The Planning Board, in studying a proposed subdivision plan, will
take into consideration the requirements of the Town and the best
use of the land being subdivided. Particular attention will be given
to width, safety, arrangement and location of streets, sanitation,
drainage, lot sizes, and arrangement of lots, open spaces, trails,
parks and other scenic and recreational resources. Adequate street
connections will be required to ensure free and safe access to adjoining
subdivisions and lands. Easements for future construction of roadways
must be provided and shall be conveyed to the Town of Groveland prior
to the endorsement of the subdivision plans. Where the street system
within a subdivision does not connect with or have, in the opinion
of the Planning Board, adequate access from a Town, county or state
(public) way, the Planning Board may require, as a condition of approval
of a plan, that such adequate access be provided by the developer,
and/or that the developer make physical improvements to and within
such a way of access from the boundary of the subdivision to a Town,
county or state way which does provide such adequate access. Where
the physical condition, contours, topography or width of a public
way from which a subdivision has its access is considered by the Planning
Board to be inadequate to carry the traffic expected to be generated
by such subdivision, the Planning Board may require the subdivider
to acquire and/or dedicate a strip of land for the purpose of widening
the abutting or connecting public ways to a width at least commensurate
with that required within the subdivision, and to make physical improvements
to and within such public way to the same standards required within
the subdivision. Any such dedication of land for the purpose of creating
an adequate width of way and any such work performed within such public
way shall be made only with permission of the governmental body having
jurisdiction over such way, and all costs of any such acquisition,
widening, or construction shall be borne by the developer.