[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Columbia 9-17-2019. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purposes of this chapter are to:
Permit the publication of any new ordinance to be in the form of a summary thereof as permitted by Connecticut General Statutes Section 7-157(b) and Article 3, Section 3.5, of the Town Charter, or any successor provisions to either thereof; and
Permit the publication of a summary of any proposed ordinance in the call of a Town Meeting to consider the proposed ordinance or in the notice for a public hearing regarding a proposed ordinance pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.5, of the Town Charter.
Unless, as applicable, a Town Meeting, the Board of Selectmen, a provision of the Town Charter, or Connecticut General Statutes Section 7-157 or any other General Statute expressly requires the publication of the full text of a proposed ordinance or adopted ordinance, or unless otherwise provided in § 79-3 below, a summary of any proposed ordinance to be considered by a Town Meeting or the Board of Selectmen and a summary of any ordinance adopted by a Town Meeting or the Board of Selectmen shall be published in lieu of the full text of such proposed ordinance or adopted ordinance, provided that the Town Clerk shall make a copy of the full text of such proposed ordinance or adopted ordinance available for public inspection at the office of the Town Clerk and on the Town's internet website and shall, upon request, mail a copy thereof at no charge to any person requesting a copy thereof from the Town Clerk. Any summary so published shall bear a disclosure as follows:
"This document is prepared for the benefit of the public, solely for purposes of information, summarization and explanation. This document does not represent the intent of the legislative body of the Town of Columbia for any purpose."
This chapter shall not apply to any proposed ordinance or adopted ordinance which makes or requires an appropriation.