[Ord. 84-247 § 20.1]
Every motor vehicle upon a street within the City, at any time from sunset to sunrise, and at such other times when conditions such as fog, snow, sleet, or rain provide insufficient lighting to render clearly discernible persons and vehicles on the highway at a distance of 500 feet ahead, shall display lighted head lamps as provided in Section 10.72.080 subject to exceptions with respect to parked vehicles as hereinafter stated.
Whenever requirement is hereinafter declared as to the distance from which certain lamps and devices shall render objects visible or within which such lamps or devices shall be visible, said provisions shall apply during the times stated in subsection A of this section upon a straight level unlighted street under normal atmospheric conditions unless a different time or condition is expressly stated.
[Ord. 90-212 § 10; Ord. 84-247 § 20.2]
Every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle or motorized bicycle shall be equipped with at least two headlamps with at least one on each side of the front of the motor vehicle, which headlamps shall comply with the requirements and limitations set forth in this chapter and state law.
At all times specified in Section 10.72.010 at least two lighted lamps, except where one only is permitted, shall be displayed, one on each side at the front of every motor vehicle except when such vehicle is parked subject to the regulations governing lights on parked vehicles.
[Ord. 84-247 § 20.3]
Every motorcycle and motorized bicycle shall be equipped with at least one and not more than two head lamps which shall comply with the requirements and limitations of this chapter and state law.
[Ord. 2011-365 § 2; Ord. 84-247 § 20.4]
Every motor vehicle and every vehicle which is being drawn at the end of a train of vehicles shall be equipped with a lighted brake lamp or lamps, exhibiting a red light plainly visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear. All lamps and lighting equipment originally manufactured on a motor vehicle shall be kept in working condition or shall be replaced with equivalent equipment.
[Ord. 84-247 § 20.5]
Either such rear lamp or a separate lamp shall be so constructed and placed as to illuminate with a white light the rear registration plate and render it clearly legible from a distance of 50 feet to the rear. When the rear license plate is illuminated by an electric lamp other than the required rear lamp, said two lamps shall be turned on or off only by the same control switch at all times whenever head lamps are lighted.
[Ord. 84-247 § 20.6]
Whenever the load upon any vehicle extends to the rear four feet or more beyond the bed or body of such vehicle there shall be displayed at the extreme rear end of the load, at the times specified in Section 10.72.010A, a red light or lantern plainly visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the sides and rear. The red light or lantern required under this section shall be in addition to the red rear light required upon every vehicle. At any other time there shall be displayed at the extreme rear end of such load a red flag or cloth not less than 16 inches square.
[Ord. 84-247 § 20.7]
Whenever a vehicle is parked or stopped upon a roadway or shoulder adjacent thereto, outside of a business district whether attended or unattended during the times mentioned in Section 10.72.010A, such vehicle shall be equipped with one or more lamps which shall exhibit a white or amber light on the roadway side visible from a distance of 500 feet to the front of such vehicle and a red light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear, except that no lights need be displayed upon any such vehicle when stopped or parked in accordance with local parking regulations upon a street where there is sufficient light to reveal any person or object within a distance of 500 feet upon such street. Any lighted head lamps on a parked vehicle shall be depressed or dimmed.
[Ord. 84-247 § 20.8]
Whenever a motor vehicle is being operated on a roadway or shoulder during the times specified in Section 10.72.010, the driver shall use a distribution of light, or composite beam, directed high enough and of sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a safe distance in advance of the vehicle, subject to the following requirements and limitations:
Whenever a driver of a vehicle approaches an oncoming vehicle within 500 feet, the driver shall adjust his head lamps to the "dim" position.
Whenever the driver of a vehicle follows another vehicle within 200 feet to the rear, except when engaged in the act of overtaking and passing, the driver shall adjust his head lamps to the "dim" position.
The provisions of subsection A and B do not apply to motorcycles or motorized bicycles being operated between sunrise and sunset.
[Ord. 84-247 § 20.9]
Any lighted lamp or illuminating device upon a motor vehicle other than head lamps, spot lamps, or auxiliary driving lamps which projects a beam of light of an intensity greater than 300 candlepower shall be so directed that no part of the beam will strike the level of the roadway on which the vehicle stands at a distance of more than 75 feet from the vehicle.
[Ord. 84-247 § 20.10]
No person shall drive or move any vehicle or equipment upon any highway with any lamp or device thereon displaying or reflecting a red light visible from directly in front thereof. This section shall not apply to vehicles otherwise authorized by state law.
No person shall display any color of light other than red on the rear of any vehicle, except that stop lights and directional signals may be red, yellow, or amber.
Flashing lights are prohibited except as authorized by state law.
[Ord. 90-212 § 11]
Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a signal lamp or signal device which is so constructed and located on the vehicle as to give a signal of intention to stop, which shall be red or yellow in color, which signal shall be plainly visible and understandable in normal sunlight and at night from a distance of 100 feet to the rear but shall not project a glaring or dazzling light.
[Ord. 90-212 § 12]
Any motor vehicle may be equipped with a back-up lamp either separately or in combination with another lamp; except that no such back-up lamp shall be continuously lighted when the motor vehicle is in forward motion.
[Ord. 2000-06 § 1]
A person shall not operate a motor vehicle, motorcycle, or motorized bicycle on the streets or highways of this City if it is equipped with a device that restricts the light output of a head lamp required under Section 10.72.080 or Section 10.72.030, a rear lamp required under 10.72.040, or signal lamp or signal device required under Section 10.72.110.