[1971 Code § 5-4.1; New]
All applications for water service shall be made to the Borough Engineer. There shall be charged the amount of $750 as a separate assessment fee for each residential and commercial installation.
Any developer who donates facilities to the Borough of Matawan such as water mains, manholes, hydrants or valves shall be entitled to a credit against the seven hundred fifty ($750.00) dollar assessment fee in an amount to be determined by the Borough Engineer after an evaluation of the costs of the facilities donated, but in no event shall the credit exceed 75% of the assessed fee.
[Ord. No. 94-33]
Any new multiple unit use of any user class, if the same is new construction or if the same is conversion of existing single unit user to two or more unit users of any class, shall have separate water connections and separate water meters for each unit user unless it shall be determined by the Construction Code Official that separate water lines and separate meters are physically impossible to install because of either conditions of the site or the availability of the same from the main lines of the Matawan Borough Water System.
[1971 Code § 5-4.3; New]
The Water Department has the right to check the accuracy of a meter at any time. However, if an accuracy check is requested by the consumer, then the consumer shall pay a fee equal to the fee charged to the Borough by the testing facility.
Editor's Note: For establishment of the Water and Sewer Committee, see Chapter 23, Section 23-1.
[1971 Code § 5-4.3; Ord. No. 98-1; Ord. No. 05-02; New; Ord. No. 08-04 § 1; Ord. No. 08-23; Ord. No. 09-23; Ord. No. 10-04; Ord. No. 14-05; Ord. No. 14-11; amended 7-5-2022 by Ord. No. 22-09; 5-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-10; 5-7-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-07]
The owner of any premises with a connection to the Matawan Borough Water System shall pay the Borough for the use of such water services a quarterly fee as follows:
Effective upon passage of this ordinance until the 31st of December 2024:
(Adopted 5-7-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-07)
Minimum quarterly rate of $40.27 will be billed for each account connected to the Matawan Borough Water System.
An additional charge per quarter will be added based on the following formula:
All water consumption less than 4,000 cubic feet will be billed $69.81 per 1,000 cubic feet.
All water consumption greater than 4,000 cubic feet but less than 7,500 cubic feet will be billed $76.51 per 1,000 cubic feet.
All water consumption greater than 7,500 cubic feet will be billed $80.55 per 1,000 cubic feet.
The water rates to be charged quarterly by the Borough to users outside the Borough shall be the same as those rates charged to Borough residents.
A separate minimum quarterly charge in accordance with paragraphs a through e above, whichever is applicable, shall be made to the owner of any premises for each and every unit thereof, and where the consumer is a public or private school, such minimum quarterly charge shall be made for each classroom thereof. In the case of duplex homes, multiple user unit structures or buildings, and schools, the quarterly charge shall be calculated by dividing the meter reading by the number of user units or classrooms, as appropriate, serviced by the meter, to obtain the average unit consumption, and then multiplying the applicable rate for such average unit consumption as set forth in paragraph 1 through 4 above, by the number of user units or classrooms serviced by the meter.
Liability for the payment of the quarterly charge shall commence upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for each such user unit, and in the case of public or private schools, upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for such school.
Bulk water purchase contracts may be entered into by the Borough where meter reading, individual billing, and all service beyond the bulk service connections is not the responsibility of the Water Department. In addition, water purchase contracts may be entered into by the Borough where individual meter reading is not the responsibility of the Water Department.
MXU Transmitters $160.
Beginning in 2025 the rates will be effective on the 1st of January of each year as per the schedule below:
The minimum quarterly rate will be billed for each account connected to the Matawan Borough Water System as:
An additional charge per quarter will be added based on the following formula:
All water consumption less than 4,000 cubic feet will be billed per 1,000 cubic feet at:
All water consumption greater than 4,000 cubic feet but less than 7,500 cubic feet will be billed per 1,000 cubic feet at
All water consumption greater than 7,500 cubic feet will be billed per 1,000 cubic feet at:
The water rates to be charged quarterly by the Borough to users outside the Borough shall be the same as those rates charged to Borough residents.
A separate minimum quarterly charge in accordance with paragraphs a through e above, whichever is applicable, shall be made to the owner of any premises for each and every unit thereof, and where the consumer is a public or private school, such minimum quarterly charge shall be made for each classroom thereof. In the case of duplex homes, multiple user unit structures or buildings, and schools, the quarterly charge shall be calculated by dividing the meter reading by the number of user units or classrooms, as appropriate, serviced by the meter, to obtain the average unit consumption, and then multiplying the applicable rate for such average unit consumption as set forth in paragraph 1 through 4 above, by the number of user units or classrooms serviced by the meter.
Liability for the payment of the quarterly charge shall commence upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for each such user unit, and in the case of public or private schools, upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for such school.
Bulk water purchase contracts may be entered into by the Borough where meter reading, individual billing, and all service beyond the bulk service connections is not the responsibility of the Water Department. In addition, water purchase contracts may be entered into by the Borough where individual meter reading is not the responsibility of the Water Department.
MXU Transmitters $160.
[1971 Code § 5-4.3 e., h; Ord. No. 07-16; Ord. No. 09-24]
No water shall be furnished to any consumer unless there is first installed by the superintendent of the Water Department at the expense of the consumer, a meter with an outdoor reading device with remote register in sufficient capacity to measure the water needed for the use of the consumer. There shall be a water meter charge which shall reflect the cost of the water meter and a reasonable installation charge as determined by a resolution of the Borough Council. The water meter shall at all times remain the property of the Borough but the cost of maintenance by the Borough shall be assigned to the owner.
No meter shall be installed in a crawl space or other area which is inaccessible to a meter reader.
The cost for a new meter shall be $175.
[1971 Code §§ 5-4.3e., 5-4.7; Ord. No. 05-13; New; Ord. No. 07-16; Ord. No. 09-24]
There shall also be charged a fee of $30 for turning off or on, for a final shut off or a final meter reading. If a new water shut off tap is required, there shall be a fee of $10. Water may be furnished to the owner of a building in the course of construction providing he first obtains the written permission of the Superintendent of the Water Department.
Cost of Water Usage from Hydrants. The property owner and general contractor of any development shall, prior to the use of any fire hydrant, have the Matawan Water Department personnel connect a meter and an appropriate back flow preventor to the hydrant to monitor the amount of water used.
The meter shall be supplied by the owner and general contractor and the installation be paid for by the owner and general contractor.
The owner and general contractor shall pay for the actual amount of water used according to current rates. Upon application to the Superintendent of the Water Department and with his written approval, fire hydrants may be employed by approved personnel during construction. The person granted permission to use fire hydrants for such purpose shall indemnify the Borough and hold it harmless from any damage, suit, liability or other adverse action resulting from such use.
Any user of water from a Borough fire hydrant, for any reason not previously stated in this chapter, shall be charged a fee of $3.05 per 1000 gallons.
[1971 Code § 5-4.4; Ord. No. 07-16; Ord. No. 09-24]
All water rents shall be payable by the 28th day of the month that the bills are received at the office of the Water and Sewer Department. On all water rents or portion thereof remaining unpaid after billing date there shall be added a penalty in the amount of 2% for each month water rents or any portion thereof remain unpaid. On all water rents or any portion thereof remaining unpaid 30 days after the billing date and due notice, the water shall be shut off from the premises and suit may be instituted for the recovery of the fees. The fee for shutting off shall be $40 or for turning on the water shall be $40.
[Ord. No. 09-15]
In the event the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Matawan are satisfied that there did exist an extraordinary circumstance over which the water unit user had no control or dominion, then it is, at their discretion, the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Matawan shall have the authority to authorize a payment plan being a minimum payment equal to 1/3 of the quarterly bill in which the extraordinary and unforeseen circumstances occurred, when bill is due and two equal subsequent monthly payments of the remaining balance.
[1971 Code § 5-4.3f; New]
Any frozen water service lines from the curb shut off valve to the consumer, shall be the responsibility of the consumer to repair or to thaw. Any work undertaken by the Water Department to rectify a frozen service line shall be done only with the understanding that the consumer shall pay for any and all such work. If it is necessary to replace a frozen meter, the consumer shall pay the cost of the meter plus a service charge of $25.
[1971 Code § 5-4.3 g; New; Ord. No. 07-16; Ord. No. 09-24]
All hydrants located on private property or in a municipality other than Matawan Borough shall be assessed a service fee of $60 per hydrant per quarter. Such service fee shall be paid by the private property owner or the municipality, as the case may be.
[1971 Code § 5-4.5]
The Mayor and Council reserve the right to change rates, rules and regulations for the use of water from time to time. The Council may order the water shut off for alterations, extensions and repairs and to restrict the supply of water whenever it may be necessary or expedient.
[1971 Code § 5-4.6a]
No person other than the Superintendent of the Water Department or his agent shall open or shut the stop cocks, fire hydrants or water gates attached to the pipe or service. No person shall break or injure or do any damage whatever to the pumps, station house or machinery under the control of the Borough or to the fire hydrants, stop cocks, water gates or other fixtures.
[1971 Code § 5-4.6b]
No person shall carry off the public water in any way whatever from fire hydrants. Any person intending to erect a new building shall, upon application to the Superintendent of the Water Department, be entitled to a permit for the use of public water to each house by paying the usual charges which shall commence from the date of the permit.
[1971 Code § 5-4.6c]
No person shall obstruct free access to any fire hydrant, water meter, curb stop or other fixtures connected with the public water supply, by placing thereon stone, brick, dirt, lumber or other material.
[1971 Code § 5-4.6d]
The water shall not be turned on in any premises except by the Superintendent of the Water Department or his authorized agent. Where new connections are being made, it may be turned on by the Plumbing Subcode Official to test the work but he shall turn it off immediately thereafter and cause it to remain off until the Superintendent of the Water Department or his agent visits the premises to inspect the house fixtures and plumbing. Where houses are vacant in the months of December, January and February and remain vacant for an indefinite period, the Superintendent may, upon written request, turn the water off from the premises at the expense of the applicant.
[1971 Code § 5-4.6e]
The Superintendent of the Water Department or other authorized persons shall at all reasonable hours have free access to all parts of the premises to which the public water is supplied, for the purpose of inspection and examination of pipes and fixtures and for inspecting meters.
[1971 Code § 5-4.6f]
All permits shall be granted upon the express condition that if for any reason the supply of water fails, the Borough shall not be liable for any damages.
[1971 Code § 5-4.6g]
All persons who are supplied with water from any of the water mains shall keep their pipes and fixtures in good condition and repair and sufficiently protect them from frost and breakage. The Mayor and Council shall keep in repair, at its own expense, the portion of each service lying between the street main and the curb stop.
[1971 Code § 5-4.6h, Ord. No. 96-56]
In all cases where water has been turned off for nonpayment of water rents or for the violation of any other rule or regulation, it shall not again be turned on until all expenses caused by the turning off and on of the water together with the rent have been paid. All payments made pursuant to this paragraph shall be made by cash, certified check or money order.
(Former Section 22-9, Credit Against Water Bill Under Certain Circumstances, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance No. 98-17 was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 09-12.)