Police officers shall contribute 5% of their monthly compensation to the plan.
The Borough Council may, on an annual basis by resolution, reduce or eliminate payments into the fund by police officers.
Any police officer who discontinues his employment in the Borough and who, for any reason whatsoever, shall be unable to receive a pension after having contributed any charge to the plan shall be entitled to a refund of all such moneys paid by him into such plan, with interest at the rate of 5% per annum. Such interest is to be credited for the period commencing on the January first following the year in which the contribution is made and ending on the first of the month in which distribution is made.
In addition to contributions made by police officers under § 49-16, funding of the plan shall consist of payments made to the Borough by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the purpose of retirement or disability pensions for police employees under any present or future law providing therefor; by such appropriations thereto as may be lawfully made by the Borough; by gifts, grants, and bequests received by the plan; and by receipts from investment of the plan.