[New; Ord. No. 99-11 § 1]
Under the direction and supervision of the Mayor as chief executive, there shall be such departments as established by this Code or by amendments or supplements thereto. Each department shall have, exercise and discharge such functions, duties and powers as may be provided by the Charter, this Code or by other ordinances. The following departments are hereby established:
Department of the Municipal Clerk.
Department of Administration.
Department of Law.
Finance Departments.
Department of Police.
Fire Department.
Department of Public Works.
Department of Recreation.
Department of Engineering.
Department of Health.
Department of Human Services.
[New; Ord. No. 98-14 § 1; Ord. No. 2013-03]
The head of each department, with the exception of the Department of Police and the Fire Department, shall be a Director appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council.
The Head of the Department of Finance shall have the title of Chief Financial Officer.
The Mayor shall recruit, select and appoint persons qualified by training and experience for their respective office as department heads.
Each department head shall serve during the term of the Mayor appointing him, unless removed from office by the Mayor, and shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed and qualified.
Each department head serves at the pleasure of the Mayor.
When the need for subordinate personnel arises, Department heads shall recommend the subordinate personnel to be hired subject to the approval of the Mayor, except as otherwise provided by the Charter, general law, this Code or other ordinances.
Personnel subordinate to a Department head may be removed by the department head with the approval of the Mayor, unless otherwise provided by the Charter, general law, this Code or other ordinance.
Nothing in this Code shall be construed to prevent the Mayor from appointing to any position for which the Mayor has the responsibility of making appointments, any otherwise qualified person, including himself, Councilmembers or other municipal officers, except as specifically prohibited by the Charter, general law or this Code.
The Mayor shall send to Council the names of his appointees to the position of department heads within 45 days of assuming office.
Council shall act when required by the Charter, this Code or general law, on appointments of department heads within 15 days following receipt of the nominations by Council.
No new department, division, office, officer or employee position shall be created except by action of the Council, and no existing department, division, office, officer or employee position shall be abolished except by action of the Council; the creation and/or the abolition of any position by Council shall be specifically noted as appropriate in the annual budget; and any ordinance establishing a new department, division, office, officer or employee position shall include a statement of the powers, duties and responsibilities of the function therein created, and this Code shall be appropriately amended.
Whenever a vacancy exists in any office required by the Charter or by this Code to be filled by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council and there is no holdover incumbent, the Mayor may temporarily fill such vacancy, in the absence of any contrary provision in the Charter or in this Code, by appointing or acting officer, including the designation of himself as an acting department head in the event of a vacancy in such office. Such appointee shall have all of the functions, powers and duties of the office until it shall be permanently filled. Any such appointment shall terminate not later than 60 days after the date of the appointment, unless the Council shall by resolution authorize one or more extensions of such a period.
The head of each department, under the supervision of the Mayor and subject to the Charter and to this Code, shall:
Prescribe the internal organization of the department and the duties of subordinate officers and employees within the department, except as provided by the Charter, this Code or by ordinance.
Ensure that all powers, functions and duties assigned to the department are carried out with diligence.
Operate his department in an efficient and effective manner.
Report in writing to the Mayor recommendations for improving departmental performance, requirements of the department and the results of the assignments made to the department.
Report promptly to the Mayor and to the Chief Financial Officer rejected deviations in the financial performance of the department.
Report at least monthly to the Mayor and Council, in such form as shall be approved by the Mayor, on the work of the department during the preceding month.
Cooperate with the Mayor, Administrator, Chief Financial Officer and Council in the preparation of the annual budget, providing supporting information for all budgetary requirements and explanation of all deviations from previous budgets.
Assign functions, powers and duties to subordinate officers and employees within the department and modify such assignments as need appears.
Assign priorities to the conduct of the functions, powers and duties allocated to the department.
Supervise the work of the department through the divisions established by this Code and supervise and direct the work of the employees of the department.
Delegate to other officers or employees of his department such of his powers as he may deem necessary for efficient administration and operation.
Prohibit the expenditure of municipal funds or the commitment of municipal funds by the department except as provided by law.
Provide liaison with other departments, divisions, boards, etc., as required for the efficient and effective operation of the administrative branch.
Familiarize himself with general law affecting his department and with funds available for the performance of the functions of his department from sources outside the Township.
The Chief Financial Officer and the Municipal Tax Collector shall each give bond, at the expense of the Township, in accordance with general law.
No officer or employee elected or appointed in the Township shall engage in any type of activity which could be considered to be a conflict of interest and which would be incompatible with the proper discharge of his official duties in the public interest or would intend to impair his independence of judgement or action in the performance of his official duties.
Any official or employee who has or may have any interest, direct or indirect, in any measure, indebtedness or action, and who participates in discussion with or gives an official opinion to the Council or to any municipal agency with respect thereto, shall disclose on the records of the Council or agency the nature and extent of such interest.
The Council shall have an annual audit made of the Township accounts and financial transactions as required by law. Such annual audit shall be made by a registered municipal accountant of New Jersey, appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council.
No rule or regulation made by any department, officer, agency or authority of the municipality, except such as related to the organization of internal management of the Township government or a part thereof, shall take effect until it is filed with the Township Clerk. The Council shall provide for the prompt publication of such regulations and rules.
All the books, maps, papers, accounts, statements, vouchers and other documents whatsoever acquired or produced in any department shall be carefully and conveniently filed, kept and preserved and shall be and remain the sole property of the Township and shall not at any time be removed from the offices of each department except when required for use in official business and shall then be returned to such office without delay. Each department head shall be responsible for enforcing the requirements of this section in his department. This section shall be subject to the provision of Destruction of Public Records Law (1953) (N.J.S.A. 47:3-15 et seq.).
All public documents and records shall, during office hours, be opened to public search, inspection and examination, subject to and within limitations prescribed by law, and provided that such search, inspection and examination may be made under such supervision of the Township Clerk.