[Ord. 7/24/56, § 1]
As used in this chapter:
TRAILER — Shall mean a vehicle which is or may be used for living or sleeping purposes and is so designed that it is or may be mounted on wheels and may be used as a conveyance whether through its own or other motive power, excepting however, such a device used exclusively upon stationary rail or tracks.
TRAILER CAMP — Shall mean a tract of land designed, maintained or intended for the purpose of supplying a location or accommodation for a trailer but shall not include lots on which unoccupied trailers may be parked for the purpose of sale.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 2]
It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain or operate within the limits of the township any trailer camp for hire or without charge unless such person shall first obtain a license therefor.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 2]
The license shall be applied for in writing and filed with the township clerk. The application shall set forth or include the following information:
The name of and address of the applicant and the name and address of the owner of the property if the applicant does not own the premises.
Plot plan showing the extent of the area to be used for camp purposes, adjoining streets and driveways within the proposed premises, location of sites for trailers, location and number of sanitary conveniences, including plan and specification therefor, method and plan of sewage disposal, method and plan of garbage removal, plans and specifications for electrical lighting or furnishing of electrical supply.
The application shall be accompanied by the license fee which is hereby fixed at $250 per year, which shall be paid on January 1 of each year, but shall be prorated during the year when an applicant first makes application for a license.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 2]
When a license is applied for, the applicant shall be required to publish a notice of such application once a week for two weeks prior to the time the license is granted. Where the application is for premises upon which the required facilities have not as yet been constructed, the granting of the license shall be upon condition that the construction of the camp follows the plans and specifications filed with the licensed application.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 2]
Before any license is issued, the premises shall be inspected by at least one member of the township committee; by the chief of police, and the health officer of the township.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 2]
Applicants for licenses shall comply with all other ordinances, or valid rules and regulations of the township committee or the township board of health before a license will be issued.
[Ord. 2/19/65]
All trailer camps must be located on a tract which provided for not less than 20 thousand square feet of space per trailer site, exclusive of a driveway which shall be not less than 20 feet in width, which driveway shall have unobstructed access to a public street. No trailer site shall be located within 50 feet of the edge of the public street or within 20 feet of any adjoining property. Driveways shall not be located within 20 feet of any adjoining property.
[Ord. 7/24/56, S2]
Every trailer camp shall be located on a well drained area and the premises shall be properly graded so as to prevent accumulation of storm or other waters.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 2]
An adequate supply of pure water furnished through a pipe distribution system for drinking and domestic purposes shall be maintained. Supply faucets shall be located within 100 feet of any trailer camp site. No common drinking vessels shall be permitted, and an abundant supply of hot water shall be provided at all times, sufficient to provide water for bathing, washing and laundry.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 2]
Every trailer camp shall have erected thereon, at a distance not greater than 200 feet from the site it is designed to serve, a suitable building for housing toilets, showers and laundry facilities as required by this chapter. In the building, there shall be located separate toilet rooms for each sex, and there shall be provided at least one toilet for each sex for every five trailer sites. Toilets shall contain lavatories with hot and cold water and shall be separately enclosed from the remainder of facilities in the service building. Separate enclosed bathing facilities for each sex with showers shall be provided on the same ratio, and the bathing compartment shall contain a dressing room of at least 12 square feet. Bathing compartments shall be separate from toilet facilities.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 2]
Laundry facilities shall be provided at the ratio of one double tray and one ironing board for each five trailer sites proposed.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 2]
Floor of toilets, showers and laundry shall be of concrete, tile or other material impervious to water and shall be pitched to a floor drain. Such rooms shall be cleaned at least once daily when trailer camp sites are occupied and shall be generally kept in a clean and sanitary condition at all times.
[Ord. 2/19/65]
The method of waste and garbage disposal shall be adequate to take care of the proposed camp sites and shall provide a central sewage system to be approved by the township board of health to provide for the disposal of all sewage or waste water from all trailers located in the trailer court.
No waste water shall be poured or discharged upon the surface of the ground and sanitary facilities in any trailer shall be sealed by the licensee during the time it is located at any camp site.
Each trailer camp site shall be provided with a substantial fly-tight metal garbage disposal, from which the contents shall be removed once daily by the licensee or his agents and disposed of according to the method and plan of waste and garbage disposal.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 2]
Each trailer camp shall provide an electric service outlet for each trailer camp site and shall also provide illumination of the entire trailer camp which will keep the driveways in the trailer camp illuminated during the period from one hour after sunset until dawn.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 2]
Licenses shall be renewed annually on January 1 of each year after original issue, but the licensee shall file application therefor in writing at least two weeks before the renewal date. In the event at any time a licensee enlarges the area licensed or changes the facilities at his camp, he shall first make application to do so, furnishing revised plans or specifications where necessary. The township committee may prescribe forms for original or renewal application.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 2]
Each applicant for a license shall be required to deposit with the township committee a bond to secure his compliance with the terms of this chapter which bond shall be in the sum of $5,000. In the event an application for a license is denied, the township will refund one-half of the license fee deposited unless the license fee prorated is less than $50 in which event the entire deposit shall be retained by the township committee.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 3]
In every trailer camp, there shall be an office building which shall be attended at all times. The license issued in pursuance of this chapter shall be posted therein and the trailer camp register shall be kept in this office.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 3]
It is hereby made the duty of the attendant or person in charge, as well as the licensee, to keep at all times a register of all guests showing:
Name and address.
Marital status of all guests.
License number of all automobiles and trailers, including State of registration. A copy of new registration information shall be delivered to the township police department once each 24 hours showing the above date with regard to any new registrations. Delivery shall be made before 10:00 a.m. each day.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 3]
The camp shall be maintained in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition at all times.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 3]
It shall be unlawful to permit dogs, cats or other animals or pets to run at large in the camp or elsewhere.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 3]
The camp shall maintain fire extinguishers at a ratio of one to each three sites which shall be available for use by occupants.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 3]
The licensee shall be obliged to collect and pay over the service charge provided for in section 11-4.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 4]
In addition to the license fee imposed by this chapter, the licensee shall pay a service and inspection charge of $2 to cover the inspection of each new trailer which shall occupy any camp site and in addition thereto shall pay an inspection charge of $2 per month per trailer to defray the cost of inspection by the township officials. The charge shall be paid to the township clerk on the first day of each month and the inspection charge of each new trailer to occupy a site shall be paid within 24 hours after such occupation by the licensee to the township clerk.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 5]
It shall be unlawful to park a trailer in the township other than an enclosed building or a licensed tourist camp except that a trailer may be parked for not longer than three hours for the purpose of shopping or other legitimate reason on any of the streets in the township where parking is otherwise permitted. This chapter, however, shall not prohibit the keeping or storage of a trailer by the owner thereof on real property owned by that person, provided the trailer shall not be used for living or sleeping purposes.
[Ord. 7/24/56, § 6]
After notice and hearing, the township committee may revoke or suspend the license of any licensee who shall violate the provisions of this chapter or who shall refuse to permit the inspection of a trailer camp by the police department or the township health department, upon request made for such inspection. The premises licensed hereby shall be opened for inspection at all times.
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine as stated in Chapter 3, section 3-1. The fine so provided shall not prevent the imposition or revocation or suspension in accordance with paragraph a of this section.