Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197, no person shall drive a motor vehicle into any parking yard, lot or other such place except by the entrance designated therein, and no person shall go out of said parking yard, lot or other such place except by the exit designated by markings on the pavement or a sign posted at the exit from said lot. No person shall park at any time upon any of the following described entrances or exits:
Parking Lot No. 1 (Central):
Driveway from Main Street, opposite Union Street, to be entrance only.
Driveway to Davenport Street, to be exit and entrance only.
Driveway from Davenport Street, to be exit and entrance only.
Driveway from Maple Street, to be exit and entrance only.
Driveway to Maple Street, to be exit and entrance only.
Parking Lot No. 2 (Davenport Street lot): metered.
Driveway to Davenport Street, to be exit and entrance only.
Driveway from Davenport Street, to be exit and entrance only.
Driveway from North Doughty Avenue, to be exit and entrance only.
Driveway to North Doughty Avenue, to be exit and entrance only.
Parking Lot No. 4 (South Street): metered.
Driveway to South Street, to be exit and entrance only.
Driveway from South Street, to be exit and entrance only.
Driveway to Union Street, to be exit and entrance only.
Parking Lot No. 6 (Bridge Street): metered.
Driveway from Bridge Street, to be entrance only.
Driveway to Maple Street, to be exit only.
Parking Lot No. 7 (East High Street): metered and permit.
Driveway from East High Street, to be entrance only.
Driveway to East Cliff Street, to be exit only.