AN ACT Providing for the Management and Control of Public Beaches and Commons in the Town of Little Compton. (H 839 Approved April 20, 1939.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. The town of Little Compton is hereby authorized and empowered to manage, regulate and control all public beaches and commons situated in said town, the word "beaches" being used in this act to include the shores of said public beaches between high and low water markers.
Sec. 2. The care, management and control of said public beaches and commons shall be vested in a commission of not less than five nor more than seven members, as the duly qualified electors of the said town shall from time to time by their vote determine; provided, however, that the members of any such commission shall be duly qualified electors of said town; and provided, further, that the members of said commission shall first be selected at the annual financial town meeting in the year 1940. Until the members of said public commission have been elected and have duly qualified for office, the care, management and control of said beaches and commons and all other powers and authority herein granted to said commission shall be vested in the committee heretofore selected by the electors of the said town to take charge of all matters pertaining to the beach in said town known as the South shore, which committee is known in said town as the committee on the South shore.
Sec. 3. The said commission, or until its selection, the said committee on the South shore, is hereby authorized and empowered to make suitable provisions for the care, management, maintenance, protection and improvement of said beaches and commons, and for the proper policing of the same; to cause to be erected such bathhouses, fences and other buildings and structures as it may deem necessary or desirable for the convenience of the public and for the use and enjoyment of said beaches and commons by the public in a proper manner and under proper sanitary conditions.
Sec. 4. The town council of the said town is hereby authorized and empowered to enact such ordinances as it may deem necessary for the regulation of said public beaches and commons and in aid of the management, maintenance and improvement of the same, and for the regulation of any and all travel by the public to, from, on or over the highways, or other public ways, passing over or across said public beaches and commons; and to prescribe penalties for the violation of such ordinances as may be enacted.
Sec. 5. The said commission, or the said committee on the South shore, as the case may be, is authorized and empowered, for the purpose of defraying the costs of maintenance and operation of the said public beaches or commons, to charge reasonable fees for admission to any of said beaches or commons, or any part or parts thereof, for the use of bathing-houses or other buildings and structures that may be located upon said beaches or commons, or upon any land owned by the town in the vicinity of the same, and for the privilege of parking motor vehicles upon said public beaches or commons, or upon any land owned by the town in the vicinity of the same, or upon any highway adjacent or leading to, over or across the same; provided, however, that said commission, or the said committee on the South shore, may exempt inhabitants of said town from the payment of any or all of said fees.
Sec. 6. Said commission, or said committee on the South shore, as the case may be, shall direct the expenditure of all moneys appropriated by said town for carrying out the aforesaid provisions; shall cause to be kept proper accounts of all income received and all expenditures made in accordance with this act; shall transfer and pay over to the town treasurer of the town of Little Compton all such income received; and shall certify all accounts payable, incurred hereunder, to said town treasurer for payment when approved.
Sec. 7. No rights of the inhabitants of said town, as such inhabitants, in or pertaining to any of said public beaches or commons shall be destroyed or substantially impaired by this act or by any action of said town council hereunder, though the exercise of any such rights may be regulated or reasonably restricted under this act so as to secure the most equitable enjoyment of such rights by said inhabitants and to protect such public beaches and commons from damage.
Sec. 8. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
AN ACT Authorizing the Town of Little Compton to Establish a Permanent Police Force. (H 1727 Effective May 26, 1959.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. The town council of the town of Little Compton may appoint at any regular meeting as a permanent police force, such police officers, including a chief of police, for service in said town, as by ordinance the said town council may from time to time determine, which said officers shall hold their respective offices until vacated by death, resignation, or retirement, except as hereinafter provided; but said town council may increase or diminish the number of such police officers whenever and as often as the electors of the town of Little Compton qualified to vote on any proposition to impose a tax or for the expenditure of money shall, at an annual or special financial town meeting, vote that the number of said police officers shall be increased or diminished and shall appropriate the necessary funds therefor; and the town council, or the president of the town council, may at any time suspend any such officer until the next regular meeting of said council, at which meeting said president shall report any and all suspensions, with the reasons therefor, and the said council may continue such suspension until the next regular meeting following; provided, however, that any police officer so appointed, including the chief of police, shall be subject to reduction or to removal from office by said council, at any regular meeting thereof, for misconduct, incapacity, neglect of duty or insubordination of such character as the said council may deem a disqualification for said office; and all such reductions or removals shall be by said council upon charges in writing, if requested by such officer, and of which the officer complained of shall have notice and opportunity at a time appointed by said council to be heard thereon; and provided further, that nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to any police officer or constable other than the members of the permanent police force of said town. Said town council may also appoint other police officers for occasional service and for limited terms of less than one year.
Sec. 2. Upon the appointment and qualification of the members of a permanent police force in accordance with the provisions of this act, the term of office of the police force theretofore holding office in said town shall terminate.
Sec. 3. The chief of police, other police officers of the permanent police force, and police officers appointed for occasional service and for limited terms shall have the power and authority conferred by law upon police constables, but shall not be required to give bond, nor shall they be authorized to serve process in civil actions; and every such officer, in the due execution of his office, may command all necessary aid and assistance in the execution of said office and every person who, when so requested, shall refuse or neglect to give such aid and assistance shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars ($20).
Sec. 4. There shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the town of Little Compton, at any regular or special town election to be held hereafter in said town, the following question for their approval or rejection:
"Shall the act passed by the general assembly at its January A. D. session, 1959, entitled 'An act authorizing the town of Little Compton to establish a permanent police force,' be adopted?"
Sec. 5. The secretary of state and the board of elections shall prepare special ballot-labels upon the voting machines for the purpose of submitting such question to the electors and the votes cast upon such question shall be counted in the same manner as other votes are counted and the count of such vote shall be certified as provided by sections 17-5-1 to 17-5-4 inclusive, in the general laws as amended by Chapter 18 of the public laws, 1958.
Sec. 6. Sections 4 and 5 of this act shall take effect upon their passage and the remainder of the act shall take effect if and when a majority of the electors voting upon said question shall vote to adopt the act authorizing the town of Little Compton to establish a permanent police force.
AN ACT Authorizing the Town of Little Compton to Establish a Permanent Police Force and Amending Chapter 167 of the Public Laws, 1959. (S 599 Effective May 5, 1960.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. Section 4 of chapter 167 of the public laws, 1959, entitled "An act authorizing the town of Little Compton to establish a permanent police force," is hereby amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 4. There shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the town of Little Compton, at any regular or special town election to be held hereafter in said town, the following question for their approval or rejection:
'Shall the act passed by the general assembly at its January A. D. session, 1959, entitled "An act authorizing a permanent police force," be adopted?"
The town council of the town of Little Compton is hereby authorized to call a special town election to carry out the provisions of this act, notice of the said special election to be the same required for special town meetings."
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
AN ACT Authorizing the Town Council of the Town of Little Compton to License and Regulate the Location and use of Trailer Parks in said Town, and also to Regulate the use and Location of House Trailers and Mobile Homes. (S 133 Approved Feb. 5, 1960.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. The town council of the town of Little Compton, is hereby empowered to license and regulate the location and use of trailer parks in said town, and said town council is also hereby empowered to regulate the use and location of house trailers and mobile homes, when stationary, within said town, which are being used for dwellings, permanent or temporary.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
AN ACT Providing for a Budget Committee in the Town of Little Compton. (S 622 Approved April 27, 1965.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. The electors of the town of Little Compton qualified to vote upon a proposition to impose a tax and for the expenditure of money shall annually in annual financial town meeting, legally assembled, in said town of Little Compton, elect a budget committee consisting of five of such qualified electors; members of the town council and members of the school committee of said town shall be ineligible to be elected or serve as members of said committee; and in case of failure to so elect such budget committee, the town council of said town shall act as the budget committee.
Sec. 2. Said budget committee shall hold public meetings from time to time to receive recommendations for town appropriations, and shall hold at least one public hearing not more than twenty days and not less than ten days prior to the annual financial town meeting of said town. (Amended January Session, 1979 — Chapter 9, effective March 12, 1979.)
Sec. 3. The budget committee when elected shall be sworn to the faithful performance of their duties in the same manner as other town officers, shall choose one of their number as a chairman and one of their number as a clerk, and shall keep records of their meetings and proceedings.
Sec. 4. The town officers of said town and the heads of the several departments thereof shall submit to the town clerk on or before the fifteenth day of February in each year their estimates of such sums as may be required in connection with the several departments of said town, and all persons proposing to introduce any resolution for the appropriation of money at the financial town meeting shall file in the office of the town clerk on or before the first day of March in each year for the use of said committee, the form of resolution for the appropriation of money intended to be presented to the said financial town meeting, in order that the electors of said town qualified to vote at such financial town meeting may be appraised thereof.
Sec. 5. At least ten days prior to the date of any such annual financial town meeting of said town said budget committee shall file with said town clerk a schedule or list of appropriations recommended by said committee for passage at such annual financial town meeting, and shall also together with such list of recommended appropriations file with said town clerk a list or schedule of requests for appropriations submitted for the consideration of the said budget committee and which were disapproved or not considered by said budget committee.
Sec. 6. All vacancies occurring in said committee shall be filled by the town council.
Sec. 7. Said budget committee shall have power to demand any and all books, records, and correspondence relative to the expenditure of town monies in the custody of any department of the town which in its opinion are necessary to properly prepare a budget for the expenditure of town funds.
Sec. 8. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
AN ACT Authorizing the Town of Little Compton to Establish and maintain a Pension Plan for Town Employees and Elected Officials. (H 2521 Approved June 11, 1971.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. The town council of the town of Little Compton subject to the approval of the financial town meeting at any regular or special meeting, is authorized to enact an ordinance or ordinances to establish and maintain a pension plan for town employees and elected officials and/or to contract therefor with any insurance company authorized to do business in the state of Rhode Island. Such ordinance or ordinances may define the employees and elected officials eligible to participate in such plan; the contributions to such plan, if any, to be made by such employees and elected officials and to be appropriated by the town; the amount and nature of the benefits payable to such employees and officials and/or their beneficiaries; the carrying and other charges for establishing and maintaining such pension plan; and in all other respects to do any act or thing necessary to properly establish and maintain a pension plan.
Sec. 2. At the annual financial town meeting of the town of Little Compton to be held next after the passage of this act or at any special town meeting there shall be submitted to the electors of said town qualified to vote on any proposition for the imposition of a tax or for the expenditure of money for their approval or rejection the following proposition:
"Shall the action of the general assembly by an act passed at the January session, A. D. 1971, entitled An act authorizing the town of Little Compton to establish and maintain a pension plan for town employees and elected officials', be approved?" The town clerk shall forthwith certify to the secretary of state the results of the vote on the question so submitted.
Sec. 3. This section and section 2 of this act shall take effect upon the passage of this act and section 1 shall take effect when and if the majority of the qualified electors of the town of Little Compton voting upon the proposition contained in section 2 hereof shall have voted their approval thereof, and thereupon all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith shall stand repealed.
AN ACT Enabling the Town of Little Compton to Control Dual Office Holding by Members of the Town Council. (73-S 655 Approved May 8, 1973.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. For the purpose of avoiding conflicts of interest and making more efficient the performance of duties by town employees, the town council of the town of Little Compton shall have power by ordinance in accordance with the provisions of this act to eliminate dual office holding by members of the town council.
Sec. 2. Such ordinances may provide that a member of the council shall hold no other paid public office or employment in the service of the town or of the state or federal government except that of notary public, justice of the peace, volunteer fireman, or member of the national guard or naval, air or military reserve and that no member of the council shall be eligible to hold any other paid local town office during his tenure on the council or for a period of one year thereafter.
Sec. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
AN ACT Authorizing the Town of Little Compton to Enact Ordinances Regulating, Controlling and Licensing Earth Removal. (73-S 936 Approved May 11, 1973.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. For the purposes of promoting health, safety or general welfare and in order to effect uniform regulation within the town of Little Compton for earth removal as hereinafter defined, the town of Little Compton shall have the power in accordance with the provisions of this act to provide by ordinance for the regulation, control and licensing of earth removal as hereinafter defined, such power to be restricted and exercised in accordance with sections 2 through 16 of this act.
Sec. 2. As used in this act:
"Earth removal" shall mean the extraction or removal of any sand, gravel, loam, topsoil, stone, clay or shale, from deposits on any tract of land, excluding, however, extracting, removing, digging, mining or quarrying limestone, limerock, or granite and excluding operations of a sand and gravel plant in operation upon the passage of this act and the immediately surrounding twenty (20) acres of industrial zoned land upon which said sand and gravel plant is located and excluding also earth removal involved in the process of grading land,
(a) For the construction of building for which a building permit has been issued;
(b) For the construction of a roadway, or
(c) For a subdivision in accordance with a plat plan or plans approved by or in accord with an ordinance of any city or town or any duly authorized board of authority thereof.
"Zoning board of review" shall mean the zoning board of review established by the town of Little Compton.
"Residential use" shall mean any zone in which no use save dwellings, including multi-family dwellings, is permitted without first obtaining a variance, exception or special exception from the zoning board of review.
"Building inspector" shall mean that person charged by the town of Little Compton with the issuance of building permits.
Sec. 3. An ordinance enacted pursuant to the authority contained in this act may:
(a) set hours for earth removal as limited by subsection 4 (a)1;
(b) establish setback requirements as limited by subsection 4(a)2;
(c) require fencing as limited by subsection 4(a)3;
(d) regulate dust conditions as limited by subsection 4(a)4 and 4(b);
(e) regulate water conditions as limited by subsection 4(a)5;
(f) require plans for the rehabilitation of the tract of land upon cessation of earth removal; and
(g) require a license for the initiation or lateral expansion of earth removal in accordance with section 6.
Sec. 4. (a) With respect to earth removal operations on any tract of land, said tract now or hereafter being in a residential use area as herein defined or within fifty feet of such district such ordinance;
(1) may limit the hours of earth removal operations, provided, however, (i) that no such restrictions shall be imposed for the period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., of any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday (except a legal holiday), and (ii) that earth removal on Sunday and on any legal holiday or for hours prior to 7:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m., may be authorized on special exception issued by the building inspector;
(2) may prohibit the initiation or lateral expansion of earth removal within a distance of the greater of 25 feet of the boundary of the tract of land upon which earth removal is to be carried on adjacent to residential use property or within 50 feet of any dwelling;
(3) may require the fencing of those portions of the boundary of the tract of land upon which earth removal is being conducted adjacent to developed residential property, such fencing to be five (5) feet in height and effective to control access to the area in which such earth removal is being conducted;
(4) may require that calcium chloride or oil be applied to non-hard surfaced roads to be used for vehicular ingress or egress to the tract of land, and to the regularly traveled roads within said tract of land, on which earth removal is to be conducted; and
(5) may require that drainage be provided to prevent the permanent collection and stagnation of surface or underground waters, and to prevent the flooding and erosion of surrounding property.
(b) Within any district or area other than a residential use district as herein defined such ordinance may require
(1) that calcium chloride or oil be applied to non-hard surfaced roads to be used for vehicular ingress or egress to the tract of land and to the regularly traveled roads within the said tract of land,
(2) that when earth removal ceases all slopes on said tract shall remain at the natural angle of repose,
(3) that said tract will not permanently collect stagnant water, and
(4) that said tract will not be subject to erosion by wind or water.
Sec. 5. Except as otherwise provided herein, as a condition precedent to the issuance of a license pursuant to section 6 hereof, any such ordinance shall require the submission to the building inspector and his approval thereof:
(a) of a plan prepared by a registered engineer in compliance with the provisions of said ordinance and setting forth the existing contours of the tract of land, and based upon classifications of preliminary samples of the material to be removed, (i) the final contours of the tract of land upon completion of earth removal operations and (ii) the type of ground cover to be planted or applied upon completion of earth removal operations to effectively control wind and water erosion; provided, however, if suitable fertile ground cover existing at the beginning of earth removal, enough of said ground cover to be held in reserve and reapplied for a minimum thickness of three (3) inches.
(b) of an opinion by a registered engineer that upon completion of earth removal operations all slopes on said tract as set forth in the plan referred to in subparagraph (a) of this section, shall remain at the natural angle of repose; and
(c) of a bond not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each acre of said tract of land to insure compliance with the requirements of this section.
If the plan set forth in subparagraph 5(a) is not complied with, the town of Little Compton is authorized and empowered to undertake and complete such plan and the owner of said tract of land shall reimburse the town of Little Compton for its necessary expenses in connection therewith and the town of Little Compton shall have a lien on said tract of land for such expenses.
Sec. 6. As a condition precedent to any earth removal as herein defined such ordinance shall require a license to be issued by the building inspector upon the submission of the documents required by section 5 and his approval thereof and the payment of a license fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars.
Sec. 7. Upon special application and after a showing that the literal enforcement of the ordinance will work a hardship, the zoning board of review may grant an exception to any terms of said earth removal ordinance upon a finding that such exception will not result in a substantial depreciation of surrounding property.
Sec. 8. Appeals from the decisions of the building inspector to the zoning board of review shall be taken in the same manner as other appeals to said zoning board and the procedure as to notice and hearings shall be the same insofar as the same are consistent herewith.
Sec. 9 Any such ordinance may also provide for the revocation by the zoning board of review, after notice and hearing, of any license issued under the authority of any such earth removal ordinance for violations of any of the provisions of said ordinance.
Sec. 10. Any such ordinance may:
(a) provide for a penalty for the violation of any of its provisions of a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each offense, such fine to inure to the town of Little Compton, and also may
(b) provide that suit may be brought in the superior court in the name of the town of Little Compton to restrain any violation of, or compel compliance with, the provisions of such earth removal ordinance or ordinances.
Sec. 11. Any such ordinance shall not apply to earth removal being conducted on the date of its enactment on any tract of land within the town of Little Compton until sixty (60) days after the enactment of such ordinance and, further, any such ordinance shall provide that upon submission to the building inspector of the plan and all other material as required under sections 5 and 6 hereof, except that no such plan need set forth existing contours for that portion of any tract of land on which earth removal has been completed on the effective date of such ordinance, the building inspector shall forthwith issue a license for the continuance of earth removal on any such tract of land.
Sec. 12. Any such ordinance shall provide that real property acquired or leased prior to the effective date of this act for the purpose of earth removal and held for such purpose on the date of enactment of such ordinance shall be considered in use for earth removal whether or not extracting has then actually commenced, and a license for earth removal on such property shall be issued pursuant to section 6 hereof upon compliance with the provisions of sections 5 and 6 hereof and subject to any ordinance enacted as provided in section 15 hereof. In order for real property to qualify hereunder, the following conditions shall be considered as conclusive evidence that such real property was acquired or leased and held for the purpose of later mineral extraction:
(a) such real property was acquired or leased prior to effective date of this act;
(b) such real property was acquired or leased by an individual, corporate or otherwise, engaged at the time of acquisition in the business of mineral extraction;
(c) such real property, or the substantial portion of such property has not been permanently developed, for any residential, commercial (other than farm or agricultural) or industrial purpose;
(d) such real property contains mineral deposits of a demonstrable economic value; and
(e) provided, however, that if the owner or lessee of any such tract of land shall file in the office of the town clerk of the town of Little Compton as the case may be, on or before December 31, 1973, a statement setting forth his intention to engage in earth removal on said tract of land describing said tract of land, then such tract of land shall be deemed to qualify under this section, and as to any tract of land for which such intention is not so filed then the provisions of this section shall have no force and effect.
Sec. 13. If any provision of this act, or the application thereof, is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this act shall not be affected thereby.
Sec. 14. If the town of Little Compton shall engage in earth removal for municipal purposes it shall comply with the provisions of the earth removal ordinance adopted pursuant to this act.
Sec. 15. This act shall not be deemed to limit by implication or otherwise any ordinance enacted pursuant to the authority of chapter 24 of title 45 of the general laws of 1956, as amended.
Sec. 16. This act shall take effect on July 1, 1973.
AN ACT Enabling the Town Council of the Town of Little Compton to Exempt Certain Property From Taxation. (74-S 2244 Effective without signature of governor. May 14, 1974.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. The town council of the town of Little Compton may by ordinance exempt from taxation the real property situated in said town and owned by the Sakonnet Preservation Association, Inc.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
AN ACT Relating to the Zoning Board of Review in Little Compton. (77-S 1284 Effective without signature of governor. May 11, 1977.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. Section 45-24-14 of the general laws in chapter 45-24 entitled "Zoning ordinances" is hereby amended to read as follows:
"45-24-14. COMPOSITION OF BOARD OF REVIEW — OPEN HEARINGS. — The board of review shall consist of five (5) members, each to hold office for the term of five (5) years; provided, however, that the original selection shall be made for terms of one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), and five (5) years respectively. The chairman, or in his absence, the acting chairman may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. The mayor of any city or the town council of any town shall have the right to name an auxiliary or sixth member of said board of review of said city or town, as the case may be, who shall sit as an active member when and if a member of said board is unable to serve at any hearing, upon request of the chairman of said board. All hearings of such board shall be open to the public.
"Provided further, however, that the town council of the town of Little Compton shall have the right to name two (2) additional auxiliary members or seventh and eighth members of said board of review of said town to sit as an active member when and if a member of said board is unable to serve at any hearing, upon request of the chairman of said board."
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
AN ACT Changing the Fiscal Year of the Town of Little Compton; Authorizing the Qualified Electors of the Town to Levy Taxes Sufficient to Finance the Change in the Fiscal Year; Changing the Date of the Annual Financial Town Meeting; and Amending Section 2 of Chapter 48 of the Public Laws, 1965, Entitled "An Act Providing for a Budget Committee in the Town of Little Compton." (82-H7248 Introduced January 2, 1982.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. Notwithstanding any public law to the contrary, the fiscal year of the town of Little Compton shall begin on July 1 of each calendar year and end on June 30 of the following calendar year, commencing July 1, 1983.
Sec. 2. The fiscal year of the town commencing April 1, 1982, is hereby extended to run fifteen months to June 30, 1983.
Sec. 3. The electors of the town of Little Compton qualified to vote upon any proposition to impose a tax, or for the expenditure of money in said town, and assembling at the heretofore regular annual financial town meeting on April 6, 1982, at seven o'clock in the evening, or any adjournment thereof, are hereby authorized to approve and make appropriations and to order the levy of taxes to raise funds sufficient to meet the fifteen month budget for appropriations made and for all such other financial transactions as may legally come before said meeting, for the period April 1, 1982 through June 30, 1983, said period constituting one financial year for the purposes of section 45-12-4 of the general laws of Rhode Island (1956) and other applicable sections of chapter 45-12, and the tax so levied shall be deemed an annual tax for the purposes of said sections.
Sec. 4. Said qualified electors are hereby authorized also to order the collection of this said tax levy in five quarterly payments.
Sec. 5. Section 1 of chapter 1834 of the public laws of 1931, entitled "An Act Fixing the Time for the Holding of a Financial Town Meeting and for the Election of Town Officers in the Town of Little Compton," amended by chapter 2424 of the public laws of 1950, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"Section 1. The electors of the town of Little Compton, qualified to vote on any proposition to impose a tax or for the expenditure of money in said town, shall, on the third Tuesday in May, 1983, and annually on the third Tuesday in May thereafter, assemble in town meeting at seven o'clock in the evening for the purpose of hearing official reports, ordering a tax or taxes, making appropriations and transacting other business appertaining to the financial affairs of said town. The place or location for holding such financial town meeting shall be designated by the town council of the town of Little Compton and shall be stated in the call and warrant for said meeting. Said financial town meeting shall be warned and called and the list of electors qualified to vote therein shall be made out and canvassed in the same manner as provided by law with respect to elective town meetings."
Sec. 6. Section 4 of chapter 48 of the public laws of 1965, entitled "An Act Providing for a Budget Committee in the Town of Little Compton," said act amended by chapter 8 of the public laws of 1979, is amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 4. The town officers of said town and the heads of the several departments thereof shall submit to the town clerk on or before the fifteenth day of March in each year their estimates of such sums as may be required in connection with the several departments of said town, and all persons proposing to introduce any resolution for the appropriation of money at the financial town meeting shall file in the office of the town clerk on or before the first day of April in each year for the use of said committee, the form of resolution for the appropriation of money intended to be presented to the said financial town meeting, in order that the electors of said town qualified to vote at such financial town meeting may be apprised thereof."
Sec. 7. This act shall take effect if approved by the electors of the town of Little Compton, qualified to vote on any proposition to impose a tax or for the expenditure of money in said town at the meeting of said electors to be held at seven o'clock in the evening of April 6, 1982, or any adjournment thereof. Notice that said act shall be submitted to said electors for approval shall be posted in the warrant for said April 6, 1982 meeting. The town clerk shall, forthwith after said town meeting on said April 6, 1982 or adjournment thereof, notify the secretary of state of the result of the vote upon the aforesaid question.
Sec. 8. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the sections of this foregoing act are hereby repealed. All other acts and parts of acts to which these said sections apply are affirmed.
AN ACT Exempting from Taxation the Real and Personal Property of Little Compton Nursing Association to an Amount Not Exceeding $150,000. (83-H6165 Introduced March 18, 1983.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. The property, real and personal, held for or by Little Compton Nursing Association, incorporated as a non-business corporation, to an amount not exceeding one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) shall at all times be exempt from all taxes so long as said property shall be used for the purposes for which said corporation was incorporated. Said exemption shall be effective for the tax year ending December 31, 1983 and all subsequent years.
AN ACT Authorizing the Town of Little Compton to Enact an Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Jukeboxes, Amusement Devices and Electronic or Video Games. (83-H5328 Introduced February 1, 1983.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. License requirement. No person shall keep a jukebox, mechanical amusement device or electronic or video game as hereinafter defined, or any similar device of a similar character in any saloon, shop or place of business of any nature within the Town of Little Compton or keep any such device for public use or profit within said town, without a license from the town council of said town first having been obtained; the town council may, in its discretion, grant or refuse to grant, licenses therefor, and the licenses so granted shall continue for a term not exceeding one (1) year.
Section 2. Definition of terms. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates the following definition shall apply:
(a) The term "jukebox" shall mean any music vending machine, contrivance or device which, upon the insertion of a coin, slug, token, plate, disc, or key into any slot, crevice, or other opening, or by the payment of any price, operates or may be operated, for the emission of songs, music or similar amusement.
(b) The term "mechanical amusement device" shall mean any machine which, upon the insertion of a coin, slug, token, plate, or disc, or key into any slot, crevice, or other opening, or by the payment of any price, may be operated by the public generally for use as a game, entertainment or amusement, whether or not registering a score. It shall include such devices as marble machines, pinball machines, skill ball, mechanical grab machines, mechanical pool tables and all games, operations, or transactions, similar thereto under whatever name they may be described.
(c) The term "electronic and video games" shall mean any machine, which, upon the insertion of a coin, token, plate, slug or disc, or key into any slot, crevice, or other opening or by the payment of any price, may be operated by the public generally for use as a game, entertainment or amusement, whether or not registering a score. It shall include such devices as marble machines, pinball machines, skill ball, mechanical grab machines, mechanical pool tables and all games, operations, or transactions, similar thereto under whatever name they may be described.
(d) The term "person" as used herein shall mean any individual, firm, corporation, or association.
Section 3. Contents of license application. The application for the license shall contain the following information:
(a) Name and address of applicant, (shall be owner of the business in which device is located), age, date and place of birth when applicable.
(b) Prior arrests, and convictions of applicant, if an individual, or any stockholders, or officers, if the applicant be a corporation or an association, including the names and addresses of all officers.
(c) Place where machine or device is to be displayed or operated and the business conducted at that place.
(d) Description of machine to be covered by the license, mechanical features, and serial number.
No license shall be issued to any individual unless he shall be over eighteen (18) years of age and a citizen of the United States.
Section 4. Inspection. Application for a license shall be made out in triplicate, one copy being referred to the chief of police, another copy to the building official's office, the third to remain on file in Town Clerk's office.
(a) The chief of police shall investigate the machine or device sought to be licensed, the location wherein it is proposed to be operated, and the applicant, and report to the council his findings.
The council shall not approve the issuance of a license for any machine or device which would constitute a "gambling device," as defined by section 11-19-18 of the general laws of Rhode Island, 1956, or any other section or sections of said general laws.
(b) The electrical inspector shall inspect all wiring and connections to the machine, determine if the same complies with the electrical code of the town of Little Compton and the State of Rhode Island and shall report to the council his findings.
(c) The licenses granted hereunder shall be displayed on each machine and each and every machine shall be required to be so licensed.
Section 5. License fees. Every applicant, before being granted a license, shall pay the following annual license fee for the privilege of operating or maintaining for operation each jukebox, mechanical amusement device, or electronic and video games as defined in section 2 hereof.
$25.00 per machine
Mechanical amusement devices
$25.00 per machine
Electronic and video games
$300.00 per machine
On the thirtieth (30th) day of November, next following of issue, each license shall expire.
Section 6. Prohibitions and restrictions.
(a) No person shall permit the playing of jukeboxes between the hours of 1:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., and at all other times shall modulate the volume of music so not to cause nuisance.
(b) No person licensed by virtue of this chapter shall permit any jukebox, mechanical amusement device or electronic and video game, the use of which has been permitted under license granted to him, to be used by any minor under the age of sixteen (16) years, and in case of such use being permitted, the person holding such license shall, thereupon, forfeit the same.
(c) No person licensed by virtue of this chapter shall have or assemble more than two (2) electronic video games and two (2) mechanical amusement devices in any one place of business or premises.
(d) No license fee shall be required of any charitable institution.
Section 7. Revocation of License. Every license issued by the town of Little Compton is subject to revocation should the licensee, directly or indirectly, permit the operation of any jukebox, mechanical amusement device, or electronic or video game contrary to the provisions of this act or any ordinance or amendment thereto or the laws of the State of Rhode Island. Said license maybe revoked by the council of the town of Little Compton after written notice to the licensee, which shall specify the violations with which the licensee is charged. The licensee may ask for a hearing on said charge to be held not later than ten (10) days after notice has been received by the licensee. At such hearing the licensee and/or his attorney may present and submit evidence and witnesses in his defense.
Section 8. Penalty. Every person who shall own, keep or use any jukebox, mechanical amusement device, electronic or video games, or any device similar in character, without such license first having been obtained, shall be fined not more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor less than fifty ($50.00) dollars or be imprisoned not exceeding three (3) months for each such offense.
Section 9. Separability of provisions. Each separate provision of this chapter shall be deemed independent of all the other provisions herein, and it is further declared that if any provision of the chapter be declared invalid, all other provisions thereof shall remain valid and enforceable.
Section 10. This act shall take effect upon passage.
AN ACT Establishing the Little Compton Agricultural Conservancy Trust. (85-S954 Introduced April 14, 1985.)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. There is hereby established a Little Compton Agricultural Conservancy Trust (hereinafter called Trust) for the primary purpose of acquiring development rights to agricultural property within the town. The Trust shall have as a secondary purpose the acquisition of agricultural property, and/or other property, or interest therein, to preserve open spaces, fresh and saltwater marshes, estuaries and adjoining uplands, groundwater recharging areas, land providing access to the ocean, land for bicycle paths and land for future public recreational facilities and use.
Section 2. The Trust shall be administered by seven (7) trustees, five (5) of whom shall be appointed by the town council with at least one (1) being an active farmer. The trustees who are first appointed shall be designated to serve for terms of one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), and five (5) years respectively. Thereafter trustees shall be appointed as aforesaid for a term of office of five (5) years, except that all vacancies occurring during a term shall be filled for the unexpired term. In addition to the five (5) trustees appointed by the town council, the current chairperson, or member designee, of the Little Compton Conservation Commission and Little Compton Planning Board shall also be trustees.
Trustees shall be resident electors of the town of Little Compton, shall serve without compensation and shall hold office until their successors have been appointed. No trustee may be an elected officer or salaried employee of the town.
Section 3. The members of the Trust shall elect a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and treasurer from amongst its members. The trustees shall elect or appoint a secretary who need not be a voting member of the Trust. The term of office of the office of the chairperson, vice-chairperson, treasurer and secretary, unless otherwise prescribed by the Little Compton town council, shall be for the calendar year, or for that portion therefor remaining after each such officer is designated or elected.
Section 4. The trustees may adopt reasonable rules and regulations governing the conduct of Trust affairs, including the acquisition and management of its holdings not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. All rules and regulations of the Trust are subject to the approval of the town council. Decisions of the trustees shall be by majority vote of those present and voting, and no business shall be transacted without four (4) members present. The trustees shall keep accurate records of their meetings and actions and shall file an annual report which shall be printed in the annual town report. All meetings of the Trust shall be open to the public.
Section 5. The Trust shall have the authority to acquire any real property from consenting land owner(s), situated in Little Compton, or any interest therein, which it shall deem important to preserve or maintain in an open or agricultural condition. With the exception of property acquired for public recreation purposes, such property shall be held by the Trust subject to the condition that it shall be used for open space or agricultural use. The trustees shall afford priority to the acquisition of development rights of agricultural lands.
Section 6. The Trust shall also have power to:
a. Purchase, receive by gift, or otherwise acquire real property and development rights, as defined in section 42-82-2 of the general laws or any interest in real property consistent with purposes of this Act;
b. Accept gifts, grants or loans of funds or services from any source, public or private, and comply, subject to the provisions of this Act, with any terms and conditions thereof;
c. Accept from State and/or Federal agencies, loans or grants for use in carrying out its purposes and enter into agreements with such agencies respecting any such loans or grants;
d. Employ counsel, auditors, engineers, appraisers, private consultants, advisors, secretaries or other personnel needed to provide necessary services;
e. Administer and manage land and interests in land held by it in a manner which allows public use and/or enjoyment consistent with the natural and scenic resources thereof;
f. Otherwise do all things necessary for the performance of its duties, the fulfillment of its obligation and the conduct of its business.
Section 7. The electors of the Town of Little Compton are hereby authorized to levy an additional tax upon real property transfers within said town in accordance with section 8 of this act. Said tax shall be levied at the annual financial town meeting and shall become effective on the first day of the next town fiscal year. The tax, once adopted, shall remain in effect unless the electors, when legally assembled, repeal said tax. The electors, when legally assembled, may also amend the rate or rates of said tax and/or the amount exempted from such tax. (2002-H8198, Approved May 20, 2003)
Section 8. The term "real property interest" as used herein shall mean: any present or future legal equitable interest in or to real property, and any beneficial interest therein, including the interest of any beneficiary in a trust which holds any legal or equitable interest in real property and the interest including stocks and bonds of any corporation or limited liability corporation in real property but shall not include any interest which is limited to any or all of the following: the dominant estate in any easement or right-of-way; the right to enforce any restriction; any estate at will or at sufferance, and estate for years having a term of less than fifteen (15) years; any reversionary right, condition, or right of entry for condition broken; the interest of a mortgage or other secured party in any mortgage or security agreement.
Whenever a tax is assessed by section 44-25-1 of the general laws on the transfer of a real property interest situated in Little Compton, there is hereby imposed, in addition to said tax, an additional tax not to exceed the amount of five (5%) percent of that amount of the total purchase price which exceeds three hundred thousand ($300,000.00) dollars unless such rate or rates and/or exemption amount are amended as provided for in section 7 of this act. Said exemption shall not be less than three hundred thousand ($300,000.00) dollars. (Ord. 12/21/17)
As used herein, the total purchase price shall mean the aggregate consideration received by a seller or sellers collectively for the transfer of each recorded lot of real property, whether in a single conveyance or in separate contemporaneous conveyances, which transfer or transfers result in the conveyance of either: (i) the entire fee interest, or (ii) a lesser fee interest in the real property including, without limitation, conservation easements and development rights; and only one, three hundred thousand ($300,000.00) dollar, (or other greater amount if adopted by the electors) exemption shall be applied to such transaction or transactions conveying the entire fee interest regardless of the number of deeds or other instruments used to effectuate the transfer or the number of buyers or sellers participating therein. If something less than the entire fee interest is conveyed, then the exemption shall be reduced proportionately. (Ord. 12/21/17)
The additional tax authorized by this section shall also be imposed on the aggregate consideration provided in exchange for a transfer of real property interests held in the name of or otherwise owned by: (1) A corporation, where there is a transfer by the controlling stockholders of their interest in the stock of the corporation; (2) A limited liability corporation; (3) A trust; (4) A person or persons or entities with a property interest of a term of years or lease of property greater than fifteen (15) years; and (5) A partnership when there is a change in composition of such partnership, either in one transaction, or in a series of related transactions, which change in composition results in a transfer of capital interest in excess of fifty percent (50%) of the total capital interest within such partnership or results in a transfer of the ownership rights to interests in excess of fifty percent (50%) of the total profit interests within such partnership.
In the case of real property interest in real property which is situated in both Little Compton and Tiverton, Rhode Island or Westport, Massachusetts, the additional tax shall be imposed on that portion of the purchase price, in relation to what the current assessed values, as determined by the Little Compton tax assessors and their counterpart in the abutting town, bear to the total sales price.
The payment of the additional tax hereby imposed shall be evidenced by the affixing of documentary stamps, provided by the Little Compton town clerk's office, to every original instrument presented for recording in the same manner as set forth in section 44-25-3 of said general laws. Said tax shall be the obligation of the buyer of real property unless otherwise agreed to by the parties of the transfer.[1] (87-H 7044, Approved July 1, 1987; 99-S 0967, Approved May 18, 1999; 2002-H 8198, Approved May 20, 2003; 2009-S 0756, Approved July 16, 2009; 2009-H 6022, Approved July 16, 2009, Amended 12/21/17 as Approved May 17, 2016 - eff. July 1, 2016)
Section 9. All funds collected by virtue of said assessment shall be deposited in a fund to be set up as a revolving account by the treasurer of the Town of Little Compton. Additional monies or other liquid assets received as voluntary contributions, grants or loans shall be deposited into said account.
Section 10. If any of the provisions of this act or if any rule, regulation or order thereunder or the application of such provision to any person or circumstances shall be held invalid, the remainder of this act and the application of this act or such rule, regulation or order to any person or circumstances, other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby.
Section 11. This section shall take effect upon passage of the act. The remainder of this act shall take effect upon its approval by a majority of those voting to approve the act at an annual financial town meeting of the Town of Little Compton.
The following is a certified vote of the Annual Financial Town Meeting of May 20, 1986:
To approve the establishment of the Little Compton Agricultural Conservancy Trust to provide for the orderly preservation of agricultural and other undeveloped land within the Town's boundaries.
To approve a land transfer tax of two (2%) percent on the purchase of all property within the Town which exceeds a purchase price of seventy-five thousand ($75,000.00) dollars to carry out the purpose of the aforesaid Trust.
From the decision of the electors at the Annual Financial Town Meeting on May 17, 2016:
Pursuant to Sections 7 and 8 of Chapter 16 of the Rhode Island Public Laws of 1985, as amended ("An Act Establishing the Little Compton Agricultural Conservancy Trust"), to increase the current transfer-tax exemption on real property transfers from $150,000 to $300,000 of the total purchase price (thereby eliminating the current two-percent (2%) tax rate on that amount of the total purchase price between $150,000 and $225,000). The $300,000 exemption will take effect on July 1st, 2016. (Ord. 12/21/17)
The name of the Trust shall be the Little Compton Agricultural Conservancy Trust (hereinafter called Trust).
[Ord. 12/21/17]
The trustees shall regularly meet on at least a monthly basis. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson at any time upon notice to all other trustees and forty-eight (48) hours public notice.
Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with "Robert's Rules of Order."
Agenda and Notice.
The Secretary shall type and distribute the agenda to members of the Trust and Town Council liaison.
The general form and order of the agenda shall be determined by the Trust from time to time.
Any person wishing to bring matters before the Trust may request, by written communication to the Trust, that matters be entered on the agenda.
The deadline for inclusion of matters on the agenda for a regular monthly meeting shall be 4:00 p.m. on the Monday of the week preceding the meeting. However, bills to be paid shall be presented no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day of meeting.
A matter may be submitted at a Trust meeting upon a majority vote of all Trustees present, for discussion only.
The Secretary shall prepare packets containing (i) the agenda and (ii) pertinent documents arranged in the agenda's order by 4:00 p.m. on the Friday of the week before the Wednesday meeting.
Copies of the packet shall be distributed to:
Town Council Liaison.
Town Clerk for public view excluding Executive Session material.
Copies of the agenda shall be:
Posted at:
Town Hall.
Brownell Library.
Chairperson. The chairperson shall preside at all meetings. The chairperson shall direct the Trust and shall in general supervise and control all of its business and affairs. The chairperson may sign deeds, contracts or other documents which the trustees have authorized to be executed.
Vice-Chairperson. The vice-chairperson shall, in the event of the absence or disability of the chairperson, possess all of the powers and perform all the duties of that office. The vice-chairperson shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned by the chairperson.
Secretary. The secretary shall see that all notices are given in accordance with these rules and regulations and shall record the minutes of meetings, to include providing a copy of said minutes to the Little Compton Town Clerk for dissemination to the Town Council. The secretary shall also prepare the written Annual Report.
Treasurer. All monies received or collected shall be placed in a fund set up and kept as a revolving account by the treasurer of the Town of Little Compton. The treasurer of the Trust shall orally present to the trustees a status report of said revolving account at each regularly scheduled meeting.
Administrative Matters.
The Trustees shall adopt and provide to the treasurer for the Town of Little Compton a form entitled "Receipt For Land Transfer Tax Paid", a copy of the first page being made as an appendix to the rules and regulations, which shall be completed and submitted to the Town Treasurer at the time of recording in all transfers of real property involving monetary consideration.
See Attached Appendix.[2]
Editor's Note: The appendix referred to herein may be found at the end of this Act.
The Trustees shall be reimbursed for all expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.
The Trustees shall have the right to incur administrative and maintenance expenses as set forth in Section 6 of Public Law 85-16. (Ord. 12/8/94; Ord. 5/4/95; Ord. 3/9/00; Ord. 7/25/13)
Applications may be solicited from landowners on an annual basis, or more frequently should conditions warrant. Application deadlines shall be advertised at least twice in a public newspaper of general circulation no more than sixty (60) days and at least thirty (30) days prior to deadline. Application forms shall be available at the Town Clerk's Office.
The Trustees may actively solicit applications from property owners who are willing to sell, but who have not filed applications, provided that:
Acquisition of the property is consistent with the purposes of the Trust as set forth in Section 1 of the Enabling Act.
The property is subject to the same standards of application, evaluation and negotiation as prescribed in Section V and VI.
The property is ranked in relation to the other applicants, as set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Section V.
Gifts may be accepted at any time. (Ord. 3/9/00)
Initial review. Within sixty (60) days of the application deadline, the trustees will review all completed applications. Site visits will be arranged with the landowner on a day suitable to a majority of the trustees.
Rating. Each application shall receive, by vote, a numerical value based upon a rating criteria developed by the trustees. These rating criteria shall include, but not be limited to:
Agricultural significance;
Biological, ecological, and environmental significance;
Protection of drinking water and ground water recharging areas;
Protection and preservation of open spaces, fresh and salt water marshes, estuaries and adjoining uplands;
Land providing access to the ocean;
Land for bicycle paths and for future public recreational facilities and use.
Selection of applications for negotiation. In selecting applications for negotiation, the trustees shall, by vote, consider the aforesaid combined score as well as the type and intensity of farm activity, perceived developmental pressure, urgency, price, title and access, liability and management, geographic diversity and estimated cost of development rights or other interests. All applications not so initially selected may, with the landowner's permission, be carried over to the following year(s) for re-evaluation. Written notification of the trustees' decision shall be provided to all applicants. (Ord. 3/9/00)
Negotiating committee. The chairperson shall appoint a negotiating committee of not less than two (2) trustees to negotiate with each applicant selected.
Negotiations. The committee shall meet with the landowner(s) or their authorized representative and attempt to negotiate an agreement for the transfer of the development rights or other interests in the land to the Trust. No agreement shall be entered into until an appraiser commissioned by the Trustees has done an appraisal, including development rights where applicable, of said property or interest therein. Said appraiser shall be licensed by the State of Rhode Island. Any purchase price agreed upon shall not exceed the appraised value. In entering into an agreement, the Trust shall not obligate itself to spend more than the amount of monies in its revolving account, plus any sums to be received in gifts or grants. Any loan or other borrowing of money by the Trustees from any source shall be subject to Financial Town Meeting approval, and any State laws pertaining to the borrowing by cities and towns within the State.
Final approval of trustees. If the negotiating committee and landowner(s) reach agreement, proposed transfer documents shall be submitted to the balance of the trustees for approval by majority vote. If said approval is received, the transfer shall be completed in accordance with the terms of the agreement and appropriate transfer documents shall be recorded in the Little Compton Land Evidence Reports.
Expense Relating to the Acquisition of Development Rights, Real Property and/or Other Interests. The Trustees shall have the right to incur additional expenses, other than the purchase price, necessary to acquire development rights, real property and/or other interests. Such expenses shall not exceed the greater of twenty thousand ($20,000.00) dollars or ten (10%) percent of the total purchase price, or, if a gift, appraised value. (Ord. 12/8/94; Ord. 3/9/00)
The Trust shall retain any real property interest relating to land and water areas acquired in its natural, scenic or open condition, in a manner consistent with the purposes of the Enabling Act and with the purposes of any grant or devise by which land was acquired. The Trustees shall administer and manage its land and interest.
The Trustees may dedicate a reasonable amount of money from the Land Trust Funds to implement management plans for each property.
The Trustees shall monitor the Trust's property and interest therein from time to time and at least yearly; to assure that it is being managed in a manner consistent with the objectives of the Act, with the purposes of any grant or devise by which the land was acquired.
Signs and markers shall be of a design that is in keeping with the property so marked and shall be used sparingly and in a reasonable manner. Their placement shall be sensitive to the landscape, natural features, scenic vistas and stonewalls.
The Trustees shall maintain a catalogue of acquisitions for the purposes of transferring knowledge of the Trust to succeeding Trustees and future generations. The catalogue shall contain copies of each deed and shall document and reference the history of the transactions. Copies of available maps shall accompany the catalogue and be located in the Town Hall.
The Trust will make reasonable efforts to record and identify boundaries of its real property interests through surveys, maps and permanent markers as appropriate. A suitable copy of any such map may be filed with the Land Evidence Records of the Town of Little Compton. (Ord. 3/9/00)
The Trustees will seek adequate insurance to protect the Trust, its real property and interest therein from legal claims including but not limited to Title Insurance, or general liability coverage. The Trust will also seek adequate directors and officers liability insurance to protect its Trustees from legal claims arising from the performance of their responsibilities as Trustees of the Little Compton Agricultural Conservancy Trust. (Ord. 3/9/00)
Special committees of the Trust may be elected by the trustees or appointed by the chairperson to carry out activities in furtherance of the Trust purposes. (Ord. 3/9/00)
These rules and regulations may be amended at any meeting of the Trust by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the trustees present and voting. Any such amendments are subject to the approval of the Little Compton Town Council. (Ord. 3/9/00)
Editor's Note: The amendment to this section was adopted at the Financial Town Meeting of the Town of Little Compton on May 19, 2009.
AN ACT Changing the Date of the Annual Financial Town Meeting, and Amending Section 2 of Chapter 48 of the Public Laws, 1965, Entitled "An Act Providing for a Budget Committee in the Town of Little Compton". (91-H 5562 Approved February 15, 1991)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. Section 1 of chapter 1834 of the public laws of 1931, entitled "An Act Fixing the Time for the Holding of a Financial Town Meeting and for the Election of Town Officers in the Town of Little Compton", amended by chapter 2424 of the public laws of 1950, and by chapter 5 of the public laws of 1982, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"Section 1. The electors of the town of Little Compton, qualified to vote on any proposition to impose a tax or for the expenditure of money in said town, shall, on the third Saturday in May, 1991, and annually on the third Saturday in May thereafter, assemble in town meeting at one o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of hearing official reports, ordering a tax or taxes, making appropriations and transacting other business appertaining to the financial affairs of said town. The place or location for holding such financial town meeting shall be designated by the town council of the town of Little Compton and shall be stated in the call and warrant for said meeting. Said financial town meeting shall be warned and called and the list of electors qualified to vote therein shall be made out and canvassed in the same manner as provided by law with respect to elective town meetings."
Section 2. Section 4 of chapter 48 of the public laws of 1965, entitled, "An Act Providing for a Budget Committee in the Town of Little Compton," said act amended by chapter 8 of the public laws of 1979, and by chapter 5 of the public laws of 1982 is amended to read as follows:
"Section 4. The town officers of said town and the heads of the several departments thereof shall submit to the town clerk on or before the fifteenth day of March in each year their estimates of such sums as may be required in connection with the several departments of said towns, and all persons proposing to introduce any resolution for the appropriation of money at the financial town meeting shall file in the office of the town clerk on or before the fifteenth day of March in each year for the use of said committee, the form of resolution for the appropriation of money intended to be presented to the said financial town meeting, in order that the electors of said town qualified to vote at such financial town meeting may be apprised thereof."
Section 3. This act shall take effect upon passage.
Section 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the sections of this foregoing act are hereby repealed. All other acts and parts of acts to which these said sections apply are affirmed.
AN ACT Changing the Date of the Annual Financial Town Meeting for the Town of Little Compton. (94-S-3136 Approved April 11, 1994)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. Section 1 of Chapter 1834 of the Public Laws of 1931 entitled "An Act Fixing the Time for the Holding of a Financial Town Meeting and for the Election of Town Officers in the Town of Little Compton," amended by Chapter 2424 of the Public Laws of 1950, and by Chapter 5 of the Public Laws of 1982, and further amended by Chapter 10 of the Public Laws of 1991, is hereby further amended as follows:
"Section 1. The electors of the town of Little Compton, qualified to vote on any proposition to impose a tax or for the expenditure of money in said town, shall, on any day within the third week of May, 1994, and annually during the third week in each May thereafter, assemble in town meeting for the purpose of hearing official reports, ordering a tax or taxes, making appropriations and transacting other business appertaining to the financial affairs of said town. The date, time, place or location for holding such financial town meeting shall be designated by the town council of the town of Little Compton not later than April 1 of each year, and shall be stated in the call and warrant for said meeting. Said financial town meeting shall be warned and called and the list of electors qualified to vote therein shall be made out and canvassed in the same manner as provided by law with respect to elective town meetings."
Section 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.
AN ACT Relating to Towns and Cities - Zoning Ordinances (99-S-0908 Effective without signature of governor June 24, 1999)
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. Section 45-24-56 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-24 entitled "Zoning Ordinances" is hereby amended to read as follows:
45-24-56. Administration - Zoning board of review. - Establishment and procedures. - (A) A zoning ordinance adopted pursuant to this chapter shall provide for the creation of a zoning board of review and for the appointment of members, including alternate members, and for the organization of the board, as specified in the zoning ordinance, or, in cities and towns with home rule or legislative charters, as provided in the charter. A zoning ordinance may provide for remuneration to the zoning board of review members and for reimbursement for expenses incurred in the performance of official duties. A zoning board of review may engage legal, technical, or clerical assistance to aid in the discharge of its duties. The board shall establish written rules of procedure, a mailing address to which appeals and correspondence to the zoning board of review shall be sent, and an office where records and decisions shall be filed.
(B) The zoning board of review shall consist of five (5) members, each to hold office for the term of five (5) years; provided, however, that the original appointments shall be made for terms of one, two (2), three (3), four (4), and five (5) years, respectively. The zoning board of review shall also include two (2) alternates to be designated as the first and second alternate members, their terms to be set by the ordinance, but not to exceed five (5) years. These alternate members shall sit and may actively participate in hearings. The first alternate shall vote if a member of the board is unable to serve at a hearing and the second shall vote if two (2) members of the board are unable to serve at a hearing. In the absence of the first alternate member, the second alternate member shall serve in the position of the first alternate. No member or alternate may vote on any matter before the board unless they have attended all hearings concerning that matter. Where not provided for in the city or town charter, the zoning ordinance shall specify procedures for filling vacancies in unexpired terms of zoning board members, and for removal of members for due cause.
(C) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (B) of this section, the zoning board of review of the town of Jamestown shall consist of five (5) members, each to hold office for the term of five (5) years; provided, however, that the original appointments shall be made for terms of one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4) and five (5) years respectively. The zoning board of review of the town of Jamestown shall also include three (3) alternates to be designated as the first, second, and third alternate members, their terms to be set by the ordinance, but not to exceed five (5) years. These alternate members shall sit and may actively participate in hearings. The first alternate shall vote if a member of the board is unable to serve at a hearing; the second shall vote if two (2) members of the board are unable to serve at a hearing; and the third shall vote if three (3) members of the board are unable to serve at a hearing. In the absence of the first alternate member, the second alternate member shall serve in the position of the first alternate. No member or alternate may vote on any matter before the board unless they have attended all hearings concerning that matter. Where not provided for in the town charter, the zoning ordinance shall specify procedures for filling vacancies in unexpired terms of zoning board members, and for removal of members for due cause.
(D) Members of zoning boards of review serving on the effective date of adoption of a zoning ordinance under this chapter shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter respecting terms of originally appointed members until the expiration of their current terms.
(E) The chairperson, or in his or her absence, the acting chairperson, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses by the issuance of subpoenas.
(F) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (B) of this section, the Zoning Board of Review for the Town of Little Compton shall consist of five (5) members, each to hold office for the term of five (5) years. The Zoning Board of Review for the Town of Little Compton shall also include three (3) alternates to be designated as the first [1st], second [2nd] and third [3rd] alternate members, their terms to be set by the ordinance, but not to exceed five (5) years. These alternate members shall sit and may actively participate in the hearings. The first alternate shall vote if a member of the board is unable to serve at a hearing; the second shall vote if two (2) members of the board are unable to serve at a hearing; and the third shall vote if three (3) members of the board are unable to serve at a hearing. In the absence of the first alternate member, the second alternate member shall serve in the position of the first alternate. No member or alternate may vote on any matter before the board unless they have attended all hearings concerning that matter. Where not provided for in the Town Charter, the zoning ordinance shall specify procedures for filling vacancies in unexpired terms of zoning board members, and for removal of members for due cause.
Section 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.