on vacation, absent or on leave-of-absence, except when their assigned tour of duty requires some other starting hour.
Being on time is the utmost importance, consequently any lateness and the reason for it will be noted on the time report. Recurring or chronic tardiness will be referred to the Borough Administrator for appropriate action, and will be the basis for disciplinary action against the offending employee.
It is the responsibility of each employee to notify his superior without delay if he shall be absent from, or delayed in reaching his assigned post. If unable to reach his supervisor, the Borough Clerk should be notified of the facts. Failure to report is a serious offense which cannot be tolerated as it is the responsibility of each supervisor to know, at all times, the whereabouts of every member of his group.
When a lunch period is authorized during a normal work period, one hour or 1/2 hour is allowed for this purpose, with a specific time assigned to each employee by the supervisor, in order that duty stations will be covered as necessary during the lunch period. Tardiness in returning from lunch is not permitted, unless specifically authorized in advance by the supervisor, who in all cases is required to note all such instances of lateness on the time report, and whether or not authorized.
The regular closing hour for the Borough offices and activities (other than those requiring tours of duty ending at some other hour) is 4:30 p.m. on weekdays, Monday through Friday. Employees are expected to complete their assigned tour of duty unless excused by the supervisor, in which case a suitable notation will be made on the time report.
Any change in the approved Borough office hours must be authorized in advance by the Mayor and Council.
Unless a department or certain positions within a department, are regularly assigned a greater number of hours per work week, the normal hours of work for full-time Borough employees is 40. The regular work week is considered to start Monday and end Sunday and normally consists of five working days of eight hours each Monday through Friday.
The holidays are as stated in the union contracts, and any other day declared a holiday by the Mayor and Council.
Employees on an annual salary who are required to work on any of the following holidays: New Year's Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, General Election Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day shall receive, in addition to their regular pay for the day, additional compensation at the rate of 1 1/2 hours pay for each authorized hour worked. In the event any of the above holidays shall fall on a scheduled day off for any employee, such employee shall be given or entitled to receive, an additional day off, or in lieu thereof, shall be entitled to an additional pay for that day. Such arrangement, however, shall be approved, in the case of policemen, by the Chief of Police.
The Office of the Tax Assessor shall be opened to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. In addition, the Tax Assessor will perform field work and schedule appointments with taxpayers.
[Ord. No. 453; 1972 Code § 5-4.2]
Overtime work will be kept to a minimum, and except in cases of emergency must be authorized in advance by the Administrator. The reason for the overtime will be noted on the time report, and certified by the supervisor and Administrator.
A monthly report of all overtime worked, supported by the reasons for it, will be rendered to the Borough Council who will carefully review the same, and take any necessary action.
The following described full-time positions do provide for the payment of overtime: Administrative Clerk, Deputy Borough Clerk, Borough Clerk, Borough Tax Collector. The Borough Council may at its discretion make changes in the list of positions which do not provide for overtime compensation.
Overtime pay shall be at the rate of 1 1/2 times the equivalent hourly rate, and shall be paid to all full-time Borough employees for all work performed in excess of 40 hours in any work week; unless an employee's regular assigned work week is in excess of 40 hours, in which case overtime pay will be based on hours worked over the normal assigned work week.
In computing overtime compensation, the nearest 1/2 hour shall be the smallest fraction of an hour to be reported.
[Ord. No. 453; Ord. No. 2/12/73; 1972 Code § 5-4.3; Ord. No. 5-78; Ord. No. 32-89; Ord. No. 27-95; Ord. No. 15-99]
Regulations for absences and vacations are as follows:
Absences from duty are classified as illness, other or vacation and are so noted on the time report. An authorized leave of absence will be reported as illness or other, depending on its nature.
Each employee must notify his supervisor of any absence from duty. If not possible to do so in advance of the working day, the report should be made by telephone as early as possible on the day the employee will be absent. If impossible to contact his supervisor, the employee should so notify the Borough Clerk or the Borough Administrator.
In the event of a death in the immediate family or a relative who resides with that employee, any employee not otherwise covered by any other collective bargaining agreement will be granted three days Bereavement Leave with pay.
A leave of absence without pay may be requested by any employee who shall submit in writing all facts bearing on the request to his supervisor, who will append his recommendations, and forward the request to the Borough Council. The Borough Council shall consider each such case on its merits and without establishing a precedent.
The governing body shall grant special leave of absence with pay, to employees disabled either through injury or illness as a result of or arising from their respective employment. Such leave of absence may be for a period not to exceed three months at any one time. Such leave of absence may be reviewed at the discretion of the Borough Council.
Any employee who is granted special leave under the foregoing paragraph and who qualifies for weekly temporary disability payments under the Workmen's Compensation Law, shall during the period he is allowed such weekly benefits be entitled to receive his or her full salary. Any amount of salary or wages paid or payable to employees because of the leave granted pursuant to dd (1) shall be reduced by the amount of any Workmen's Compensation award under Chapter 15 Title 34 of the Revised Statutes made for temporary disability because of the same injury or illness requiring such leave.
An employee's right to leave shall be established upon compliance with the following:
The employee shall provide to the Borough Council proof of illness or injury as a result of, or arising from, his or her respective employment providing the following:
A report from the employee's immediate supervisor or department head of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the illness or injury.
A certificate of the treating physician stating the nature of the injury or illness; whether or not the employee is able to perform his duties; the estimated period of disability and whether the illness or injury is the result or arises out of the employee's employment.
At any time during the continuance of the leave an employee shall, upon request of the Borough Council supply a physician's certificate stating whether the illness or injury continues to be disabling and whether such disability prevents the employee from resuming his employment and the estimated length of disability.
The reason for each absence listed on the time report as other shall be noted thereon with a statement whether or not it is approved by the supervisor.
The attendance record of each employee shall be carefully reviewed in connection with the annual evaluation, as well as whenever a possible promotion or a reduction in force is being considered.
Subject to any legal requirements or limitation, effective with the passage of this Chapter, annual vacations with pay are authorized on the following basis:
Annual vacation for permanent employees shall be as follows: one to six years of service, 12 working days; seven to 10 years of service, 15 working days; 11 years to 16 years of service, 20 working days; 17 years to 20 years of service, 22 working days; 20 or more years of service, 25 working days; or as otherwise provided for those employees subject to any collective bargaining agreements with the Borough of Keyport, as the same may be in effect and/or modified.
If an official holiday (those listed in subsection 10-5.1, paragraph i.) occurs during an employee's authorized vacation, he shall be entitled to an additional vacation day in lieu of the holiday.
Supervisors are responsible for so allocating individual vacation time to provide that the activities of the Borough will be carried on with a minimum of delay or inconvenience. Insofar as is possible, the employee with the longest continuous service shall have preference in the assignment of vacation periods.
As it is the policy of the Borough that all employees receive the maximum benefit from their vacation, not over five days of vacation can be taken on the basis of one or two days at a time, and the employee must give a minimum of 24 hours' notice to his supervisor.
In the event that the pressure of business is such that an employee may not be granted his vacation in any one year, his vacation credit may be carried over to the next two years.
Unless specifically authorized by the Borough Council in advance extra compensation will not be allowed in lieu of unused vacation, as it is desired that each employee take advantage of the authorized annual vacation period for health, rest, relaxation and pleasure.
All absences on account of illness or disability shall be reported immediately by, or for the employee to his immediate supervisor. If the supervisor cannot be reached promptly, the report should then be made to the Borough Administrator without further delay.
Not over one hour after starting work, the supervisor shall report to the Borough Administrator the names of all employees absent from duty, and the reason therefor.
In all cases of reported illness or disability, the Borough reserves the right to send the employee to a Borough doctor for examination.
When the absence on account of illness or disability does not exceed three work days, normally the employee's statement of the cause will be accepted without a supporting statement from his attending physician. The Borough reserves the right to have the employee examined by the Borough doctor before returning to duty.
Every absence on account of illness or disability in excess of three days must be certified by a written statement from the attending physician. The Borough also reserves the right to waive this requirement or to require the employee to be examined by a Borough medical examiner and certified as fit for duty, before returning to work.
During protracted periods of illness or disability, the Borough may require interim reports on the condition of the patient at weekly or biweekly periods, from the attending physician or a Borough medical examiner. When under medical care, employees are expected to conform to the instructions of the attending physician if they wish to qualify for salary payments during the period of illness or disability.
The rules which follow apply to the payment of salaries during periods of illness or disability, of regular, permanent employees. Temporary employees are not entitled to compensation for such absences.
Regular, permanent employees shall be entitled to a minimum of 15 sick leave days with pay per year. During the first year of employment, they will be given one day per month of service as earned.
Regular permanent employees with less than one full year of continuous satisfactory service shall be entitled to one working day of sick leave with pay for each completed calendar month of service.
Unused sick leave may be accumulated without limitation.
In the absence of records it becomes necessary for the employee and the employer to agree to the amount of sick leave standing to the credit of the employee.
Absence of an employee on account of sickness or disability in his immediate family which necessitates his remaining home to care for the patient may be charged as sick leave when substantiated and approved by his supervisor.
Sick leave with pay shall not be allowed under the following conditions:
If the employee when under medical care fails to carry out the orders of the attending physician.
If in the opinion of the Borough doctor the employee is ill or disabled because of self-imposed contributory causes or actions occasioned by bad habits.
If in the opinion of the Borough doctor the disability or illness is not of sufficient severity to justify the employee's absence from duty.
The recommendations of the Borough doctor as well as those of the attending physician as to the justification of the absence from duty on account of disability or illness; or of the fitness of the employee to return to duty shall be considered by the Council. In the event there is a disagreement the Council shall then make a decision in the matter.
One-half of a work day shall be the smallest unit to be considered in computing sick leave used, except that hourly units shall be considered where leave is taken pursuant to any modified or light duty policy of the Borough.
An employee who is certified as absent on account of a disability or accident caused in the usual course of his employment and directly in line of duty, shall not have such absence charged against his sick leave. All other provisions regarding absence on account of sickness or disability apply.
Editor's Note: Former Sec. 10-6, Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures, enacted by Ord. No. 453 (1972 Code § 5-5), was repealed 4-15-2014 by Ord. No. 5-14.
[Ord. No. 453; 1972 Code § 5-6; Ord. No. 32-89; amended 4-15-2014 by Ord. No. 5-14]
In the event there is any conflict between this chapter and duly adopted rules and regulations of the New Jersey Civil Service Commission, the latter shall, in all cases, govern.
[Ord. No. 12-89]
Preamble. Section 5 of P.L. 1988, Chapter 110,[1] requires all municipal governments in New Jersey to have a "Chief Financial Officer", who is defined as a person who is a certified Municipal Finance Officer, or Municipal Treasurer, or Municipal Controller, and not a member of the governing body, but is appointed by the municipality to carry out the responsibilities of this position as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 and P.L. 1947, Chapter 151.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.10.
Position created. The following position is hereby created and effective January 1, 1989 to wit:
Chief Financial Officer
January 1, 1989
[Ord. No. 13-89]
Preamble. State Statute N.J.S.A. 54:5-11 requires all municipal governments in New Jersey to have an Official Tax Searcher, and the governing body of each municipality shall provide for the making of official certifications of searches as to municipal liens.
Position created. The following position is hereby created and effective January 1, 1989, to wit:
Assessment of Taxes
Official Tax Searcher
January 1, 1989
[Ord. No. 14-89]
Preamble. State Statute N.J.S.A. 54:5-18.1 requires all municipal governments in New Jersey to have an Official Searcher for Municipal Improvements, and the governing body of each municipality shall provide for the making of official certifications of searches as to municipal improvements authorized by ordinance of a municipality in that future assessment will be made thereon pursuant to such ordinance.
Position created. The following position is hereby created and effective January 1, 1989, to wit:
Assessment of Taxes
Official Searcher for Municipal Improvements
January 1, 1989
[Ord. No. 15-89]
Preamble. In compliance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1, P.L. 1947, Chapter 151, all municipal governments in New Jersey are required to designate a person to act in absence of a Municipal Finance Officer. This person may not be a member of the governing body, but is appointed by the municipality to carry out the duties of Municipal Finance Officer, and this person must have a thorough knowledge of municipal finance laws.
Position created.
Deputy Treasurer
January 1, 1989
[Added 2-17-2015 by Ord. No. 2-15]
Within the Building Department of the Borough of Keyport, there shall be created the position of Technical Assistant to the Construction Official, who shall be a person qualified by education, training and experience to perform the duties of the title.
The Technical Assistant to the Construction Official shall be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Mayor and Council.
The Technical Assistant to the Construction Official shall, under direction the Construction Official and Subcode Officials, provide technical assistance pertaining to the issuance of construction permits to ensure compliance with the provisions of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code and model codes, and such other duties as may be required by the Construction Official or Subcode Official, including, without limitation, the following:
Reviewing applications for construction permits to ensure all necessary information and documents are included and requesting additional information as instructed or directed by the appropriate subcode or construction official.
Issuing construction permits after approval and authorization have been granted by the appropriate subcode official.
Aiding the general public by providing information of a technical nature concerning the requirements and standards relating to the Uniform Construction Code.
Calculating routine fees, collecting fees and penalties as directed by Subcode and/or Construction Official and issuing receipts.
Determining and requesting prior approvals and plan review in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code.
Determining the type of certificate required at job conclusion.
Consulting with solicitors, architects, owners, and contractors on compliance problems.
Reviewing inspection logs for overdue inspections, and may take appropriate action for noncompliance according to Uniform Construction Code regulations.
Gathering information and data to answer inquiries and to prepare reports.
Maintaining inspection logs for all subcodes.
Monitoring plan review deadlines.
Providing a variety of code services to the general public in one or more functional areas.
Preparing reports, narratives, and correspondence.
Maintaining records and files.
Providing support and technical assistance to staff; may provide guidance to clerical staff.
Utilizing (and learning to utilize) various types of electronic and/or manual recording and information systems used by the agency, office, or related units.
[Added 10-6-2015 by Ord. No. 16-15]
Within the Borough of Keyport, there shall be created the position of Records Support Technician 3, who shall be a person qualified by education, training and experience to perform the duties of the title, as established by the New Jersey Civil Service Commission.
A Records Support Technician 3 shall, under direction, perform varied, complex clerical work involving the processing and filing of records; take the lead and/or perform more difficult and complex work requiring the application of independent judgment, and do other related duties as required, including, without limitation, the following duties:
Receives, retrieves and sorts documents, papers, forms and other materials in accordance with established policies, procedures and guidelines.
Scans or reads incoming materials in order to determine how and where they should be classified or filed.
Files correspondence, cards, invoices, receipts and other records in alphabetical or numerical order, or according to the filing system used.
Reviews and processes documents, forms and other materials in accordance with established rules, regulations and/or agency guidelines.
Locates and removes materials from file when requested.
Assigns, records and stamps identification numbers or codes in order to index materials for filing.
Performs general office duties such as faxing documents and sorting mail.
Operates, maintains and makes minor adjustments to various office machines.
Converts documents to films for storage on microforms such as microfilm or microfiche where such equipment is used.
Enters and/or retrieves information on a computer terminal.
May occasionally perform keyboarding/typing duties, but not as the primary function of the position.
May take the lead and perform work involving the locating, examining, retracing, and filing of maps.
Receives, reviews, arranges, and prepares records for microfilming.
May take the lead in the filing of important and/or confidential documents in a vault or other storage media used by the appointing authority; removes documents from vault upon authorized request.
When assigned to a law enforcement agency, may be required to take and file fingerprints; types fingerprint cards of persons committed to jail, or persons applying for firearm permits.
When assigned to a law enforcement agency, performs specialized clerical work involving the obtaining, receiving, disseminating, filing, maintaining and releasing of criminal and other law enforcement records.
Prepares records for and takes the lead in the operation of computerized reading equipment used to assist in retrieving records.
Makes photocopies of letters, checks, leases, permits, applications, and other documents.
May provide assignment, instruction, and on-the-job training to clerical staff.
May interpret and apply organizational rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.
May participate in the interviewing and training of new employees.
Classifies, indexes and cross-references records and files.
May assist registrants in the completion of applications or forms.
Collects fees.
Answers telephone and e-mail inquiries; escalates the more difficult inquiries to the appropriate person.
May operate a telephone switchboard.
Records and/or maintains simple logs or reports of information pertaining to filing, data entry and retrieval, or record processing activities.
Will be required to learn to utilize various types of electronic and/or manual recording and information systems used by the agency, office, or related units.
[Added 10-4-2016 by Ord. No. 21-16]
The Borough hereby creates the paid positions of National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Coordinator and Department Secretary in the Keyport Fire Department, which shall each have the following fixed salary ranges:
Minimum Salary
Maximum Salary
National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Coordinator
Department Secretary
[Added 6-20-2017 by Ord. No. 8-17]
The aforementioned recitals are incorporated herein as though fully set forth at length.[1]
Editor's Note: The recitals of this Ord. No. 8-17 provided as follows:
WHEREAS, the Borough of Keyport (the "Borough") is a public body corporate and politic of the State of New Jersey; and
WHEREAS, the State Legislature adopted Chapter 92 of the Laws of 2007 (N.J.S.A. 43:15C-1 et seq.) to create the Defined Contribution Retirement Program to provide retirement benefits to various county and municipal officials; and
WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 43:15C-2 requires the governing body of each county, municipality, and other local entity to adopt, as appropriate, either a resolution or ordinance to determine the positions that are substantially similar in nature to the advice and consent of the Senate for appointments by the Governor of the State, pursuant to guidelines or policy that shall be established by the Local Finance Board in the Department of Community Affairs, and for which officials appointed to such positions shall be eligible for and shall participate in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program, subject to the provisions of law; and
WHEREAS, the Borough has considered the guidelines issued by the Local Finance Board and hereby sets forth the positions in the Borough eligible for participation in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 43:15C-2, the following Borough positions are deemed to be eligible for and shall participate in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program; however, any person who performs any of the following positions under a professional services contract is ineligible for participation in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program:
Borough Administrator.
Borough-employed Borough Counsel.
Borough-employed Borough Engineer.
Borough-employed Borough Planner.
Any appointed Commissioners.
Borough-employed Municipal Court Judge.
Borough-employed Municipal Prosecutor.
Borough-employed Public Defender.
Borough Public Works Director.
Borough Health Department Director.
Individuals serving in the following positions are exempt from Defined Contribution Retirement Program membership, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 43:15C-2:
Certified Health Officer.
Tax Collector.
Chief Financial Officer.
Construction Code Official.
Qualified Purchasing Agent.
Tax Assessor.
Municipal Planner.
Registered Municipal Clerk.
Licensed Uniform Subcode Inspector.
Principal Public Works Manager.
This section shall be implemented, construed and subject to the aforesaid Chapter 92 of the Laws of 2007 (N.J.S.A. 43:15C-1 et seq.) as amended from time to time, and any regulations or guidance documents from the Local Finance Board or the Division of Pensions and Benefits.
Should any part or parts of this section be held to be invalid by any competent court of law, such invalidity shall only affect the part or parts held to be invalid, and all other parts shall remain in effect.
A copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the Director of the Division of Pensions & Benefits of the New Jersey Department of the Treasury.
[Added 10-2-2018 by Ord. No. 21-18]
The Borough of Keyport (the "Borough") shall by ordinance establish titles for public employment by the Borough and salary ranges for Borough employees. Said titles shall conform to the New Jersey Civil Service Act and regulations promulgated by the New Jersey State Department of Personnel.
The Borough shall by resolution adopt and amend from time to time personnel policies and procedures. including rules concerning the hiring and termination of employees, terms and conditions of employment, and regulations required to comply with applicable federal and state employment related law. The personnel policies and procedures adopted pursuant to said resolution(s) shall be applicable to all officials, appointees, employees, prospective employees, volunteers and independent contractors of the Borough.
The Borough Administrator shall be responsible to implement and enforce the personnel practices adopted by ordinance or resolution authorized pursuant to this section. If there is a conflict between said personnel practices and any duly adopted and lawful collective bargaining agreement, personnel services contract or federal or state law, the terms and conditions of that contract or law shall prevail. In all other cases, the practices adopted pursuant to this section shall prevail.