[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Hudson as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Citations — See Ch. 32.
Vehicles and traffic — See Ch. 100.
[Adopted 8-7-1997]
No person, partnership or corporation shall deposit or cause to be deposited any trash, waste or other noxious material upon the right-of-way of any town, county or state highway located within the town.
No person, partnership or corporation shall deposit, plow or otherwise move any accumulation of snow to or upon any town, county or state highway within the town.
[Amended 11-9-2006]
Any violation of this chapter shall result in a forfeiture as listed in the Citation Ordinance § 32-3.
[Adopted 11-5-2019]
The purpose and intent of this article is to create a functional and attractive development, to minimize adverse effects on persons and land, and to ensure any development in the Town will be an asset to the community.
This article shall apply to all land subdivisions, as defined in § 90-4, and all development as applicable, as defined in Chapter 105, which occur or are proposed to occur within the geographic limits of the Town of Hudson.
The use of any land or water and the use, size and locations of improvements on land within the Town of Hudson shall be in full compliance with the terms of this article.
Design objectives and jurisdiction.
A road system shall be designed to meet the following objectives: to permit the safe, efficient, and orderly movement of traffic; to meet the needs of the present and future population with a simple and logical pattern; to respect natural features and topography; minimize local road maintenance and replacement costs; minimize private roads and private residential driveway accesses to public roads; and to present an attractive appearance.
In the course of a subdivision review, the Town Board shall designate roads as arterial, collector, subcollector, or access roads. This decision shall be based upon state, county or Town comprehensive plans or official maps.
The Plan Commission and/or Town Board may require any road to be constructed to the boundary of the subdivision.
The Plan Commission and/or Town Board may require special setbacks, screening and other buffers within the road right of way and may limit access.
All road rights-of-way that are included within the design of a subdivision and that serve three or more lots shall be offered for dedication and accepted by the Town pursuant to the provisions of §§ 236.10(3) and 236.29(1) and (2), Wis. Stats. Once dedicated, the Town controls vegetation within the rights-of-way.
The Town must agree to accept the responsibility for maintenance of the public road and Town-related facilities.
Design and construction standards.
The minimum standards in this section shall apply to all roads; however, per § 82.50, Wis. Stats., the Town retains the right to modify these standards whenever appropriate.
Roads shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the minimum standards in the following tables or to standards set by the Town.
[Amended 6-4-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-5]
Road Type
Arterial and Collector Roads
Subcollector and Access Roads*
Traffic lanes
80 feet
66 feet
Road width before gravel or base course
34 feet
31 feet
Road width after gravel or base course
30 feet
27 feet
Road surface, excluding shoulders
24 feet
22 feet
Shoulders, paved or gravel
3 feet
2 feet
18 inches1
18 inches1
Compacted sand sub base2
12 inches
12 inches
Compacted base2
{i1}Crushed limestone
6 inches
6 inches
{i1}Wisconsin Grade #2 gravel
7 inches
7 inches
Shoulder slopes and fill slopes on fills to 3 feet
4:1 desirable, 3:1 maximum
4:1 desirable, 3:1 maximum
Shoulder slopes and fill slopes below top 3 feet
2:1 maximum
2:1 maximum
Back slopes
4:1 desirable, 3:1 average, 2:1 maximum
4:1 desirable, 3:1 average, 2:1 maximum
Minimum radius of curvature in feet from centerline for deflections of 7° or More3
Maximum grade3
Maximum grade within 50 feet of the center of an intersection
Corner radii3
30 feet
30 feet
Or as otherwise specified, with a minimum cover of one foot to the top of the sand lift. All culverts shall be corrugated plastic pipe in conformity with American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials' (AASHTO) specifications as designated in the State of Wisconsin DOT Standard Specifications (Sections 520 Pipe Culverts and 530 Corrugated Plastic Pipe Culverts).
Decomposable materials shall not be used in construction.
See diagrams below.
Commercial or industrial roads: twelve-foot-wide paved lanes, three-foot gravel shoulders and 17.5-inch granular subbase. Bituminous thickness dependent on anticipated loading with minimum thickness of five inches. See section drawing below.
086 Im 1_Roads and Driveway Access.tif
086 Im 2_Roads and Driveway Access.tif
Conventional Development
Road Type
Cul-de-Sac Without Island
Traffic lanes
One-way counter clockwise movement
Vegetated center island
80-foot radius
Outside pavement radius, edge of pavement or face of curb
49 feet
Center island radius, edge of pavement or face of curb
Road width - radius, before gravel or base course
54 feet
Road width - radius, after gravel or base course
51 feet
Road surface, no curb excluding shoulders
98 feet
Paved road surface curbed
Shoulders paved or gravel (no shoulder necessary with curb1)
2 feet
18 inches2
Shoulder slopes and fill slopes on fills to 3 feet
4:1 desirable
3:1 maximum
Shoulder slopes and fill slopes below top 3 feet
2:1 maximum
Back slopes
4:1 desirable
3:1 average
2:1 maximum
Minimum radius of curvature in feet from centerline for deflections of 7° or more3
Maximum grade3
Corner radii3
30 feet
Mountable or surmountable concrete curb optional.
Or as otherwise specified, with a minimum cover of one foot to the top of the sand lift. All culverts shall be corrugated plastic pipe in conformity with American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials' (AASHTO) specifications as designated in the State of Wisconsin DOT Standard Specifications (Sections 520 Pipe Culverts and 530 Corrugated Plastic Pipe Culverts).
See diagrams above.
086 Im 4_Roads and Driveway Access.tif
086 Im 5_Roads and Driveway Access.tif
As an alternative to the rural design and construction standards, urban design (curbed) roads may be used if designed and constructed in accordance with the "Wisconsin Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction", the "Facilities Development Manual of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation" and the standards in the following table:
Conventional Development
Conventional Development
Road Type
Subcollector and Access Roads
Cul-de-Sac Without Island
Traffic lanes
One-way counter clockwise movement
Vegetated center island
66 feet
60-foot radius
Outside pavement radius, edge of pavement or face of curb
49 feet
Center island radius, edge of pavement or face of curb
Road width before gravel or base course
53-foot radius
Road width after gravel or base course
51-foot radius
Road surface paved
26 feet
49-foot radius
Slope towards centerline for four-feet beyond high point of curb
Compacted sand sub base1
12 inches
12 inches
Compacted base1
{i1}Crushed Limestone
6 inches
6 inches
{i1}Wisconsin Grade #2 Gravel
7 inches
7 inches
Fill slopes and back slopes
Minimum radius of curvature in feet from centerline for deflections of 7° or more3
Design speed for vertical alignment
25 mph
25 mph
Maximum grade within 50 feet of the center of the intersection
Curb and gutter required
Curb and gutter design2
2 feet
2 feet
Corner radii3
20 feet
20 feet
Decomposable material shall not be used in construction.
Mountable or surmountable concrete curb optional.
See diagrams above.
Road layout standards.
The Plan Commission and/or Town Board shall examine the design of roads and driveway accesses to assure that lots are laid out in a way that will produce intersections, grades and other features satisfying the following standards:
The number of intersections along arterial, collector and subcollector roads shall be held to a minimum. Wherever practicable, the distance between such intersections shall not be less than 1,000 feet along these roads.
Road intersection jogs with centerline offsets of less than 150 feet on existing or proposed roads are not allowed.
Not more than two roads shall intersect at one point.
The intersection angle of a driveway access to a road, and a road to a road, shall not be less than 90° measured from the centerline of the road or driveway access to the right-of-way of the intersecting road or driveway access.
The Town requires road intersection vision clearances.
Subdivision roads shall provide connection to existing or planned road extensions and adjacent unplatted property.
All road layout design shall be consistent with any applicable policies adopted in the Town Comprehensive Plan or official map.
Proposed roads or road rights-of-way shall extend to the boundary lines of the lot, parcel, or site being subdivided or developed unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions or unless the Plan Commission and/or Town Board determines that such extension is not necessary or desirable for the coordination of the layout of the land division or for the advantageous development of adjacent lands.
All arterial and collector roads shall be built to the boundary of the subdivision.
All road extensions shall be constructed at the time of the development's initial road construction.
Temporary termination of roads intended to be extended at a later date shall be accomplished with the construction of a temporary T-shaped turnabout contained within the road right-of-way, subject to Town Board approval. The T shall be constructed as shown in the figure below:
086 Im 6_Roads and Driveway Access.tif
The vertical alignment of the centerline shall be based on the minimum safe stopping sight distance in accordance with the design standards of the AASHTO.
A permanent, platted dead-end road shall end in a cul-de-sac.
The total length of a cul-de-sac road shall not exceed 1,000 feet unless otherwise provided for in the Town Comprehensive Plan or official map. The total length shall be measured from the centerline of the intersecting road to the radius point.
086 Im 7_Roads and Driveway Access.tif
The planning, location and designations of roads in an area shall not allow the continuation of traffic from residential developments directly into commercial or commercial/light industrial developments or vice versa. The Town Board may grant a waiver if no other option is available for the best and safe traffic flow for access and appropriate buffering is provided.
All lots in major subdivisions shall be served by new, interior public roads. An exception may be made by the Town Board.
Each lot in a major or minor subdivision shall have usable access to a public street or road which connects the lot to a new or an existing public street, road or highway.
Each lot in a minor subdivision shall be located on a public street, road or highway.
Public streets or roads in a major subdivision shall meet all the above requirements and shall be paved with hot mix blacktop compacted to a three-inch hot bituminous mix of two 1 1/2 inch lifts 22 feet wide, meeting the standards of the St. Croix County Highway Department.
All such roads shall be designed, graded and constructed at the expense of the subdivider to the existing standards for Town roads.
All requirements shall apply to all streets and roads, regardless of whether the street or road in question will be dedicated to the Town. At the time of application to the Town approving authority for approval of a subdivision, the applicant shall identify the streets and roads within the subdivision as noted in Subsection C(12) above and shall submit a schedule for the required construction and surfacing identifying for all street and roads, whether the required construction will occur before final approval is proposed to be given the subdivision; or shortly after such final approval (such as during the next construction season); or at a later time (for example, construction of a street or road located at the edge of a subdivision might be delayed until the adjoining property is subdivided). The Town shall specifically review this schedule. The schedule of road and street construction shall be approved as submitted or with modifications. The schedule of construction so approved shall be a binding and enforceable condition of the Town's approval of the subdivision.
All roads and streets which are not to be dedicated to the Town (for reasons of their not meeting the identification of Subsection C(12) or because the Town Board declined to accept an offer of dedication) shall be identified on the face of the plat or certified survey map as private roads or streets. The Town may also require that the plat or map document contain a statement warning lot purchasers that Town obligations as to maintenance do not extend to such nondedicated roadway.
Stormwater management and erosion and sediment control plans for road construction shall meet or exceed the design criteria, standards and specifications and best management practices identified in Subsection B below and in the following documents or their subsequent revisions:
NR 151 Subchapters I, III and V.
The Wisconsin DNR Stormwater Construction and Post Construction Technical Standards.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation Erosion Control Product Acceptability List.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction Manual.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation Facilities Development Manual, Chapter 10.
The United States Department of Agriculture Technical Guide 4.
Stormwater management and erosion and sediment control plans shall be certified by a registered professional engineer.
[Amended 12-7-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-3]
Supplemental road standards for commercial, industrial or commercial/light industrial use include the following:
Minimum road rights-of-way shall be 66 feet unless the right-of-way preexists adoption of this article.
Minimum pavement width shall be 24 feet.
Minimum turn radii shall be sufficient to handle the size of vehicles likely to use the site subject to a minimum of 80 feet.
Where the subdivision and/or development of the area will likely involve multiple parcels and/or buildings, the design shall include frontage roads, shared driveway accesses or other means of reducing direct access to arterial roads.
The subdivision review process shall include specification of the internal road network and internal driveway access arrangements to assure that spacing of access points, queuing distances, turn radii, and the like are appropriate to the volumes of traffic and types of vehicles and vehicular movement likely to be associated with the development.
The Town Board shall designate a professional engineer to review road plans and submit comments.
Roads shall be constructed and paved meeting designs approved by a professional engineer designated by the Town Board.
The Town Board may require cross easements where commercial lots are side-by-side to allow linking of parking areas.
The provisions of this section are in addition to the requirements as defined in Chapter 90, Subdivision of Land. Review and development of any new subdivision requires identification as well as construction of any driveway accesses within the subdivision at the time of construction of the subdivision.
A lot shall front upon a public road to obtain a driveway access permit with one access per lot not to exceed a width of 24 feet for any residential lot or 35 feet for any commercial/industrial lot. Any exceptions require Town Board approval.
An improved dedicated public road access is required for issuance of a driveway access permit serving a third lot or more from a public road.
Any private road existing prior to the effective date of this article that had served two or more lots or parcels shall be dedicated to the public in its entirety and brought up to Town standards if any additional lots or parcels will have access from the road and prior to issuance of a driveway access permit.
Driveway access separation shall be a minimum of 100 feet on Class E highways unless there is no other way to provide access to an existing parcel. Any driveway access separation less than 100 feet shall require Town Board approval.
The Town Board may require additional driveway access construction beyond the right-of-way where deemed necessary to prevent erosion.
Driveway access shall meet the following requirements:
Culverts shall be a minimum of 18 inches in diameter.
Apron endwalls to be installed.
The slope on the road at the location of a new driveway shall not exceed 6%.
An application form is to be completed and submitted to the Town Building Inspector with the following:
A site plan.
Identify public road name.
Distance from existing driveways.
Upon review of the application and site as deemed necessary and determination of the size of a required culvert, the Town Building Inspector shall issue a driveway access permit upon submittal of the required application fee and culvert cost.
Temporary driveway access. A request for a temporary driveway access permit requires completion of an application form and a site plan as required for a driveway access permit. A temporary driveway access permit will be for a duration not to exceed 120 days, and the area shall be restored to the condition it was prior to the issuance of the permit. Any extension is to be reviewed by the Town Board.
The definitions contained in the St. Croix County Land Division and Zoning Ordinances and the Town of Hudson Code § 105-35 shall be applicable to this article.
Purpose. A fee or a financial assurance shall be paid or provided to ensure the proper construction, installation and maintenance of required roads and/or driveway accesses; related stormwater management and erosion and sediment control, landscaping and removal of existing features; and temporary erosion and sediment control and stormwater management structures.
The owner or the subdivider shall be responsible for providing the assurance.
The nature and duration of the assurance shall be structured to achieve installation and maintenance without adding unnecessary costs to the responsible party.
The Town Board may extend the time allowed for installation of an improvement for which the assurance has been provided.
The assurance shall be required before the construction of required improvements and as a condition of the preliminary subdivision approval.
The amount of the assurance shall be determined by the Town Board based on improvements required and estimated cost as submitted by the subdivider.
The assurance shall be valid for a two-year period from the date of final plat approval or as determined by the Town Board.
The assurance shall be retained upon completion of the required improvements for maintenance purposes.
The retained assurance shall be for a period not to exceed two years after final acceptance of an improvement.
In the event that an improvement is covered by a maintenance agreement or other assurance to St. Croix County, no assurance shall be retained.
The assurance shall be secured.
The Town Board may select from a variety of secure means, including, but not limited to, the following:
An irrevocable letter of credit from a reputable bank or lending institution acceptable to the Town.
Cash or an instrument readily convertible into cash.
Driveway access fee. An application fee shall be paid to the Town Building Inspector as applicable and listed in Chapter A113 upon submittal of an application for a driveway access permit and a temporary driveway access permit.
Decision process.
Upon substantial completion of all required improvements, the responsible party shall notify the Town Board of the completion of and cost of the improvements, in writing, by certified mail.
The Town Board, in consultation with appropriate persons, shall inspect the improvements and shall authorize approval, partial approval, or rejection of such improvements.
A statement of reasons for rejection and corrective action shall be provided, in writing.
The responsible party shall correct the condition specified by the stated corrective action within the time stated.
If the corrective action is not completed within the specified time, the Town Board may utilize the assurance to complete the corrective action.
If the Town Board takes no action to approve, partially approve, or reject the improvements within 45 days of receipt of the notice of substantial completion, the improvements shall be deemed to have been approved, and the responsible party and/or surety, if any shall be released from the assurance for such improvements, less any amount retained under § 86-12.
Partial approval or denial.
Where partial approval of the improvement is granted, the responsible party shall be released from liability under the assurance to the extent of the approval.
If approval of the improvement is denied, the Town Board shall utilize the assurance to see that improvements are properly completed.
The provisions of this article may be enforced by an action to enjoin any obligation and to cure or correct any condition constituting a violation. In addition, any person violating this article shall be subject to forfeitures as listed in Chapter 32, Citations. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.
If there is a conflict between this article and Chapter 32, Citations, then Chapter 32, Citations, has precedence.
The person adjudicated for violation of this article shall pay court costs and attorney's fees. The remedies provided herein shall not be exclusive of other remedies.